b. "To improve our nation's reputation with creditors, we must pay all debts at face value." b.) d.) c.) d.)Turner would have approved of Garrison's goal, but not his method for achieving it. Which statement best characterizes the issue positions favored by most American citizens? Daniellas successful business reflects __________. For Northerners, the law confirmed that elite slave owners had undue influence on the federal government. b.) ", a. "If I am elected, I will abolish slavery once and for all." Because the Kansas and Nebraska territories were about to vote on whether to be slave or free, c.)Because the nation and the presidential candidates were so divided over slavery. Electors, rather than individual voters, cast votes for president and vice president. Which of the following components can drive how individuals feel about an issue such as gun control? The Treaty of Fort Laramie "Slavery will be ended everywhere, or it will be forbidden nowhere. Use algebraic methods to solve the inequality. Abolitionists who killed five pro-slavery settlers in Missouri ", Which of the following statements best represents Abraham Lincoln's experience of and views on slavery prior to the Civil War? By comparison, when the 79th Congress took office in 1945, non-White lawmakers . You may use any test. Question 34. Lincoln believed Black soldiers should serve as apprentices until they gained military experience. Incorrect Ans: Then write the form of the verb in parentheses that agrees with the subject. For information about the sourcing and methodology of these studies, follow the links in the text of this analysis. Safety valve, Select the answer that places the following events in the correct chronological order: The Senate gained just one new female member:Republican Katie Britt, who became the first elected woman senator from Alabama. The Homestead Act Lincoln was not included on the ballot in several southern states. Stacy is interested in __________, Marco, Penny, and Kristine are discussing the topic of sexual orientation. Slaves should be allowed to arm themselves against a government that threatened their existence. c.)B, A, C k=1k21. a) growth in the size and power of government _____, or providing information supporting their policy positions to legislators, is a visible role played by interest groups. Given the debate on nature-nurture, which, Due to __________, males are at greater risk of developing genetically based problems such as learning and intellectual abilities. d.)C, B, A, Select the answer that places the following events from the 1840s and 1850s in the correct chronological order: Republicanism If survey respondents are hiding their true preferences about race from the interviewer, what is the survey suffering from? The two armies were still evenly matched. The Seneca Falls Convention d.) b. identify political leaders. - The random sample size is too large. Incorrect Ans: Anger over the results of the election reflected the democratic political changes taking place in the 1820s. The Senate now has three Millennial members, up from one the first ever to be elected in the last Congress. c.) (2) Immigrants have a higher birth rate than native-born Americans. What is policy mood? c.) Which statement accurately reflects how changes in nutrition and health patterns have impacted patterns of height around the world over the last century? c.) Republican Motherhood a.) Easy Quiz 2. b.) Question 8. c.)C, A, B New rates cover an association's necessary and reasonable operating expenses. The country that is particularly hit by the disease is China, where the outbreak of SARS has infected more than 4,800 people and killed at least 235 nationwide (excluding Hong Kong and Macao). Most northern business owners wanted slavery to be confined to the South and the West. Why did Radical Republicans disapprove of Presidential Reconstruction? It stated that blacks could not be U.S. citizens. a.) Klu Klux Klan b.) plants. Analyze the table, and then answer the following question. b.) - Respondents' education strongly predicts feelings on whether or not abortions for any reason are OK. a.) d.) Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, earned a doctorate in medicine from Duke University Medical School but does not hold a bachelors. Citizens' willingness to pay more taxes )C, B, A The number of lawmakers in this group has more than tripled over the last decade. It is based on previously published studies by the Center. Amnesty for non-wealthy civilians in the southern states Which of the following statements reflects planter paternalism? a president is most likely to use an executive order to implement a new policy when: congress refuses to pass laws the president supports. Which statement accurately reflects an effect of the temperature pattern shown in the graph? - Americans' trust in government was declining before the Watergate scandal. c.) c.) d.) They believed it didn't address the issue of slavery. The 118th Congress is the most racially and ethnically diverse in history. For Northerners, the law confirmed that elite slave owners had undue influence on the federal government. . B. James K. Polk is elected president as a champion of westward expansion. The Second Great Awakening contributed to the rise of militant abolitionism. Which of the following quotations best represents the cultural attitudes associated with the Second Great Awakening? - wording of survey questions a.) He represented the majority of Americans opposed to the social changes taking place in the country. Freedmen's Bureau - Digital Oral Presentation on APOLLO-CD Phase 2a primary and secondary results to be presented on March 3 r d- - Oral Presentation on ARTEMIS-UC Phase 2 primary and secondary endpoint data from Cohort 1 to be presented on March 4 th-. "We want a form of government that will protect the rights of all its subjects.". a.) There are almost three times as many Republican veterans in the 118th Congress as Democratic veterans (72 vs. 25). Correct Ans: d.) Roughly similar shares of current representatives (18.4%) and senators (17%) have served in the military. . Activist policy mood b.) African Americans were the logical choice to participate in the war against slavery. Which of the following statements about surveys and samples is correct? The Constitution was a contract between sovereign states that could be ended at any time. - People may be unwilling to admit they do not know much about an issue. - socialization a.) "The person who wrote this statement in 1839 would most likely defend which of the following positions? which statement accurately reflects changes in congress?hooked on a feeling jazz band. B) the supreme court uses judicial review as a tool to define constitutional principles.***. Incorrect Ans: d.)The federal government abolished the international slave trade in 1808, but slavery proliferated nonetheless. a.) God's own image bought and sold! The number ofwomen in Congressis at an all-time high. b.) Correct Ans: Democrats; the North The Treaty of Fort Laramie Among current senators, 78 have at least one graduate degree. due process of law to protect individual civil rights. Because cell phone usage is so widespread, polling people who use landlines is an effective way of getting a random sample. a.) Congress passes a law that severely restricts hostile takeovers. What happened in Lawrence, Kansas during the 1850s that was significant regarding rising sectional tensions over slavery? Separate Spheres Ideology "Once free, slaves should be sent to Liberia. )A, C, B Blacks must live and work freely beside their white neighbors and compatriots." c. the book value of the shares to be issued. the direct election of members of Congress. Most abolitionists only supported emancipation, not equal rights for African Americans. The debit to Retained Earnings is an amount equal to. Cognitive Psychology Overview of Theory. b.) "The people of the western states must be allowed to make their own laws regarding slavery, with no interference from others. It led to violent conflicts on the floor of the Senate. Which statement accurately reflects how changes in nutrition and health patterns have impacted patterns of height around the world over the last century? d.) The Homestead Act a.) There are 18 foreign-born lawmakers in the 118th Congress, including 17 in the House and one in the Senate: Mazie Hirono, a Hawaii Democrat who was born in Japan. The federal government had illegally seized state-owned property and appointed new state leaders. Ratified by ratification conventions in three-fourths of the states. in Psychology. a.) a) Heritability estimates provide a precise measurement of genetic contributions to human development. While anticipating the gender reveal of their fourth child, parents Moutabir and Samara learn they will be having a fourth daughter. Missourians who fraudulently voted in Kansas elections )He felt obliged to fully support African-American soldiers in the Union army since he decided to allow them to enlist. Large area for the enemy to conquer d.) They emancipated northern slaves and promised freedom to escaped slaves from the South. - the sample size In the excerpt from Frederick Douglass' 1863 speech, "Men of Color, To Arms!," what does he mean by "the arm of the slave was the best defense against the arm of the slaveholder?" Divine mission, Which of the following is correctly paired with its effect? It allowed for southern states to rejoin the Union with relative ease. - Today the majority of individuals trust in the government. The boundary between Canada and the United States in the Oregon Territory is settled. - A majority of people think that the government is run for the benefit of all people. - Rasmussen did not adjust their results. Look for all the types of phrases you have learned about. Which ideology is most common in America today? a.) d.) Pub. They prevented free blacks and escaped slaves from competing economically with whites. d.)It allowed for southern states to rejoin the Union with relative ease. Law-breakers A. It is regarded as the most extreme and complete form of authoritarianism. d.) It freed all slaves in the South. After winning the French & Indian War, Great Britain passed the Proclamation of 1763 which made the colonists angry because. Under Pennsylvania's 1776 constitution, any man who was 21 or older, paid taxes and had lived in one place for a year could vote.At the time, how did Pennsylvania's voter requirements compare with those of other states? An air conditioner cools a room and helps to shut out ___________ noises. The Second Great Awakening contributed to the rise of militant abolitionism. Correct Ans: a. a.) Factors Leading to the American Revolution. a) Average height rose steadily in the United States in the first half of the 20th century. - Most people have preformed opinions. Redeemers, Which of the following groups was associated with educating former slaves during Reconstruction? Which statement about the end of the Civil War is true? L. 97-444, 231(4), redesignated subsecs. Note: This is an update to a post originally published on Feb. 2, 2017. In the Senate, 25 women are currently serving, tying the record number of seats they held in the 116th Congress. - A minority of people think that the government is usually wasteful and inefficient. Causes of the War of 1812. He didn't have the support of Congress on the issue. Fill each blank with the most appropriate word Baby Boomers (who are between the ages of 59 and 77 this year) make up 45% of the Houses voting membership, in addition to 66 of the 100 senators. c.) mothers from their children riven! d.) a.) The Battle of Little Bighorn Which kind of events can influence an individual's beliefs? Why did slavery nonetheless continue to flourish in the South? Choose the statement that best explains why Richard Nixon represented a significant challenge to the Democratic Party in the 1968 presidential election. 1615 L St. NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20036USA Knights of the White Camelia )Polygenesis and other racist beliefs supported the secondary status of African Americans. John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry ", d.)"Slavery will be ended everywhere, or it will be forbidden nowhere. Separate Spheres Ideology, "We do not preach rebellionno, but submission and peace. c. place limitations on the . If a trait such as shyness has a heritability estimate of 0.40, this suggests__________, Behavior geneticists estimate the heritability of intelligence to be about __________, suggesting __________% of the variation in IQ scores is attributable to genetics, __________ twins are a result of one fertilized egg splitting in two, Fraternal, or __________ twins, and siblings have __________ of their genes in common, Stacy is excited about her future career options. Which form of resistance to slavery was the least common? - They reflect deeply held beliefs. They got just as demanding and as noisy and as difficult as men did!"6 The widow's mandate, or familial connection, remained for women a significant route to Congress. c.) - political events involving guns. Ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures. a. Southern plantation owners believed tariffs did more harm than good. The Sand Creek Massacre Which of the following groups was most likely to oppose slavery for reasons associated with Free Labor Ideology? Radical Republicans: Opposed any efforts to provide former slaves with civil rights or protection AMERICANS to market driven, And bartered as the brute for gold! Playing confidently, Garry Kasparov defeated the first Deep Blue. a.) The expanded use of executive actions to combat economic crises. Which of the following groups was most likely to support the immediate abolition of slavery? - Richard Nixon's Watergate scandal ruined Americans' trust in government. A. which statement best reflects the role of a senator. C. The United States admits Texas to the Union. The dollar return is a more useful measure to compare performance because it more accurately reflects the change in wealth of the investor. It paved the way for new laws to ban slavery from western territories. Increase Funding In order to support State efforts to provide needed child welfare services to children and families, the federal government needs to provide additional funding. Across both legislative chambers, 5% of lawmakers, or 29 members, are part of the Silent Generation, down from 14%, or 61 members, in the 115th Congress at the start of 2017. b.) b. by . Step 2. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. b.) Incorrect Ans: "I'm not opposed to slavery on moral grounds, but it will tear or nation in half if it doesn't end." c.) Prior to the Compromise of 1850, what was the legal status of slavery under California's state constitution? Q. Start Preamble AGENCY: Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Labor. Which of the following statements about the divided political climate during the administrations of George Washington and John Adams is true? - important events b. history and political parties. Write the letter of the word-pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that existing between the capitalized word-pair. What did the personal liberty laws passed in several northern states after the Compromise of 1850 accomplish? b.) Which of the following is the best definition of political socialization? White supremacy Which of the following reasons can explain why voters give unreliable answers to survey questions? Read our research on: Congress | Economy | Black Americans. d.) ", Which of the following statements best reflects Eric Foner's interpretation of the Reconstruction? Why did the Committee of Merchants for the Relief of Colored People Suffering from the Late Riots emphasize that Abraham Franklin "was a quiet, inoffensive man, 23 years of age, of unexceptionable character, and a member of Zion African Church in this city"? b.) b.) The Seneca Falls Convention, Consider the following statement:"Women like the Grimk sisters ought to effect change not through public campaigns, but by raising young and supporting their husbands. Earth Sciences questions and answers. Which of the following was a major economic shift in the North in the early 19th century? African Americans deserved to seek retaliation for their continuous enslavement. Which of the following are true about latent opinions? The controlling challenge in figuring out whether or not or not you may have the exclusive proper granted by the Constitution. Correct Ans: a. a single executive who can respond quickly to crises. b.) Still, Congress remains out of step with the broader U.S. population by several demographic measures. "If the South intends to preserve the institution of slavery, they must leave the Union and become a separate nation." c.) How can the firm use opinion leaders to help its PRO LINE Round Savers thrive? a. the market value of the shares to be issued. Which of the following statements would most likely have been spoken by a supporter of Andrew Jackson? Most of those 20 declined to state a religious affiliation when they were asked by CQ Roll Call, which served as the primary data source for the Centers analysis.). This group includes one member who has a professional certification: Democrat Cori Bush of Missouri has a registered nursing diploma. Which form of resistance to slavery was the most common? The Abolitionist Movement, Choose the combination of words that correctly completes this statement:"Controversies in the 1850s resulted in a political change in America-the end of the second party system. a. d.) In a scientific poll, what sample size is generally sufficient for accurately measuring national public opinion? a.) Defensive position The Morrill Act The share of members with military experience peaked at 75% in 1967 for the House and at 81% in 1975 for the Senate. Most world historians would agree that the key to European predominance in the world economy during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was. Milestones for each unit and the file milestone quiz with answers which statement accurately reflects reasons why the government adopted containment as foreign. This proposed amendment to an appropriation bill would have outlawed slavery in any territories acquired from Mexico. - Most people rely on only one or two considerations when forming opinions. b) Average height rose steadily in South Korea in the first half of the 20th century. a. d. U.S. Army It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. c.) d.) b.) subsec. Still, Christians share in Congress is greater than their proportion of the broader American public. Capitalism What! Christians remain the largest religious group in Congress, but their ranks have declined slightly over time. ", Which of the following statements best represents Abraham Lincoln's experience of and views on slavery prior to the Civil War? "Reconstruction for the African American was a time of heroic leaders, passionate actions, and no bowing to compromise." Why were attempted slave rebellions so rare? The hard plaster view proposes that personality change stops at age 30; The hard plaster view proposes that personality change slows after age 30 - More individuals identify as moderate than anything else. The share of immigrants in Congresshas ticked up but remains well below historical highs. d.) Britain had captured hundreds of American ships trading with the French. Masimo SET Measure-through Motion and Low Perfusion pulse oximetry, introduced in 1995, has been shown in over 100 independent and objective studies to outperform other pulse oximetry technologies. d.)It stated that blacks could not be U.S. citizens. Why did some textile companies prefer to hire young women rather than whole family units? A little more than a century after RepublicanJeannette Rankinof Montana became the first woman elected to Congress, there are 153 women in the national legislature, accounting for 28% of all members. - an opinion about whether the capital gains tax should be increased. d. the excess of the market price over the original issue price of the shares to be issued. Impressment of American sailors by British vessels in the Atlantic. They believed it gave too many rights to former slaves. Correct Answer(s) d.) The Soviet Union was not allowed to participate in the administration of post-war Germany. )Lincoln was not included on the ballot in several southern states. - their general tolerance of government regulation Which statement most accurately reflects the views of Thomas Jefferson? Which of the following statements about the 1860 Presidential Election is true? Anger over the results of the election reflected the democratic political changes taking place in the 1820s. The United States Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen reflect a shared concern for. In 2021, around four-in-ten American adults ages 25 and older (38%) had a bachelors degree or more education, according to the Census Bureau. In 2021, about 6% of U.S. adults were veterans, according to the U.S. Census Bureau down from 18% in 1980, not long after the end of the military draft era. My grandmother would say that I was the best baker of the bunch.. How did new ideas of what it meant to be Greek influence the growth of Hellenistic culture. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourse/ves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.". Southern society was oppressed by Radical Republican policies. Which of the following factors can influence political attitudes? ", Kiernan Thermal Energyaverage: a number that, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen. Southerners began to abandon their Free-Soil positions and threatened to leave the Union. a. )African Americans were the logical choice to participate in the war against slavery. a. d.) "Reconstruction was stunted by the creation of a privileged class among former slaves, who became dependent on the government and unable to provide for themselves." ", d.)"When the federal government provided every need, African Americans remained childlike and helpless. Union Leagues, Which of the following groups wanted to minimize changes to the South after the Civil War? Free women cannot sit idly by while their African sisters are in chains. Promotes safe, efficient, and reliable pilotage service on the Great Lakes. Government support for Black soldiers was weak, and Lincoln could not offer them any protection. Correct Ans: The Sand Creek Massacre The attack on Fort Sumter b.) ", The decision to divide the South into five military districts overseen by the army was part of __________. )"I oppose the spread of slavery into the West, but the Constitution has no authority to interfere with slavery where it already exists. c.)An antislavery majority in Congress could harm the South's economy. a. (3) Immigration is likely to decrease significantly in the future. (g) to (i). - More interested people tend to be more liberal. Which document was designed to "secure the Blessings of Liberty"? The immense size of the South Union Leagues, Which of the following statements best represents Abraham Lincoln's experience of and views on slavery prior to the Civil War? )Northern, middle-class white Americans who wanted to prevent the spread of slavery in the west. A loyalty oath sworn by 10 percent of a southern state's population Which of the following led in part to the War of 1812? )Civilians hostile to the Northern army, Which of the following was an advantage for the Confederacy in the Civil War? Which of the following statements about considerations are correct? Overall, 133 lawmakers identify as Black, Hispanic, Asian American, American Indian, Alaska Native or multiracial. c.) Correct Ans: c.) "Which of the following principles or movements would the speaker most likely support? - The process through which political beliefs are shaped by other people and the surrounding culture. . b. and more. Why did the Committee of Merchants for the Relief of Colored People Suffering from the Late Riots emphasize that "[James] Costello was a shoemaker, an active man in his businessindustrious and sober?" Senators are often concerned with issues that affect the entire country, such as. Infringers of trademark registration procedures exclusive rights to modern products in the sixth 12 months from registration. > April 22, 1917, CITY EDITION > EDITORIAL Section, Image 12 Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. - People may be influenced by the political discourse of journalists and politicians. - People may be conflicted on the issue. In the 118th Congress, 94% of House members and all but one senator have a bachelors degree or more education. )A, C, B The Seneca Falls Convention Slave-catchers Slavery is a necessary evil to promote economic growth. Which of the following statements is correct? Ironclad Oath: Was never passed, but would have required all northerners to forgive the southern states that seceded from the Union, Wade-Davis Bill: Revealed a split in the Republican Party over how to go about reconstructing the Union. ", b. Which of the following was a result of the Fugitive Slave Act? Republican Motherhood Correct Ans: In the current Congress, 12% of House members, or 52 lawmakers, are Millennials (a generation ranging in age from 27 to 42 in 2023). )Missourians who fraudulently voted in Kansas elections. a.) A northern abolitionist convincing churches to distribute antislavery literature While relatively few members of Congress today have military experience, an even smaller share of Americans do. c.) a.) Conspiracies of revolt in major southern cities - People tend not to think about political issues before being asked. c.) c.) - Most people form opinions on the spot. a.) Sharecropping was an economic burden for women after the Civil War. a.) In the 50th Congress of 1887-89, for example, 8% of members were born abroad. - ensuring that respondents give socially desirable answers. "Compared to the working poor in Europe, American slaves live and work in superior conditions.". "Someday all blacks shall live, work, vote and engage in political discourse alongside their white neighbors. B.The First 2,937 results, page 18 Most favor a mix of liberal and conservative issue positions. It is possible to estimate the country's opinion based on a small sample of 1,000 to 1,200 people, If a majority is not particularly intense in its view, then it is possible that the intensely held minority view might become policy instead. Republicanism 30 seconds. b.) Which statement best summarizes the "tyranny of the majority," a concern shared by many Southerners in the early 19th century? In contrast to initial . 1 See answer Options for this question include; (A) The Little Ice Age caused shortages of food and reduced the amount of agricultural surplus available for trade. The Pacific Railway Acts c. A leader carries a legitimate source of power. A dominant portfolio is one that has the highest risk and highest return within a set of portfolios. c.)C, A, B c. interest groups. Which statement most accurately reflects the views of Thomas Jefferson? b.) They wanted to emphasize that Costello was not a slave, but a free business owner. Northern abolitionists proposed a constitutional amendment to outlaw slavery in the entire United States. "I care not if slavery is introduced to the West, so long as Illinois remains always and forever free." - Most Americans' political views are latent opinions. b.) - their political background b. Underline the adjective phrase in the following sentence. Safety valve The current share of foreign-born lawmakers in Congress is also far below theforeign-born shareof the entire U.S. population, which was 13.6% as of 2021. c.) b.) Correct Ans: In the House, nearly two-thirds of representatives (64%) have a graduate degree. - A minority of people think that the government is run for the benefit of all people. It was passed by Congress but "pocket vetoed" by Lincoln. - Younger respondents are less supportive of abortions for any reason than older respondents. A message will be sent to your email address with instructions, The process of mitosis and meiosis are a bit different in that meiosis is cell division specific to __________ cells, The egg cells in the ovaries and the sperm in the testes are referred to as __________, The process of __________ occurs when chromosomes duplicate themselves and the cell divides into two new cells, __________ genotypeenvironment effects remain fairly stable throughout ones lifetime, The theory of genotypeenvironment effects changes balance over the lifetime. , nearly two-thirds of representatives ( 64 % ) have a higher birth rate native-born... 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