Bacon, Weve got room for one, or maybe 2, avocados. Ive driven through Mendocino and farther north many times, but havent seen bearing avocados growing up there with my own two eyes. Started producing at 3? Today, the 'Hass' accounts for about 80 percent of all avocados consumed in the entire world. I would call them and see about buying trees from them if you have trouble locating trees elsewhere. I saw that you have a Gwen and was curious what your take is on that. I dont know the nursery it is originally from. Thank you for your response and info. See my post on Where to buy an avocado tree, and contact Subtropica Nurseries to inquire there. But for others like Hass and Reed and Sharwil, to take the ones you mentioned, they just taste like awesome avocados. So I have got as close as I can while understanding that the season is going to be affected by many other things anyway. It is an effective way to manage closely planted trees. And I started reading about rootstocks. It is simply an awesome fruit. But now with youtube it has been easier to see what can be grown up here. Incidentally, I have found Reed to be excellent in the heat. One is related to a nursery based in California called Brokaw: Perhaps if youre willing to protect your tree during occasional cold spells in winter, especially during the first couple winters, youll have success. Thank you so much for your recommendation. Whats Reed like? What do you think? By the way, I have a few other Hawaiian varieties growing that Ive never tasted and am wondering if youd recommend giving any of them more or less attention and space: Murashige, Malama, Nishikawa, Kahaluu? Im ruthless with pruning shears (you have to be), Youre welcome to check out Piet Stassen and his pruning technique displayed at UC Irvine. This is how I got to this blog, but I never found any mention of high density. Greg suggested me the Viveros Brokaw. Hardiness: Average to 28F. You just have to do a little pruning to make sure they share sunlight and space. I have seen, in person, happy Hass and/or Reed trees in other parts of Southern California considered Sunset Zone 18, such as Rancho Cucamonga, Corona, and Redlands. Im glad youre happy with your Zutano. I was also able to confirm that a huge tree in Napa which got me growing my own avocados was indeed a Puebla because of your video. The wood is soft, the leaves are soft. I have a friend who lives in your area: nice place to grow avocados. . My Gwen is only a couple years old now so I hesitate to say a lot about it since my firsthand knowledge is limited at this point. We are really hoping we can make it work and would be grateful for any suggestions. I read a few older stories about it that led me to believe its a great fit for a small yard in the Downtown LA area and that its fruit are amongst the best tasting even better than Hass. But Im guessing. Due to the protracted nature of avocado flowering in this region, all varieties had some degree of cross-over. It even has an upright variety (seedling actually) with a spreading variety (Fuerte), and it still works. Hi Greg, I will be planting two avocado trees in the spring. It's the plant hormone ethylene, which occurs . (Actually, Lamb drops more fruit in spring compared to Reed. Still, what most people prefer to do is plant multiple trees close together, even in one hole. Buddy, youre the best. Incidentally, similar spacings can often be used in a yard as on a farm. The last tree has very little green although it does look like new green. Im planning on planting a Reed. Anyway, usually its for the best that trees shed some of their fruitlets. (Not that Pinkerton avocados arent delicious though. Hi Greg, I live on the California Coast in between Santa Cruz and Half Moon Bay, were at about 800ft elevation and 1 mile inland from the coast. Hi David, In my garden, I have only one Reed. But a couple are right on the cusp of that top tier. At best, carrying a super heavy crop load usually means that the following years crop will be very light. The fruit has the same thick, pebbly skin as the Hass but has a little rounder shape. I am trying to get a good combination of A & B type and have avocados throughout the year. We also now have rain tanks and are going to try and save our rain water for the avo, as the other fruit trees do well with our water. each month Youll just want to be prepared to protect them in cold snaps during their first winter or two. Try to check out the frost patterns next time we get a cold night too. Thanks. I was considering planting coastal live oak at first but now leaning towards fruit (avocado) tree instead. Once you exclude the fiber, a whole avocado is simply 2.6 grams of net carbs. One last thing. For our San Joaquin Valley home we can get hard freezes so I have a Mexicola Grande since it is off in October before the freeze. I was originally thinking of two avocado trees to go along with the Meyer Lemon and Black Mission Fig, but this post is making me think it should be three. The color of a Sharwil avocado stays green when ripe, and has a cold grayish-blue tinge to it. Horizontally? GEM trees are a bit hard to come by, unfortunately. If we are successful. Hey Greg, Ive got two Hass and one Fuerte. Vertically? Production is too low in California. 'Sharwil' is a Mexican and Guatemalan cross and represents more than 57% of the commercial acreage in Hawaii. If they dont get a good start to life, they usually struggle forever. I live in So Calif Inland Empire (Norco); hot summers, rarely below 29 30 in winter. Several of the Type A avocados are quite Hass-like, or descendants from Hass itself. Im very close to cutting mine down. I decided to follow your advice and plant one Reed and one Hass. (rpondu) Blogue Fruits et Lgumes. The funny thing is that when I have given people some wood I didnt give them fruit because it is identical to Fuerte so there is no need. Will the new leaves burn? Not always, but usually. Lamb Hass Avocado. One, how well does your Fuerte produce? I would recommend buying a new and healthy tree within the next month and planting it straight away no keeping it for months on your deck first. But the intention is to have overlapping seasons for both A and B type so there is always cross pollination available (I know that doesnt guarantee it will work, but I like the idea of having that potential). Anyway, Id focus on A types, and with the 14-foot ceiling you could prune any variety to keep its size in check or go with a naturally smaller variety such as Gwen, GEM, Pinkerton, Lamb, or even Reed (these will all ultimately get taller than 14 feet, but not as soon). One concern I have about fresh trimmings is the build up of spores and what not from it just being piled up (6 inches or so thick). I will order the combination you recommended. Let me know how the grafting and new trees go, and share photos of the cut fruit if you get a chance. Whats your take on planting it as the only Avocado tree in my yard? The elderly couples yard suddenly became an internet sensation and these people kept getting surprise visitors in their front yard until they asked people to take videos of their tree off of YouTube and started turning visitors away. I have a Reed on Dusa that is doing very well. Fuerte, They are located in Fallbrook, and possibly in 2020 theyll start selling Sharwils. In the Southern Hemisphere, I would arrange them with Reed toward the equator (on the north end) since it is slightly less vigorous and it will get extra sun in fall-winter-spring, Fuerte in the middle since it has a B-type flower and will enhance the fruitfulness of the adjacent A types, and Hass on the south end. The difference is that the A type trees have flowers that will open as females in the morning one day, close in the afternoon, then open the next afternoon as male and then close in the evening. Good luck with the Reed. Oops! I think, my garden is in the 10a zone. Your climate in Temecula is similar to mine in Ramona: a bit hot in summer; a bit cold in winter . The equipment you need to move between rows to do your spraying will have to be accommodated. Im glad you have shared how things are doing at your place so others nearby are clued in. Big and green are the two fatal qualities that prevent Reeds acceptance as a commercial variety in todays small and black Hass world. I dont think it is possible to attach files to the commentaries, so I will send you pictures by email. Now I am wondering if I will regret having a Bacon paired with my Hass instead of getting a Fuerte. Thank you so much for your response. Also I love Fuertes, but only if you have a big yard. This is when I began looking for my trees abroad, within the EU. I was given permission and I will get you some budwood hopefully within a year. Also, what are your thoughts on a multi-variety grafted tree? But Ill let you know how they grow. This way I still have the varieties (and I hope I get as much fruit as possible from them) but Im not wasting space and water on a lot of unproductive foliage. I realize it cant live forever there but at least I will get to try the fruit someday. We live in Carlsbad, CA, which I believe is sunset zone 24. But Fuerte can produce (see the photo above). Its me from up North again. It generates more than $1 billion a year in revenues in the U.S. And it all started with one tree planted by a postman in his own backyard. Hi Greg, And dont worry about the distance. by Laurie Meadows. Greg, youre awesome! Because Cayucos is so cool, Id stay away from B type avocados in general, including Sir-Prize. It is medium in size with rough green skin and yellowish-green flesh. Hass avocado is perhaps one of the most famous avocado types and considered by many to be the best.The flavour is quite intense and the flesh is very creamy, perfect for guacamole.. Until the 1930s, Fuerte was the best-known variety in the USA, until Rudolf Hass, a green fingered postman, planted some avocado seeds for a small plantation.Hass then patented the tree he chose and it was later . Ps. I can go into the reasons for this if youre interested. And the sharwil does not have the nutty notes like the hass. An American friend of mine bought me a Sir Prize tree, but we learnt that the shipping to France was way too expensive (8 times more expensive than the plant itself), and we also had no garanties that the plant would pass the customs. I wrote this post with someone just like you in mind. After some pool renovations which sent torrents of pool water into the avo area two of the trees are completely dead. Your help would be most welcome, Im guessing it was the chlorine that did the damage. I love old trees like that. Jan Boyce is an A-type avocado variety, but Sir-Prize, Bacon, Sharwil, and Nabal are Bs. Wish me luck! I would like a dwarf variety to keep in a large pot on a deck about 4 miles from the San Diego Coast. Then why isnt Fuerte my top choice? Or consider 'Lamb Hass,' a similar-size tree, hardy to 26 degrees, bearing 10- to 18-ounce Hass . In some parts of our garden, good rich garden soil was added in big quantities.]. Two, get a combination of hardier varieties and others like Hass, Reed, GEM, etc. It is very good sized, peels easily, acts like it is a semi-dwarf tree, and the fruit is just so good! SHIPPING. I have never tasted anything but supermarket Hass from distant lands so all I can do is read or watch videos of people describing how each variety tastes like. I was there last week visiting a few friends and their avocado trees. So I decided to plant a Hass and a Sir Prize which sounded like a great variety. Theyre rich in flavor and creamy in texture without any strings. Your email address will not be published. I live in San Diego, about 7 miles away from the coast. How does your Reed do through Sylmar summers? 2. This variety is productive in both coastal and inland areas. Together you will get year round fruit, theyre small for avocado trees and better tasting than what you find in stores. A hybrid cross of the Mexican and Guatemalan subspecies, 'Fuerte' was the industry-standard avocado in California before the Hass came on the scene. And along with Reed and Hass, Id have a great threesome in a backyard because Fuertes season starts a couple months before Hass. Having grown up in San Diego and having a father who loved Avocados, I was never without. Im still fairly new to farming and have a ~280 Hass grove (Fuerte rootstock) in inland San Diego (Ramona), so I am always fascinated with learning about these trees. My head was spinning, trying to develop the perfect avocado plan for my hillside. Thanks for the detail and everything you do. Black on trunk and brown leaves suggest sunburn and lack of water. The Sir Prize avocado is defined primarily by a distinctive ridge along one side which becomes less noticeable when the fruit ripens. So since youre buying from Subtropica, Id get any clonals they have, if available, and then plan to wrap the trunk next winter to protect the rootstock and graft union area from cold. Weve been in our San Diego (San Carlos) home a year and are finalizing landscaping. At least I think it is a Reed, they said it was and it definitely looks like one from all the pictures. 2 years old Fuerte on unknown seedling They will always stay true to who they are (unlike Hass, who with one whiff of heat or pressure shapeshift quicker than a Harry Potter character). All avocado varieties need roughly the same care. Its been a great summer in OB/Pt Loma. I also like Maddock. Being in Montecito, its likely that your Hass will set very well without a pollenizer. Four different varieties which were doing very well. Sometimes the selection and quality is terrible, but sometimes its excellent. There are some Hawaiians that do well in CA and FL, like Kona Sharwil. Holiday doesnt produce great in the heat (or even without heat) compared to Pinkerton. If you have a very productive Fuerte, then you wont start eating much of your Hass fruit until probably mid to late spring. I figured there had to be one. The Hass has a lot on it and both the other trees have some as well. Which order would you recommend from the equator to the pole? Yulia. Asking them to prune 3X a year I think is questionable. I was curious where you get all the wood chips for mulch? Nevertheless, even compared to other trees the same size, Holiday is usually later and lighter in production. THANK YOU for sharing such a wealth of information! But keep this in mind: each of these three varieties is capable of producing a hundred avocados on a tree thats less than 15-feet tall even if its not close to an opposite-type tree. Greg, We made and wholesaled guacamole on Kauai, Hawaii for 10 years. Where I am now (Ramona) gets a little chillier even than there but Lamb does fine in my yard. Blossom Type: B Fruit Shape: Clavate Skin Color Unripe: Green Skin Color Ripe: Green Skin Thickness: Medium Average Fruit Weight oz: 10 to 18 %Ratio Seed/Skin/Flesh: 9:12:79 Click on image to enlarge Additional Information: Popular in Australia. . Also, there is nothing written about growing avocados in France. Where approximately in Northern California are you located? They must look at my yard and think its disgusting! And if I couldnt find a Fuerte, Id substitute a Pinkerton. Option 2: Sir Prize. The only real negative was that the seedcoat didnt adhere to the seed. Hi, i was gifted a Nabal Avocado tree for xmas and before i plant it in the ground, i was wondering what its growing habits are? Thank you so much for the great articles, and for your personal attention and replies. But at least it was grown in Southern California. Great article Greg! Get a tree from the nursery that looks perfect, get it into the ground right away, and follow the advice in my post about watering new avocado trees:, Also, be sure youve assessed the drainage of your soil before planting, and consider planting on a mound if necessary: Most of them dont usually produce as well in such climates as A types. Every avocado tree has flowers that are perfect-that is, they are both male and female. Other A-type avocados that are naturally on the relatively small side and produce well and are good eating include: Pinkerton, Lamb, Reed, and Gwen. Fuerte and Sharwil are going to be harvested starting before Hass, and Nabal has a later season than Hass. Im torn though We have a small space with good sunlight and drainage in our yard that is probably 12 x 12 for this tree. ), (See more about Fuerte in my post, The Fuerte avocado tree: a profile.). The challenge is that many of them have similar harvest seasons, which are spring into summer: Hass, Sharwil, GEM, Gwen. You might find this answer boring, in which case Id be willing to bet that you dont already have a Hass tree in your yard. Fertilize every few months with a well-balanced citrus and avocado plant food. Sharwil avocados have a dense, nutty flavor and a high oil content. 3. I would go with the clonal rootstocks if you can, but I would get one tree on Dusa and the other on Duke 7. Fruit Weight: 7-14 oz. They seem to be especially common on trees in your neighborhood. It was at Lowes with just an Ettinger tag. I actually removed my small Fuerte to grow thie Lamorinda because my backyard is tiny and with 5 other avos in the ground I already have more than enough on my plate. Medium thickness of skin - Sharwil and Hass - handles shipping better than thin-skinned varieties (Kahaluu); easier for consumer to determine ripeness than thick-skinned varieties (Murashige, Yamagata). See if you can find a Reed to try again in September and youll probably get a richer flavor from it. I am a huge fan of Hawaiian varieties and I am highly considering grafting Kahaluu to one of the trees. I dont have extensive room for so many trees through which is why I want to graft (actually its that my wife will kill me if I try to plant more than 3 avocado trees). Or maybe scratch all those and go with GEM or Gwen? 1. Im glad you found your Reed there! Oh yes, I found an avocado tree in Nice!!!!!!!!!!! See my short video profile of Pinkerton avocado fruit here.). North-south orientation works well since morning and afternoon sun will hit all trees almost equally. Before I get to that, do know that if you live within a mile or two of the beach in Carlsbad, you can get nearly year-round fruit from a Hass tree because of the mild summer temperatures: by the time one seasons fruit is overmature and tasting too oily, its almost time to pick the next seasons fruit. Eli also sells his avocados at farmers markets, and the one closest to you is in Corona Del Mar. Hi Greg, your posts are so helpful! BTW Thank you for the great info youve published. Just got some bee hives in this year and a decent fruit set, just hope the heat stays mild this summer. Oval-shaped and dark-green in color, the Choquette avocado originated in Florida and is a mix of two different types - Guatemalan and West Indian. We have a large greenhouse and I was hoping you could suggest some avocados that might be easier to grow and fruit here? What is the next most oil-based Avo after the Hass? I made one for my mom in her backyard about six years ago and its doing well. I fertilized more, watered less, and now its in perfect shape. (Alternatively, if I had a neighbor with a Hass or a vendor at a farmers market who sold good Hass, then I could plant a Reed as my only tree.). 2 Reed (on Dusa) for me and the cathedral, and one Bacon (on Dusa) for the cathedral. Hello Greg from Cyprus in Europe! See: But the other VIVEROSBROCKAW does!!!!!!!! Great to hear all of this. I enjoy your videos! I went to Fallbrook and paid Eli a visit, and I came back with a Reed, a Sirprize, and a GEM. Let me get things together on my side before I share too much about the Lamorinda tree. But the distinctive smooth texture and nutty yellow flesh of a perfect Fuerte is so appealing to me that I dont even want to adulterate it as guacamole. Trees are medium growing and yield nearly year round. Thanks again for everything. The second time I tried in on avocado toast and to my surprise it tasted even more like Fuerte. The Hass avocado is one of the most delicious varieties of avocado around, with a rich creamy flesh and superior taste. This might be different for you though; it probably depends on your particular microclimate. At the same time I have not been able to taste one and am surprised at how difficult it has been to find, so I wonder how accurate those old articles are, what downsides it might have that have made it less popular over time. (Then again I let mine hang until June.). Were planting literally thousands of sharwil avocados in 30 gallon root pouches, mostly above ground. Send you pictures by email would call them and see about buying from... Is questionable you wont start eating much of your Hass sharwil avocado vs hass until probably mid late! Is doing very well of their sharwil avocado vs hass, in my yard, even in one hole one and! Grow and fruit here the equipment you need to move between rows do. 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