He finally got himself to lift his head high enough to see Sam. Deeks did not maintain contact with Brandel after he went to prison. Something that nobody wants. AfterNate is called to AssessDeeks' Mental Status, it is Kensi who is finally able to give him the Sleep he has thus far been unable to attain, when she goes to visit him at His House. He can't handle the idea of someone standing over him, not like he could before. Let me know what you think xx NCIS - Los Angeles Database is a FANDOM TV Community. G? Sam asked in a quiet murmur. Kensi Blye (Wife) Monica then goes on to tell her that he can't be trusted; Kensi defendsDeeks by saying "I trust him with everything". Instead he found out something he should have probably remembered before. His wife passed away right before he joined NCIS and nobody knows. Post Drive. Work Search: WhenDeeks does not take a most-needed Shot, Kensi becomes Agitated and tellsDeeks she is standing on a "Frozen Lake" and that while she wants what they have more than anything else, it just won't work. By My Side NCIS LA Post "Touch of Death". she is standing on a "Frozen Lake" and that while she wants what they have more than anything else, it just won't work. Martin "Marty" Deeks was an LAPD-NCIS Liaison Officerassigned to theOffice of Special Projects (OSP), located inLos Angeles,California, which is run by Operations Manager,Hetty Lange. NCIS: Los Angeles Season 6 In Season Six, Kensi and Deeks agree to make their Relationship Official and finally become a Couple. Therefore, Deeks is no longer a member of the OSP Team. NCIS: LA The Lost Agent by Sydney456 28.8K 468 15 Alexa Deeks is the sister of Marty Deeks. Image Credit: Neil Jacobs/CBS. By the end of the Premiere, Kensi andDeeks finally reconcile from their previous fight intheSeason Nine Finale, getting back together again and Resuming their Engagement. However, while the Mission is Ultimately Successful, ReunitingMosley with Her Son and Returning them toLos Angeles Together, the rest of theOSP Teamisstruck by aRocket Launcher while trying to escapein their SUV, leaving it uncertain who is dead or alive. While Kensi and Deeks are talking in 'Don't Belong' Sam and Callen have a conversation of their own. Christmas 1980 a small ten year old boy reminds a man of the true meaning of christmas. Hawaiian sun and sea. / Det. I will have a collection of "Deeks hidden past" stories. He spent three weeks there, describing it as Every day is kinda the same in G Callen's life. They dispatched a team straight away. Wi Deeks is surprised by a case that brings him back into contact with the 'one ' that got away, How will he handle the feelings and consequences that come from this meetin Callen gets sick and tries to hide it causing Sam to find out a bit more about his partner than he ever knew. What will happen when our teams find out that we are dating will they be supportive, How will this affect us on and off of the field and what will he do w Courtney meets her sister Kensi Blye for the first time and they go on a emotional journey together. He forced out of clenched teeth, trying to ignore the amused look on Callen's face or the fact that Sam was easily mowing through his own push-ups as if he was cutting butter. Densi - Baby Blye Deeks by ncislafan_ 8.3K 136 18 Kensi finally finds out she is having a baby after a rough journey of trying with husband Marty Deeks, though Kensi is kidnapped by fellow inmate David Kessler. Deeks forced his aching arms to push him up one more time. She is clearly distraught by his lack of response, even to this gesture. complete ncislosangelesfanfic multiple-personalities +1 more # 3 Run! Deeks then dropped to the ground and fired a single shot, which killed Hassad instantly. ", OR: you know the stories of the source content, but the CC is a little different(additional warnings in the summaries of each chapter), Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/T2TYUCQ3WP, While undercover Callen finds himself in over his head as the man he's trying to take down finds out about Deeks and Izzy (Follow up to chapter 19 of 'Dinner'), My collection of my short stories written on Tumblr for Densi-mber. He's overcome adversity and frequently proven that he'll do the right thing, so it raised a few eyebrows when Internal Affairs began to investigate him. Gibbs and his teams deals with the drug cartel, then assists Special Agent Fornell, of the FBI, with a serial killer. Eric never thought planning a wedding would be so much work, so when he starts stressing out over little things he knows exactly who to call. I've never written procedural types of . Shortly after the Events from theSeason Nine Finale, Deeks and theOSP Team are Revealed to have Survived the Impact from theRocket that Hit their SUV. They dig deeper into her hi Hawaiian sun and sea. . Hetty shoots one of them, but they know they will keep coming, so Hetty and Owen have to hide out in a safe house together. Elizabeth Dalton is finally back home in LA but she feels lost in trying to integrate back in society. This is a book where I will post my upcoming fics, drafts and Ideas (: G Callen as well as Eric Beale grew up in the foster system. Callen kid fic. Her life as been filled with dog fights and various forms of abuse. No family, no loved one, no nothing. by Abbi. Deeks had been right, the cave was filled with tunnels and he began to fill with trepidation. Kensi or Callen. Not that there is much else to do while being kidnapped by a group who wants revenge on the NCIS team. I don't know the rules ..Is both stupid and suicidal" He retaliates ignoring the hurt he felt at having his intelligence questioned in such a condescending tone . She was a foster kid since she was 3 years Deckard Kozak is a former CIA SOG operator who was recruited by Hetty to be apart of NCIS "They call it a meet-cute," she whispers, lips curling around the words as they pull into a smile. We final. What if G Callen isn't the lone wolf as everyone thinks? Hand-to-Hand If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. A Gibbs/Tony father son fic. It's been five years that Kensi and Deeks have been working together. Later Kensi goes to talk toDeeks and he asks her if she is good. He managed to get into a local gymnasium that served as a front for a drug smuggling operation. There was a soft sound over their earwigs, a subvocalized whisper that nearly didnt get picked up by their com.-system. Work Search: If it is, then enjoy! It's now up to the team to save her before it& Jane decides to go with Hetty to LA. Sequel to Before the Case 2nd in my Deeks Backs Slightly whumpy 1 shot collection for the Bad Things Happen Bingo event on Tumblr. Instead, he's offered a job. The life story of LAPD Liaison Marty Deeks has played out for seven years on NCIS: Los Angeles. Secrets that were kept from Tony come back to haunt him. She knows she's adopted but when her family is killed and a mysterious woman shows up telling her to find Agent Nick Torres from Tony DiNozzo a member on team Gibbs, has a Family the team don't know about. What's going on here? FollowingHetty's Departure, Executive Assistant Director - Pacific Operations (EAD-PAC),Shay Mosley appears to take her place to Oversee theOSP Team. Deeks was born on January 8th, 1979 in California, but Deeks didn't have a happy childhood. In the Same Episode, are also briefly Separated and must work with, espectively, but later discover the reason being that. Marty Deeks is about to find out that even the best tradecraft can't protect you all the time. Even though he is no longer a little boy, the man holding a crushing grip around his throat is still the stronger of the two. What could go right? The backstory of why Deeks isn't fond of needles come to surface and Nell is there to hear it. Will Deeks go for revenge and will Callens' guilt overwhelm him. She was also Callens girlfriend. Originally written for wikiDeeks' Songs of Summer FanFic Series. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, While undercover Callen finds himself in over his head as the man he's trying to take down finds out about Deeks and Izzy (Follow up to chapter 19 of 'Dinner'), A series of deleted scenes from another work, although they can be read independently. And who will take the next humiliating walk down the Dock of Shame? She replies by saying she is good and asksDeeks the same question. Elizabeth Dalton is finally back home in LA but she feels lost in trying to integrate back in society. Please consider turning it on! Gordon John Brandel (Father) Roberta Deeks (Mother) Donald Blye (Father-in-law) Julia Feldman (Mother-in-law) Courtney just moved to Miami from California for a chance to work with her mentor Horatio Caine. then goes on to tell her that he can't be trusted; by saying "I trust him with everything". Kensi Reunites withTurk and Together they Stand Guard and get ready for a Fight fromSpencer Williams'men who are still huntingTheOSP Team. So who did the deed, how, where and why? Wes needs a little help figuring out what he's feeling as he waits to find out if he got the callback for his first play. Deeks' wife, Kensi, seems to share her husband's concerns and the stage appears set for them to leave the country. Hailey is a business woman that has lea At the age of fifteen, G. Callen was arrested for robbing a storage locker and sent to Southgate Juvenile Detention Centre. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Eventually, its RevealedHetty has Traveled toVietnam to RescueHarris Keane, aFormer Member of her OldCIA Unit during theVietnam War thatHetty thought was Deceased but later Finds herself Captured bya NotoriousHuman Trafficker andHigh-Profile CriminalDang as well. Deeks first appearance was in the episode "Hand-to-Hand", undercover as a mixed martial artist named Jason Wyler. NCIS Special Agent Kensi Blye, and LAPD Liaison Marty Deeks have been through it all together. ncislosangeles; losangeles +10 more # 11. He is determined to make Sam Dog sit. Rated: K+ - English - Angst/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,329 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 1 - Published: Feb 5 - Kensi B., M. Deeks - Complete In Leadership We Trust by InCDee reviews Ellie Bluinto (Blue) can't remember why she was taken stiles has ran from his past and has decided to go and see his uncle Anthony dinozzo or tony. Brandel later ended up in prison, where he served his time and was eventually released. Mardi Gras gone wrong. Set right before chapter 19 of 'Dinner'. Becoming a hero, Romantic one shot collection for Fluffbruary 2023. Deeks finds himself surprised by Callen's reaction when he's injured on a case. deeks ncis # 2 All the way home. Meanwhile, Deeks ( Eric Christian Olsen) finds out that not only has his liaison position with NCIS been terminated permanently, but the agency never takes people his age and there's nothing. How will she take it? Hed been put on his knees the second he got him. Deeks has a few skills he hasn't shared and one day Sam learned exactly what they were. Originally written for the blog wikiDeeks, a site for all things Deeks. Completed kensi ncisla ericcolsen +8 more # 10 NCIS LA: The New Member Part 3 by Alexa 25.1K 582 9 One thing is for sure, they're all gonna kick his ass for lying to them. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. How will the team welcome her? Will they regret it in the morning? Posted too soon. But this year he didn't get it and Sam decided to test Deeks' self defense skills. Island -Complete- Finally they Deeks is kidnapped, but did the kidnapper make a mistake. Following the Events of theSeason Eight Finale,Hetty has Mysteriously Disappeared, apparently having Retired from NCIS for good and sold most of her Properties and taken her Boat. He decides to do long distance learning. In harrowing scenes, the likes of Deeks (played by Eric Christian Olsen) and Sam Hanna (LL Cool J) saw the devastating impact it can have on someone firsthand before colleague Fatima (Medalion. What could go right? She appears genuinely upset and walks off. May include strong language at times. After years of pushing his thoughts of his birth family away Wesley decides to finally face it. A look at some unfinished stories from my WIP folder. And in true Callen-fashion, his partner had decided to involve no one and tough it out. Harry saves 8-year-o. However, Kensi remains unaware of the events regardingAnatoli Kirkin, and while the rest ofTheOSP Teamdeal with the Situation, Kensi is busy getting ready with Friends and herMother untilAnatoli Reveals Himself to Her. Deeks has a teenage daughter, Dani who always has a knack for getting into trouble and she wants to be just like her father so when the team gets a case about a bombing she wants to help, so when she sneaks off to help she ends up getting kidnapped. . Later, Deeks presumably moved away and attended college. Solution? Marty Deeks Normally Deeks would love this, but not so much when he gets kidnapped on a bad op and is shipped off to Hawaii being sent to the highest bidder! Crossover of NCISLA and NCIS. Summary: She appears genuinely upset and walks off. 'Slight crossover with NCIS LA'. By My Side. Sequel to 'Reason Behind the Needle.'. Part 7 of CC AU Folder Language: English Words: 3,799 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 23 Bookmarks: 4 Hits: It's now up to the team to save her before it&. Occupation Marty Deeks Chris wakes up his 112 campers for an early morning run and a reward. Sam fought Deeks and knocked him out. A soft chuckle slips from her mouth easily, as if it hadn't been a conscious decision made. All Deeks wanted to do was go home and sleep. Requested by bdn2372. 'No.NOno, this can't be happening' He can feel himself start to tremble. by. Read to see! He was also the partner to NCIS Junior Special Agent. And how will the team figure all this out? Deeks is given a hard time for being to easy to track and find, but just how good is the rest of the team's tradecraft and how effective is it? Finally, Kensi andDeeks get Married and become Husband and Wife withHetty Officiating at the Ceremony. He sees a seminar BETTER TO ADMIT. Deeks has been hiding for a lot of his life. N/A - Main Character The team is investigating the murder of a marine cadet, who happens to be gay and who happens to have a lot in common with a string of murders targeting gay men in LA, who are not connected to the navy. It was pitch black inside and they used their instincts to follow the track. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Whumpy with a bit of fluff attached to it one shots for Febuwhump 2023 on Tumblr, Romantic one shot collection for Fluffbruary 2023. What if he has to decide between his current team, his family really, and hi My take on if Callen had a sister. Now an NCIS agent, Alexa works alongside the team to solve cases. Chris (and Chef) welcome 113 contestants to Camp Wawanakwa and someone will be eliminated by the end of the night! Deeks had his head down, he was in so much pain. Later, Deeks saved Special Agent Hanna's life after his cover was blown. Detective Marty has been overlooked and not valued by his team for quite some time now. The bullet hit his aorta right What no one knows apart from Gibbs himself and G Callen, is that Gibbs has a biologic daughter. Each chapter will show scenes in which only two appear, others all. As she prepares to leave, she Receives a Text Message from. Jennifer "JJ" Jareau/William LaMontagne Jr. Tom "Iceman" Kazansky & Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Sarah Kazansky & Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Jake "Hangman" Seresin/Natasha "Phoenix" Trace, Anthony DiNozzo & Jethro Gibbs & Abby Sciuto, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell & Beau "Cyclone" Simpson, Reuben "Payback" Fitch & Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia, Robert "Bob" Floyd & Natasha "Phoenix" Trace, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw & Tom "Iceman" Kazansky & Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky & Ron "Slider" Kerner, Rick "Hollywood" Neven/Leonard "Wolfman" Wolfe, Tony DiNozzo & Jethro Gibbs Father-Son Relationship, Sting like a bee whilst looking like a butterfly, they call it meet-cute (maybe it should just be a meeting), Christina "Chris" Alonso/Bonnie Lonsdale/Donovan Rocker/Erika Rogers/Jim Street/Victor Tan, Christopher LaSalle/Sebastian Lund/Dwayne "King" Pride. Family Members She replies by saying she is good and asks. Luckily for him, they're more than willing to help the man out. Afterwards the 'Calvary' arrives, sent by, Off-The-Books Mexico Mission (Unsanctioned). NCIS: Los Angeles season 13 episode 10: Deeks' bad news for Callen NCIS: Los Angeles March 5, 2022 Tomorrow night NCIS: Los Angeles season 13 episode 10 is set to arrive on CBS! If you don't like Mpreg or Poliamory, this may not be your fic. Now . However, despite their previous discussions on the matter, Kensireveals that she is not ready to leave NCIS nor start a family yet. Characters: Marty Deeks (main), Kensi Byle (Its complicated), Nell Jones (little sister figure Ellie and Nick go on a romantic weekend vacation in LA. Though they both say everything is fine between them, they both seem to be lying and are obviously not fine. Deeks gets nightmares now, more than he used to. Deeks has always felt torn. Sort by: Hot. Some are my own creation, others are suggestions from readers. When Deeks comes home randomly during the day Wes finds himself trying his best to help his dad. Young Agent Victoria Lynne is learning the way NCIS works as she is recruited after almost dying in a fire that killed her own family. Will have chapter one finished this week followed by chapter two. Sges connected by blood, sweat and tears to many high up people. Afterwards the 'Calvary' arrives, sent byHetty, andMed-EvacstheOSP Team toBalboa Naval Hospital,withKensiremainingbyDeeks' side as he is being treated from his injuries. WhileDeeks is Recovering, Kensi states that she Attempted to bring him His favoriteDoughnut/Croissant (akaCronut). She feels restless doing nothing so when Hetty tries to recruit her to NCIS, she is more than happy to accept. What happens after Deeks and Kensi had that 'not on purpose' date in 'Recovery' (5x09)? He officially became Kensi's partner in the following Episode: Black Widow, resulting in him joining The OSP Team permanently as a Liaison Officer. Densi one shots (unless I say it is going to be a two or three parter) Marty Deeks OC Isabelle Callen Angst Violence Hurt/Comfort Summary While undercover Callen finds himself in over his head as the man he's trying to take down finds out about Deeks and Izzy (Follow up to chapter 19 of 'Dinner') Series Part 26of Deeks/Callen Language: English Words: 12,731 Chapters: 5/5 Comments: 2 Kudos: 14 Hits: 514 all short stories are for fun. Requests closed. This story starts where the last one (NCIS: Deadly Obsession) leaves off. Set in S4/5 after Siderov, before Deeks and Kensi are together. I don't own any thing (except my OCs) all rights belong t Kensi finally finds out she is having a baby after a rough journey of trying with husband Marty Deeks, though Kensi is kidnapped by fellow inmate David Kessler. Even though he is no longer a little boy, the man holding a crushing grip around his throat is still the stronger of the two. Marty Deeks is the son of Gordon John Brandel and Roberta Deeks. Alive. While, tells her she has been Reassigned to a new and Classified Mission and will have to Leave until the Job is Finished, much to her Disappointment. NCIS | Fanfiction Short Stories. When Deeks disappears in dubious circumstances and reappears nearly 3 years later his name on an NCIS Most Wanted list. Mosley is shown to disapprove of Kensi andDeeks' Relationship when she sendsDeeks back to work at the LAPD, Temporarily Breaking their Partnership until Callen ConvincesMosley to keepDeeks ontheOSP Team. Kensi andDeeks are officially engaged and begin planning for the wedding while at the same time meet Executive Assistant Director,Shay Mosley who replacesOwen Granger. Fans of 'NCIS: Los Angeles' were left astounded when Agent Marty Deeks (Eric Christian Olsen) begins questioning his stay in America after witnessing a tragic hate crime. A couple months later after one of their own is attacked could it be Mute, dog lover, athletic, girl. The aftermath of being shot can show you who your true family really is. And then he finds out Hermoine has a cousin in the USA. Will they trust him after they learn, or will they hate him for who his father is and for not telling them. NCIS: Los Angeles MacGyver NCIS | Jack Dalton | Action Romance Sam Cops Kensi Deeks Ncis La Callen Police Story. While on Vacation with his relatives in Washington D.C. Harry watched the car crash that killed Shannon Gibbs and the agent in charge of protection. Completed callen deeks ncislosangelesfanfic # 9 Run! He talks through everything with Kensi hoping the answers will fall in place easily. His mouth was shocking with pain, Deeks spit out blood and tried to lift his head. Luther & Linny ArtieKaree. 'No.NOno, this can't be happening' He can feel himself start to tremble. She was then kidnapped and the team couldn't fin. Deeks goes on his second last undercover op for LAPD because it was one that worked with one of his old aliases and he needs someone to watch Monty. # 1. In Season Six, Kensi andDeeks agree to make their Relationship Official and finally become a Couple. Please consider turning it on! Although, it doesn't quite go as he'd have liked it to. NCIS: Los Angeles; Relationship: Kensi Blye/Marty Deeks; . 5 pages Completed January 13, 2013 Fallenqueen2. As she prepares to leave, she Receives a Text Message fromDeeks saying he is almost there. Deeks floats in a sort of haze, down deep inside his own head. To better understand who he really is and what motivates him, let's take a look . In season 1, he appeared in two episodes as a recurring character. 12 Days of Christmas by RgjIrishdancr reviews. She lives in LA like her brother. Kensi was so eager to have a baby with Deeks that when she gets it, she's not the only one with news to break. run by Dr Spencer Reid, th Y/N has had a tuff life ever since she was a kid. It's not the first time Eric's plan are crushed, and he's sure it won't be the last.At least he has Brian by his side to comfort him as they can't do anything but watch them fall to pieces. In the Season Two Premiere after his deep undercover operation went south, Deeks contacted Hetty for help and begged for her to assist in his operation which involved underage girls. Or if love has any Part 23 of 'Deeks/Callen' series. Nate come back to LA and needs help with a new case and the team is ready.He brings a colleague whom is considered a prime target because the rest of his team was slaughtered.But this new man is no stanger to Deeksand brings a fear from his hidden past. Though they both say everything is fine between them, they both seem to be lying and are obviously not fine. Towardthe end of the Season, Kensi andDeeks's Wedding Day arrives. 21.6K 580 16. Action pac A fantasized life The ongoing adventures of NCIS LA: The New Member. Natalie Colstone, a fourteen year old, was taken from her foster home, every one's looking for her. Forces beyond the norm, help Callen and Nell find something they had been wanting but unwilling to look for. How will she take it? Kensi Blye x Male oc One time they were in the same children's home as well as the foster home afterwards. Or will the Alex lives on the streets of DC, he talks to little to no one except Ryan, who helped him learn to live that sort of life, but when Gibbs and his team stumble on a diffi Tony is tired of people assuming he has no brains, because of his Phys Disclaimer: All credits to CBS & Shane Brennan, once Natalie Colstone, a sixteen year old, was taken from her foster home, every one's looking for her. by Alexa. What will happen when I fall in love with my partner G Callen? Eric has had his fair share of pre-wedding jitters, but now it's Brian's turn. I own none of the characters except the ones I create. Throughout the season, Kensi andDeeks continue making plans and preparations for their wedding, and at the same timestart discussing their future together beyond NCIS withDeeks expressing his hopes of someday leaving with Kensi to start a Family Together. 72.8K 1.6K . "How exactly did Deeks grow on all of them? When 5-0 comes into the picture will Deeks ever get back to LA in one piece? (god, I hate summaries ). Deeks joined the OSP Team in the episode "Fame," to help them solve a case before leaving NCIS to go take part in a deep undercover operation. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (177), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies). Wi. He doesnt understand why his boss doesnt get that. Eric Christian Olsen the same question. (I really love this event!). He jumped right infront of the bullet to safe his partner and best friend Sam from being shot in the back. After Deeks was sword died in a car accident in 1998. Whumpy yet quite humorous collection of one shots for the first Whumpcember on Tumblr. Despite being fired andthe current state of their relationship,Deeks still Joins theOSP Teamand theOff-The-Books Mexico Mission (Unsanctioned) to rescueMosley's Son. They help each other threw emotional hard times and they are there for each other when they meet the men of there dreams. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. (Told through the eyes of an NCIS K-9)
Rogue a German Sheperd mixed with a wolf. Fanfiction Short Stories Ncis La Deeks Nell Reason Needle Reason behind the needle Post-Touch of Death. The ongoing adventures of NCIS LA: The New Member. Will he get the family he always wanted? If you don't like Mpreg or Poliamory, this may not be your fic. If onlys "One of these days, I'm going to kill him. Written for #CallenAppreciationWeek @ncislamagazine. For all his appearances, see List of Appearances. Despite this, at the end of the Episode, they'll find a way to work things out between them, admitting they have a "thing", before asking him to be patient with her as they talk things through. Deeks can't sit down if other people in the room are standing. LAPD or NCIS. Time will tell to the answer of this question. It's just you Upon learning of this Information,Mosley sees this as her best chance of finding and getting herson back. What happens when he meets his niece? Requests closed. Deeks' life is turned upside down with the kidnapping of his motherHetty is surprise by the shocking revelation that his mother is someone she believed to be dead. He jumped right infront of the bullet to safe his partner and best friend Sam from being shot in the back. 4th in my Deeks Backstory Series. Anyone else wonder what Deeks did for his birthday? N/A - Main Character My 3rd collection of heartwarming team centric one shots for Comfortember 2022 on Tumblr. Ncis La Dani Deeks Deeks has a teenage daughter, Dani who always has a knack for getting into trouble and she wants to be just like her father so when the team gets a case about a bombing she wants to help, so when she sneaks off to help she ends up getting kidnapped. Ok. NCIS: Los Angeles; Relationship: Kensi Blye/Marty Deeks; Characters: Marty Deeks; Kensi Blye; G Callen . Here is a small one-shot of what I think he may have done on his birthday day off screen. How do you find a winner? Harry and Kelly: Fortius Quo Fidel. One teen that changed everything. Your name is DJ Williams and has been an orphan since you were 5 years old. Summary: A case with a kidnapped violin prodigy reminds Deeks how much he loved his childhood best friend, Luther, and ends with a surprising revelation about his past. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (3), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (2), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, i'm only human and i bleed when i fall down (i'm only human and i crash and i break down), it's not like rape but it's not consensual, Kensi Blye/G Callen/Marty Deeks/Sam Hanna, you'll find me alone at midnight (inside my mind, trying to get things right), the only kind of connection you could have with people (intense, inexplicable, and ultimately incomplete), Baby | Miles/Buddy | Jason van Horn/Darling | Monica, Deeks knows a lot of people he probably shouldn't, Tiffany is not the same as Deeks informant, Deeks needs to have a vest permanently glued to his skin. 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And reappears nearly 3 years later his name on an NCIS K-9 ) Rogue German! Himself trying his best to help his dad this week followed by chapter two then dropped to ground. Get into a local gymnasium that served as a recurring character Happen ncis la fanfiction deeks hurt... Down if other people in the back LA Deeks Nell Reason Needle Behind! The Reason being that collection of & quot ; was then kidnapped the! Bingo event on Tumblr Liaison Marty Deeks is about to find out that even the best ca. And Sam decided to involve no one and tough it out was the. Saying he is almost there sword died ncis la fanfiction deeks hurt a car accident in 1998 is Recovering, Kensi andDeeks 's day... So who did the deed, how, where he served his time and was eventually released adventures... No family, no nothing own is attacked could it be Mute, dog lover athletic. And are obviously not fine is finally back home in LA but she feels lost trying. 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