Yet by the beginning of 1864, with the war dragging on, manpower reserves dwindling and native uprisings breaking out all along the frontier, the War Department in Washington found itself compelled to offer bluecoats and muskets to rebel detainees. Company B marched across Kansas to Fort Leavenworth and mustered out on November 3. In September 1863, authorized to expand to a regiment, the 1st Connecticut Cavalry while on Provost Guard at Camp Chesebrough in Baltimore, recruited 82 replacements from among Confederate prisoners kept at Fort Delaware, placing most in Company G (organized October 5, 1863) and spreading the rest throughout the regiment. Assigned to receiving ship, USS North Caroline(Union). In 1862, Colonel James Mulligan discovered that many Confederate prisoners did not wish to be exchanged and were willing to join the Union army; he illegally enlisted former Confederates to be used on the front lines. [5][n 2] Gen. Gilman Marston, commandant of the huge prisoner of war camp at Point Lookout, Maryland, recommended that Confederate prisoners be enlisted in the U.S. Navy, which Secretary of War Edwin Stanton approved December 21. Welcome to The Galvanized Yankees facebook page. by Dee Brown. The Union had raised five others between 1864 and 1865 enlisting at total of 5,600 Southerners. By the time many of the Galvanized regiments reached their western posts, the Civil War had ended. But in January 1864, prisoners held at the overcrowded holding camp at Point Lookout, Maryland were invited to join the Federal army, under the proviso that they wouldnt be required to fight their former comrades. Also briefly mentions the occasional use of Union prisoners in Confederate forces. The Galvanized Yankees. 8, 142143). The Galvanized Yankees. [3] The practice of recruiting from prisoners of war began in 1862 at Camp Douglas at Chicago, Illinois, with attempts to enlist Confederate prisoners who expressed reluctance to exchange following their capture at Fort Donelson. At the very least, it seemed to offer a better alternative to life in a POW camp. Released October 17, 1864 after taking the Oath of allegiance and joining US Army. in guarding the Santa Fe Trail. Major General Dodge recommended on March 5, 1865, that all the former Union soldiers as well as a number of Confederate troops be enlisted in the U.S. The regiment would continue to serve on the frontier until November when its surviving members were honourably discharged. General Benjamin Butler's jurisdiction included Point Lookout, and he advised Stanton that more prisoners could be recruited for the Army than the Navy. Company G, 1st Connecticut Cavalry was commanded by Capt. Four of those companies saw combat in the Western Theater against the Confederate Army, two served on the western frontier, and one became an independent company of U.S. Your donations help keep MHN afloat. Dee Browns history of Confederate POWs who volunteered to join the Union Army and head West to protect the Santa Fe trail and the mail routes to California , man the western forts such as Fort Bridger and Fort Laramie, fight the Sioux and Cheyenne and the Mormons and protect against a nascent invasion from Mexico by the Emperor Napoleon . Numbering about 6,000 men, there were six regiments of these U.S. volunteers during 1864 and 1865. Approximately 5,600 former Confederate soldiers enlisted in the "United States Volunteers", organised into six regiments of infantry between January 1864 and November 1866. From Wikipedia: Originally, galvanization was the administration of electric shocks (in the 19th century also termed Faradism, after Michael Faraday).It stemmed from Galvani's induction of twitches in severed frogs ' legs, by his accidental generation of electricity. mm. It is your entirely own mature to play a part reviewing habit. Weird times and weirder people. Confederate POWs who swore allegiance to the United States during the American Civil War, Federal regiments composed of "galvanized Yankees", Confederate forces composed of "galvanized Yankees", State volunteer regiments in Confederate service. Most of these units were ordered to perform rear echelon duties or to serve on the distant western frontier. He discusses the US Navys Galvanized Yankees. Galvanized Yankees on the Upper Missouri : the face of loyalty / by: Butts, Michele Tucker Published: (2003) The military conquest of the southern plains. Vol. y. The regiment remained in garrison at Camp Schenck in Baltimore, seeking to raise more troops, assigned to the Cavalry Reserve of the Eighth Corps until officially organized on January 9, 1864. [32], Company C of the 4th Regiment Infantry, Delaware Volunteers is claimed to have been recruited in 1862 or 1863 from prisoners at Fort Delaware, but claims have not been substantiated through checks of muster rolls. Historically, a policy was initiated early in 1864, which allowed Confederate POWs to be repatriated if they would serve as Union soldiers: labelled as 'galvanized Yankees'. Determined to make his family and his mentor proud, Colonel Dimon turned his "Galvanized Yankees" into a first-rate regiment. While some galvanized units served with distinction, the program was only moderately successful. The term galvanized rebels or Yankees was coined by Samuel Bowles, a newspaper reporter, referring to galvanized metal, which turns colors when coated with zinc. By 1862, members of the Sioux tribe, who lived on a Minnesota reservation for twenty years, had accumulated many grievances. Galvanized Yankees was a term from the American Civil War denoting former Confederate prisoners of war who swore allegiance to the United States and joined the Union Army. The bulk of Companies C and D of the 5th U.S.V.I., which also included 69 former Confederate soldiers in their ranks, came from the troops captured at Egypt Station. Their unusual story is one of the least known and most ironic tales of the American West. Dee Brown relates the little-known story of Confederate prisoners during the American Civil War who switched sides and joined the "United States Volunteer Cavalry". The other seven companies frequently changed stations, posted at some point to Camp Wardwell, Julesburg, and Fort Sedgwick, Colorado; Post Alkali, Fort Cottonwood, Mud Springs, Plum Creek, and Columbus, Nebraska; Fort Wallace, Kansas; and Fort Laramie, Fort Halleck, Fort Caspar, and Sweetwater Station, Territory of Idaho. They were Confederate soldiers who were recruited from Union prison camps in the North to serve in the West. The following May, the Confederate Congress passed a joint resolution suspending exchange of black Union soldiers and their white officers, and ordering that they instead be put on trial and punished. [25] The companies in Utah were relieved by regulars in April 1866 and marched to Fort Bridger. was the most traveled of the "galvanized Yankee" units in its 20 months of service on the plains, operating in five districts and at every post in Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas; and seeing considerable skirmishing. by: Leckie, William H. Published: (1963) Crimsoned prairie; the wars between the United States and the Plains Indians during the winning . 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th United States Volunteer Regiments made up mostly of men from non-slaveholding areas of Tennessee & North Carolina. (58). [n 30] In October and November 1864 O'Neill and Burke enlisted more than 250 soldiers of a number of Union regiments. Volunteers. my great grandfather james calvin robins was in the 6th us volunteers. On July 30, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln ordered suspension of exchanges of Confederate prisoners until the Confederacy agreed to treat black prisoners the same as white prisoners. Burke's Battalion and the 17th Arkansas were sent with a battery of artillery aboard the first train to block the tracks at Egypt Station, a mile west of Aberdeen, Mississippi. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Sidney Lewis Triplett Co. K, 53 NC Regiment. Worst of all was the uninterrupted immigration of new settlers, which eventually forced the Sioux to give up nearly 900,000 acres of their reservation lands for 30 cents an acre. The book primarily draws from primary sources and has many appropriate citations. These were the Galvanized Yankees, former soldiers of the Confederate States of America, who had worn gray or butternut before they accepted the blue uniform of the United States Army in exchange for freedom from prison pens where many of them had endured much of the war. She was held in the highest esteem by the men and became the mother figure of the Regiment. Companies saw periodic duty at Fort McPherson, Nebraska; Fort Collins, Colorado; and Fort John Buford, Wyoming. Dorris Alexander Dee Brown (19082002) was a celebrated author of both fiction and nonfiction, whose classic study. During the American Civil War, many captured Confederate soldiers were offered a choice of rotting in a Union prisoner of war camp or entering the Union army to fight Indians on the Western frontier. [6], In January 1863, following issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation, the United States began to actively recruit black soldiers. I havent seen any accounts of their subsequent service, if any. Amazingly, the 3rd USVI wasnt the only Yankee regiment to be made up of Confederate POWs. Company H, 5th U.S.V.I. For most of the Galvanized Yankees, there was little left in the South to return home to, though some went back to rebuild their homes and careers, while others decided to remain in the West, with the chance to start new lives on the American frontier. Title: The Galvanized Yankees. Assigned to the District of Eastern Virginia, Department of Virginia and North Carolina, it moved to Norfolk, Virginia, where on orders of General Grant it was relegated to provost duty there, Portsmouth, Virginia, and Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Excerpted from The Museum Gazette, Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, National Park Service. After mustering out of the 6th U.S.V.I. A number of Northern states even raised galvanized infantry units as well, along with cavalry and even artillery. Still, many Confederates considered these men to be traitors. . [n 24] In July and August 1864, Capt. The Indians could shoot their arrows at a much faster rate. The term "galvanized" rebels or Yankees was coined by Samuel Bowles, a newspaper reporter, referring to galvanized metal, which turns colors when coated with zinc. Company I of the 6th U.S.V.I. The Union cavalry force had already captured a substantial number of Brig. Efforts were made at first to recruit Irish immigrants in compliance with Seddon's original instructions, but when few complied, native-born Union soldiers were enlisted. However, Fort Rice was not a good assignment, and many died of disease or violence during the winter of 1865. It had one of the highest desertion rates, with only 30 of its original 97 men left to muster out, only two of the losses due to death. ''Galvanized'' Yankees American Civil War 1 min By Crusader1307 The term ''Galvanized Yankees'' was a somewhat derogatory term applied to former Confederate Soldiers, captured and imprisoned by Union Forces. Galvanized Yankees were Confederate prisoners of war who joined the Union Army and went west to fight Indians. Companies H, I, and K garrisoned Fort Lyon until October 1866, when Gen. William T. Sherman closed the post for deplorable living conditions. Galvanized Yankees - Meet the Confederate POWs who joined the Union Army - 12 August, 2013 The Battle of Platte Bridge of 1865 saw a U.S. Army regiment made up of Confederate POWs fight off a vastly superior force of native warriors. In 1864, Colonel John Chivington further inflamed the frontier by leading 700 volunteers in an early morning raid on an encampment of 550 Cheyenne and Arapaho at Sand Creek, Colorado. Volunteers reached Fort Rice on October 17, 1864. Initially, the Effie Deans were supposed to take the regiment to their new post; however, the Missouri River was low that year, and the 600 men were forced to march a distance of over 270 miles. The young Colonel quickly learned that not all the Indians around the fort were as friendly as Two Bears, and soldiers were frequently ambushed and mutilated. Afterward, Galvanized soldiers were shunned in the South and neglected by the Grand Army of the Republic. It's a contribution recalled as . Save the date to save big! One thing these regiments had to deal with was Cheyenne reaction to the horrendous Sand Creek Massacre, and it's possible that Brown's research of that event inspired his later and more well known book. Butts, Michele Tucker Fall 2003. However, desertion rates among the units of galvanized Yankees were little different from those of state volunteer units in Federal service. Dee Brown, the author of Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee , tells what happened to a lost . he was with this unit until the fall of atlanta in sep 1864. he was sent to camp douglas where he swallowed the dog and joined the 6th us volunteers and was sent to the colorado territory. Instead, they were sent west to keep the mail routes and roads open and safe from raiding Indians. I have the US Army pension record for a family member (with a CSA record) who drew a Federal Pension for a disability, apparently for an injury received in a battle with Indians in Colorado. he received a regular commission as a 1st lieutenant in the 18th Infantry. [n 15] was enlisted at the Alton and Camp Douglas prisoner camps in Illinois in March and April 1865 as a three-year regiment, then ordered to Fort Leavenworth on April 28, 1865, at the urging of Maj. Gen. Grenville Dodge, commanding general of the Department of the Missouri. Assigned to Co. F, 3rd Regiment US Volunteers and sent to Julesburg, CO. 1870 living in Paris, Tx. [n 5]. The little known saga of the imprisoned Confederate soldiers who, during the American Civil War, volunteered to join the US Army and fight on the western frontier. Provisions and treaty goods were often shoddy or were stolen by traders. When these gifts were presented, the Colonel was hardly able to speak. The soldiers published a weekly newspaper entitled The Frontier Scout, which served to partially dispel the remoteness of their post. Considered traitors by their Southern comrades, these reluctant Union-men became known as white-washed rebels or even galvanized Yankees a reference to the process in which steel is surface-treated to prevent corrosion. Four provisional army units including: Brooks Battalion of Foreigners, the Confederate 1st Foreign Legion (aka Tuckers Confederate Regiment), and the 2nd Foreign Legion (aka 8th Confederate Battalion). [34][35], Confederate recruitment of Union prisoners of war was authorized by Confederate Secretary of War James A. Seddon on September 30, 1864, after inquires from Gen. Braxton Bragg to recruit foreign-born prisoners. [11] Between May 10 and August 31, 1865, Company K garrisoned Fort Berthold and Company B the trading post known as Fort Union at the mouth of the Yellowstone, obliged to travel by steamboat through hostile territory. A homelike atmosphere was created by 21-year-old Elizabeth Cardwell, the wife of Private Patrick Cardwell. Study the history of Federal POW camps during the War Between the States, and you'll have your answer. Both companies returned to Fort Laramie, where they continued guard duties along the stage and telegraph lines until mustering out on July 14, 1866. L-R: Samuel Groah and Andrew Groah ( On April 18, 1861, one day after Virginia voted to secede from the United States, the two Shenandoah Valley natives answered the call to arms. The recruits were required to take an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy, and were not issued arms or ammunition until the night before their first engagement. his journey started in feb 1862 when he enlisted in the 25th arkansas infantry in st charles,ar. Paperback First Edition Thus (1963); unstated. Related to me five times, the closest being a 2nd cousin 3 x removed. [38][n 31]. University of Nebraska Press. [n 29] O'Neill, recovering from wounds received at the Battle of Resaca, appears to have delegated part of the task to a newly appointed lieutenant colonel, Michael Burke. Answer (1 of 3): There were a lot of Confederate soldiers who switched sides. This book looks at a remarkable group of men who history has all but forgotten. Few volunteered. The Galvanized soldiers turned from fighting a war to divide the United States and joined a cause that endeavored to expand and strengthen the nation. The battery moved to Fortress Monroe to train, where some members were induced to join the newly created 188th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. He then goes on to discuss other former Confederates who served in units outside of the USV regiments, the most notable being Henry Morgan Stanley, who served in the Confederate Army, the Union Army, and the Union Navy. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Galvanized Yankees by Brown, Dee and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at The acclaimed historian of the American West turns The next morning Grierson's 1st Brigade advanced and came under fire from Confederate skirmishers, including Burke's Battalion, which was ensconced in a stockade east of the rail line. Just found this site looking for similar info on US Navy recruits from rock island. [n 10] Their muster out in July 1865 was canceled and in October, they were ordered to build and garrison Fort Fletcher, Kansas, and man two outposts at Monument Station and Ponds Creek Station, also in Kansas, to protect the new Butterfield Overland Despatch stagecoach route. Lot of 4 - Vintage The Galvanized Yankees, Third Alabama, Orphan Brigade,Cavalr y. In October 1866 all companies except Company B at Fort Wallace were relieved by regulars and assembled at Fort Kearny, where they mustered out between October 10 and 15. The Galvanized Yankees: The little-known and awe-inspiring true story of a group of captured Confederate soldiers who chose to serve in the Union Army rather than endure the grim conditions of prisoner of war camps. Apparently it was a pretty successful venture. About 7000 POWs took advantage of this offer, mostly sent to areas far removed from the major battles of the time. It traveled by rail to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, on May 1011, 1865, the only regiment of "galvanized Yankees" to arrive on the frontier intact and at full strength, 976 officers and men. The occasional use of Union prisoners in Confederate forces to play a part reviewing habit States, and you have. Served to partially dispel the remoteness of their subsequent service, if any on. Units in Federal service North to serve on the frontier Scout, which served partially. 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