Have you taken a DNA test? Bartherus passed away on month day 272, at age 34 at death place. Bartherus King of The FRANKS[1] Abt 0238 - 0272 (~ 34 years) Individual Ancestors Descendants Relationship Timeline Family Suggest Personal Information | Sources | All | PDF Family ?, b. Abt 0238, Germany Children 1. A child of HILDERIC of The Franks A child of HILDERIC of The Franks This information was last updated on July 30, 2020. Our Family Tree: Branch: Ray's Extended Family Tree : Help; View. Birth about 238 unknown, Death 272 unknown, Parents Hilderic King of The FRANKS + Mrs-Hilderic Queen of The FRANKS, Spouse Mrs Bartherus Queen of The FRANKS, Children Clodius III King of The East Bartherus King of The FRANKS 238-272 - webtrees Skip to content WAIFS and STRAYS Theme Bartherus der FRANKEN Geboren na 171; Gestorven in 272 Koning van de Franken (253) vader: Hilderic der FRANKEN na 154-253 Children. 2 Of was born about 269. Research suggests that this person may never have existed. Death: 298 About Gauthier, King of the Sicambrian Franks (Fictitious Person) Like many Germanic peoples, the Franks developed an origin story to connect themselves with peoples of antiquity. Died: 272. They were a threat not only by land but also on the sea (the Salians excelling in naval combat and the Ripuarians on land). Connect to the World Family Tree to find out, French: Walter De Cologne, roi des Francs sicambriens, Cleaning the lineages between FRANCUS and CHARLEMAGNE, Chlodius III, King of the Sicambrian Franks (Fictitious Person), Dagobert I the Great, duke of the Salian Franks, Athildis of the East Franks (Fictitious Person). Wife Mrs Bartherus Queen Of The FRANKS Born: ABT 238 - Of, , , Germany Died: - Father: Mother: Other Spouses: Children Clodius III, King Of The . In 481 CE the Franks had a new ruler: Clovis I (466-511/513 CE), Childeric's son who would found the Merovingian Dynasty. Death: 298. Apparently it tries to build a case for psuedo-conjecture, by using a combination of Biblical and other ancient texts. (Historia Francorum, Book 2: 10). From their modest origin as a confederation of tribes, the Franks rose to become the most powerful political entity after the decline of Rome in western Europe. 2. HM George I's 37-Great Grandfather. The creator of each GEDCOM is solely responsible for its content. The Franks continued to provide military support to Rome to fight against imperial enemies, including the Visigoths in 463 CE and the Saxons at Angers in 469 CE. A report written by the historian Procopius regarding the events of this time has come down to us and claims that the Franks, began to sacrifice the women and children of the Goths whom they had found at hand and to throw their bodies into the river as the first fruits of war. search for your ancestors and publish your family tree, Genealogy Richard Remm, The Hague, Netherlands, Bartherus king of the (Bartherus, king of the) Franks (238-272), https://www.genealogieonline.nl/genealogie-richard-remme/I172353.php, A genealogical internet service provided by, Adriaen Jan Goyardsz Goorts Amstel Smolders, Jan [illegitimate] heer Goyardsz van Amstel Smolders, Godefridus (Goyard Goeyart) Heer van Amstel, Cunebald (Gnbald) I von Kln des Sicambri, Gautier (Walter) king of the East- Franks. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. The more characters you enter the more specific the results. The woman gave birth to Merovech, the semi-legendary founder of the Merovingian Dynasty, who was supposed to be the father of Childeric. For better results, use a suggestion from the list. Bartherus King of The was born about 0238. Husbands/Partners: Theodemer des FRANCS RIPUAIRES ; King Pharamond. Offspring of Bartherus der Franken and unknown parent: Name: Birth: Death: Joined with: Clodius III der Franken (aft188-298) 188: 298: Please add. IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. Enter a grandparent's name. They had one son: Claudius III King of the Franks. Theudebert took advantage of this situation by supporting both sides and offered aid both to the Romans and to the Ostrogoths. "Franks." 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. After the Lombard ruler Desiderius threatened Pope Hadrian I, Charlemagne entered Italy, engaged the Lombards, and defeated them in 774 CE. Bartherus King of the was born in 0238 in France and his baptism took place in ,King of Franks,253-72 . K: Clodius III, King of the Franks. Died 298. The exact date for this conversion is still a matter of debate, with some historians placing it as early as 486 CE. Appointed as king at the young age of 15, Clovis became a powerful ruler who took advantage of the dying Roman order. Hildericwas born circa 177. The Merovingian Dynasty was a Frankish lineage that had already been established by Childeric. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. You can enter text in lowercase or uppercase. Any of these the same? Please enter an approximate age of less than 120 and a four digit birth year using whole numbers only (e.g., 75 years old in 1834). Clodius married Of The Franks Queen 2 about 284. Do you have supplementary information, corrections or questions with regards to Bartherus king of the (Bartherus, king of the) Franks?The author of this publication would love to hear from you! Name at Birth: Bartherus King Of The FRANKS: Birth: ABT 0238: Death: 0272: Gender: Male: Edit Marriage(s) Add a Marriage. See this brief commentary, and the pedigree of this fictional line, that continues up the generations, for quite some time. By 350 CE, the Franks already had a solid presence in northeast Gaul, but it was during the second half of the 5th century CE, under the leadership of Childeric (c. 440481/482), when they initiated another phase of expansion and became a major power. His paternal grandparents were Bartherus King Of Franks and Mrs. Bartherus Franks. Frankish territory in 555Altaileopard (CC BY-NC-SA), The Franks were pagans, unlike the majority of the barbarian tribes entering the Roman territories around this time who followed Arian Christianity. In the case of the Franks, these peoples were the Sicambri and the Trojans. Please support World History Encyclopedia. WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. World History Encyclopedia. 61 2292632377245040640. Map of the Frankish Kingdoms AD 481-511Peter Kessler (Copyright). Clovis had good political reasons for this conversion; it would make the assimilation of the conquered Gallo-Romans much easier and, at the same time, he was looking to win the support of the Eastern Roman Empire. The child from this marriage was: 127512053878358016 i. Walter King of the Franks 2 (died in 306) . Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. Clovis, the king of the Franks, decided to become a Catholic Christian for several reasons, as suggested by Gregory of Tours in Book 2 of "The History of the Franks." One reason was the influence of his wife, Clotilde, who was a devout Christian and had been trying to convert him for years. An anonymous work of 727 called Liber Historiae Francorum states that following the fall of Troy, 12,000 Trojans led by chiefs Priam and Antenor moved to the Tanais (Don) river, settled in Pannonia near the Maeotis, now Sea of Azov, and founded a city called "Sicambria". Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. {{ media.date_translated }}, {{ asCtrl.bannerRights.content|translate }}, The Geneanet family trees are powered by Geneweb 7.0. 01 Mar 2023. Do not use this data until you have checked it, preferably at the source (the archives). Leave a message for others who see this profile. Several powerful Frankish leaders are mentioned in the ancient records such as Childeric and his son Clovis I, who consolidated Frankish power and also converted to Christianity. The Franks were a confederation of Germanic tribes that was originally composed of a mix of groups settled between the Rhine and the Weser Rivers. In Fredegar's version an early king named Francio serves as namegiver for the Franks, just as Romulus has lent his name to Rome. The Franks would enter into the medieval era occupying most of western Europe and with Charlemagne as their king. When King Childeric Hilderic II Of The Franks was born in 0160, in Paris, le-de-France, France, his father, Sunno Mangus King of the Salian Franks, was 21 and his mother, Queen Hastila, was 5. Thank you! He died on October 6, 272 in St. Denis, Nce, France, he was 91 years old. Leave a message for others who see this profile. Like many Germanic peoples, the Franks developed an origin story to connect themselves with peoples of antiquity. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. His paternal grandfather was Sunno (Hunno) King of the Franks . A force of around 100,000 men is reported under Theudebert. The two most prominent of these tribes were the Ripuarians and the Salians who led the others. Bartherus der Franken (aft171-272) 2. Bartherus (King of the Franks) Franken (abt.0244-abt.0272). See the text for details. Violatti, C. (2014, December 23). A genealogical internet service provided by Coret Genealogy. Franks. Dagobert I, King of the Franks (275-317) 5. https://www.worldhistory.org/Franks/. For these barbarians , though they had become Christians, preserve the greater part of their ancient religion; for they still make human sacrifices and other sacrifices of an unholy nature, and it is in connection with these that they make their prophecies. 2292632377245040641. Search for Bartherus King of The Franks in Fold3 Records Search for Bartherus King of The Franks in Newspapers 18861 Possible Record Matches on Ancestry Parents Father: Hilderic King of The Franks: Birth: BEF 212 in Germany. Death: 253 Mother: Unknown; Family Children: King of The Franks Clodius Iii: Birth: BEF 264 in Germany. CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. 1 NAME Clodius III of the /Franks/ 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Da te of Import: Jan 17, 2001 1 BIRT 2 DATE BEF. Deceased persons are not concerned by this provision. Husband of Eurgen verch Llieffer (Fictional) Edit your search or learn more, Year start date must be less than year end date. Genealogical publications are copyright protected. The copyright holder has published this content under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Similar conflicts and disputes broke out during the following years. Batheruspassed away in 272, at age 75 at death place. You type in a few letters (at least 3) and a list of personal names within this publication will immediately appear. Possible parents: F-Childeric (Hilderic) Franks King of Franks 163-253, born in Ville, Paris, Ile-de-France, France, died in Old Sachsen, Germany. Running a website with millions of readers every month is expensive. discoveries. Do not use this data until you have checked it, preferably at the source (the archives). Born: abt. During centuries of expansion, the Franks managed to absorb a number of different groups into their cultural fabric, including the continental Saxons, Gallo-Romans, Alemanni, Avars, and Lombards. He died in 0306. As a result of the divisions and political turmoil, the four kingdoms coalesced into three sub-kingdoms: Austrasia, Neustria, and Burgundy. He was an only child. Baptism of Clovis IPethrus (Public Domain), The Byzantine emperor Justinian I, who was determined to regain the lost western half of the Roman Empire, sent a large military force to reconquer Italy from the Goths in 536 CE. A genealogical internet service provided by Coret Genealogy. We encourage you to research and . Bartherus (King) of FRANKS. Father of Dagobert I the Great, duke of the Salian Franks and Athildis of the East Franks (Fictitious Person). An earlier variation of this story can be read in Fredegar. Poss. M-Hastila Unknown B-165 in Ville, Paris, Ile-de-France, France, http://www.american-pictures.com/genealogy/persons/per02580.htm. Do not sell or share my personal information. Search for Bartherus King of The Franks in Fold3 Records, Search for Bartherus King of The Franks in Newspapers, 18863 Possible Record Matches on Ancestry. Personal data King BARTHERUS of the West Franks He was born on October 27, 180 in Misc, Germany. World History Encyclopedia. During the time of Childeric, according to ancient sources, the Franks were still largely pagans and only converted to Christianity later under Clovis I. Research suggests that this person may never have existed. Our publication has been reviewed for educational use by Common Sense Education, Internet Scout (University of Wisconsin), Merlot (California State University), OER Commons and the School Library Journal. From the 5th century CE onwards, as Roman power declined in northern Gaul, the Franks expanded into Belgium and northern France. Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Our mission is to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. This new political structure proved to be unstable and prone to territorial disputes among the Frankish rulers. de COLOGNE. Thank you for your help! Example: "*ornelis de b*r" finds both "cornelis de boer" and "kornelis de buur". Genebald I, Duke of the East. [ S401] Albert F. Schmuhl The Royal Line. As the Romans routinely referred to them as ferocious and cited their use of the throwing axe (in Latin, a francisca), this is another and most likely source for their name. To get better results, add more information such as Birth Info, Death Info and Locationeven a guess will help. Theuderic I, Clovis' eldest son, overshadowed in power the rest of his brothers, and he was succeeded in 533 CE by his son Theudebert, who by this time controlled the west bank of the Rhine from the North Sea to the Alps. Sitemap; Home Dashboard; . He died in 0260, at the age of 67. 272 2 SOUR S033320 3 DA TA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 [De La Pole.FTW] Sources: Kraentzler 1810; Pfafman. Bartherus King of the Franks. The author of this publication would love to hear from you! Bartherus King of the Franks. Request permission to copy data or at least inform the author, chances are that the author gives permission, often the contact also leads to more exchange of data. Help. 5 Likes, 0 Comments - Matthew Holmes (@virginia_fire_eaters_dna) on Instagram: "Pope Stephen II [38th Great Uncle] Stephen turned to Pepin the Younger, the recently-crowned King" Copyright protected work may not simply be copied or republished. Pfafman: King of the Franks 272-298. Enter your e-mail address and you will receive the monthly, free Genealogy Online newsletter (in English) with new pedigrees and news and tips on the largest genealogy website in the Netherlands and Belgium. King Bartherus of The Franks, b.07 MAY 0180, France, son of King Hilderic of The West Franks + Hildreric (Queen) Dutchess of ___; + Queen Hermantrude of The, b.07 MAY 0205, France BARTHERUS King of the West Franks 170 born Old Sachsen Germany to HILDERICK CHILDERIC FRANKS amp Queen HASTILE KARANA of the Franks & Bartherus West Franks consort Books Enter a grandparent's name. Born: ? Parents. Note: WorldConnect family trees will be removed from RootsWeb on April 15, 2023 and will be migrated to Ancestry later in 2023. Sign up for our free weekly email newsletter! Please note that some of these recommendations are listed under our old name, Ancient History Encyclopedia. Four or more generations of descendants of Bartherus der Franken (aft171-272) if they are properly linked:1. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Their point of origin is claimed in semi-mythological works (such as the Chronicle of Fredegar from the 7th century CE) as Troy, but this is rejected by historians. He died in 0272. http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=jloops&id ID: I6370 Name: Walter King Of Franks Given Name: Walter Suffix: King Of Franks Sex: M Birth: ABT 0237 in Germany Death: 0306 _UID: 1713FACA9C8A8448834EAB1D2570764ACE50 Change Date: 27 Dec 2007 at 03:00:00, Father: Clodius III King Of Franks b: ABT 0217. http://www.our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p576.h http://www.coltechpub.com/hartgen/htm/of-the-west-franks.htm#name3916. World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. He married Amfleda Hastila Karana of the west franks in 0179. In the case of the Franks, these peoples were the Sicambri and the Trojans. Under the rule of Emperor Maximianus, the Romans signed a treaty with the Franks in 287 CE; as part of the agreement, several Franks became enlisted in the Roman army. If so, login to add it. Relationship Bartherus king of the (Bartherus, king of the) Franks Birth of Chlodius III, King of the Sicambrian Franks Death of Bartherus, King of the Franks (Fictitious P Bartherus, King of the Franks (Fictitious Person) wo Burial of Bartherus, King of the Franks (Fictitious "Baltaire", "Balterus", "Bartherus", "Bartherius", "Battaire", "Bertherus", "Bartherus "Roi des Francs"", King of the Franks, Roi des Sicambres, Roi des Francs, ABT 0238 - 0272, ruled from 253, King of East Franks, Koning van de Franken (253), roi des Sicambres, Chief of the Sicambrian Franks, Raized Aragon Led armies into Italy, roi des Francs. With Quick Search you can search by name, first name followed by a last name. Clodius III King of the Franks: BEF 0217 -- 0298-Spouses : Names Events. Bartherus King of the West Franks, 180 - 272 Bartherus King of the West Franks was born on month day 180, at birth place, to Hilderic King of the Franks and Queen Hilderic of the Franks. It is not possible to enter charachters outside the standard alphabet (so no diacritic characters like and ). The Frankish Kingdom was once again divided into four, as each part of the kingdom was controlled by one of Clothar's four sons: Charibert I, Sigebert I, Chilperic I, and Guntram, each based in a royal residence at Paris, Reims, Soissons, and Orleans. In just two generations (Priam and his son Marcomer) from the fall of Troy (by modern scholars dated in the late Bronze Age) they arrive in the late fourth century at the Rhine. 230 -Dagobert 1. Agnes Harris's 40-Great Grandmother. Ancestors of Ronald Wayne McKerall II Generation No. Blesinde of the FRANKS. With Quick Search you can search by name, first name followed by a last name. This profile lacks source information. Generation No. Fighting against Romans and barbarians alike, he extended the Frankish Kingdom and consolidated its power by conquering Gaul and unifying it under the rule of his Merovingian Dynasty; his descendants would rule much of Gaul for the next 200 years. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. Visualize another Batherus of Franks, 175 - 272Batherus ofFranks175272 We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. 1 General Notes 1 NAME Bartherus of the /Franks/ 2 SOUR S033320 Bartherus king of the Franks is the 54th great grandfather of. Bartherus Of FRANKS : Family tree by Dave BRADLEY (belfast8) - Geneanet Timeline Prints and Lists Map Bartherus Of FRANKS Born in 238 - Paris, le-de-France, France Deceased in 272 - Lorraine, France,aged 34 years old Parents Hilderic (King of the FRANKS) FRANKS, born before 212 - Cologne, Kln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, deceased in 253 With {{ mediasCtrl.getTitle(media, true) }} Additional Facts for Bartherus King Of The FRANKS. Batherusmarried Unknown. aged 34years old. BARTHERUS of the West Franks is the 56th great grandfather of, BARTHERUS of the West Franks is the 58th great grandfather of. responsible for the razing of the town of Arragon to the ground, Name: Bartherus King Of Franks Given Name: Bartherus Suffix: King Of Franks Sex: M Birth: ABT 0197 Death: 0272 _UID: 8781BC6BFF1D2443921516BAEBA24BA8A9C5 Change Date: 27 Dec 2007 at 03:00:00, Father: Hilderic King Of Franks b: ABT 0177. http://www.our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p939.h http://www.coltechpub.com/hartgen/htm/of-the-west-franks.htm#name3916. First name Bartherus, king of the. Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results King Of The Franks 253-72 Bartherus Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. Childeric King Of The Franks. Photos and Memories(1) Do you know Bartherus? Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results King Of The Franks 253-72 Bartherus Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days. Hilderic was born circa 177, in Cologne, Koln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Click on a person's name to go to that person's page. HRE Ferdinand I's 32-Great Grandfather. All results for Bartherus The West Franks 1-20 of 640,846 Browse by collection To get better results, add more information such as Birth Info, Death Info and Location even a guess will help. 2. Have you taken a DNA test? World History Encyclopedia, 23 Dec 2014. Related Content Interestingly, some Franks held their status both within the Frankish and the Roman hierarchy, such as King Mallobaudes, who had a long military career in the Roman army and is also described as a king of the Franks. He died at the age of 34 in 0272. It is not possible to enter charachters outside the standard alphabet (so no diacritic characters like and ). Copyright protected work may not simply be copied or republished. Connect to the World Family Tree to find out, English (default): Batherus, roi des Francs, French: Battaire De Cologne, roi des Francs, Cleaning the lineages between FRANCUS and CHARLEMAGNE, Childric, King of the Franks (Fictitious Person), Chlodius III, King of the Sicambrian Franks (Fictitious Person), Clodius I King Of The West Franks, King of the West Franks. Ask More: The Power of Questions to Open Doors, Uncover Solutions, and Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Edit your search or learn more U.S., Newspapers.com Obituary Index, 1800s-current Death, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries Name J t the Louis W. Frank Apparently it tries to build a case for psuedo-conjecture, by using a combination of Biblical and other ancient texts. Name: Bartherus King Of Franks Given Name: Bartherus Suffix: King Of Franks Sex: M Birth: ABT 0197 Death: 0272 _UID: 8781BC6BFF1D2443921516BAEBA24BA8A9C5 Change Date: 27 Dec 2007 at 03:00:00 Father: Hilderic King Of Franks b: ABT 0177 Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown Children Has Children Clodius III King Of Franks b: ABT 0217 375 Died: by 418. discoveries. Unknown, born 238 in Germany. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. From their modest origin as a confederation of tribes, the Franks rose to become the most powerful political entity after the decline of Rome in Western Europe. This functionality is only available in Javascript supporting browsers. He was born in the year 238. The origin of the name "Franks" is debated, as some historians have claimed a link with the English word "frank" meaning "truthful", while others reject this claim, citing the more probable origin as "franca" or "frakka", the Germanic/Norse word for the javelin the Franks favored in battle. Poss. Major children and living persons must directly contact the, Browse using this individual as Sosa/Ahnentafel #1, , born before212 - Cologne, Kln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, deceased in253, List of all individuals in the family tree, http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=18829447&pid=12519, {{ 'gw_downgraded_access_back_to_max'|translate }}, Born in238 - Paris, le-de-France, France, Deceased in272 - Lorraine, France, Of debate, with some historians placing it as early as 486 CE until have... Violatti, C. ( 2014, December 23 ) agnes Harris & # x27 s. Mother: Unknown ; Family Children: King of the Franks would enter into medieval! 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