It's possible it was lag or desync but its beyond stupidity that the firefly didn't die. It has penetration calculator that helps you understand why and how you can penetrate the enemy tank. 10 Year Anniversary Event Possibilities & SuperTest Update, World of Tanks Tiger II Weak Spots Frontal View, on "Weak Spot Guide: PzKpfw VIB Tiger II", How Video Games Helped Me Overcome Severe Anxiety. If there was a decent angle, it could of just bounced. a High chance, but still a chance, dont even need a churchill, you can easily 1 shot a tiger with US and Brit scout cars. Staying away from terrain that is unfavourable is key to surviving. Which Czechoslovakian Tank Line is Right For You? WoT 1.11 Test Server Date | T42 Premium Marathon? Developed by Periscope Games, Post Scriptum is a WW2 game, focusing on historical accuracy, large scale battles, a difficult learning curve and an intense need for cohesion, communication and teamwork. & SuperTest News. Versus armor; Of course, other tanks also pose a big threat to your vehicle and it will come down to crew skill and good communication between squads for you to come out on-top. Control + Mouse Wheel lets you change turret traverse speed. Purchasing through affiliate links is an easy, painless way to help out your favorite bloggers. Good awareness, good armour and well balanced. tank combat is far from being realistic. November Tier 8 Tank Marathon Leaked? Some links on WoT Guru are affiliate links. If you're on offense, get close to, but still behind the largest conga line of blue guys walking at the point, while trying to give yourself some relatively long sight-lines to engage the enemy from a safe distance at. in the 8.8 update they increased a lot of the armor values like the turret on the front glacis now is had equivalent armor value to 220 mm of armor not 120 anymore and now the copula has 180 mm if i remember correctly, just to let you know so youre more accurate as the game progresses. The main weak spots are the lower glacis and also the center of the commander cupola. were more populous, not as well armoured and lacked sufficient punching power, and that Tigers (and pretty much all of the German guns at or above 75 mm) could knock them out comfortably at range, but were fewer in number. Just getting around to them since I have more time now. Much like the side armor on the Panther the rear also is poorly protected. Should Matchmaking & Balancing Be Revamped? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Armor Inspector can show you armor thickness models (World of Tanks collision models), displays crew and modules locations, including ammo racks, fuel tanks, engines. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); German tier 8 heavy tank for the Maus heavy tank line actually its the E-100 Line. I have seen a lot of players either complaining the AT rifle is not enough to kill a tank or simply use it against infantry instead. Developed by Periscope Games, Post Scriptum is a WW2 game, focusing on historical accuracy, large scale battles, a difficult learning curve and an intense need for cohesion, communication and teamwork. Also I feel like it should take longer to repair a engine. Here you can select the shooter and target tanks and simulate the shot to any given point. You can get stuff out of ditches pretty easily by using the "reset-spam walk-out" trick; spam the reset button while walking back and you'll kind of take the vehicle with you, displacing it from the ditch youre stuck in. So Germans get an A for ingenuity, but could never mass produce decent tanks like the allies. Pressing Q in these sights will let you zoom in too. Valve Corporation. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon";
Post Scriptum Wiki. Why Mirny-13 Will Lead to WoTs Downfall & The Captured King Tiger Fiasco Update. CS-52 LIS Review & Is It The Best Tier 8 Medium? Other areas suffer from the armor being concentrated in two main locations . Yes, you have zero cover or concealment, but this for the most part doesn't matter. I've noticed that a lot of players are not aiming for the the weak spots within the tank. I know I just bring this on again. Of course you have to stop to shoot, but keep it as brief as possible. It should have been one of the most interesting aspects of the game, but it ended up being one of the weakest aspects. Most, if not all tanks are weak at the back. How can an armor of 8mm withstand a 75mm AP round? Make tanking more in depth and make mistakes unforgiving. I feel like the armored physics in game reward bad tank play. A better crew will not allow themselves to be flanked so easily and will have an evasion plan with an escape route, consider using smoke while retreating, quickly repair critical damage, and so on. Neither is a War Thunder-like system that doesn't model secondary fragments bouncing inside the hull, where you need to pixel-snipe every crew member with your gun to disable your opponents vehicle. Unfortunately as depicted in the angled view above the side armor becomes a massive weak area. Tanks can be balanced by reducing relative ticket cost, making axis tanks more expensive and allied tanks cheaper, barring maybe the Firefly (which should legitimately have the ability to take out any axis tank with a couple of shots, particularly at weak spots). Nonetheless, a Tiger II driver should always avoid exposing their side and/or rear armor since it means certain death. Thank you so much for your continued support! There is one thing this vehicle does well and that is its weapons. I'm not here to preach about German ubermachines but for the love of God this is beyond ridiculous. The question is wheter for the gameplays sakr one wants to implement something realistic that can be extremely frustrating or something that isnt realistic but leades to ridiculous situations. Best tanks imo. By turning your tank's hull about 30 degrees in one direction, giving the bow gunner the responsibility of then covering 11-1 o-clock, and the the gunner responsible for either 1-3 or 9-11 you can cover a fairly wide field and defend against enemy infantry quite effectively. Do it how Red orchestra 2 did it. Combine this with its excellent firepower for everything but the Tiger, and adequate survivability against the dread panzerschreck and you have an S tier vehicle in the making. Don't ever stop moving. The Russians captured two intact KTs One broke down in the 5 mile drive to the train station. The Tiger II has passable armor for a tier 8 heavy tank since almost the bulk of its armor is concentrated on the upper glacis and turret front. Were you directly perpendicular to the side or did you have an angle to it? WoTs New!? The app shows all tank weak spots interactively. take out enemy trucks trying to move up on your flanks, and attack enemy infantry from unexpected locations/directions. Getting out and gunning an enemy who has their AT kit in hand will save your ass in a pinch. Tanks are among the vehicles present in Post Scriptum. Fundamentals like the vehicle physics and game mechanics must be addressed. So after all that, yeah a tiger 2 blown up has THE SAME quality as it did when they produced it. We still died to an Daimler afterward. Be on the lookout for them in cities and in long stretches as they can be used to create choke points for armor, or be concealed for an ambush. WoTs New!? | 122 TM Review Black Market 2021 Sandbox News & Much More! I don't know of any specific lists but the back is a safe bet, doubly so because of the lack of an mg. load up the training range. Itd be too dangerous to bring team assets to the front if everything can just destroy you without any time to react. Interested inthe Panther II? All rights reserved. There is a T-II sitting in a small town in Belgium (La Gleize) that, after the Ardennes Offensive, was used for target practice by the Americans. As long as you're moving you're hard to kill, keep doing laps around the enemy, searching for spawn points/easy targets with their guard down, let them have it, then slip back into the fog of war! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); With the front hull and turret having decent protection a Panther driver can angle to deflect stronger rounds. Its other qualities; agility, side/turret armour are average. WoTs New?! Panther: Ultimately a lesser Tiger in the context of Post-Scriptum, because of its weaker side/rear armour which can be punched through by the likes of the QF 2lber. Armor Inspector is an application for World of Tanks game, including PC, Blitz and Console versions. amzn_assoc_asins = "B000WNAEJ2,0887408125,B00Y7W23ZW,1473833604,B00N5WL284,1841765430,B01K21L3DE,B00061HIQC,B01CUPYW06"; Copyright - World of Tanks Guru 2011-2015 | All images, videos, and content of World of Tanks is used with express written permission by And even increase Allies tanks tickets. If the Tiger loses all of his AP, he is useless against the Firefly or Churchill. @Guru 2.1 Driver; 2.2 . Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. CS-52 LIS Review & Is It The Best Tier 8 Medium? Plus Supertest News! New Equipment Ideas + Whats Going On? It's armed with the short barreled 75 mm M3 main gun, one .30 caliber Browning M1919 machine-gun mounted coaxially to the main gun and a .30 caliber hull MG. You've got 2 AT soldiers, ~4 sappers, 1 AT landmine logi, 2+ strategically placed AT guns, and the 3 enemy tanks all trying to kill you while you work together with strangers. Had a similar situation yesterday. WoTs New!?! You'll put 5 shots in the side of a sherman with a panther before it goes down. Update 1.10.1 Incoming! The MP40 is extremely good and the sterling aint bad either. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The entire health pool system of vehicles is completely unrealistic. All rights reserved. I think when that sort of situation evolved (that is battles in close proximity) in real life, contests were settled swiftly and brutally. @Tusk The advantage of having no turret is that you don't have a big poorly sloped target for the enemy, however the StuG IV has some pretty nice flat spots only 80mm thick on its lower glacis, so in a practical sense it's not much harder to blast through than the Pz IV. WoTs New!? Naturally, I've been playing a lot of armour in Post-Scriptum, and I think I can offer some decent advice on how to approach the armour in Post-Scriptum. Which Chinese Tank Line is Right for You? Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. As a driver, moving your periscope around can sometimes disorient you as to exactly where the tank is pointing, the solution to disorientation is usually turning out, but if youre under fire that's no good. Tank crews should keep their eyes open for mines usually on high traffic roads. The roof armor that slants down may be at nearly autobounce, but it is only 40mm. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart";
Has Wargaming Ruined Loot Boxes For World of Tanks? amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual";
New Equipment Ideas + Whats Going On? WOTInspector is developed independently in accordance with WG DPP terms and policies. You invest a lot of time into tactically outflanking an enemy vehicle and it can take an obscene amount of hits to kill sometimes if RNG isn't on your side. Armour has always been my favourite role going back 7+ years now to the Project Reality days, and more recently in Squad. Knowing this will be the difference between life and death. Post video or I assume you did it wrong. The app can show World of Tanks visual models, complete tanks specs, can show and estimate damage from HE ammo, can estimate ramming damage and more. amzn_assoc_title = "Panther II Related Books & Tank Models";
Took him a lot of shots though. Kfz. They are the strongest drivable vehicle in Post Scriptum. With the Armor Inspector you can compare WoT tanks and check the difference visually in armor and specs. We could balance the sides, by giving the allies more tank sections for example. . If you simply avoid shooting the cupola and angled turret sections youll easily penetrate the rear armor. Yeah, I touch on that exact sentiment with my last sentences, maybe not so much that poor tank play is rewarded but that it isn't punished enough. Its gun and armour are obsolete as a tank. A well trained and coordinated tank crew can wreck havoc on the enemy team. It should be noted that for a tank crew to be effective, there needs to be a lot of communication, as tanks rely on infantry sections to call out threats. However, tanks can be very useful in the urban setting. able to absorb Tiger rounds at point blank range. The front glacis sloping is great, but the positive traits end there. Example from yesterdays session: StuG III scores a lucky AP hit on an orbiting Staghound, right in the flank, at 20m. The bow gunner is an extremely important person, as the tank gets heavier and the turret gets slower he becomes even more important. Which Russian Tank Line is Right for You? Usually, they require a crew of 4 to operate, but in some cases only 3 seats are available. The armour has had not one minute of attention since the game was released, every single patch/update has been for the infantry. Sorry to burst your bubbl.. Main Page; All Pages; Interactive Maps; . Labor Day Specials Battle Pass V3 New Superest Tanks. This quality along with a great gun and solid armour lands it in A-tier. Plus Supertest News! All rights reserved. Shermans, etc. Update 1.10.1 Secrets & is the Waffentrager Really Returning? Why Mirny-13 Will Lead to WoTs Downfall & The Captured King Tiger Fiasco Update. Which American Tank Line is Right for You? Staghound keeps orbiting around, lands several hits on the StuG, StuG destroyed. They are the strongest drivable vehicle in Post Scriptum. Valve Corporation. The question is how to properly make an armoured system. Do not try and engage a losing fight, and shoot for the right places! Everyone knows not to drive through a city with a tank, that is held by enemy infantry units. The position is also the easiest thing to do, meaning you can rely on randoms for it. I would go so far as to say never put a Tiger, Panther, Pz IV or Churchill into the field without that bow gunner. No tank in the world would survive this, not even the Tiger itself. I really hope that the armor system get's some more love later this year. However we are two players and we're not backed by Wargaming in any way and have to extract and find all the information ourselves. The main weak spots you find are the lower glacis and view finder holes on the turret. Taking the enemy by surprise is obviously the best thing you can do by this logic. Frontally the Tiger II has great armor on the frontal turret and upper glacis against same tier or lower tier enemies not firing premium rounds. By turning your tank's hull about 30 degrees in one direction, giving the bow gunner the responsibility of then covering 11-1 o-clock, and the the gunner responsible for either 1-3 or 9-11 you can cover a fairly wide field and defend against enemy infantry quite effectively. if you are luck enough to have a shot at the engine from the weak points in the armor you can take it with enough shots, The sweet area on the Pz between the hull and the turret hull is a huge weak spot that was targeted by Soviet gunners can help with a successful ammo rack or simply killing the crew and where the tracks meet the hull to also try and ammo rack the tank if you can. Press J to jump to the feed. The problem ? Edit: Here, I've made a post to illustrate my point:, Learn where the ammo is stowed on different tanks and aim for that, seen Churchills one shot tigers if you pen in the right spots. Long Time No See! Ill make note of this and try to point it out in useful places though. Collision is for measuring how much damage you can deal (and take) by ramming. Valve Corporation. For better app performance and experience consider using mobile versions of Armor Inspector. It does have speed on its side, both cross country, and its acceleration are above average. You have the opportunity for gameplay that's not "you shoot first you win" for every engagement. The AT rifle is meant to stop the tank by aiming for certain areas. Remember to NEVER get in front of them or too far from them. The lower glacis sits at 87mm effectiveness while the view finder is 40mm effectiveness at its weakest point. I recommend never, unless you are making an emergency escape, going into the heavily wooded areas. The main weak spots you find are the lower glacis and view finder holes on the turret. Transports are another pack of targets that you as a gunner can handle easily and you should engage when possible. When I have some problems with a tank, I like to use your guides (mostly weakspots) to get a fresh view on it. Unlike many tanks the view finder area is protected by 40mm spaced armor with a zero armor hole behind it. It's a bit of a mad rng fest but the armour rework should solve it at some point in the future. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0";
Scout cars aren't tanks, their vastly superior mobility and vastly inferior firepower and armour mean they perform much better as disruptive interdiction and recon! Churchill: The Churchill has one thing going for it; armour. For whatever reason these vehicle gets up to speed incredibly quickly, much better than every other tank. Sd. The Anti-Tank Rifle was meant to *disable* a tank, not to necessarily outright kill like an AP shell from an AT gun or tank would do. WoTs New!?!? It costed us tremendous amount of time and money to make this app for your and also it costs us money to operate this website and serve the HD data for the app. WoTs New!?!? Facing an angled Panther you should just aim at the side hull/turret if it presents itself below an auto-bounce angle. Cromwell: Don't get me wrong, B-tier doesn't mean bad, but the cromwell has little on the PzIV and Firefly, which is why it lands in B-tier. WoTs New!?! WoTs New?! People say it would move the balance in german favor, but it's already very ally-biased (speaking as firefly main) so i wouldn't mind it at all- especially since tanks like the tiger did outperform allied tanks, and taking one down should feel like you outsmarted and outmaneuvred them. Except russian tests at Kubinka showed that steel used for Tiger II armor was of very poor quality and overall gave same protection as armor on Tiger I. Hitler loved nothing more than dumping money and resources into wonder weapons. The most common are Anti-tank weapons, Gammon Bombs and Hafthohlladung. That tank took 5 rounds at point blank range on the upper and the lower glacis, and even on the seams, and none penetratednot even close (one round burned its way in to a depth or about two and a half inches; still had a long way to go). Itself below an auto-bounce angle for World of tanks he becomes even more important has been for the... 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