And that one is difficult for boys: you HAVE to not think through your ego. You are NOT responsible for the thoughts, feelings, or behaviors or others. I know she deals with her own issues and Ive known for quite some time, but I see it more often now. Maybe your girlfriend finds talking to her friend, who also has the same kind of problem, helpful in some way. its comforting to know that other couples go through the same things. Dear Armand, I asked a lot of questions to learn what the problem is, all she says that everything collapses to her. Nothing you can do to help. Step by step. You are in a relationship, you two must have had a reason to be with eachother. But, I love her and I want to support her I dont want to turn my back on her. I personally have never had to deal with depression of my own, I guess I would consider myself an always glass have full guy. SO IF YOU HANG AROUND PEOPLE LIKE THIS YOU WILL TAKE ON THEIR THINKING AND HABITS MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. Should I just except it and appreciate the five minutes we talk a day? I would love to go to therapy, but in Sydney that shit costs anywhere from $200 to $250 for a 45 to 55-minute session, and that for a 25-year-old is a bit too much after rent and living expenses. Uffo , I feel like I dont want anything in my life. Me and my LDR girlfriend were originally together for 7 months, then took a break for 3, and now we are back together. Its killing me inside as she looks so helpless, vulnerable, alone and she has the face of one of the most beautiful girls you would ever meet. Your girlfriend should know that she has the right to be an active participant in her treatment plan and to discuss changes to this plan with her clinicians. There is this main problem with communication between boys and girls we think a little bit differently and act too. But every day she is more and more far away from me. If you feel insecure or anxious in your romantic relationship, it can really start to affect your health. Sam is just absolute right, Ive been with the same girlfriend for 8 years, helping her to cope with her anxiety and depression, which are not mild, in return I became a cranky, fearful and highly depressed individual, as soon as she moved in with me the symptoms became severe and everything was somehow my fault, even though we always lived under my expense (before at my parents, now at a house that i pay for literally everything) shes not willing to work or do anything, she always finds an excuse why something wont work out (she has a doctors degree, and she can do a lot of things with that particular degree she simply refuses to always citing some excuse about how its never going to work). Read the book co-dependent no more. But, she didnt make an effort to talk about it so it seemed to have slipped by the way side. It is characterized by a dull pain accompanied by muscular tension in the neck area." According to psychologist Salama Marine, your pattern could be emotionally draining if "you . She lives 200 km away from me and If you have trouble finding a professional in your area, dont be discouragedit may mean youll have better luck doing a Google search or asking for a referral from a trusted health professional, such as your doctor. (All is Hell) We started dating and since after 2 months shes been depressed. i feel it but i but i just cant deal with being her friend in school and more outside, i cant do it in school. Ive been with my girlfriend for ten years, starting in college. I still love him so much, but I think its the best choice for both of us. You can dial 911 in the US for immediate assistance, or visit your local emergency room. I like my lectures because I feel like I have room to breathe since there is no internet connection in the lecture theaters. She has lost sleep all night, and so did I. She no. Im not sure whats going on but I let her know constructively that I considered leaving her I know its harsh but it was a reality check. Peace, Man, you guys are explaining my life. Once you are gone, she will find another enabler to take on her issues. She thinks I must be sleeping with someone else & she is not the object of my desire. I used to be able to help her cheer up and have a good time with her whenever she was sad but now,I cant do anything without getting an attitude from her or saying something stupid. And I know hes going to hate me and say I dont understand. she is unable to talk to you to achieve closeness because of all she had to deal with in her head so she compensate this lack of connection by wanting more sex (sex is expression of the highest level of acceptance and intimacy with other person after all and you dont have to talk during this action) and when you refuse, because of the depressed state and has low self-esteem that accompanies it, she treats it like rejection. I know thats going to be the final solution to all this, but is there anything anyone else could recommend? You have to tell her when she hurts you. Im so hurt lately, and she doesnt give it a mind, and she doesnt barely talk to me on the late days. Dragged Down. She didnt want to go to my graduation. On my side my family is going through a very rough time and were worried about losing our home, Im going through a quarter-life crises where I dont know what I studied is the right thing for me, Im also really worried about my future because I dont know where Im heading in life. But youre so young and its not very obvious but so many people go through this at some point in their lives because life truly is pretty messed up. "Usually, there is a lack of open and honest communication between the couple," say Opperman. Im worried that I put myself as his crutch unintentionally and that Im not helping him although he says I do. of each person. Now she stopped the medications for a month ago, and still no affection what so ever. These are just a few questions you and your spouse should sit down and discuss together to see if you're on the same page financially. My girlfriend of 6 months began declining about a month ago. This often happens when too much stress causes hyperarousal, which can upset the balance between sleep and wakefulness, according to the National Sleep Foundation. The burden on caretakers is significant, and there is great therapeutic value in realizing you are not alone. Go with her to therapist. But how is it possible? From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. But i just seem lost and i need answers, idk if i was harsh and Im totally new at this so Im sorry if i was being harsh and all but plz help. Yes, we all need help and support and Im in it til death do we part. As men we dont have an option. Am I taking the wrong approach? So I fight. It works for me (I dont really have a hobby Im just at school all the time). hello, I am this depressed girl, Im really hurt, I know Im losing her, I am starting to become, once again, insecure, isolated, anxious. Shes not able to be there for me. She probably wants you to make a call. She used to threaten me and say i am depressed & mad. So I tried communicating a little more and making plans. I have told lies to her before because I think of telling the truth and thoughts of the reaction fill me with absolute dread. I have become very weary, weak and helpless toward her, every piece of support I give her is taken with offence, as an insult of her character or some other negative quam brewed inside her hyperactive mind. He never told me his true feelings for me until he asked me to be his proper girlfriend (of corse I said yes) the first 3 months was perfect, He treat me like a princess even though he was depressed he was lovely, under one condition, if I didnt go see my friends and I didnt drink alcohol. Second, if nothing changes over time let it go. Offer to help her move large pieces of furniture and boxes to her new space. Hi everyone I always stopped everything to help her, to stay hours remind her how she is incredible. The reason I feel it's dragging me down is that my girlfriend's mother has always been extremely disrespectful to me. I dont know if you know Jesus, and sorry if I sound like a religious nutcase now but Im really trying to help you. i was depressed when i was about 15-17 years old, i tried to end it at one point but after some events in my life i realized i had so much more to live for and there is always someone with a worse situation. It is sad, my girlfriend has depression and hates to go out. I hope you will take another one and find some support for yourself. He left 6 months ago when I asked him to leave for my sake not his after I was signed off work with depression there was no support for me and because of his lack of attitude with dealing day to day. At the end of the relationship, she finally started seeing a psychologist who believes she shouldnt be in a relationship. yesterday she said dating isnt working for either of us, the things that we need to change are things that cant chnange. Understand that put-downs are a reflection of the other person's insecurity and get support from trusted confidantes. (Cue that sad trombone. Apparently she doesnt really talk to anyone anymore she wants to be left alone. In her weekly column, JOAN LONG, a Bishopstown psychologist and psychotherapist, answers readers' queries. Its bad and I feel so trapped. That takes incredible patience and compassion, but it can also take a toll on you. My job requires me to be away for 1 month, so i was away for 5 weeks this time, and when i got back we even couldnt hv a miss you kiss. Dealing with a depressed girl isnt easy and there some moments of greatness and when it happens I take full advantage of it. Relationships take a lot of work, and both people need to be willing to put in the effort. If your partner makes you uncomfortable about being you, then her or she is only dragging you down. Listen, really try to listen like she was your best friend not girlfriend. I experience the exact same thing you are talking about with my girlfriend for one year. Look man its getting to the point where youre gunna have to tell some form of authority, whether it be the police or something else either way, shes gunna bring you down if nothing changes and youll become just like her in a flash. I forgave her and forgot all of that. I would stand everything for her, but she doesnt seem to care, and it kills me from the inside. It drives me nuts when she sleeps all day. I didt wanted help, I didnt wanted to tell people how sad I am (and that I dont know why) to anyone. This kept kappening and only got worse I had to see him every day and if I didnt he would kick off and make me feel worse than dirt. I'm just not the same. I consider myself in recovery. Youre so much less experienced and you know so much less than you think, Im not saying that as a criticism at all, Im sure youve been through more than I can imagine, but people have gone through this before and somehow got passed it to live their life for decades and decades. My Friend Is Draining Me! I'm not sure how to begin so I guess I'll start from the beginning. Everything is about your partner. I hate her anxiety. I started to be rude and aggressive. I can know no one would have got solution. I was two years out watching movie series to help me distract while I forced myself to eat. I feel like my (26F) girlfriend (23F) is dragging me down I kind of feel like shit for even saying it. I compared myself with healthy happy laughing girls that my boyfriend meet everyday. It sounds like you have been a tremendous source of love, strength, and support for your girlfriend in her battle with depression. At first I was stressed about it, but later I realised that my worrying wouldnt change the situation at all. I am crying here because I feel you guys are talking about problem that I am facing. Every time I look at her pics, I am immediately in love again by seeing her smile but in person all I am thinking of is an exit strategy despite all the caring in the world. If I go out without my phone I will find I have around 20-30 messages when I get back all telling me how selfish I am for ignoring her. Can still manage to go to pool every Tuesday night til 2am. Are they really trying to help themselves? Start praying to God, together with your girlfriend. Firstly, good work for simply dealing with it as long as you have you are obviously so much stronger than you think. To me all of these modern mental issues we see are a result of too much free time, too many choices and the conveniences we enjoy. I am essentially a caretaker now. But how is it possible? Theres all kinds of genuine people maybe even in different countries that could turn your life around just by knowing them. I see her every weekend, during the week I keep to myself play video games, homework, go over to a friends for a beer. Hey i am in a LDR and i need your help my gf is also depressed, she doesnt tell the stuff she is going through, yea she tells me most of the things but not that. But I really just wanted to Thank You for your post. Wow. In fact, research has shown that this feeling of insecurity may boost levels of a stress hormone, and can even lower your immune system, according to Kathleen Doheny on There is so many thoughts and circumstances for a girl. You will only drag yourself down in the end. It Feels Like They Always Ask Too Much. There are groups out there for you as a caregiver who can help you through this too, and I think that if you found the right provider for her that could help develop the right treatment plan for her they would be willing to help you find a program that will match your needs too. If she is not, I would suggest you encourage her to begin therapy, in addition to the medication treatment. Everything i could say would create a problem and everything was my fault. This girl was everything I wanted, such a good partner, listener, so smart, sensitive. Leave. She blames herself for everything, and says incredibly negative and hurtful things about her self. What you have to realise is that she didnt chose to become depressed so to have a partner in this situation is devastating, you cant be angry and leave her because shes done nothing wrong, she still loves you as much as you love her and I promise she feels a million times worse when she has an outburst than you do. Youve been shouldering a significant burden on your own for years; it sounds like you are ready to let someone help you carry the load. Being active/yoga, eating healthy and drinking lots of water can help a lot a lot. You can try running Text Recognition on the page (if it's not secured, and doesn't already have recognized text on that page), and if successful you'll be able to select and copy it. She will need manpower to make the move happen. Shes struggled to be present at her job, and isnt able to meet deadlines or pass things in on time. Obviously it isnt making her any happier as things are.. Then to know she will react & get angry is so wrong. Now I am devastated, saddened and hurt by the fact my beautiful girlfriend (now ex) is so unwell and theres nothing that I can really do, except offer my support and love. She helped me so much, she made me become stronger, comprehensive, helped me leaving my addictions, I had so many precious moments with her, but now she doesnt seem to care about me at all, the more I try to help, to listen to her, the more she flees. Do a "deep search" instead. We are both 18 and have been together for abit more than a year and a half, at first we texted regularly and which wasnt to hard to begin with because the only other commitment we had was school. As long as your eyes are open. It's what we all strive for, and hope for, and dream about when pairing up with a partner. were so messed up its insane. I love her, but she needs to help herself before she can focus on a relationship with me. My girlfriend has been depressed for a number of years, unable to shake feelings of sadness and hopelessness that carry over into almost every aspect of our life together. What you have to realise is that she didnt chose to become depressed so to have a partner in this situation is devastating, you cant be angry and leave her because shes done nothing wrong, she still loves you as much as you love her and I promise she feels a million times worse when she has an outburst than you do. I could stay in bed 2 days in a row. Youve shown your love for her and she knows that. So that he loves himself. So both of you can benefit. I would definitely have this talk with her though because you should not have to put your own life on hold for her to figure out hers. I tried the whole counselling route n psychiatrist with her. Posted October 5, 2013 | Reviewed by Ekua Hagan Question: Hi Irene, My BFF and I have been friends since high school. Tell her its either you or the ex, no friendships either. she undergoing medications and therapy but nothing could help her. Good Luck Everyone. Please know there is hope, and help is available. First two years went well. She cannot afford therapy. Dont worry too much about your girlfriend saying that you shouldnt talk to her anymore. It seemed that she had turned into a distant person and the saddest part is that I think she probably wouldnt mind if I couldnt reach her anymore and Im dying inside because of this feeling, slowly Im getting depressing too and I really want out but I am trapped. (All is Hell) She doesnt like it when I do my own thing or want to go out or have something in my life other than her. Sorry to say this but its just my own opinion. And Im thinking of ending with my partner since Ive been having break downs and ATM as I see it he doesnt love himself or respect himself and has put his whole worth onto me, through him saying Im the only reason hes still alive and somewhat happy. By commenting you acknowledge acceptance of'sTerms and Conditions of Use. She always wants sex and if she doesnt get it on unreasonable terms (ie i have been travelling for 3 hours, working for 8 and also hit the gym and house work and just want to sleep on the odd day) she will fight to 3am. Is your heart constantly pounding from the stress, arguments, or that anxiety I just mentioned? She did take medications she did try psychiatrist. I feel for all of you guys! Do you guys fight all the time? Or are they falling back into a state where they feel they are most comfortable. Good luck! She changed everything, she made me comfortable, like Ive found someone so much like me; melancholic, with same tastes and so. I envy all your girlfriends, because you acknoleged their pain.My pain is to suffer entering theblackhole and having to bear the glaces of my SO, looking like Im having a tantrum, like I am pretending, as I dont have a fever or something. Its created a weird dynamic in our relationship which has all but ruined our sex life. I have seen suicide attempts, aggression and erratic and forceful ways of keeping me locked in the house every time I threaten to leave. This then gives my anxiety about getting erectile dysfunction. i fell as if i cant help her, im not good enough to make her happy although i try so hard and its making me doubt myself more and more. Developing a strong therapeutic relationship with a clinician will afford you a much-needed opportunity to focus on yourself. and the thing with sex: if you are curious and want to understand: past experiences? I always supported her and told her that she needed medical support in this field. If signs point to your partner, it's time to make a change. Day in or out, shell leave me broken again, I know it, just dont know when. I am now self harming and am depressed myself and still having to work 3 jobs I am now going to see a Councillor I can ill afford and I have no one to say dont go to work I will look after you. I want so much to help her, but I feel like I have nothing else to give. Thanks for your testimony Ching. I feel really lost. That's because healthy relationships are pretty easily recognized, while bad ones are never, ever the same. Medically reviewed by Jennifer Litner, PhD, LMFT, CST By Ash Fisher on June 10, 2021. He is also seeing a psychiatrist who has advised he doesnt work I am doing 3 jobs to pay for my divorce as he is going to go bankrupt with his business =- because he couldnt face going in to work except at lunch time. I love her but I just think staying will be self destructive for me and just enabling to her. I have a battle on my hands, life has tried to tear me down before and I wont let it just yet..You choose to be happy, Woah that is one crazy situation both of you are dealing with. See what I mean? All I could do is be the best boyfriend a girl could have. Every time we go out she freaks out. Tomorrow my lady and I would be ten months not quite a year, but things have switched off lately. I need to know, I was engaged to get married to her but we called it off. And probably you wonder why I use past tense when I write. If she did you would know. I love her a lot, I just miss her old caring cuddly self! Medication and therapy dont really work. I will continue to say these things, but it feels like I should be doing more.). AND finally, when everything feels fine, she doesnt acknowledge anything that happened. So he . Those are the moments you should be focusing on, that is the person that youre in a relationship with. The one thing that I would ask that you do before making any kind of rash decision is to think about this- if you know how helpless you feel, can you imagine how helpless she feels too? I dont want to get to the point of carer for her or to resent her because of her condition. "Unhealthy relationships can literally make you feel drained of energy. I am fine with this, every self respecting man yearns for space of his own, so to me this was the perfect recipe. I was in shock but I have on other option than to fight. Your love will develop as you both learn (with help) how to manage your feelings and youll both be closer having supported one another through this difficult process. My girlfriend has been depressed for 3 years. So Ive been in a relationship with my partner for over a year and a half, and in the past 6 months things have really become difficult for both of us. I am going through the same. A. I have been through many websites reading about relationship breakdowns when a partner is depressed and the most common thing is how the non depressed partner is feeling totally drained and feel their life has gone down hill leading them down the road to depression. Im getting sick and tired of this relationship and after reading your comment Sam I decided to leave her.. theres nothing I can do to change this or her, nor do I think I should be, Im a highly more depressed and anxious person nowadays then before Ive been with her (and I can attest for myself for having a pretty accurate gauge of how I used to be..) somewhere inside you still know that too, its a natural instinct. Warm regards, Exactly. Stress can cause all sorts of problems. She is a no bullshit chick that has always been completely honest with me about everything and this is no exception. Giving a quick comeback or getting angry will reinforce his behavior. Fact is the depression got better since he mey, I struggle with episodes now, not the full playlist, so to speak. Practice Management Software for Therapists, Rules and Ethics of Online Therapy for Therapists, How to Send Appointment Reminders that Work,, Head up, somewhere we still exist and can grow back to be ourselves. To pull something or someone from a higher to a lower position: She dragged down the boxes from the attic. Well i have a very depressed girlfriend that i am dating at this moment which i do really love her which she is always unhappy when i go over her house. This really got to me, he is my first love! It was me rationalising my emotions. She says she feels okay when she clearly doesnt, when I give her a hug during this time, she tenses up, keeps shaking her head, and really hates herself for the way she is. It pisses me off. We do talk through alot of things and have a somewhat open dialogue, but I still feel resentful and angry when i feel shes not there for me, something i dont seem to get over, despite wanting to. These things, but she doesnt barely talk to me on the late days myself with happy. Change are things that cant chnange making her any happier as things are.. then know! 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