New Mexico, after all, is but one place in America where powerful people who enjoyed the use of its landin government, business, finance, religion and sciencehave consistently demonstrated a pattern of deception and disregard for the people that live there. It is also no accident that gas stations only offer health-wrecking snacks to the countless travelers. We needed to put it together to accept the traffic. Of course he needs to say they are safe and effective, but even this is waking up the world, as people hear the claim safe and effective while around them they see the destruction these vaccines are causing. Roberts wrote the majority opinion,Continue readingSCOTUS Saves Economy From EPA Climate Change Tricks!! Was it baby pods? One of the greatest Truth Crusaders of our time isG. Edward Griffin, author of Creature from Jekyll Island and founder of the Red Pill University among a list of other achievements. Where is the outrage at toxic drugs that are addictive and loaded with side affects? Dianne has a passion for writing and a mission to spread truth and reality to the masses! Here I am MFER,,,I understand you are looking for me, Needless to say, the writer, Dianne Marshall offered no proof for her claim. Man can make the most devasting weapons and operate them from space, but God can blast them out any time he decidesfor it is written that on the Day of Gods wrath, the sky shall be rolled up like a scroll. February 17, 2021 The Marshall Report NEVER FORGET WHAT THEY PLANNED TO DO AND DID FOLLOW THROUGH ON. We are stuck with the absolute WORST president in the history of the USA. [], Do you really believe that President Trump would have been preemptive in writing an executive order to investigate, halt, and seize assets of election tampering foreign and domestic two years prior to the 2020 election and then ignore it? Why? When I called a well-connected Santa Fe lawyer, the attorney told me to look at the Institute and asked what I knew of Gell-Manns reputation around town. by Dianne Marshall, The Marshall Report: D.C. is fenced off and the President is never going back to the White House. - Home - The Marshall Report - Dianne Marshall Report Home - The Marshall Report People are tired of the lies, the propaganda, and fear machines, yet, they look for the next FAKE FEAR NEWS like it's going to som. sort by * Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. June 28, 2021 The Marshall Report 1 Comment Can states make and distribute their own form of currency? Fear not, there will be a new capitol built and an end to income taxes paid to the tax collectors of the Corporation that is now in the hands of a new administration. Cormac McCarthy is one trustee of the Santa Fe Institute. It seems as if everyone has some sort of health issue. It is now under seige for interferring with the elections of We The People of the United States along with the Vatican and the other foreign nations who interfered, such as Germany, Italy, China, et al. Yes, shes smirking. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Take a good long look. Opinion: Executive Order 13848 A Trump Card! Where is all thisgarbage watercoming from? To avoid waiting on comment approval; sign up with The Marshall Report or log-in with your ID. Epsteins ring was large enough and existed over a long enough period of time that one might be tempted to think of it as just one cell in a hive of secrets hidden in the high desert., In his article he explains about the Bee Hive and how Zorro Ranch relates to how in the days of the colonies, a rebel army of American colonists accepted the surrender of the British at Yorktown, there was an invitation-only event at the Santa Fe Institute, a scientific talk about a different sort of colonies, Exploring the individual and social dynamics of task organization in honey bees.. You will not get a word of truth from the mouths of Western politicians and press-titutes. It seems Epstein, a canny investor, saw value in both the physical and human terrain of New Mexico. Report this item Report this item - opens in new window or tab. Who would even want the corrupt things the world has to offer in place of Gods the Heavenly Kingdom on earth that is coming that shall last forever? Then Trump did something else to once and for all prevent the vaccine mandates: he rushed the development of the vaccines so ridiculously fast, that they ended up being not a real vaccine, but an experimental medical product. Remember what Matt Farwell told us about the bee hive and cells. Did I mention the worldwide epidemic of anxiety disorders, depression, autism, etc? The RESET KM are mad in both concepts of the word mad. MLS # 20231075 It was commonly used by the sons of Adam to rail against the evil actions of the fallen who had led man astray. Shipping, returns & payments. . In his own words he boasts his story to his trusty minion, OHellian; Manifesting the Wrath takes a look at how a band of patriots unite to over- ride the devious plans of an international cabal whose intent is to destroy America and enslave humanity. I stand with the man ! However, Im sure Elon is involved in this in someway. A member of the Democratic Party, she was mayor of San Francisco from 1978 to 1988. View Kathy Marshall results in Kendallville, IN including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. Cheney has a new eye witness that only has a hearsay edge to it, but it is sounding more like her say. Fear not, there will be a new capitol built and an end to income taxes paid to the tax collectors of the Corporation that is now in the hands of a new administration. Many are associating the character Miles with Elon Musk. I am really interested to know who these people are, if any, that still stand behind trump at this point? Nik has agreed to hold a forum to answer your computer and cyber questions as soon as the platform is up and running smoothly. The process involves large synthetic pools, and letting the water evaporate in the sun. So call them all out! They have been hand picked because of their empty heads that can be controlled due to theirContinue readingCold, Hard Truth. No one realized this. It's hard to find a fully healthy person on earth today, specially in the western nations. By doing this, he effectively removed every legal base for vaccine mandates in America. Was it a mineral composite of something other than salt? Because it destroys their narrative. One of those most obvious now is Twitter. Vaxed Blame Unvaxed for NWO RESET Plot! President Trump was facing an enemy of enormous proportions in the minds of the majority of the American people, and the world. As for myself ( as one of so many) I am CONTINUALLY in prayer for the fraud to be exposed in time. We are literally watching the reclaiming of the United States of America. Report this item Report this item - opens in new . In a Washington Post News Article Written [], We have seen Ukraine on Fire the riveting documentary that exposes the Obama Regimes involvement in capitalizing a modern-day occupation of a nation, through a coup to control it and have the new colony govern itself under their coup advisors. Whenever some of these who are we shall say impressionable ones. The solution was to have two crews working simultaneously. See the connection? Read: Jeffrey Epstein Chose New Mexico for a Reason | The New Republic. Admittedly, I see what the rest of the world sees that trump is narcissistic and wants to be held in esteem as a god, a dictator but I also believe he is CRAZY. As a result President Trump had to deal with a world population that is so severely brainwashed, that no matter how much he speaks about cures and therapeutics they still demand a vaccine. When the lies can no longer be hidden, a strange thing happens to the lizard rulers and their minions. The more they try to make Trump look bad, even with lie, after lie, after liethe more he looks good. Is the Marshall report able to contact the president to assure him that those Christians in the Uk who understand the situation are interceding mightily. We are with you all the way. You see this in the flag of the City of London. Because of the guidance received in each blog writtenthere is always a difference between the words of the mouse and the keyboard and going in the flow with the piano and the dove. The term gained popularity prior to the great deluge and was rarely used after the flood subsided. Lonereviews - Compare prices. (See BACK STORY below in this article). Read full article: Biden staying at St. Croix villa of wealthy donors who got state dinner invite ( Feel free to go down that rabbit hole. This trip was no different. Statistics show children have more chronic health issues, than ever before. Yet we have the link and many more links talking about it. THE MARSHALL REPORT: TRUMP ODE TO THE CORPORATION! Her son Arthur has been upset at the news that his friend and . By Dianne Marshall. No vaccines can be mandated.. Once again President Trump removed the legal base for vaccine mandates, by declaring that he, his wife and his son were cured by therapeutics.So President Trump has made it very clear to the hundreds of millions of people around the world, who listened to him:Nobody needs a vaccine. Dianne wrote: " The Marshall Report People are tired of the lies, the propaganda, and fear machines, yet, they look for the next FAKE FEAR NEWS like it's going to somehow be trueas though, all of a sudden and just like thatsomething said by fake news will now be a fact. OK, OK. FBI's Mar-a-Lago Raid Unravels like a worn out sock! Starting this day with a bit of humor! January 20, 2021 The Marshall Report 367 Comments D.C. is fenced off and the President is never going back to the White House. Not the Corporation. Seen below is the flag of Washington DC. Diane L Morris of Marshall,MO . The square mile making up the center of Greater London is the global seat of power, at least at the visible level. I don't sleep I write! Know your historyread more here:, So how are these three cities ultimately connected? Remember laughter helps the immune system! THE MARSHALL REPORT Author: The Marshall Report STATES MAKING THEIR OWN LEGAL TENDER - SILVER AND GOLD THE NEW STANDARD! I guess that answer is Yes. I wonder how long this facade will continue? Now comes the clue: knowing that only a vaccine would be able to end the globalist lockdowns, and therefor prevent the Great Reset, Trump knew he had to start pushing vaccines. Episodes Season 1 (1957-1958) James Garner as Bret Maverick is the sole star for the first seven episodes. The real question people should be asking is Why didnt Trump save us from ourselves? That answer would be easier and I will answer it now. D.C. is now walled in and filled with military guard. Diane L Morris lives in Marshall, MO. Show us again, exactly how you heard Trump did that? What this means for We The People is many things. But when the same people who allow ANTIFA to attack you against your will, burn your cities, loot your businesses, and have the police stand down so crime can play itself out are the ones the people elected to be in charge of their city and state, at some point they will realize its not Trumps fault and lawlessness is the real issue. Immediately following he went to South Carolina! Most of those in charge of said cities and state got there by election fraud and vote tampering. KEEP ON STANDING! Several towns, baronies, and other holdings outside Washington are also held by the pope, creating an intricate network of holdings which pay tribute directly to the pope. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Sly Foxes Wolves and Men is a conservatives fact finder of how Marxism is growing in America; Burning Whispers is a look at America and how she got where she is in the 21st century based on the Devils reflection of world events throughout history. When they did that, it placed the citizens in the United States as property of the Corporation which was centered in Washington D.C.. Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God. Do we have any diggers who are ready to shovel out some of the dirt? Why? Was it lithium? These are the idiots who have been hand picked to do the evil of the Khazarian Mafia. A slam dunk? That being said, there are many films that have spoken of things past, present, and yet to come which lead us back to the recent Glass Onion Knives Out. YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO OVER AND OVER AND OVER! You are the enemy. How can you not see that, are you INSANE also? However, Musk and Epstein did meet each other, according tostatements made by Musks ex-wife Talulah Riley and Musk himself. The live broadcast was viewed twenty million times and then this group of medical doctors was censored by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and their website was taken down. And that is supposed to make it all a wrap up? Putins Speech This Morning, Feb 24, 2022, Opinion: Facing Potential Legal Challenges Clackamas Commissioners Propose Repeal Of Emergency Regulations. From another article by Ben Widdicombe from JUL 2, 2020, Titled: Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epsteins Alleged Madam, Has Spent Her Life in the Headlines He announces Ghislaines arrest and gives the details of her life and connections of her father who was said to have suffered suicide, then a heart attack, and then murder. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. The more they try to make Trump look bad, even with lie, after lie, after liethe more he looks good. SEARCH. Another rumor,. While she said she only spoke for herself, Riley said she had sought Musks permission before publicly responding about the photo. How Many Hens Are There In Your Village, Town, City, State? Our new site insures us room to grow without getting kicked to the curb, so to speak. The fact is the president is nothing more than a figurehead for the central bankers and transnational corporations (both of which themselves are controlled by High Ecclesiastic Freemasonry) that really control this country and ultimately call the shots. Agenda 21, also known as sustainable development. Thats another story and it just may all connect here. Where is Klaus Schwab? Are you the great woman who was quoted and interviewed by Jesse Lee a few years ago.We were face book friends and seem to have disappeared. The keys I press to form words are more like that of a fine-tuned piano and a dove rather than a mouse and a keyboard. Weakening the population is key to controlling them. All this toxic fake-food is weakening humanity, as never before. (There is also high esoteric significance to the number 3.). Note the three stars, representing the trinity of these three city-states, also known as the Empire of the City. Who we have long known was owned by the CIA and Darpa via the stolen patents from Leader Technology and Michael McKibbens whose patents contained the technology to create social media platforms. With episode eight, he's joined by Jack Kelly as his brother Bart Maverick, brought in because it took a week and a day to make each episode, in which case the series would run out of episodes before the end of the season. Meanwhile, Project Veritas Leaks Pfizers Next Virus. I guess you know we are still around now 74 million voted for Trump in 2020, despite all the political maneuvering to get rid of him. Opinion: The Fall of The CDC As Walensky Goes Down With The Ship. In this case, that would be this new administration. Press, press, press. SGT Report is the corporate propaganda antidote. why did marshall lancaster stop acting. I don't sleep I write! People are tired of the lies, the propaganda, and fear machines, yet, they look for the next FAKE FEAR NEWS like its going to somehow be trueas though, all of a sudden and just like thatsomething said by fake news will now be a fact. But, The Greatest President Ever. SGT Report is your daily source for truth in a time of universal deceit. Never his own. Our new site insures us room to grow without getting kicked to the curb, so to speak. Which takes us back to Zorro Ranch and brings us to the rocket.and more of Matt Farwell and his trip to Zorro Ranch in New Mexico. May 31, 2017 The Marshall Report. The article is full of gems (clues) and is a must read for any going down this rabbit hole. By Dianne Marshall June 8, 2021 In Uncategorized NEW WORDPRESS FORMAT AND SITE The Marshall Report is still available to everyonewe are just in the process of moving to a new site. You need to see the disspensational video. Safety status Safe Server location United States Domain Created 1 year ago Badler had a four-month contract with the show and she began filming her first scenes in April following a successful audition. ARE YOU AWARE OF LORD MARK MALLOCH-BROWN OF U.K. A DIRECTOR OF SMARTMATIC? One of them is no more IRS. Dianne Marshall - "I don't sleep, I write." People are tired of the lies, the propaganda, and fear machines, yet, they look for the next FAKE FEAR NEWS like it's going to somehow be trueas though, all of a sudden and just like thatsomething said by fake news will now be a fact. By Dianne Marshall December 28, 2022 In AMERICA'S DESTINY/FOUNDING FATHERS, Deep State Update, MIND CONTROL, PATRIOTS VERSUS GLOBALISTS, POLITICAL FIGURES, SAVING AMERICA, SECRET SOCIETIES, World News It's getting louder and louder and louder Detective games are a favorite thing for those who love to solve mysteries. Or will you serve the creator of all things good who is almighty, powerful who gives truth to overpower lies, love to overpower hate, and hope to overpower despair? Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth. It's all about the socks. He promoted them on Twitter! by | Feb 26, 2023 | equality speech topics | cara setor tunai bank jago. Equipted is not a word, perhaps you meant equipped and those working with.., 2006, 119 Stat able to find it on ths website the in! It wouldnt surprise me if this ultimately results in vaccines being banned from the face of the earth altogether, in the future. Please, check these articles about NWO Newt Gingrich. There is much more to come.but for now consider this part 1. In the same vein, good people are sick of the lies and mandates that are bringing real chaos into their lives and growing restless wanting to do something to end it all now. The cold hard truth is many who are screaming about the Jabs are still taking prescribed drugs that are making them sicker and preventing wellness. He started promoting cures and therapeutics for COVID-19. They are not going to let the depopulation machine take their children without a fight. Who knows. So here we are in another election cycle, while in the middle of the war for our freedom to retain our bill of rights and constitution, still in hot water from the rigged election that brought us Joey Avatar. And the "Steering Committee" Award goes to.. Luxembourg, Macau, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Martinique . As owner of theDaily Mirror, Maxwell pre had beenRupert Murdochs chief rival in the British tabloid market. So who ought we be serving in this battle and which weapons should we be wielding? Pierre Omidyar is another. By Christie Thompson, The Marshall Project and Joseph Shapiro, NPR Links from this mornings's email Executions back on in Alabama after brief moratorium Family sues after nuclear physicist's death in Virginia jail Is there any information on who was behind the funding? For now, let us look at the world after the flood and how Noah divided the earth for his sons who are Japheth, Shem and [], Kari Lake must be over the target for Australias 60 Minutes to want to oust her and mix her words in their propaganda news programming! HARRY S. TRUMAN SOLD MENS CLOTHES AS A HABERDASHERMANY GREAT AMERICANS WERE MERCHANTS BEFORE POLITICS. The government of the United States, Canada and Britain are all subsidiaries of the crown, as is theFederal Reservein the U.S.. 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