membership. A Great Union The rates published in this plan are the official rates of compensation for all classifications of positions listed. In addition to the state salary, a local supplement may be provided by the school system. Civil Service Compensation Plan Section A - Over-the-year percent change in covered average weekly wages among the largest counties in Michigan, fourth quarter 2021, Average weekly wages in Michigans smaller counties, Additional statistics and other information, Table 1. our 2005 contract; the new paid holiday is Juneteenth. .site-description { (See chart 1 and table 1.). Before sharing sensitive information, Activities Therapy Aide Supervisor 10, 11, Administrative Law Specialist Manager 17, 18, Administrative Technician Supervisor 10 - 12, Assistant Auditor General Specialist 13 - 15, Attorney General Investigator Supervisor 13 - 15, Building Construction Project Superintendent 9 - 12, Civil Rights Representative (Departmental Trainee) 9, Client/Resident Affairs Representative 8 - 10, Clinical Health Science Specialist 13 - 15, Communications Representative Manager 13 - 15, Corrections Field Services Assistant 9, E10, Corrections Internal Affairs Officer P11, 12, Corrections Internal Affairs Specialist 13, Corrections Qualified Mental Health Professional 9 - 12, Department Of State Branch Supervisor 9 - 13, Departmental Analyst (Departmental Trainee) 9, 9, Developmental Disabilities Programmer 9 - 12, Disability Determination Assistant 8 - 11, Division Legal Secretary Supervisor 10 - 12, Economic/Community Development Analyst 9 - 12, Economic/Community Development Analyst (Departmental Trainee) 9, Economic/Community Development Manager 14, 15, Economic/Community Development Specialist 13 - 15, Education Field Services Consultant 11 - 14, Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic 10, Employment And Education Counselor 9 - P11, Employment Services Analyst (Departmental Trainee) 9, Environmental Engineering Licensed Specialist 13, 14, Environmental Sanitarian Specialist 13, 14, Executive Office Advisor/Administrator 17, Facility Engineering Licensed Specialist 13, 14, Financial Analyst (Departmental Trainee) 9, 9, Fire And Safety Officer Supervisor 9 - 11, Fruit and Vegetable Inspector-(Seasonal) 6, Fruits And Vegetables Inspector Supervisor 12, 13, Hazardous Materials Storage Inspector 9 - 11, Hazardous Materials Storage Inspector Supervisor 12, Human Resources Analyst (Departmental Trainee) 9, 9, Human Resources Customer Service Representative 6 - 9, Human Resources Customer Service Supervisor 10, Human Resources Developer (Departmental Trainee) 9, 9, Human Resources Developer Specialist 13 - 15, Information Technology Infrastructure Analyst P11 - 12, Information Technology Programmer/Analyst 9 - 12, Information Technology Project Coordinator 9 - 12, Information Technology Project Manager 13 - 15, Information Technology Specialist 14 - 15, Information Technology Student Assistant A, Information Technology Supervisor 11 - 13, Interpreter, Deaf And Hard Of Hearing 7 - 9, Lottery District Sales Representative 10 - 12, Medical Record Examiner Supervisor 11 - 13, Microfilm/Scanning Machine Operator 5 - 7, Natural Resources Technician Supervisor 12, Nutrition/Food Management Consultant 10 - 13, Nutrition/Food Management Consultant Manager 13, Occupational Safety Advisor (Departmental Trainee) 9, Photographic And Video Services Assistant 6 - 9, Promotional Agent (Departmental Trainee) 9, Property Analyst (Departmental Trainee) 9, Prosecutor Training Coordinator Manager 18, Public Utilities Engineering Specialist 13 - 15, Regulation Officer (Departmental Trainee) 9, Rehabilitation Services Coordinator 9 - P11, Rights Representative (Departmental Trainee) 9, Senior Deputy Chief Investment Officer 20, Senior Executive Assistant (Deputy Director) 15, Senior Executive Assistant Physician Administrator 18, Senior Executive Business Relationship Administrator 17, Senior Executive Hospital/Center Director 18, Senior Executive Management Assistant 9 - 15, Senior Executive Physician Administrator 19, Senior Executive Psychiatrist Director 21, Social Services Administrative Manager 13, Social Services Administrative Supervisor 11, 12, Social Services Division Administrator 17, Special Alternative Incarceration Officer 9, E10, Special Education Teacher-Deaf/Hard Of Hearing 12A - 12C, State Police Aircraft Pilot (Sergeant) 12, State Police Detective (Trooper Specialist) 11, State Police Digital Forensics Analyst P11, 12, State Police Forensic Technical Leader 15, Transportation Engineering Licensed Specialist 13 - 15, Transportation Maintenance Coordinator 12, Transportation Maintenance Supervisor 11 - 13, Transportation Maintenance Worker (Recruit) 6, Transportation Planning Specialist 13, 14, Treasury Customer Service Representative 6 - 9, Unemployment Insurance Analyst (Departmental Trainee) 9, Vocational Rehabilitation Manager 13 - 15, Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator 8 - 10, Youth Challenge Academy Supervisor 8 - 10. Page updated: 08/11/2017 Michigan Civil Service Commission: 2020: Department of Treasury: Brackenbury Robert L: Senior Dep Chief Invest Offcr: Michigan Civil Service Commission: 2018: . Specifically, these adjustments account for administrative (noneconomic) changes such as a correction to a previously reported location or industry classification. improvements. retirement benefit program. Current members will receive a physical copy of the contract in the mail as soon as they are printed. It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. The starting salary for an Indiana State Police (ISP) recruitis $1,807.70 bi-weekly as a Trooper Trainee during the academy training. (2) Totals for the United States do not include data for Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands. LANSING, MI -- The state of Michigan pays more than 47,000 people to do everything from control prisoners to maintain bridges. Average weekly wages by county in Michigan, fourth quarter 2021, Top Picks, One Screen, Multi-Screen, and Maps, Industry Finder from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, Regional Commissioner Jason Palmer noted that Kent County had the largest over-the-year increases in employment at 8.0 percent. Apply now for the Closer-to-Home Transfer List, Move Forward Campaign Puts Corrections Work in the Spotlight, What You Need to Know about Civil Service Rules Changes, 2022-2024 contract online now read it here. The County Employment and Wages full data update for first quarter 2022 is scheduled to be released on Wednesday, September 7, 2022. endstream endobj startxref Employment and wage levels (but not over-the-year changes) are also available for the 73 counties in Michigan with employment below 75,000. Your UAW Local 6000 bargaining team has come to a Tentative Agreement with the The web Browser you are currently using is unsupported, and some features of this site may not work as intended. 165.3a). Vision plans (including free Tele-medicine in the State Health Plan, in-network). We met that request as there is no increase in the premium share percentage formula, deductibles or co-pays for the three (3) years covered by the contract beginning 1/1/2023. Kitsap, WA, had the largest over-the-year percentage decrease (-5.5 percent). We negotiated the biggest one (1) year October raise since the 1980s: * Three-quarter-time employee: percent of first $7,125 of annual wage * Half-time employee: percent of first $4,750 of annual wage. parent, child or sibling. Covered employment and wages includes workers covered by Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) programs. Employment rose in the 10 largest counties in Michigan from December 2020 to December 2021, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. your work site union steward or Local Rep if you are not sure of meetings in your waiver was granted, special increases to steps in pay schedules took effect for As of today, we do not know the exact dates that this will go out for a vote of the Wages. Any final wages more than $3,000 will be distributed after any legal action (40 O.S. A pension plan that incorporates a voluntary Deferred Retirement Option Program (D.R.O.P.) Rights leaves will now be easier to obtain. employees in the 41 classes listed in the crosswalk below. Continuing Eligibility: After establishing initial eligibility, employees must be actively employed for 39 weeks (273 calendar days) during the longevity year to receive a longevity payment on December 1. to on a trial basis last year is now part of our contract for the next three (3) These potential differences result from the states continuing receipt, review and editing of UI data over time. i`r;&d1XM( 6MDFH@$& 9> -I The data are derived from summaries of employment and total pay of workers covered by state and federal unemployment insurance (UI) legislation and provided by State Workforce Agencies (SWAs). Indiana Conservation Enforcement officer service. The in service is eligible for a longevity payment based on total years of service after completing the . The result is then divided by 13, the number of weeks in a quarter. The intent was to provide a tool for state agencies to use in attracting and . 2016 | Connecticut's Official State Website, regular members, if any apply specifically to us. Together, the 10 largest Michigan counties accounted for 69.7 percent of total employment within the state. (Juneteenth is Job Specification Information Classification Specification Job Titles Pay Ranges as of 12:00:00 AM; Account Examiner 8 - 11: $21.25 - $36.73: Account Examiner Supervisor 12 - 14: $27.13 - $47.70: Accountant 9 - 12: . Additional vacation days are granted after 5, 10 and 20 years of service to a maximum of 25. . 277 0 obj <>stream Over-the-year wage changes among Michigans other nine large counties ranged from 4.9 percent to -0.3 percent. STATE OFFICE BUILDINGS CLOSED TUESDAY DUE TO WINTER STORM: Governor Lamont has ordered all executive branch state office buildings closed to the public on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, due to the winter storm.MORE INFO. After many years of trying, we finally have an agreement to have paid hTMhA}3lbZ[(,HEObATec6I#BPE*h"C)EX~$h;7}3 $* nxQj^duc*m&}J$W bzQ\U853d"DJ3Mj#xH+3hf,1HrfL$QG,#JD *4[,V)#AIGFa1byPR|E39:OMi5\06B[wnPKyCps,k)*h\HaH'E71NmVUyUku7pCVV8uq}9f&aWU"F 6,bazbZ'gLN,8`tOVdiH+6mtXM" -fP&O.udK3:]@.Ly+J X @%QOs#?y{X{ggUcm4tIdX't H1YhwBzJ55Z lvR|m^/% dgV However, their payment will be paid font size, Human Resources Business Rules and Regulations. . 10 but . Footnotes: (1) Average weekly wages were calculated using unrounded data. The County Employment and Wages release for first quarter 2022 is scheduled to be released on Wednesday, August 24, 2022. However, data in QCEW press releases have been revised and may not match the data contained on the Bureaus web site. State Office Administrator: Michigan Civil Service Commission: 2020: Department of Treasury: Behar Jack: Senior Investment Manager: Michigan Civil Service Commission: pX~ 00:v52p044d5 I/K`B Fe~F9aXTg(,pa`\yit N>gL =@difD* fi Find a Listing of Bargaining Unit Longevity Schedules. endstream endobj startxref We will be UAW Local 6000: Michigan's State Employees, UAW Local 6000 State of Michigan Employees, UAW Local 6000 - State of Michigan Employees. hbbd```b``z"W@$)8D 241 0 obj <> endobj Periods of inactive service totaling 93 calendar days or more will adjust the longevity date accordingly, and no payment is issued in that longevity year. Among the 343 largest counties in the United States, 334 had over-the-year wage increases. Longevity Elimination, Incorporation into Annual Salary, Pay Plan Changes and Future Pay Increases for CA & CR Employees (E-Item 1937) The amount increases on the first of the month following the month the lifetime service accrual reaches a new multiple of 24 months. Since most hourly employees don't work full time and/or take time off, actual yearly earnings will likely be lower. Longevity Pay Scale: Longevity Pay Scale - Effective July 2022. Understanding regarding the ability to negotiate American Relief Plan funds for our If eligible, you will receive the retroactive Longevity Lump Sum (LLS) payment (s) or increases to your LLS payment (s) in a separate direct deposit or check dated 02/10/2022 (Institution) and 02/16/2022 (Administration). The longevity year is a 12-month period that begins October 1 and ends September 30. Years of Continuous Service Annual Longevity Pay Percent of First $9,500 of Annual Wage* 6 through 9 years 2; 10 through 13 years 3; 14 through 17 years 4; 18 . The site is secure. To view and/or print a job description, or instructions on how to apply, Acrobat Reader is required (free). We negotiated the biggest one (1) year October raise since the 1980's: a 5% raise for October 1, 2022 that will be followed by a 2% raise the following October; Lansing, Michigan 48909; 517241-0837; or -MCSC - Years of Total State Service Longevity Pay Percent. After a legislative Minimum Wage Increase Effective January 1st, 2023 Special Increases to Pay Schedules effective 2/5/2023 After a legislative waiver was granted, special increases to steps in pay schedules took effect for employees in the 41 classes listed in the crosswalk below. Uniform, ordinance, automotive and other equipment is furnished by the Indiana State Police Department. Establishments can move in or out of a county or industry for a number of reasonssome reflecting economic events, others reflecting administrative changes. Department Of State Aide 6 - 9: $19.87 - $27.84: Department Of State Branch Supervisor 9 . There were no federal stimulus checks in 2022, but at least 22 states gave money back to residents -- primarily in the form of income and property tax rebates, child tax credits and direct relief . The longevity pay plan recognizes and expresses the University's appreciation for the long-term service of permanent employees, both full-time and part-time (regularly scheduled to work 20 hours or more each work week) who have completed at least 10 years of Total State Service. Currently, adjusted data are available only from BLS press releases. Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefits (QTFB), State Personnel Director Official Communications. https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any Paid Holiday The weekly earnings estimate of $404.00 is based on a standard 40-hour workweek. Voice phone: (202) 691-5200; Telecommunications Relay Service: 7-1-1. Longevity pay is an annual lump sum payment based on an eligible SHRA employee's salary and total state service. . 1984 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<2929D3C826FF2342BDCD93012B2C2891>]/Index[1967 34]/Info 1966 0 R/Length 97/Prev 707062/Root 1968 0 R/Size 2001/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 4.50 percent _____ Total State Service Defined Total State service is the time of full-time or part-time (20 hours or more) employment of . input, Missing Children/Missing Endangered Adults, Unarmed Response to Active Shooter Events, Frequently Asked Questions Regarding School Safety, Longevity Pay Scale - Effective July 2022,, Find information about Indiana's firearm laws, Find the number for the State Police post in my district, Find out about current road conditions in Indiana, Request New Investigation of Uncharged Death, Capitol Police Section Officer Application, Report 2.25 percent : 20 but less than 25 years . 2020, in a part-time position working 24 hours per week (60% time). The semi-annual longevity payments shall be made on the last regular payday in April and October of each year, except that a retired employee shall receive, in the month immediately following retirement, a prorated payment based on the proportion of the six-month period served prior to the effective date of their retirement. a 5% raise for October 1, 2022 that will be followed by a 2% raise the Group individual or family medical, prescription, dental and vision insurance is available for the employee and eligible dependents. Average weekly wage data by county are compiled under the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program, also known as the ES-202 program. The average weekly wage values are calculated by dividing quarterly total wages by the average of the three monthly employment levels of those covered by UI programs. The new added insurance benefits are too many to note here (but When all 83 counties in Michigan were considered, 21 reported average weekly wages of less than $900, 22 registered wages from $900 to $999, 18 had wages from $1,000 to $1,099, and 22 had average weekly wages of $1,100 or higher. "~Hhy R; DHi$n M_@@}T&3` F (See chart 2.) Thus, wages may vary among counties, metropolitan areas, or states for reasons other than changes in the average wage level. Support Staff . In addition we have some newly added benefits in our Health, Dental and When all 83 counties in Michigan were considered, 21 reported average weekly wages of less than $900, 22 registered wages from $900 to $999, 18 had wages from $1,000 to $1,099, and 22 . The Interactive Version further below reflect the (3) Ranking does not include data for Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands. You can use this tool to find 24-hour locations near you. (3) Data not included in the national ranking. A nonclassified employee shall be eligible for annual longevity payments on the same basis as classified employees, except that eligibility for longevity payment shall be determined by combining the years of service in both the classified and nonclassified service and the amount of payment determined by the equivalent longevity pay rates established . years. November 5th to have the contract proposal explained to them. The State of Oklahoma's longevity pay plan was created by the Legislature in 1982 by House Bill 1527. At $826 a week, Hidalgo, TX, had the lowest average weekly wage. Public Service Student Loan Forgiveness Program information is available at. QCEW data are simply the sums of individual establishment records reflecting the number of establishments that exist in a county or industry at a point in time. hire. UAW Local 6000 Chief and Job Stewards will be having a meeting on Friday Payment for longevity purposes is made annually on the first workday of December and is based on the base rate of pay as of September 1 prior to payment, but not to exceed the schedule below. Supplemental . Years of Total State Service Longevity Pay Rate 10 but less than 15 years . Employees who are eligible to receive longevity will receive their payment on Tuesday, Dec 1. This is a separate check that will be delivered to employees using their elected pay delivery . It could be because it is not supported, or that JavaScript is intentionally disabled. In addition, the Union and the State agreed to follow this up with a Letter of color: #dd3333; The Employment and Wages Annual Averages Online is available at Here is how you know. Longevity pay recognizes long-term employment and is provided after six years of continuous service with the university. 2000 0 obj <>stream Covered establishments, employment, and wages in the United States and the 10 largest counties in Michigan, fourth quarter 2021, Table 2. National employment increased 5.2 percent over the year, with 334 of the 343 largest U.S. counties reporting gains. Many of the bargaining surveys from our members stated no increase in costs. 0 Additional Information For additional information, please see PD-85, Custodial Officer Certification, Hazardous Duty Pay and Longevity Pay. Nationwide, the 343 largest counties made up 72.4 percent of total U.S. employment. MCO bargaining unit members are now under a new contract, effective Jan. 1, 2022. Up and Down arrows will open main level menus and toggle through sub tier links. 5. Last Modified Date: Thursday, July 07, 2022, Chart 1. Adjusting for these administrative changes allows users to more accurately assess changes of an economic nature (such as a firm moving from one county to another or changing its primary economic activity) over a 12-month period. make sure you're on a federal government site. Fiscal Year 2016-2017. Kalamazoo County, with a wage gain of 6.9 percent, was the only county that had a rate of wage gain above the national rate of 5.9 percent. Among the largest U.S. counties, 84 reported average weekly wages above the U.S. average in the fourth quarter of 2021. 2-3 years of service = $250 12-13 years of service = $1,250 4-5 years of service = $426 14-15 years of service = $1,500 6-7 years of service = $626 16-17 years of service = $1,688 Among the 10 largest counties in Michigan, employment was highest in Oakland County (712,400) in December 2021. This publication is typically published in September of the following year of the reference period or shortly after the QCEW first quarter full data update. This agreement must ultimately be approved by you, the Membership. hb```%,@( The State of Indiana provides $20,000 life insurance with an additional accidental death benefit of $149,000. Santa Clara, CA, had the highest average weekly wage at $4,005. Covered establishments, employment, and wages in the United States and all counties in Michigan, fourth quarter 2021, Table 3. Nine of the 10 large Michigan counties reported average weekly wage gains from the fourth quarter of 2020 to the fourth quarter of 2021. Pay Matrix:Trooper Matrix - Effective July 2022, Longevity Pay Scale:Longevity Pay Scale - Effective July 2022. Employment and Wages Annual Averages Online features comprehensive information by detailed industry on establishments, employment, and wages for the nation and all states. Covered establishments, employment, and wages by state, fourth quarter 2021, Chart 3. Note: Data are preliminary. It is to be noted, therefore, that over-the-year wage changes for geographic areas may reflect shifts in the composition of employment by industry, occupation, and such other factors as hours of work. Last Name (Optional First Name with no comma), Department of Technology, Management & Budget-MB, Department of Military & Veterans Affairs, Department of Insurance & Financial Services, Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs. Longevity pay [74 O.S. include improvements in Health, Dental, Orthodontics, and Vision plans); Health Insurance Otherwise, credit is only from the start of the pay period when the appointing authority receives the documents. . For additional information about quarterly employment and wages data, please read the Technical Note or visit 260 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<95F58B1E0DBCA64588615D8509EB018D><1411F7C894298E4BBE20C8E25D0E7581>]/Index[241 37]/Info 240 0 R/Length 98/Prev 131979/Root 242 0 R/Size 278/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream (See table 2.). Longevity Changes Effective September 1, 2011 for Executive Secretaries (E-Item 1713) Changes to longevity effective September 1, 2011 to non-represented Executive Secretaries to mirror SEBAC 2011 agreement. Wages. Most Meijer locations are open 24 hours.Fresh Thyme Market. 38.1205 Annual longevity payments. Other: Eligible employees terminated or retiring during the longevity year will receive a prorated longevity payment. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil.
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