Between 1978 and 1982 the Division conducted a restoration project through which 24 bobcats were trapped in Maine and released in northern NJ. The Nature Conservancy is protecting critical habitat for these native wild felines by connecting preserved land between two great mountain ranges: the Appalachians and the Highlands. Not a house cat, not the bobcat I've seen in my back yard. They were part of the subspecies of the North American cougar that is considered gone from the east coast by a U.S. For more about bobcats in New Jersey, see the NJDEPs Bobcat Fact Sheet. We saw it from about 150 feet away. I have a photo of a baby one i saw in hunterton county a few years ago. I notified Fish and Wildlife, That's awesome, can you please upload it to YouTube? Soon, a restoration project by the Division would relocate dozens of bobcats in North Jersey, and sightings began to increase by the 1990s. "If folks encounter them, the best thing to do is just give them some space," she said. I got a good look at him from about 30 feet away. We need all sorts of skills: from tech savvy folks to those willing to hike. Someone just saw a mountain lion on Mt. Middlesex. I have never seen it again. We may have detected a typo. You'll receive our weekly e-news "This Week in the New Jersey Skylands" which will keep you up to date on special events, new profiles, stories, and things to do. So far this year, nearly 2,500 bobcat sightings have been reported to DEEP from nearly every town in the state. Well keep you updated on our world-class research studies, strategies, planning, and all things wild cat. That's why there aren't a ton of sightings of them in the Maine woods, at least not many encounters that last very long.. It jumped over our fence and continued across the street. This is old news, but it does confirm that there are transient, if not resident, mountain lions in New Jersey. 122.27000 W. Mountain lion strolling up the driveway, 4:40am. Ever since my teenaged years. Progress in this day and age is coexisting. If the bat appears injured or in need of help, reach out to a NJ licensed wildlife rehabilitator who treats bats. Around 20,000 bobcats live in Pennsylvania, accounting for the increase of bobcat sightings across the state. View more observations from Washington Wildlife Sightings on How to report violations, Cops: Lafayette, NJ woman hospitalized after being mauled by bear, described by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and EEO Report. 287 runs north to south about 30 miles east of the Delaware Water Gap. Naturalist Brian Keating tells us where they originally came from. No mistaken what I saw. Use the form here to report any rare wildlife in New Jersey. I was walking yesterday around 8:30 am in the Ecological Preserve trails near Rutgers (Highland Park NJ area), and saw some sort of large cat. Despite the similarity in Latin names, these cats are different species and each has a very . Facebook
By Staff. "Bobcats are restricted mainly to northern New Jersey, but we are seeing more bobcats in recent years in that northern region of the state," said Gretchen Fowles, a biologist with the New Jersey Division of Fish & Wildlife. I only saw it for a split second but from the size it could have been a male. She moved down the trail, pausing a few times to sit and watch us. Shark sightings close another New York Beach Oyster Bay, NY Supervisor, Joseph Saladino tells FOX Weather about the latest shark sightings that closed a New York beach. Please practice Safety First in every situation, especially along roadways. A week later I found the remains of a fox. Copyright 2023 EnviroPolitics | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. Please report your observations using the appropriate method* listed below. If you would rather report observations using ourRare Wildlife Sighting Report Form , you can still do so, but we will be phasing it out. The bobcat's tail is 'bobbed' in appearance (4-6 inches) and much shorter than the tail of a mountain lion and most domestic cats." Underneath Nakawatase's online warning to her IB neighborhood. Just past the recycle on Lycosky as I was heading towards the center of town on an access road to the left. Prior to settlement, bobcats were common throughout Ohio, but were extirpated from the state in 1850. It was the size of a large dog. 0. RYE, N.H. (CBS) -- An uptick in bobcat sightings is no cause for alarm, police in southern New Hampshire said Thursday. Keep informed about all the great stuff to do in and around Northwest New Jersey and get a year-round supply of great things to see and do! They prefer heavy cover, such as that provided by vines and shrubs, under which they can rest safely, but they hunt everywhere: swamps, bogs, thickets, fields and forests. Fowles said it's been proposed that bobcats be "downlisted" to threatened here. "They're pretty shy animals," she says. In 2002-2003 the program began placing satellite collars on trapped bobcats. The man ran after the bobcat and shot at it with a handgun, killing the animal. They shared the unusual sight with WHNT-News. Global sites represent either regional branches of The Nature Conservancy or local affiliates of The Nature Conservancy that are separate entities. Melissa Groo, Bobcat Facts: re: the 8/13/222 comment Absolutely not true. Updated: 10:33 AM EST Dec 21, 2022. A friend of mine in Kinnelon, NJ just showed me the video from their RING camera of a mountain lion running through their yard.Where should I suggest she send this for verification? Cedar Swamp Trail in High Point State Park, Bobcats were locally extinct from New Jersey, Steamboat Landing Cheesequake State Park. We used to have wood bison and orange parakeets too, among other species. In the heavily trafficked state of New Jersey, roadway collisions are a leading cause of wildlife mortality. Despite many reported "sightings" and comments to posts on this site, New Jersey has never officially reported a mountain lion (c. Fishers Return to New Jersey Fisher - via wikipedia commons Since the days of logging operations and unregulated trapping in New Jersey back in the early 1900s, you . Description: The bobcat is a stout-bodied, medium-sized feline, with a short, "bobbed" tail (about six inches in length), prominent cheek ruffs, and tufts of black hair on its pointed ears. Latitude and Longitude Bobcats are one of four species grouped within the Lynx genus. Mountain lions are ambush predators. Also, black ones seen down here, thought to have relocated. I live in very rural area of Warren County, NJ, and I just had a mountain lion run 10 feet in front of my car as I was driving down my driveway. Your generosity has already helped us succeed this far. It was not a deer it was a massive cat. Fowles said officials want to know if you see a bobcat each sighting helps officials track the species. NJ used to have a lot of wild life that it has successfully bumped off due to human encroachment and lack of understanding the value of wildlife diversity. I use to live up in Sussex county and I saw one once in the woods, broad daylight. I did call fish and wild life they said they would call me back. There has never been a cougar released. July 25, 2022. Bobcats are endangered in New Jersey and what they need most right now is room to roam. They're illusive and can spot us coming long before we would see them. Dense forest cover area. The satellite collars, however, proved to be valuable tools that cut down on fieldwork. To survive, they need room to roam. The cat was in a hunt. Caught a Mountain Lion on our two cameras. This outcome has simultaneously signaled successand a cause for concern. We'd like to see that Franklin park video. But technology is not the only tool at the division's disposal. The size was not remarkable yet definitely larger than a housecat; about the size of our small Lab mix. Well about 13 or 15 yrs ago. Fishers are long, slender animals usually measuring between 20 and 25 inches with dark brown or black fur with white-tipped hair over most of their bodies.They prefer to live in forested areas, making dens in hollow trees and preying on small animals, including mice, squirrels, shrew and even porcupines. Janet TI totally agree. Have you seen a puma or bobcat in your neighborhood? Spread the Word. Bobcats seem to be everywhere in Calgary. But in snow you can see all their foot prints, there is massive foot print traffic in the snow. Bobcats are shy and seldom seen. We are working to protect critical habitat for these beautiful felines in northwestern New Jersey. Good luck with that. NJ gave Colorado a number of wild turkeys and they gave us the mountain lions. I was awakened by the screams of a cat in heat at 0430 in April 2019, Wayne, NJ near the Ramapo River. We could see the white spot on the black backs of his ears and he wagged his cute little bobbed tail. OppeIt would be helpful to see that photo. New Jersey by the numbers. Suffolk County police said there was also a wild cat sighting in West Islip, but it was not clear if it was the same feline. If you want to be part of change, volunteer today! Yes, I'm pretty sure that they're here. I know I didn't see a dog. Victor Sunstar Watch Now: Collared bobcat raises kittens in Tucson neighborhood Suburban bobcat. Both offer beautiful scenery, fresh air and varied hike opportunities, while also giving you an up-close look at quintessential New Jersey bobcat landscapes. Tom stopped recording once she was out of view but I kept an eyeball on things through my ever trusty monocular as we continued to stay put in order to give them space. Latitude and Longitude Be sure to watch the video on this page to see the bobcats in action. Home to the Jersey Devil and dozens of other urban-myth celebrities, the Garden State is hardly one to shy away from stories of extraterrestrial encounters. After bobcats nearly went extinct locally in the 1970s, conservationists reintroduced 24 cats from Maine into New Jerseys northern forests to restore natures balance. CLEVELAND, Ohio A bobcat has been spotted in a remote area of the Cleveland Metroparks, marking the first modern sighting of the elusive animal in Cuyahoga County in more than 150 years. Gretchen Fowles, a Geographic Information Systems Specialist within the Endangered and Non-game Species Program, maps habitat and species locations. Here's her FB post about it: Now I know many will scoff at this post and really try to down play it but Im just letting everyone know that yesterday at approx 1:30pm on Mt. Here are a few animals that have recently been spotted in unusual places in Massachusetts. Contact reporter Dino Flammia at A bobcats lifespan is 12-13 years. In 1999 on my way from Vineland to just NW of Sweetwater, I spotted an Eastern puma loping down the road diagonally from one wooded area to the next. "I've spent so much time out in the field, and I've never seen a bobcat in the wild.". Road kill surveys and camera trap data help inform the research, allowing us to prioritize where future connectivity improvements like culverts and overpasses may help decrease wildlife mortality. Wildlife sightings from the public are incredibly useful to New Jersey Fish and Wildlife. Mackenzie Hall, an employee with the Conserve Wildlife Federation of New Jersey, had left the trail in search of timber rattlesnakes. Suburban bobcat sightings Victor Sunstar spotted bobcats in his yard almost every morning. They are here. We kept heading toward each other, then the beautiful creature started turning so I could see his whole profile. With support of wildlife lovers like you, we have made great progress in establishing "Bobcat Alley," a 400,000 acre corridor spanning New Jerseys two great mountain ranges: the Appalachians and the Highlands. From 1978 to 1982, 24 bobcats were released in sections of . The bobcat is a medium sized-cat, about two feet tall and weighting 20 poundslarger than a housecat, but much smaller than a cougar or lion. ? A shy animal, bobcats are nocturnal, which means they're more active in the nighttime hours. Large tan can with black.tip tail pacing roughly 50ft from rear fence. Bobcats may also feed on small or sick deer. Ah well. I followed up the next day and photographed the paw prints on the infield sand. The young bobcats looked a little different so we think there were two, maybe three youngsters in addition to mom (and the larger bobcat I barely saw) but they could have been the same little one darting off and on the path. ", Mick Valent, Principal Zoologist of the Endangered and Nongame Species Program at the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife, sighs when reminded of Mackenzie's experience. One of Mackenzie Hall's experiences was no exception. 122.05735 W, Bobcat strolling down the driveway. In many photos Bear waits patiently, or appears to happily chew a soft rubber ball. I know that I don't want to be around it. I know the difference between a bobcat and what I saw in West Milford NJ. For now, the cougar's status in New Jersey is still a few notches below the Jersey Devil. Mountain lion walk across the road in front of my car, carrying its large lunch in its mouth! If youve observed any of the following species in New Jersey, were interested! My neighbor saw it near the baseball field next to watershed protected land. has provided this info, also from Sussex County: My son just saw one yesterday in Stokes State Forest yesterday camping with friends, no question about it it was a mountain lion. We have a lot of rabbit and other small animals in the back. Intent on reaching her den, the bobcat did not see the woman ahead. If we zoom in on the photo, we can make out what looks to be a mountain lion - or something close: Courtesy of Katy Gerhold. I also know of a man in north jersey who got one on his trail cam. NEW JERSEY A 5-year-old Colorado girl had the staring contest of her life on April 10 after a bobcat jumped into her back yard and locked eyes with her; such encounters may become more common. EIN # 20-5089093 Copyright 20132023 Bay Area Puma Project. One in Camden County near the Winslow Hammonton border by Route 73 was reported to be a mountain lion. Latitude and Longitude I thought it was a deer, it was big and tan and I immediately knew it was a bigggg kitty from it walking. New tools soon brought in a wealth of data. . The most remote areas in northern New Jersey offer prime bobcat habitat. In Rock Island County, deer hunters reported 35 bobcat sightings in 2018, down from more than 50 in 2015 and 2016. You dont just look outside and see them. Bobcats, Lynx rufus , are active all throughout the Wolf Woods habitat at Turtle back Zoo in Essex County - via Wolves can be found in North America, E We have only two venomous snakes in New Jersey, but there are four snakes on our endangered or threatened species list. He says the animal was walking across the street and headed toward the field/baseball diamonds as he passed by. No I didn't u might've saw a bobcat in that area. Mackenzie waited, enthralled. Car impacts are the leading cause of bobcat mortality. Its head was smaller yet was looking in the opposite direction. With land at a premium in our densely populated state, bobcats need as many engaged advocates as they can get to make sure they have a place to live here. "I've spent countless hours in the woods. The nature. Bobcats have been live-trapped and marked with yellow ear tags and GPS collars. That sighting will stay with me for the rest of my life. With increased reports of bobcats, the state is also seeing more bobcats killed by automobiles. Nature Watch: Bobcat sightings around Western New York show range map is in need of revision. Last updated May 05, 2022. Bobcat restoration efforts began in the late 1970s, when state wildlife officials trapped cats in Maine and brought them to New Jersey. This was on October 10 2021. I have in High Def recording of a Mountain Lion or a Eastern Cougar caught on camera on my property, this just happened yesterday in Riverdale Nj . | Solid beige/light tan brown and no markings. The bobcat spotted by the Miami University trail cam was active during broad daylight . The program began to study the impact of roads and the need for wildlife corridors. Latitude and Longitude Please share it and help spread the word about this unique, comprehensive wildlife-tracking tool. In fact, as we previously mentioned, most people mistake bobcats for the extinct mountain lion. At first I thought it was a dog, but darned if that wasn't the biggest yellow lab I've ever seen! Heel points in slightly different direction than toes. As of Wednesday, no one has reported the cat missing. Please enter a valid email address (formatted as If the bobcats can be encouraged to travel, the gene pool will disperse and strengthen. No I did call Fish and wildlife, that 's awesome, can you please upload it to YouTube leading... Reported to DEEP from nearly every town in the nighttime hours we need all sorts skills... 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