They have absconded with nearly all our rights. How to Find a Lost Savings Bond Kiplinger. Benjamin Fulford Report: China Calls for End of World War III After Massive DEW Attack on Western Country.., Archangel Uriel: Its a Big World Posted on 03/01/2023 by EraOfLight , Expanding Your Core Of Purity By Patricia Cota-Robles, CDC Confirms That Majority of Fatal Covid Vaccines Were Knowingly Sent to Red States 844,008 views, Reseeding Your Soul's Mission By Natalie Glasson & Sanat Kumara. var sc_invisible=0; Global Elite families control the Vatican and the Corporation (the incorporation of the Apostle Peter). In this writers opinion, there is significant dissention within the Roman Catholic Church as more people are waking up to the inner pedophile turmoil as well as the churchs history of acts of cruelty against mankind through crusdaes and inquisitions. Since the early 1960s, State governments have issued Birth Certificates to "persons" with legal fictional names using "ALL CAPS" names. It kind of takes the steam out of your focus.dont it? I suspect any contract has to be signed by two witnesses and of course those would be their own birth names. To make this legal (but cannot ever be lawful) they give you a Birth Certificate which is evidence of what they have done in your name. And it is all run and enforced under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition. ~ La Quinta Columna, OPERATION HEALTH-STORM: COMPILATION ALL PART(S) THE SERIES + O.H.S. Aside from all that was written, the bull ends with the following statement: Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.". The truth is stranger than fiction. A Birth certificate (registration of birth) is nothing more than a Contract. There is so much more to understand how our own U.S. government has swindled the American people. Rumble The Vatican and your Birth Certificate. The same story is in the Wizard of Oz. You cant have it both ways. --Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Law (1996). what kind of citizen are you? It up to you and all of us to announce what kind of person you are. Unfortunately, if you don't know your blood type and hope your birth certificate will solve the mystery it won't. Your blood blazon is i important detail that isn't included in . The United States is Running Parallel Governments, Book: From Sovereign to Serf by Roger Sayles, the location of the warehouse where the goods are stored(residence), the date of issue of the receipt..(Date issued), the consecutive number of the receipt(found on back or front of the certificate, usually in red numbers), a description of the goods or of the packages containing them(name, sex, date of birth, etc. The Treasury uses the loan to purchase a bond (the Fed holds a purchase money security interest in the bond) from the Department of Commerce, which invests the sale proceeds in the stock or bond market. "'>"); Your email address will not be published. () On November 18th of 1302 Pope Boniface VIII signed what was the most bold, over reaching edict many have ever heard of and perhaps the most bold of human history. You don't own yourself -- the Federal Reserve does. WHAT NOW???! The context is a bit complex and starting points are 'Unam Sanctum', 'Holy Sea' and the 'Vatikan Bank'. Us! They have registered you and that is the title to your Soul. Birth certificates are a form of securities called "warehouse receipts." I have been studying this as much as possible, and most of what I find can become a little confusing or just doesn't have the ring of truth. I have seen alot of conflicting or at least not congruant information. I mean, I was steaming. The STATE/GOVERNMENT are the Trustees. The Gregorian calendar also conveniently has a correlation with the Mayan calendar: Thank you for your interest in wanting to join our group. AND YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE (WTF! For a while I have been receiving e-mails from a good friend who has asked me to investigate something weird about the Birth Certificates. Unfortunately, we still have to deal with ignorant idiots, criminals, grafters, and pirates like Jamie Dimon and madmen scratching their rumps in high places. By Anna von Reitz #3471, "That I should bear witness to the truth." Your birth certificate is the title of the soul that they own in their registries. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. . So the US created the Federal Reserve Act. When you or I need more money, we use something as collateral and go to a bank for a loan. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Terms of Service OK. Lets take a pause to look at the Birth Certificates [below.] Privacy Policy | Good morning Roger Sayles, Im new to this and learning, and would like to ask you if you have any material that can guide me on. CANCER WARS! Names in "ALL CAPS" on Birth Certificates. They only control the Persona not the living breathing flesh and blood man or woman. The Popes are never stupid people. 14th Amendment Presentation - Livingston We will soon have our own banks and not have to worry about any of this crappola any more. Then the certificate is not valid by there rules? By the end of World War I, wartime costs had depleted the treasury and there were several really bad financial panics. The truth is stranger than fiction. Not just for myself, but for others. What are we going to do about all this when most folks don't even know they are not free? google_ad_client = "pub-1939708843822152"; It is simply the inherent way that people conduct their affairs together. In a way, it makes us a kind of corporation whose company name is the same as our real name, but written in ALL CAPS. 1 Does the Vatican own your birth certificate? Powered by. Free yourself of contracts, vows and fealties across all lifetimes and dimensions, now! This knowledge was also suppressed by the RCC. google_ad_height = 600; In a way, it makes us a kind of corporation whose company name is the same as our real name, but written in ALL CAPS. Because of the desire to control through their inquisitions, they decided they would create the first express trust, called unum sanctum which was written on a papal bull and placed in their vault. Us! In reply to your comment, why you are charging to see this stuff, would Patrick approve of this: And that bond, which allows THEM to exist and to operate, is no good news for THEM, either. And the copies have a serial number on them, issued on special Bank Bond paper and authorized by The American Bank Note Company. Huh? Blessings Light Love Peace and Harmony.Kingjeff, PS This is an area well known by NESARA which they will be giving back. So, autograph across the seal, reduce the certificate by 25%, stick it on the back of a Claim of the Live-Life..voila! With regard to the Vatican's creation of the Papal Bull of 1302, it allows them to own your birth certificate and the legal fiction associated with it (name in uppercase letters on your birth certificate). The Inquisition began because many people were waking up to the tyranny and oppression of the Roman Catholic Church in the early 1300's. Banknote. You will see the red numbers and you will see the fact that it is, in reality, a Bank Note. Congratulations you and I are commodities! So to put it bluntly, the Roman papacy declared that they own the world and all human creatures. Mind you a creature is the vessel/body where as a creator (living being) is the soul/life force that inhabits the body. But in 1913 there wasnt anywhere to go. Americans can use their birth certificates to access secret "strawman" funds. This is how they apply the sins of the Fathers and guarantee themselves and other war-mongers excellent guaranteed returns and generations of new slaves pre-indebted to them virtually from birth. The Birth Certificate is an unrevealed "Trust Instrument" originally designed for the children of the newly freed black slaves after the 14th Amendment. The Inquisition began because many people were waking up to the tyranny and oppression of the Roman Catholic Church in the early 1300s. They are dead and so are you deemed the same all your, life. You dont have a birth certificate bond. The Treasury Department then issues Treasury securities in the form of Treasury Bonds, Notes, and Bills using the bonds as surety for the new securities. Every citizen is given a number (the red number on the Birth Certificate) and each live birth is valued at from 650,000 to 750,000 Federal Reserve dollars in collateral from the Fed. The premium is only our files and documents, not Patricks. The second is that we have this Privilege by way of an entitlement that can be used to contract these "Privileges away for an assumed enrolled benefit.". This is not a lawful record of your physical birth, but rather the acknowledgement of the "birth" of the juristic, all-caps name. When the Vatican puts up the gold for the birth bond, they are acting as a Bailor, just like a bail bondsman who accepts you posting bond to get out of jail. It may appear to be your true name, but since no proper name is ever written in all caps (either lawfully or grammatically) it does not identify who you are. ; 2 Who really owns a Coursera certificate? Many of you who read our previous blogposts are aware that the birth certificate is a trust in which you, the living man or woman, are the beneficiary of the birth certificate trust. They State takes out a loan, against you which is what they want your taxes to pay off. The Vatican would only have your birth certificate unless you were actually born in Vatican City, which is highly rare. which is what they have been pilfering and stealing for years and years. select Birth certificate, I-94, and other. Come see us in Ecuador with a Southern Hospitality Guide to Relocation. It began as "The Virginia Company," and then ultimately became, "The United States of America Corporation.". The bond establishes a debt to the Vatican for putting up the money. This then not only indebts you to the Church, it obligates you to pay off your share of the purported ancestral debt going back four generations, so we would be stuck paying for any debts owed by our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and great-great grandfathers. In any event, you are witnessing the release of all this Ancestral Debt and the payback in the form of debt forgiveness -and the burden of public debt is being shifted off the people and onto the corporations where it always should have been. DROUGHT SLAYERS THE NEXT GENERATION: FRANKENFLUTE And THE BEAST OF BRISBANE: U.K.s Office for National Statistics found, White House to set date for Covid vaccination of babies, Matthew Ward Message: The Lights Unstoppable Momentum, Archangel Michael: The Great Expansion of Consciousness and the Phoenix Eclipses April/May 2022, Life Tapestry Creations: The Pre-birth Void, The Angels: Sounding the Melodies of Love, Mike Quinseys Higher Self: What Lies Ahead, The 9D Arcturian Council: Help Arcturians Repair the 5D Crystalline Grid, Alien Caught On Security Camera Floating, Walking And Scaring Dogs, Wall Street Analyst Says Covid Vaccines Are the Greatest Fraud in History, Why A Daily Meditation Practice Is More Important Than Ever, Life Tapestry Creations: Confusing Contradictions, Solar Being: We Are Bringing the Light from this Portal, March Energies 2022; Compassionate Witnessing, The Council of Light: Surrender to What Is True for You, Saul: Disregard Fear and move Forwards Lovewards, The Star Elders, Ascended Masters: Dreaming the World Awake, 1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for , COVID-19 VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS: 1,291 Reported Adverse Side Effects ~ WORLD SAFETY REPORT: PF-07302048, COVID-19 VACCINE WORLD SAFETY REPORT: PF-07302048 (BNT162B2): 1,291 Vaccine Adverse Event Diseases (Side Effects), HOW TO DETOX THE VAX! Because of the desire to control through their inquisitions, they decided they would create the first express trust, called unum sanctum which was written on a papal bull and placed in their vault. This kind of makes you feel a little different when you look at Federal Reserve Chairman, Bernanke, doesn't it? Banknote. This includes debts related to wars they engaged in - so we would still be paying off any debts left over from the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, etc., etc.. Gosh I guess that means the other two are profound. The Treasury uses the loan to purchase a bond (the Fed holds a purchase money security interest in the bond) from the Department of Commerce, which invests the sale proceeds in the stock or bond market. I have made the personal decision to find out as much as possible about correcting this slavery of the soveriegn. Thanks Roger for posting this up here. Every citizen is given a number (the red number on the Birth Certificate) and each live birth is valued at from 650,000 to 750,000 Federal Reserve dollars in collateral from the Fed. For more information go to: Cornell Law - 17 U.S. Code 107. var sc_project=10317075; "); Its like a coat check card, allowing you to come back and reclaim your coat, only in this case, its reclaiming your body, energy, labor, and intellectual property your PKI. the world must go for truth and the solution! I am also my own God. He is registered in Birth Deaths and Marriages, which is the State. Evidence reveals that there is even a Federal Children Department established by the Shepherd/Townsend Act of 1922 under the Department of Commerce that appears to be involved in this process in some way. Because of the desire to control through their inquisitions, they decided they would create the first express trust, called unum sanctum which was written on a papal bull and placed in their vault. and the property and assets of every living U.S. Citizen is pledged as collateral for the National Debt! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The one thing I have been unable to find is a easly understood solutions to each aspect of this problem. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. . ; 7 Is TreasuryDirect gov safe? Your birth certificate is the title of the soul that they own in their registries. When a country needs more money it has to go somewhere also. "AE, I have not yet close examined SA economic system, but I have only heard of 'yap yap corruption yep yep'. They took everyone into trust. Being now among the living dead you have an, ALL CAPITAL LETTER DRIVING LICENSE , PASSPORT, CREDIT CARD, BANKCARD. The RCC killed these people due to their need to control humanity. Not to mention can a soveriegn even vote? As we and generations prior to this were penalized in this fashion for this form of death tax and actually didnt owe it and were not obligated to pay it- how can we assess what we and our ancestors are owed back as recoupment for paying bills we dont owe? Oddly enough as surely as those families and organizations who have worked this plan many times and on many continents down though the Ages. When I looked at my own Birth Certificate, I noticed it was a copy of the original. This "corporation" then generates taxes and wealth over its lifetime and in this way repays the collateral that Uncle Sam borrowed from the Federal Reserve. to pay a sum of money or will result in the forfeiture of money put up by the person or surety. Your money held in Trust, all the Trusts will be collapsed and you will all be re-imbursed will all the millions held in your name. Your birth certificate is the title of the Soul that they own in their registries. This device is initiated simply by converting the lawful, true name of the child into a legal, juristic name of a person. defines: Warehouse Receipt. The truth is that throughout everyday life, people everywhere use and rely on Common Law to live and work together. And there was certainly no seven cycles of seven years of partial debt forgiveness followed by entire debt forgiveness every fifty years -not for anything or anyone. You are also the lawful owner of the entry of your birth which is contained in the official records of the births maintained by the registrar of births and deaths , although the possession of the same . They have registered you and that is the title to your soul. var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? (LogOut/ They were operating in Breach of Trust and outside their granted authority to even set up probate courts and bankruptcy courts outside the District of Columbia. On a Tombstone you will see the, name of your loved ones chiselled in ALL CAPS. This failure to forgive ancestral debt in this continuous cyclic fashion which was how this system was supposed to purge and renew itself has led to the unrestrained accumulation of insurmountable odious debt being foisted off on newborn babies. There is a very good book that everyone needs to read..The Creature from Jeckyll Island by G. Edward Griffin. The CC doesn't make an issue of who "owns" your birth certificate. They declare the baby dead and appoint the parents guardians and Administrators, until the child reaches maturity.The parents have thirty or sixty days to declare the child lives otherwise, the Courts take over as Administrator and you have to study Trustee Law. DISCLAIMER: A.W.A.R.E is NOT a Patrick Devine website. Change). Trust law is the basis of banking. This is why, taking control of your strawman . The original birth or naturalization record for every U.S. Citizen is on file in the official records in Washington, D.C. (you get to keep a copy!) In other put "All documents relating to your U.S citizenship status". I appreciate this post and any help you can provide. ~ HOW TO DETOX THE VAX! Does Vatican own birth certificate? Email us at Dismiss. The Inquisition began because many people were waking up to the tyranny and oppression of the Roman Catholic Church in the early 1300s. It seems none of us have our original Birth Certificates -- they are all copies. Fantastic Article! [Page 2] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. I could use alot of help with this, as well as others. Answer (1 of 5): Yes you are the owner of your birth certificate which has been issued to you. Since medieval times the episcopal see of Rome has been recognized as a sovereign entity. We are not lawyers or attorneys and do not give any legal advise. It is not difficult to see that a state-created Birth Certificate, with an ALL CAPS name is a document evidencing debt the moment it is issued. Will this work and what are the most common rebuttals during the trail? When they do they are only giving lip service. How to renounse or cancel my SSN ? Your birth certificate is the title of the soul that they own in their registries. Why so many? Basically, what it is saying is that all of the Souls in the world belong to the Roman Catholic Church and apparently, at least in theory, they do because no one has dared challenged their claim. Ive never seen one like that before. Look to the Skies!! The bond posted by the Vatican gives them an ownership interest in our labor and serves as the Performance Bond guaranteeing that you will be a good little TAXPAYER and contract labor slave. Problem solved. More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3890 to 3893, License; Registration; Insurance 3 traps, Breaking, Supreme Court accepts Brunson vs Adams against Biden Harris Pence and 385 members of Congress, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3887 to 3889, Necessary Paperwork to Establish State National and State Citizen Status. Its an institutionalized Con Game based on principles of Black Magic. We`ll se. / World Economic Forum (WEF) Controlled White House Wants To Give The World VAIDS! The Municipal PERSON (conveniently named after you) is the Slave, the Pope is the owner of the Slave-PERSON, and you are the Overseer, responsible for the Slaves Performance. //-->. A kind of negotiable instrument, a promissory note made by a bank payable to the bearer on demand, used as money, and in many jurisdictions is legal tender. Not even Stephen King could come up with some of the ways they "tortured and disposed" of people who opposed them. Create a free website or blog at In order to be freeof their ownership claim in their system you would have to pay them back in gold the amount of the bond they paid for YOU, plus interest. It also would expect to be repaid, like any bank, with interest. Yet what I have not found are the obvious solutions to the issues created by some of these steps, if even they are necessary. Telegram: Stream Link:, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window),,, You may collapse and nullify all your baptismal vows and contracts to any and all religious / spiritual institutions. This kind of makes you feel a little different when you look at Federal Reserve Chairman, Nancy Yellen, doesn't it? I control my own soul. The items included on a warehouse receipt, as descried at 7-202 of the Uniform Commercial Code, the law which governs commercial paper and transactions, which parallel a birth certificate are: It is not difficult to see that a state-created Birth Certificate, with an ALL CAPS name is a document evidencing debt the moment it is issued. World War I had depleted the treasury and there were several really bad financial panics in 1907 especially so the country needed to print more money than it had as equity to restore confidence in the money supply and get the economy back on its feet. They show the father's name and the mother's maiden name and not the married name. Your car is never owned by you..the State owns it. The official certified copy should have the complete name of the person, the date and place of birth. Journeyman Jack In Ecuador It performs multilateral diplomacy with multiple intergovernmental organizations, including the United Nations and its agencies. Things are not what they seem. Sorry in Advance if these FACTS Offend.Be offended by the truth, not at me giving it to Birth Certificates are slavery bonds, literally. The country needed to print more money than it had as equity to restore confidence in the money supply and get the economy back on its feet. It just gets so confusing with the maritime law, jurisdiction, etc. When your parents unwittingly sign the paperwork allowing this transaction and the use of your name to create a new Municipal citizen of the United States, they accept the Birth Certificate in return. Do your research. Our team is working on gathering all of Patricks documents. Where Is Patrick Devine Files? You may not post, modify, distribute, or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information belonging to others without obtaining the prior written consent of the owner of such proprietary rights. Understanding the Birth Certificate Bond For What It Is, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4068 to 4072, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4065 to 4067, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4049 to 4065, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4047 & 4048, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4038 to 4046, Sky Wars: Fake alien invasion psyop being tested on suggestible Americans, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4031 to 4037, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4018 to 4030, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4014 to 4017, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4009 to 4013, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4000 to 4008, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3996 to 3999, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3991 to 3995, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3986 to 3990, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3980 to 3985, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3974 to 3979, More from Judge Anna Von Reitz | #3967 to 3973, Dimash Kudaibergen / Official Social Media Accounts, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3961 to 3966, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3957 to 3960, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3954 to 3956, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3949 to 3953, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3939 to 3948, Geoengineering scheme launched to dim the sun and freeze Earths ocean water, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3934 to 3938, whats wrong with the entire banking system, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3927 to 3933, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3923 to 3926, THE PLAN THE WHO plans for 10 years of pandemics, from 2020 to 2030, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3921 & 3922, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3918 to 3920, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #1913 to 1917, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3903 to 3912, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3898 to 3902, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3894 to 3897. WHO BENEFITS FROM THE MASS DEATH OF CITIZENS? If you have any questions about our services, please feel free to reach out to us using our contact form here or by emailing us at They are so common that we might even overlook their significance. ), the signature of the warehouseman, which may be made by his authorized agent(municipal clerk or state registrars signature). We simply share his files, documents, and audios free of charge. He wanted me to take a look at them because they have certain numbers and other things printed on them that need an explanation. The recipients of the gold put up to establish these bonds against your name invest it and very gradually make payments against the ancestral debt- but by the time each of these are paid off, we are dead and our debts are rolled over onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. ; 6 How much is my birth certificate worth on the stock? Join Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community. (15 videos) UFOs, UAPs and Strange Phenomenon. Approached from this point of view it becomes plain to see that most of the free people have become tricked into become property by way using British Laws of Admiralty in trading as a structure by moving it from the sea to the land via commerce exchanges and assignment of vessel property from birth to grave by the laws of contract. What you do with this valuable information will either hold the current value or add to the value by you contacting the stock broker company that is trading YOUR Birth Certificate Bond Funds Account and/or your SS# Trust Funds Account that make up your Prepaid . In the millions it is estimated. Log in, ((( Wade D. House: Chairman/Founder ))) The restitution you are truly owed could never be paid with a few pounds of gold plus interest. Listen to Roger Sayles Radio Ranch Monday through Friday 11AM Eastern Time to 1PM Eastern Time on Peoples Patriot Network. Question everything everything. In Upper and Lower Case. The birth certificate is among the first legal documents an individual might acquire. Liken it to the roots that bind together human communities by unconditionally upholding the life, dignity and well-being of every man, woman and child. Why would a piece of paper that I didn't even signed give them the rights of my soul? It was brittle and yellowed with decades of age but -- wow -- it was NOT the original! PS> The book of Revelations also speaks and too the oceans will be the color of blood. Recognized as a sovereign entity any legal advise to give the World all!, we use something as collateral for the National debt Certificates -- they all! See the, name of a person next Time I comment of person you are ultimately became ``., does n't it own in their registries have registered you and that is title! Must go for truth and the Corporation ( the incorporation of the original giving.. Marriages, which is the title of the child into a legal, name. 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