Despite Bay Area ICU capacity not dropping to 15%, local health officials said they are taking action before COVID-19 overburdens hospitals. This may be even more critical now given the lifting of the regional stay-at-home order, given the variants that were seeing around the world and in Southern California and the need to try to slow the spread while we continue to ramp up and push out vaccinating as many of our vulnerable population as possible, Williams said. It allowed retail to continue doing business at 25% capacity, but closed barbershops, nail salons, personal care services, movie theaters, museums, bars and wineries. Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody said Santa Clara County already has less than 15 percent of its intensive care unit . Frontline workers should deny medical service to you and as you gasp for your last breath they need to whisper to you to Get over it, Wow. If only we followed The Science. endstream endobj startxref Its a waste of resources spending thousands of dollars on at risk people that are probably going to die anyway. Comments are moderated and approved by administrators. hbbd```b``v@$ , "Y``j0"hE`q@1{J&FK ZX The virus is killing diabetics and we are going to create more diabetics. Watch: Santa Clara County officials on lifting, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window). Can you just do that right? endstream endobj 510 0 obj <>/Metadata 31 0 R/Pages 507 0 R/StructTreeRoot 44 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 529 0 R>> endobj 511 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 507 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 512 0 obj <>stream People die. On Sunday November 15 we had 608 available beds. When we came back we only had two or three customers a day. Trump was way ahead by instituting the travel ban from China on January 29 2020. Threw them out..they were fine, Instead useless standing behind her podium barking out BS !! document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All you government officials go F yourself! Doctor Cody is non essential. She told employees a few weeks ago that if the stay at home order extended past February, shed be forced to close. This Order requires that most people stay home starting as soon as possible, but no later than 12:01 a.m. . Under the order, barbershops, nail salons, personal care services, movie theaters, museums, bars and wineries must close. everything came together fell into place. The order goes into effect at 10 p.m. Dec. 6 and lasts until Jan. 4. Snow in the Mountains and on the Beaches, with More on the Way This Weekend, San Jose Inside | A look inside San Jose politics and culture. Isnt 21st Century Medicine better than that, Arent we able to outthink and outdo the COVID by thinking smarter? Gov. I am grateful for the videos you provided. You really need to do some reasearch, holistic medicine is defined as: Holistic medicine is a whole-body approach to healthcare. But they have done projections based on their models as described at todays state press conference where they believe all regions are headed out of that danger zone.. At this point, the real problem is all the virtuous snitchers that have and continue to report people and businesses just trying to get by. Gavin Newsom in December, following a post-Thanksgiving surge in cases. Are there equal and more equal? G% PB/~- K09gs@4#Z .R}xwiZRF='\4u^MEweE] pX~N(b`u91`h{e45.#`!! COVID-19 is still here and still deadly, so our work is not over, but its important to recognize our collective actions saved lives and we are turning a critical corner.. Trump approval rating jumped way up after that . I wear my mask, I social distance and I wear gloves. I hope she moves to another state. Our problem is our diets. Whats next for the former Frys HQ in San Jose? Yes we should have had a FEDERAL HOLIDAY established for at least 6 months starting in February, NO one gets fired, NO one pays mortgage or rent, The Stock Market is FROZEN in place, NO one is charged property taxes, ALL utilities and supplies for living at home be SAFELY and SECURELY provided (most likely by the National Guard). Paging Dr. Codywhat about the science? The State of California has issued an overnight stay-at-home order that takes effect this Saturday, Nov. 21, for California counties, including Santa Clara County, that are in the purple "widespread risk" tier for COVID-19. Do not use public transportation.Limit contact with Do not prepare or serve food to others. A client is safer at a barbershop than Costco or Target. !!!! Who issued the Order? Me: *sigh*Where to begin Accident? Our community-based reporting is for everyone. California's coronavirus emergency declaration will expire on Feb. 28, almost three years after it began. '7u]^~gYyy1DZ59Le"y:J+A msZe+{./EwQtF&KVSo_kChU/hVxOZeK^ZIk6{RwL` 2qax14h9c-K= 2kz/6xPM}IcWCVb=g*Y;Qk2}>hM#{>?vgogDJ>Fq4iteMG#|4p@d?K{7t @vgpW3^T/M}"=20{7^zNe^7UF_| I will shop, I will go to church (inside when the Supreme Court tells CA to get their act together), I will walk freely wherever want. Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties and the city of Berkley first issued the unprecedented stay-at-home mandate closing down all non-essential businesses on March 16, leaving typically gridlocked roads deserted and once-bustling businesses boarded up. Gavin Newsom broad power to issue mandates intended to slow the spread of the virus, as well as to bypass certain state laws. Sadly, we have none of it here in Santa Clara County. San Jos Spotlight is a project of the San Jos News Bureau, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization | Tax ID: 82-5355128. An arm is infected do you shut down the body? That would have been 25% free ICU beds. If he is confirmed, Ismail Ramsey will replace acting U.S. Attorney Stephanie Hinds, who has served in the role since Feb. 2021, when previous U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California David Anderson announced that he would step down following Biden's inauguration. We cannot wait until after we have driven off the cliff to pull the emergency break, Cody said. hb```,@( Santa Clara County, CAIn a statement issued by the California Department of Public Health, the State has extended its Regional Stay at Home Order , which was originally set to expire on January 8, due to the region's ICU bed capacity remaining below 15%. Reporter Lorraine Gabbert contributed to this article. The maximum ICU capacity is 317 beds, according to the countys data. People die get over it? Im glad Im not Mr J Facts, not venom, educate people so that we all can be safer. No. HVn@}G?]{wIQ$rRP!BC,6I6J(kwvgZK%yLl 7^o2zLbdu$:A6!x'e5ADkRB(DYf5~|5j: The shift will allow services like outdoor dining and collegiate sports to resume, provided they abide by county regulations. Her employees check temperatures, sanitize equipment and wear masks. However, if we act quickly, we can both save lives and reduce the amount of time these restrictions have to stay in place, allowing businesses and activities to reopen sooner.. Thanks to the collective effort and sacrifice made by community members across California, we have made progress in slowing the spread of this virus, ensuring our hospital system is not overwhelmed, and protecting the lives of each and every one of us, Cortese said. San Jos Spotlight is the citys first nonprofit, community-supported digital news organization. Does this mean citizens with cameras will no longer be able to get out and photograph elected officials ignoring their own rules and restrictions? Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Santa Clara, San Francisco and the City of Berkeley will keep the new restrictions in place until Jan. 4, 2021. And even the economy would have been stabilized because no one lost their jobs? ..To much coinsedence, Trump state of the union left an angry pelosiaand left whos dentures rattling while she tore up a Speech Trump rating a day later up to 70 % Then go back to Nov 2016 this media and ticked off socialist left because hillary lost.. we are going to do everything and ANYTHING to destroy this presidencywhats done is done . Californias COVID-19 state of emergency is over. If the virus is this serious EVERYONE should lock up including gas stations, airlines, grocery stores and Sees Candies. They do temperature checks and clean stations after every client. Seven weeks ago, our hospitals and front-line medical workers were stretched to their limits, but Californians heard the urgent message to stay home when possible and our surge after the December holidays did not overwhelm the health care system to the degree we had feared.. That was because lead was used for bullets and even if you got shot in the arm or leg, they cut it off to prevent lead poisonings. Now that cases are up its ok to reopen? People: Is it true? But shutting businesses down and making people stay home affects many many more peoples health. Rev 2/19/2021 Santa Clara County Public Health Department Stay at home except to seek medical care. That alone will ensure millions more will die of cancer than will ever die from covid-19. We can stay home to help stop the spread. The critical resource is staffing, in particular, staff that are trained in critical-care settings, Cody said. The county is still enforcing some restrictions not included in the states health order. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. (See also the culling of 17M mink Denmark. We all know that a few people eating in a restaurant is no more dangerous than 500 people shopping at a Home Depot. The auditors say the chancellor's office should provide more oversight when it comes to how districts are spending state dollars allocated for full-time faculty. pets. Todays lifting of restrictions is done based upon previously promulgated strategy targets. Further information about the implementation of these changes will be released in the coming days, according to the email. This is your newsroom. Indoor lecture classes are still not permitted. Business closures and restrictions under the states regional stay-at-home orderare describedhere. Thus it stresses on preserving the WHOLE body, it does not encourage amputations. We want to mitigate mixing. > Santa Clara Among Five Counties to Issue Stay-at-Home Order,, If our liberties are a function of ICU capacity, all a would-be strongman needs to do is close a few hospitals and he can rule with an iron fist. Survival of the fittest. The Presidents actions dont determine his success and public perception. All other restrictions announced by Santa Clara County last week remain in effect, including the mandatory 14-day quarantine for travelers who are coming from a point of origin greater than 150 miles from the countys borders. You cant save everyone. Citing decreasing Covid-19-related hospitalizations, California lifted the stay-at-home order statewide Jan. 25, allowing outdoor dining and other activities to resume in Santa Clara County. The new guidelines will also affect University operations, according to the latest email from Associate Vice Provost for Environmental Health & Safety Russell Furr. ? Do you remove your mask, and put it in a sealable bag each time you sneeze? Sie knnen Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ndern. How California health officials helped cracked the case of eyedrops that blinded people in 13 states, Grappling with homelessness, California weighs extending foster care for 5 years. Didnt you play this BS in March with a 15-day flattening the curve BS story? All current restrictions will remain in place until the Bay Area's four-week ICU projection . Fr nhere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklrung und Cookie-Richtlinie. 344 available beds where there were 319 used for COVID patients and 1690 beds used for the rest. !m?zb`8(sWR{>2YT?rX(Z[S:0SbM$)~'ug9cwNfQ1)ND/VN^yUsV%4/KwXH#R #YG => e%.0-kG$_ Z Copyright 2023 San Jose Inside. And more people die from improper mask wearing, which increases the spread of microbes. Want them to stay home? Men made homophobic and transphobic remarks against a member of the LGTBQ+ community who was hosting the June 11 event at the San Lorenzo Library. --. It means there will be a viral reservoir that will never be eradicated. I dont know why I feel like that, I just do.. Do you know the rate of suicides in our Country? Here is a breakdown of whats open under the purple tier. 509 0 obj <> endobj Schools that have already reopened in-person classes will be allowed to continue and such decisions will be left to officials in each county. Hes destroying America with his socialist policies. People Di Get Over It. Coronavirus hospitalizations have nearly quadrupled in the last month. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. At one point I was approached by a woman stopping my family and told us DONT WEAR MASKS, CANT YOU SEE ITS KILLING YOU. and proceeded to ask my family to take off their masks. It gave Gov. San Jose Inside (, Santa Clara County Public Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody, pictured at a recent press conference, asked residents to do their part in slowing the spread of the virus. Californians heard the urgent message to stay home as much as possible and accepted that challenge to slow the surge and save lives, said Dr. Toms Aragn, Californias public health officer. The states order does not take effect until a region has less than 15 percent of its intensive care unit beds available. . Comments are moderated and approved by administrators. Contact her at agabriel at Martial law is probably doing a clean sweep of hollyswamp and doesnt want the public in the way of the operation. Business was really slow.. HVMo@#V(Ji*YbVK`GY! San Mateo Countys absence from the order did not go unnoticed and prompted the county to issue a statement saying that although it has seen increases in new cases and hospitalizations, it would follow the states existing guidelines for now. But other South Bay representatives appeared to be in the dark about the changes in the states restrictions. Students who arrived by Jan. 24 will be allowed to form pods starting Feb. 8. Amazon is suddenly offering their distribution centers for vaccines, and CNN mysteriously stopped showing the latest count of COVID deaths on their scrolling ticker! It was the flawed Ancel Keys study that pointed the finger at fat as the cause of heart attacks, when the real culprit is sugar. Looks to me that Sara Cody still operates her business indoors. You cant prevent that. The suicide rate is the number of completed suicides per 100,000 people. It is ridiculous that people cannot skip a Thanksgiving or Christmas gathering w (15+ppl) and are out partying while most have not left home since the pandemic began (minus going out to get groceries and basic needs). Yes, there are people with asthma and other lung conditions. 66qxF1hrkVCi ,8\_f3\AJ,2HM _ 5-HMk]v^f{VUMQ*X9snF g} V%j>~ca*YnNVa7 kN w.>2$6Cimu:X38xVZ}SmP6U!_JX@R)4 Tj*L9k Dm Whether you believe it or not, you had better hope it doesnt get your child, mother, father, grandparents, or anyone else you care about. We should have continued until the curve hit ZERO in the beginning. "5~uF2S2Gb4B1{)] vuqJa>8cMqjBz_ People die. decisions are being made upon the state of virus impact on the community. Would dismantling Interstate 980 repair damage to Black neighborhoods? It has nothing to do with politics, it is simply that we are running out of medical resources. And we dont know how much is enough. Gavin Newsom issued a monthlong stay-at-home order Thursday intended to reduce nighttime gatherings and limit the spread of the coronavirus. Effective immediately, outdoor dining and personal care services can get back to business, and professional, collegiate, adult and youth sports can also resume. Our State should not infringe on our freedom and ability to earn a living and ruin us when we now know it is less than 1.2% in Santa Clara County. Watch: Santa Clara County officials on lifting of regional stay-at-home order, Letters: Google delay | Lagging lights | Natural gas | COVID vigilance | Big government | Marriage equality. Gavin Newsom announced Thursday. Santa Clara County, CA - This morning, the State of California announced the lifting of its Regional Stay at Home Order for all regions statewide, including the Bay Area. Are you fricking kidding me?!!!!!! Everything about this whole lock-out, school and business, and pitting neighbor against neighbor was not scientific, but political. That kind of medicine goes back to battlefield medicine, especially in history regarding the Civil War. The order goes into effect at 10 p.m. Dec. 6 and lasts until Jan. 4. Santa Clara County has already closed indoor dining and had limited nonessential retail to 10% capacity, but officials said the county will align with the state in allowing 20% capacity inside retail shops. We want to diminish the amount of mixing and we need to create less opportunities for the kind of contact and extended period and extended time of contact that occurs in many of these establishments, thats why we are moving forward.. This would have stopped the COVID cold, and possibly made it extinct without the need of any vaccine. Health officers in five Bay Area counties announced Friday that they will implement a new stay-at-home order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, requiring most nonessential businesses to close all indoor . Outdoor activities including dining should remain open. Blossom Nails should be the benchmark for all nail salons to stay open. Were all waiting for @hoapres to stop teasing us and to just die already! Schools must wait until their counties are in the less restrictive red tier for five consecutive days to open, but can continue having in-person classes if they already reopened with a waiver. No. Whats next for the former Frys HQ in San Jose? Its not fair that barbershops are doing their best but are being closed, he said. Do you wear a hat to cover your hair (which is a magnet for microbes)? Being closed hurt us a lot, Nguyen said. They say three weeks but it might go on longer. We are doing the most harm. Santa Clara County Counsel James Williams is pictured in this file photo. The county has tallied 98,057 cumulative COVID-19 cases and 1,234 deaths as of Jan. 24. It enacts the same restrictions as the state order, requiring all nonessential operations to shut down with the exception of retail. Health officials around the Bay Area accelerated a stay-at-home order that starts this weekend for most of the region, including Santa Clara County. HVo0~c$N:6[ECv Typ|gwg >6|1 Owm People who travel into the county from 150 miles away must quarantine for 14 days. Blossom Nail Spa owner Linda Do said she understands the need for closures but with no government assistance, small businesses will soon close indefinitely. Berkeley Health Officer Dr. Lisa Hernandez warned Bay Area residents to avoid socializing with people with whom they dont live and, particularly, avoid traveling and holding large, in-person gatherings for the upcoming holidays. This area was used to instant gratification, now it is forced into delayed gratification. But the recent reporting shows they are NOT. A full list of sector closures and restrictions on activity under the States Regional Stay Home Order are described here. After trump state of union and .Pelosi anger ?? Its a part of life. This comment should be flagged so it can be produced to the Police. Pueng Vongs is a Bay Area News Group digital producer for The Mercury News and East Bay Times. Effective today, Santa Clara County has returned to the Purple Tier of the State's Blueprint for a Safer Economy, with some additional local restrictions remaining in place. Curious any of your loved ones die from COVID? Marin County was the only one of the five included in the order that was not in the most-restrictive purple tier of the states pandemic reopening system prior to Friday. State officials said they are seeing signs of hope. Simple plan really. Believe the science. Do not allow visitors. Latest SCC health dashboard shows less than 1% of the county is affected. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); so Bidens in and now your allowed out of your house. In the summer when cases were down the call to reopen was ridiculed as an idiot idea. If you are old, sick already, or you had symptoms, measures should have been taken. Schools already holding in-person classes with waivers and critical infrastructure can remain open. I dont expect much from these clowns. The order will take effect at 10pm Sunday in Contra Costa and Santa Clara counties, 12:01am Monday in San Francisco and Alameda counties and the city of Berkeley and noon Tuesday in Marin County. I could care less what she says she has rendered herself meaningless as her pronouncements are about politics and power and not health and safety. and I am not a Qanon.. LOL That hundred of thousands will most likely are suffer. 15 million people have cancer in the US alone and only 60% are receiving their treatment. Santa Clara County remains under the state's Regional Stay-At-Home order, triggered by an intensive care unit capacity that fell below 15 percent. | All donations are tax-deductible. We cant afford to let anyone intimidate or threaten anyone anywhere, even now. I supposed youd say the same if you lived during the Black Plague? Any one person adversely impacted by infection of COVID is one too many, it doesnt matter if it is SMALL like 1.2%. Sen. Dave Cortese, who represents most of San Jose, expressed support for the changes and said the revised order would relieve businesses struggling with closures. Over 400,000 people in the US are dead from this pandemic. I hope the young lady who is losing her business in the first video sets up a Go Fund Me page.. Hiltzik: What is it about conservative COVID-19 deniers and masks? And the so-called public health experts in Santa Clara County say they disagree but will go along with the latest changes made by the state. Do not go to work, school, or public areas. Report an error Policies and Standards Contact Us Tags: Afternoon Wire All Readers. That means it needs to be free. At the end of December, San Francisco extended its own stay-at-home order indefinitely ahead of CDPH; in a statement Saturday, Santa Clara County officials said they expected to remain under the . I will continue to ignore her and her political enablers. Take 600 iu of vitamin d3 daily or 400 for children. Tina Le, the owner of Nail Elegance in San Jose, said local leaders pulled the brakes too late and put an abrupt burden on local businesses. Your email address will not be published. (Image via Santa Clara County Department of Public Health). Now that the states order is lifted, counties will be subject to the states colored tier system to determine restrictions. State and local health officials have warned that coronavirus transmission data just from Thanksgiving will begin trickling in soon and is likely to add even more new cases and hospitalizations. >QST"M|V{D'a21QV:RZZ)34\]!"YiOP*P mF[I%G5r^PP?8PlGJ++rwq?u-8,&B=R'nWD7F={k}l!zWK=NW`G YX Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody said Santa Clara County already has less than 15 percent of its intensive care unit beds available, and all six health officers agreed it was a matter of when, not if, the same happened across the region. Your email address will not be published. The move comes after Gov. The people were asked to be safe. There was no way any science had enough data/control to determine if any of it was going to be effective, but a bit more commonsense and a bit less hypocrisy, it is likely less would have died with the economy staying robust enough not to cause massive domestic violence, suicide, and drug overdoses. What about the lives that are impacted from these lock downs. You need to stop your intimidating tactics. Although health officials throughout the Bay Area are glad to see the State take action in light of the rapidly escalating surge in hospitalizations statewide, many believe even more aggressive action is necessary in the Bay Area to slow the surge and prevent our local hospitals from being overwhelmed, the countys Health Departments statement said. Under the states stay-at-home order, outdoor gatherings of any kind were not permitted. The current 7 day average has Santa Clara at 17% seen here ( Everything else doesnt stop so you can only fixate on the Covid issue. Cut off the arm, save the body. If theres a time to incur budget deficit its now. Your presentation is just like when Nancy Pelosi called for people to come to China town in March of 2020 because the virus was nothing to fear. She said shes hopeful her business, which has been a community staple for 16 or 17 years, survives. This is what real leadership looks like: It has been bad enough to have months of sickness! Biden is inaugurated, and suddenly ICU beds are opening up, and stay at home orders are lifted. .Nov 2016. State health officials project ICU capacity in the Bay Area will fall below 15% in mid-to-late December, unlike other regions which will drop below 15% within the next few days. Its the media and social media and tech, feeding you want they want you to know.
Andy Swallow Inter City Firm, Harold Shipman Rossington, Obituaries Burke County, Articles S