Arriving overhead, Macauley heard that the recon team now had seven of eight wounded or dead and quickly directed Puffs awesome firepower in a circle 200 to 300 feet out from the teams position as soon as he had spiraled into the LZ. Quick Ship Facts. and link up with assault forces landed on the beaches. vertical envelopment highly indented coast. The original SLF had been redesignated SLF B. The attached units were HMM-163 (H-34s), HMM-262 (H-46As) and VMO-6 (UH-1Es). she assisted in countering an enemy threat t They were the first unit of the 1st MAW in Vietnam in 1962. Despite their efforts, the ship burned to the waterline. On 9.Mar the MUV was re-designated MAG-16, under operational control of the 9th MEB. With the NVA acceleration of the attacks again, Nguyen Van Thieu resigned on 21 April as President of South Vietnam. Henry and his co-pilot, 1st Lt. Dave Cummings, proceeded upward through the ravines, just above the canopy, much of the time at low airspeeds. On 8 Jan the OV-10s in 1st MAW increased to 24, divided between VMO-2 and 6. One rainy night, the HMM-164 SAR crew become firemen as they made many IFR trips into Lach Huyen carrying fire fighting gear to the crew of one of the Navys wooden MSOs which was on fire. They sank small craft to prevent the recapture of offshore islands; blasted concentrations of supplies, facilities, and equipment behind enemy lines, participated in air-gun strikes on coastal cities, pounded the enemy's hydroelectric complex at Suiho on the Yalu River to turn off power on both sides of that river, destroyed gun positions and supply areas in Pyongyang; and closed mineral processing plants and munitions factories at Sindok, Musan, Aoji, and Najin. The National Archives at College Park - Textual Reference (RDT2) has custody of the Logbooks of U.S. Navy Ships and Stations, 1941 - 1983 in the Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel (Record Group 24). The EAGLE FLIGHT tactic, developed by HMM-362, was first employed on 18 Jun. On 28 Sep, HMM-365 relieved HMM-162, and soon suffered its first battle casualties, two WIA, during a medevac 10 miles SW of Tam Ky. SHUFLY was redesignated Marine Unit Vietnam (MUV) in December. A similar US Army operation south of the Marines in Binh Dinh province was carried out at the same time. Additional H-46Ds arrived in April. HMM-362 (reinf) included 24 recently overhauled HUS-1 helicopters, a detachment of 3 OE-1s from VMO-2, one R4D, and 50 additional maintenance personnel. By mid-March the 9th MEB consisted of MAG-16 (-), H&MS-16 (-), MABS-16 (-), HMM-162 and HMM-163. Prior to the battle for Quang Tri City, on 27 Jun, HMM-165 conducted an amphibious demonstration (feint) off of Quang Tri. On 3 Sep NVA artillery destroyed the large Dong Ha ammo dump. The Super Gaggle enabled eight or more H-46s to drop their entire resupply in approximately five minutes, thus reducing the individual exposure to NVA firepower. Soon afterwards, the squadron lost 2 aircraft while on a SAR mission and 10 aircrew were killed. Initially, activities were limited to the installation of minesweeping kits (a streaming winch, a tow kit, flight control system modifications, a precise navigation system based on Loran, rearview mirrors, and 2 internal fuel cells) and AMCM aircrew training with the Magnetic Orange Pipe (MOP) at NAS Cubi Point. The first all-Marine night helicopter assault took place with BLT 2/3 and HMM-361, HMM-261 and VMO-2 in Elephant Valley on 12 Aug. of the Republic of South Viet Nam. n landing team and carrying helicopters in place of planes 62; uss quincy ca39, astoria ca34 & vincennes ca44 war damage report no. the national archives hold deck logs for aircraft carriers for the vietnam conflict. This was a search and destroy operation in conjunction with OPERATION PRAIRIE I. In order to provide improved response to 3rd Marine Division units along the DMZ, PROVMAG-39 was established from the existing units at Quang Tri on 14 Apr. The VC bailed out into the water and Mayne went back up the hoist, end of mission. Overloaded, Pless jettisoned his rocket pods, and nursed his helicopter out of the LZ. When viewing logs for each month, you may wish to click on the red PDF icon under the "Documents . A VA-195 Dambusters AD-4 Skyraider takes off the aircraft carrier USS Princeton (CV 37) during the Korean War. A Navy C2 Greyhound is being . All vessels of Inshore Fire Support [IFS] Division 93 during their entire Vietnam tour USS Carronade (IFS 1) USS Clarion River (LSMR 409) [Landing Ship, Medium, Rocket] . After "Hastings" Relieving Okinawa as flagship for the Amphibious Ready Group, she engaged the enemy in operations Jackstay, 26 March 6 April, to clear the Rung Sat Special Zone of Viet Cong guerrillas, and Osage, 27 April 4 May, to protect Vietnamese in the Phu Loc area from VC harassment. USS Princeton (CVCVACVS37, LPH5) was one of 24 Essexclass aircraft carriers built during and shortly after World War II for the United States Navy. HMM-164 was the sole SLF squadron when SLF Bravo was deactivated. During July, HMM-162s H-34s, working out of Khe Sanh, first reinforced the besieged Special Forces camp at Nam Dong, then 2 weeks later, helped evacuate the camp, as it became untenable once more. Princeton returned to California 3 November for a two month respite from the western Pacific. From May until January 1960 Additional VMO-2 O-1Bs arrived; Birddogs had already been in-country with SHUFLY and the 9th MEB. At the beginning of the year, HMM-361 was aboard the USS Iwo Jima with SLF A, followed by HMMs 363, 362, 363, and 362 during the year, transitioning to the helicopter carrier USS Princeton during the year. Gene Kimmel of VMO-2 in an OV-10 on a mission to support a Marine rifle company SW of Da Nang on a sweep of a paddy/village area. The operation commenced 12 miles south of Da Nang, in an area that was and would be cleared many times with support from MAG-16. HMM-261 helos were again heavily damaged when inserting 2/4 the next day as a blocking force. For much of the summer they pounded supply arteries Eugene Mettler (KIA according to Carl Septien, but NOT on The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in DC) 1. Capt. The following account of an HMM-165 night medevac turned recon extract tells how both extraordinary courage on the part of the crew and spontaneous inter-service coordination resulted in a successful life saving mission. At that time, she had already been converted to an amphibious assault carrier, LPH-5, carrying only helicopters. delivered Marine Corps advisors and helicopters to Soc Trang in the Mekong Delta area of the Republic of South Vietnam. These ops continued into June, and all were supported by the three helicopter groups. Sadly, HMM-163 made the cover of Life Magazine (16 Apr 65) when it showed YP-13s copilot hit by gunfire. USS Princeton (LPH-5) completed seven days of humanitarian relief (1,300 tons of supplies) to the Quang Tri, Quang Ngai, and Binh Dinh provinces of South Vietnam which suffered damage from typhoon and floods. On 2 Aug, US ships and North Vietnamese patrol boats clashed in the Gulf of Tonkin, resulting in the Tonkin Gulf Resolution on 11 Aug. HMM-162 conducted a major lift of the 2nd ARVN Div. > reclassified to Landing Platform, Helicopter - LPH 5 USS Princeton on March 2, 1959 : images: LPH 5 (1959-70) . Ground troops who then entered the area reported having to only walk down the ridge counting the casualties. Last edited on 11 February 2023, at 02:34, Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service, Republic of Vietnam Meritorious Unit Citation, Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships,, 4 single 5 inch (127 mm)/38 caliber guns, This page was last edited on 11 February 2023, at 02:34. Vice Adm. Kitchener Visits USS Princeton. HMA-369 continued their LPD-launched hunter killer ops off the North Vietnamese coast. . A hoist extraction was ruled out because of the wounded. cold road from the Chosin Reservoir to Hungnam. During the final years of the war, all aircraft were also equipped with missile launch warning receivers, flare dispensers, and engine exhaust signature suppressors to defeat the increased NVA AAA threat from hand-launched heat seeking surface to air missiles. Each regiment maintained a squad sized reaction force at a special LZ. Ingenuity has always been a Marine trademark. The last half of May was punctuated by extreme political unrest in I Corps, resulting in Prime Minister Ky sending ARVN units into DaNang to reestablish his authority. She fought for just over a year and a half before she was sunk at the Battle of Leyte Gulf in 1944, taking 108 men with her. February 28, 1844 started out as an exciting day for U.S. President John Tyler and the 400 other passengers aboard the USS Princeton.The U.S. Navy vessel symbolized a new ambition for the American president and his cabinet as they hoped that the warship would elevate the United States' naval prowess to the same level as the British navy. She cruised the West Coast, Hawaiian waters, and the Western Pacific (1 October 23 December) in 1948. Operation Upshur Stream was one last sweep of that old nemesis, Charlie Ridge. and troop concentrations in enemy territory At the bottom of every email sent by HullNumber is an UNSUBSCRIBE link. Reactivated with the outbreak of hostilities in Korea fifteen months later A UH-1E flown by Major V. Wayne Hazelbaker of VMO-2 was shot down at the defensive position by an RPG during an ammo resupply. In June, the CH-53D assumed an attack role. Clausen had removed his helmet and was unable to hear the order. Any questions?. NVA attacks multiplied as main-force units over-ran the ARVN during March. For the next five years she alternated HUK exercises off the west coast HMM-162 arrived back in country on 17 Jun with additional H-34s. Smoke rises from an explosion in Princeton 's hangar deck at 1000.5 hrs. A much-needed overhaul followed Princeton's return to the west coast, and in May 1968 she again sailed west to Vietnam. uss princeton cvl23 war damage report no. In 1969, CH-46 losses caused by hits in the broom closet area that housed the flight system hydraulics behind the co-pilots seat dictated another armor kit installation protecting this area. On 9 Apr HMM-364 replaced HMM-362 on the SLF. In the early years, armor for H-34s, other than self-sealing fuel cells, and their crews did not formally exist. MAG-16 at MMAF included H&MS-16 (O-1s and H-34s), HMM-265 (H-46As), HMM-363 (H-34s), HMH-463 (H-53s) and VMO-2 (UH-1Es). Nixons troop withdrawal plan began on 14 Jul with BLT 1/9 leaving for Okinawa. The 1st Battalion, 2nd Korean Marine Brigade arrived 3 miles south of Chu Lai on 1 Aug. On 27 Apr, a year after the arrival of Marine helicopters into Vietnam, the first loss occurred of an aircraft that was not recovered, and directly attributed to enemy action. The subject of armor for both became more important. She was reclassified in the early 1950s as an attack carrier (CVA), then as an Antisubmarine Aircraft Carrier (CVS), and finally as an amphibious assault ship (LPH), carrying helicopters and marines. MACV directed that HMM-364 transfer their H-34s to the VNAF 217th Squadron in May, and prepare to depart Vietnam by 30 Jun. One VNAF and two Marine H-34s were lost, and 17 of the 21 committed were hit. The NVA marched south, overrunning Dong Ha and Quang Tri and advancing toward the My Chanh River north of Hue. On 2 Oct 63 , HMM-361 relieved HMM-261. the MAG-16 medevac package was assigned to HMM-165s Major Al Macauley, together with his co-pilot 1/Lt Seth Boyum and crew chief LCpl Mike Everett plus an unidentified gunner and corpsman.
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