The other finalists wereBrett Kustigian;Michael Baldassare; andJodi Fortuna. During its meeting May 2, the School Committee capped a search process that began in January. Please contact the Newton School Committee with any additional questions or comments. Those finalists include Woburn Assistant Superintendent for Student Services Michael Baldassarre, Marlborough Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning The four finalists were chosen following deliberations that took place after the final interview on the 11th. Since then Jolicoeur has been the Assistant Superintendent of Schools for the Marlborough Public Schools (2005-2011) and the Superintendent of Schools for the Leominster Public Schools (20112017). 0000063562 00000 n 0000063828 00000 n He also received a bachelors degree in health sciences from Boston University. Wu has considerable control over the decision. 0000005582 00000 n 0000003150 00000 n We have four high-quality candidates, and we hope that by the end of the week we will have a new superintendent.. Mary Murphy has been assistant superintendent in Marlborough since 2017. Commissioner Sutton was installed at a ceremony on February 0000070304 00000 n Dr. McNeil has been a grades 6-12 classroom teacher in mathematics and science in the Boston Public Schools (1992-2003), the Science Program Director (2003-2007) and Assistant Headmaster at Boston Latin School (2007-2009), Principal of the K-8 Mario Umana Academy (2009-2015), and an Instructional Superintendent and Member of the Superintendents Leadership Team in the Boston Public Schools (2015 to the present). She has worked in Ware for 16 years, first as principal of Stanley M. Koziol Elementary School, from 2008 to 2011, then as principal of Ware Junior Senior High School from 2011 to 2014. WebSuperintendency. The committee held a special meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 14, to name the recommendations for finalists. 0000007530 00000 n She was previously principal at both the Whitcomb and Jaworek schools, and has worked for Marlborough Public Schools since 2003. By Christopher Gavin. Superintendent Finalist Candidates Selected. Mar. In reverse alphabetical order, they are: Cydney Vandercar, Interim Superintendent, Eugene School District 4J Iton Udosenata, Assistant Superintendent, Salem-Keizer Public Schools Gardners interview will begin at 6 and run until 6:45 and Kennedys interview will go from 7 to 7:45. After 18 years as Kalama School Districts superintendent, Jim Sutton is retiring from public education at the end of this Details on the process and the feedback received can be found here: Candidate Bios (short)Thomas Anderson, Superintendent, New Bedford Public SchoolsMr. After earning bachelors and masters degrees at Eastern Washington University, he received a doctorate in education in 2019 from Concordia University in Portland. We didnt want to have an interim superintendent, we know that we have a really good thing going on here, we have a good reputation, and we are ahead of the curve in many ways," he said. Sutton was named the Chester County School Districts new superintendent. Burke said she is looking forward to hearing from each of the candidates and thanked everyone involved in the search process. One candidate withdrew, while two finalists spent a full day in the district meeting with administrators, staff, community members, and the Newton School Committee. WENATCHEE The Wenatchee School Board unanimously moved Tuesday for superintendent candidate Kory Kalahar to serve in the role in an interim capacity on a two-year contract. Cowlitz County will have another new school superintendent in 2015. Following the public comment period, the School Committee will deliberate on their choice of superintendent in open session. She then served for two years as assistant principal for Morgan Elementary School and was promoted to principal in 2004. But making sure they have the hand sanitizer. By Haeven Gibbons. Maura Healeys GREENFIELD Aldi, the discount supermarket chain based in Germany, is one step closer to setting up shop in Greenfield after the Conservation Pioneer Valley Regional School in Northfield. McKinney ISD named Shawn Pratt as the lone finalist for superintendent on Tuesday, during the McKinney He began there in 2006 as an instructional coach in science. He starts on July 1. The Mr. Jolicoeur had extensive experience in higher education (Quinsigamond Community College) and in the business world and management consulting prior to beginning his work in the Sutton Public Schools as the Business Manager and then Assistant Superintendent of Schools for Finance and Operations (1998-2005). We are incredibly thankful for his dedicated service and are especially thankful that he has attracted, hired, and trained such a strong team of administrators and principals. In 2011, Peterson moved to the same position at Outlook Elementary School, also in the Sunnyside district. Staff File Photo/Paul Franz var tag_id = document.getElementById('buylinkb1-PioneerSuperintendentForum,ph01'); Each candidate will also be making a visit to Athol-Royalston. "She can't get here fast enough.". WebSutton finally reaped the rewards of his hard work in year three. We hope that the people that attended (the public forums) will stay and attend the interviews, Burke said, and they can let the full committee know if they are leaning strongly toward one candidate or another.. Each interview will be followed by a 15-minute brief discussion by the committee. Between 2009 and 2013, Ehrenworth served for two years each as principal of Leicester Middle School and Coakley Middle School in Norwood, respectively. Small groups of School Committee representatives will make site visits to the home district of each finalist following April vacation. Community Advocate. The 12-member Anna Nolin, Superintendent, Natick Public SchoolsDr. On February 4, 2023, the appointed Newton Superintendent Search Committee interviewed an impressive slate of seven candidates who had been selected from an initial screening process conducted in late January. After a round of deciding the top two candidates, Edwards led a show of hands as to the committee's top choice --Roberts Morandi. WENATCHEE The Wenatchee School Board unanimously moved Tuesday for superintendent candidate Kory Kalahar to serve in the role in an interim capacity on a two-year contract. Harris worked from 2015 to 2017 as the districts student support services coordinator. Tornow served from 2008-10 as assistant principal at South Kitsap High School in Port Orchard, Washington. Edwards then thanked the superintendent search committee for its time and effort. 0000038267 00000 n "Applicants should have the ability to work as part of a team and have a strong interest in the Tewksbury Public Schools. Beginning at 3:30 p.m. in the kiva at Pioneer Valley Regional School, the public can meet current Interim Superintendent Patricia Kinsella, Palmer Public Schools Superintendent Patricia Gardner and Athol-Royalston Regional School District Director of Intervention and Acceleration Cynthia Kennedy in 20-minute intervals as the School Committee mulls its choice for superintendent. From 2013 to 2018, he was the director of business operations at the Chista McAuliffe Regional Charter School in Framingham. She has been with the ARRSD for five years. Fernandes is leaving the district at the conclusion of the current school year due to the failure to reach agreement with the committee on a contract extension. All four of these superintendent candidates are exceptional educational leaders who we believe understand Central Valleys community culture and will lead our district with integrity and strength, McMullen said. 0000063995 00000 n One works in California, two in Philadelphia and the other in Boston. Webspecific leadership and management skills you can bring to the superintendency of the Sutton public School District. Sippel worked in Los Angeles and Pasadena, Calif. schools from 1991 to 2017, before coming to Massachusetts, where he enrolled in a doctoral education program at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. MARLBOROUGH Four finalists remain in contention to become the city's next superintendent of schools. Ride Service Will Loosen Restrictions In March, Sudbury Rents Marlborough Arena For Local Ice Skating Event, Liam The Leprechaun from Channel 5's Chronicle, The Sudbury Savoyards Present "The Grand Duke", Free Online Mindfulness Session: Taming the Overactive Mind, Live R&B, Soul with Souldacious Wonders to Benefit Zullo Gallery, Local Meal Service Feast & Fettle, Now Serving Sudbury, Condo for Sale: 10 Nouvelle Way Unit T926 Natick, MA *$789,000; 2 bath/2 bed, Free MA Community College Outlined In Gov's Budget, Sudbury Area Pets Up For Adoption: Ashe, Indie, Eli & More. The Osseo School Board narrowed down the search for the next superintendent to two finalists. Two years later, he moved to the central office, working as executive director of teaching and learning and later as assistant superintendent at the district of 3,900 students located north of Yakima. During a meeting on March 29, board members expressed disappointment at the low level of interest in the position. The new superintendent, replacing Christopher Malone, will join the district on July 1, the School Committee said Monday. 0000003739 00000 n The committee also included two teachers, a school administrator, a parent and a city administrator. 0000008523 00000 n Time is of the essence, she added after Ryan confirmed that some of the finalists were indeed finalists in other districts. San Antonio College. We cover a wide variety of breaking news, municipal issues, human interest features and sports stories. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. The Newton School Committee has contracted with Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates (HYA) to provide consulting services for the superintendent search. 0000070644 00000 n 2023 I would like to thank the search committee, the teachers, the parents, members of the community and local town administrations, Burke said, because they put in a lot of work.. Longtime Wake County school board member Keith Sutton has been hired to serve as interim superintendent of Warren County schools, a job he hopes to make Conservatively, we expect that the interim superintendent will be hiredfor at least one year, giving us sufficient time for the much more comprehensive process of finding the districts next superintendent. From 2010 -13, Parker was the director of Instructional Leadership for K-12 math and science. Submitted by Tumwater School District. The Tewksbury Superintendent Search Committee has concluded its work and formally forwarded four finalist names to the full School Committee. The finalists are Dr. Lisa Sayles-Adams, current superintendent Chairman Bruce Edwards got to visit North Adams in the northwest corner of Massachusetts. All rights reserved. In the evening, the Newton School Committee will conduct public, in-person interviews. 0000002499 00000 n How can the Community Advocate help you promote your business? Community Forum with Anna Nolin - February 15, (, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 6, 2023, Tamika Olszewski School Committee, Newton Public Schools Announces Superintendent FinalistsSearch Committee Recommends Three Finalists for Consideration. Matthew Ehrenworth has been employed as assistant superintendent of the Blackstone-Millville Regional School District since 2018. var sellablestring = "RECORDER STAFF"; 0000027486 00000 n The committee sought and received important feedback from families and the community about the qualities important for the next leader of the district. Prior to that, he worked for six years in the Selah School District, where he is one of three finalists to be its next superintendent. Newton educators, staff, families, and community members will be invited to provide feedback on each candidate. As mayor, she has the power to appoint School Committee members, a system she has pledged to make more democratic by allowing some seats on the committee to return to ATHOL The field of candidates to succeed current Athol Royalston Regional School District Superintendent Darcy Fernandes has been winnowed to four finalists. 0000078009 00000 n Subscribe Today, AtholsVitality Committee delays decision on support for variances, Estimates for Erving mill demolition soar to $4M, New agriculture committee puts focus on region. 0000085875 00000 n 0000012496 00000 n The process for landing a qualified superintendent can be very competitive, and Caruso noted it'slikely that the candidates who applied for the Marlborough position have also applied for positions in other districts as well. 0000010707 00000 n One year later, he moved to nearby Wapato to become principal at Adams Elementary. Mark Brantley, Head of the Nevis Island Administration (NIA), has publicly congratulated Commissioner of Police in the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force, Mr. James Sutton, on his ascension to that office. Sippel is manager of instruction and school leadership for Worcester Public Schools, a position he started in 2020. Send them to Gail Johnson at with the subject line Superintendent Screening Committee. Someone whos willing to back the faculty and help support kids when they need it.. Each year, Mr. Rittel introduces a theme (an area of emphasis) for the district. var currentLocation = window.location; (Courtesy of Boston Public Schools) This article is more than 3 years old. Mary Skipper and Tommy Welch, the two finalists for superintendent of Boston Public Schools. 0000008548 00000 n The Golden Eagles rebounded from a 2-7 start to finish 17-14 overall and second in the Mid-Continent It has a budget of more than $252 million and has 30 schools. It will be composed of: "This important task will require Screening Committee members to commit to the following meeting schedule," the committee said. Crozier earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration from Graceland University in Lamoni IA, a Master of Science in Elementary Education degree from the University of Bridgeport, graduate studies in school administration at the University of Arkansas, and advanced graduate studies in education administration and policy at Boston College. School Committee Chair, Tamika Olszewski, will appoint a small working group to identify prospective interim superintendent candidates and recommend finalists to the School Committee for interview. Kinsella was the assistant superintendent in Lincoln and Canton public schools from 2014 to 2017 and 2017 to 2019, respectively. "It is extremely important that members are able to commit to all dates and be present for all semi-finalist interviews. 2023 According to School Committee Chairman Christine Hogan, "after a careful discussion and deliberation," they arrived at a consensus decision the following four finalists for the position of superintendent of schools: Dr. Gene Sementi, an associate with Northwest Leadership Associates and former West Valley School District superintendent, acknowledged at the time that its not as deep of a pool as we would have liked., On March 29, he said, There are some good candidates in there.. Also in the evenings, there will be interviews with the candidates, which the public can go to either in person or virtually. Dr. Sonya Somerville Harrison, Assistant McKinney ISD named Shawn Pratt as the lone finalist for superintendent on Tuesday, during the McKinney ISD Board of Trustees monthly meeting. The superintendent search process will likely overlap during the later phases of the interim search process. The board is expected to make a final decision this weekend on the replacement for Ben Small, who announced in January that he is retiring after leading the district since 2008. From 2000 t0 2002, she held the post of district health education coordinator. "We have four excellent candidates," said vice chair Nathan Jerome. var photocredit = photocredit.toUpperCase(); She is currently the assistant superintendent for curriculum, instruction and assessmentfor North Adams Public Schools. WebTyler Sutton joined the Idaho football staff in the spring of 2022 as the Tight Ends Coach and Recruiting Coordinator. The four finalists were chosen following deliberations that took place after the final interview on the 11th. WAREHAM Assistant Superintendent Andrea Schwamb is one of two finalists to emerge from a field of 19 to succeed Kimberly Shaver-Hood as superintendent of Wareham schools. In reverse alphabetical order, they are: Cydney Vandercar, Interim Superintendent, Eugene School District 4J. Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. McNeil earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a Master in Education degree, with a Concentration in Secondary Science, from Boston College, a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies from Cambridge College, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Boston College. "We want to keep that going as seamlessly as possible.". WebView the profiles of professionals named "Sutton" on LinkedIn. The screening committee will review applications, interview semi-finalists and recommend finalists to the School Committee. "There was a little concern that we might not get a ton of applicants, but we feel very comfortable with the ones we got.". College of the Desert Superintendent/President Martha Garcia has been named one of five finalists for the top job at Mt. Each candidate participated in a virtual community forum in the early evening and ended their day interviewing with the Newton School Committee. The pick to replace Michael Bergeon, who announced in In 2016, he moved to the district office, serving as executive assistant of educational technology. Prior to joining the district, she owned CMKLeadership, a consulting firm specializing in educational support systems. "She accepted," saidEdwards after the meeting resumed. She remained in Lowell there from 2011 to 2019, where she was an elementary school principal before being promoted in 2017 to the role of Director of Accountability and School Improvement. Marlborough eyes potential renovation plans for Richer School, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy, Marlborough Assistant Superintendent Mary Murphy, Marblehead Assistant Superintendent Nan Murphy, Woburn Assistant Superintendent Michael Baldassarre, Worcester Manager for Instruction and School Leadership Timothy Sippel. The Osseo School Board narrowed down the search for the next superintendent to two finalists. Besides Nolin, other finalists are New Bedford Superintendent of Schools Thomas Anderson and Peter Light, superintendent for the Acton-Boxborough Regional School District. WebThe Corvallis School District has selected six finalists for the superintendent position. At the Feb. 14 School Committee meeting, Chair Michele Tousignant Dufour noted the Screening Committee began their work on Feb. 6 and will continue through Feb. 17. David Garrett Business Administrator 385.646.4594. Community Forum with Thomas Anderson - February 16, School Committee Interview Thomas Anderson - Feb 16, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). WebThe superintendent sets the tone as an instructional leader in the district. Anne Gobi, D-Spencer, and Jo Support the The new superintendent, replacing Christopher Malone, will join the district on July 1, the School Committee said Monday. 0000064020 00000 n Before joining Palmer, Gardner was the interim director of academics and student services of North Brookfield Public Schools from July through December 2015. Wake County school board chairman Keith Sutton has been hired to be the interim superintendent of Warren County Schools. The Search Committee, he continued, reviewed all applications the weekend of March 26 and 27. 0000005952 00000 n Sutton replaces Angela Bain, who is retiring on June 30. He is responsible for a 102.9M budget, and collaborated with the community and school leaders to open one of the Commonwealths first Triple Net Zero elementary schools. The Central Valley School District hopes to hire a new superintendent by the end of this week after interviews with four finalists. ATHOL The Downtown Vitality Committee has, for now, held back explicit support for a number of zoning variances sought by developer Bill ERVING With higher demolition estimates than initially anticipated for the International Paper Mill, the town will return to the Capital Planning Western Massachusetts will have ample representation on a new legislative committee focused on agriculture.Sens. However, on Tuesday, the district announced that all four applicants would be considered as finalists. Recorder. Prior to her tenure in Ware, DiLeo spent eight years in Holyoke. Tewksbury Rolling Out New Online Permitting System On Monday, Tewksbury Library Taking Part In Minute Madness Reading Competition, Lowell Man Who Defrauded Tewksbury Couple Gets 9 Years In Jail. Kennedy, Athol-Royalstons director of intervention and acceleration since 2021, has held several jobs at different levels of education. The Community Advocate is an independently owned newspaper with a legacy of over 40 years serving the communities of Westborough, Hudson, Marlborough, Northborough, Shrewsbury, Southborough and Grafton. Thats what our hope is, CVSD Board President Cynthia McMullen said Friday. Subscribe Today, Greenfield officer taken to hospital after driver strikes cruiser engaged in traffic stop, Local administrators see progress in rural school aid, but more needed, Greenfield Conservation Commission gives nod to Aldi proposal on Mohawk Trail. STOUGHTON, MA Stoughton school officials narrowed down their search for a new superintendent to two finalists. 0000010139 00000 n The Millbury-Sutton Chronicle View Comments SUTTON Pending contract negotiations, the new superintendent for Sutton Public Schools will be Kimberly 0:05. "Wednesday, March 23rd at 6 p.m. Meeting with Search Consultant from the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC), receive charge from the School Committee, arrange to receive candidate materials and begin to formulate interview questions. }. She has written three books on educational leadership and management. Cowlitz County will have another new school superintendent in 2015. She was promoted to principal in 2015. MARLBOROUGH Four finalists remain in contention to become the city's next superintendent of schools. Bergeron has worked for the Marlborough Public Schools since 2014, rising to the position of superintendent in 2018. Chrissy Park is a teacher at the Burke Town School. 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Has Georgia Ever Had A Black Governor, Homes For Sale Greene Township, Pa 16509, Articles S