Very disappointing. Regina Milkovich has been the leading female in precision rifle shooting since she first picked up a rifle in 2009. In her off time, Regina writes for many publications in both print and digital mediums, trains other shooters, and mentors several up-and-coming female competitors in the precision rifle discipline. Click on the 'Custom Settings' button. California,Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts or New York. Quickly he was attending weekly, monthly, and annual shoots, which included Nebraska state, USAYESS, and many more. Get the Latest from Speer. Mayville, WI 53050 USA on the Internet. I have shot benchrest, F-Class, PRS, ELR, NRL hunter, and field matches. This new manual contains data for Hodgdon, IMRand WinchesterSmokeless Propellants in more than 5,000 loads, with updates for 14 rifle and pistol cartridges. If you're unsure, or just want options, check as many boxes as you'd like. ! Wow what a book, easy to understand, it explains how things work and why..LOVE it. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I dont plan on stopping anytime soon and this year is scheduled to be as busy as any while shooting 4 different series. In 2016, she plans to lead a delegate of women to Capitol Hill in an effort to give legislators a face to put with gun owners. By 2011, she sold her farm and all of her horses to focus on 3-Gun and the 2nd Amendment. We can only do this with smaller publications. The terrain in Southern Idaho often requires a hunter to be able to take shots at 400 yards and well beyond. He volunteers as an alter sever at Mass on Sunday at church and is a member in the Civilian Airpatrol Program. We have no way of guaranteeing electronic transmission of this data. It has been described as the definitive shotshell companion guide. You owe it to yourself & the game hunted, to get the Advantages manual #10. Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. Reloading Handgun Data. In 1999, George opened GA Precision after apprenticing with three gunsmiths. Product Services Support 866-286-7436. We do not distribute electronic copies of our book due to the load data. I was intrigued with 3-Gun since, as a police officer, I relied on all three platforms at work. 0000000536 00000 n Advantages loads focus on proprietary components made by BPI, Gualandi, B&P,BP wads, and hulls from Fiocchi, Federal, Rio, Cheddite, Remington, Winchester and others. mediatypearr = {4:'4'}; categoriesarr = {99:'99',100:'100'}; linesarr = {}; pagetitle = ''; initializing = true;. It can be used as reference to our calculated loads. He has also put together the first online Precision Rifle Training series of its kind, gaining viewers from all over the world on the JC Steel Targets website. Currently Jake has over 65 top three podium finishes in the last four years, another record! 2023 Ballistic Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Dianna currently competes in the role of Captain for Team Benelli. 2y.-;!KZ ^i"L0- @8(r;q7Ly&Qq4j|9 Posted by J Anderson on Dec 11th 2022 . 3,622,683 The spring action design of the cushion section provides multiple gas sealing and no-tilt, controlled compression on firing. If the electronic data is printed and the printer streaks, it could impact the load data . For over 25 years, he has worked in the firearms industry in product development, working and consulting with small arms manufacturing and related products. function myFunction() { Modern, high-performance shotshell components are listed with clear, easy-to-follow descriptions, specifications, and recommendations. SHIPPING NOW! Shotshell. Hodgdon, The Brand That's True, is pleased to announce the release of the 2020 Hodgdon Annual Manual (the 17 th annual edition). Finish by hitting 'Yes' and 'OK' on the remaining windows that are open. There are answers to questions that you have answered that have puzzled me for years. why "buy" a book when powder makers offer the data for FREE.. Wad makers do the same. Smokeless Powder. 0000004652 00000 n Shes also the co-director of her local club, the AZ LRPRS, assisting in facilitating monthly matches throughout the year. PUT A BEAD ON SHOTGUN RELOADING DATA. Published by Hodgdon Powder Co., the 2023 Hodgdon Basic Manual is now available. Be the first one to, Lyman Reloading Handbook 48th Edition 2002 Ocr, LymanReloadingHandbook48thEdition2002Ocr_201902, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). }. The finest loads are always custom-crafted by you. We believe one of Hodgdons competitive advantages is providing cutting-edge data on all our propellants. The 2021 Annual Manual also includes a tribute to Reiber, who retired at the end of 2020. Alliant Shotshell Load Data (Formerly Hercules) Winchester Load Guides in PDF Form (This company can't seem to get in step with the rest of the industry by offering online reloading data for its components, so you'll need Acrobat Reader after you download the PDF files.) He retired from the North Kansas City Police Department after tours through Patrol Division and the K-9 Narcotics Unit, with additional duties as the Department Armorer, SRT Unit Sniper, and Range Officer/Instructor. Varget and H-4350 are the go to but since Ive been running some IMR Enduron powders that seem to work very good as well. Growing up, Brian spent very little time indoors, with his passions being split between baseball and spending time in either the river, the desert, or the mountains. myWindow.document.write("
* Free Shipping on BP Manuals and Brochures and other selected items. He still serves the NKCPD as a Range Officer volunteer today. Don't worry. Or the occasional coyote hunting. A forum community dedicated to Shotgun owners and enthusiasts including the Remington, Beretta, and Mossberg shotguns brands. In fact, Jake has compiled more wins than any other Shooter in the United States at national level Precision Rifle Series and National Rifle League events during that span. You will be contacted with freight pricing details once you submit your order and our representative has a chance to review it. Manual is really good IF you can purchase the primers that you have listed, but the only brands that I have been able to find are Fiocchi's. I already own several shotgun reloading manuals, from several different publishers. Reloading FAQs. There have been some top 10 ELR finishes as well but I dont remember the specifics. He play trumpet in the Junior High Band and I am an honor roll student at St. Pats. Doubling that will come close to including practice rounds spent at his one-of-a-kind shooting range he built on the edge of the Snake River Canyon. He was trained as an armorer in the US Army, where he spent six years as a Military Police Investigator. ABOUT WYATT: Wyatt is 14 years old and has also hunted Africa, Hawaii and other states as well. This 5th edition covers cases, wads, and primers currently offered by all leading manufacturers in all gauges from .410 to 10 gauge. 01151697111. After starting a life and career in Tulsa, she pursued barrel racing until she found 3-Gun in 2009. In my time I have worked on improving myself to take it as high as I can. Revised, expandedand improved. She has competed on the TV series, 3 Gun Nation as well as an upcoming show called The Big Gun on Sportsman Channel, airing in Q1 2016. %PDF-1.4 % 1,720 8,900 3 Steel 45 Fed. Jake travels the country shooting, directing precision rifle matches, and teaching precision rifle classes. This would be so much better in an e-format. Im glad I did because I use this manual exclusively now and have since purchased many more BPI manuals like the status of steel and buckshot manuals. Automated site maintenance is running. Topics . 72 0 obj <> endobj xref 72 12 0000000016 00000 n A precision rifle enthusiast and owner of GA Precision, George likely needs little introduction. Download the 2023 Reloader's Guide. Home. N')].uJr The 1100s barrel had the forcing cone extended to 2.2 long, .004 overbored, ported the barrel & choke adjusted for my best hand load.Fio. Wyatt has won numerous elk calling competitions at the ISE Best of the West Elk Calling Competition. Most of the powder manufacturers have web sites with data for their powders. It can be used as reference to our calculated loads. In the last several years I have really focussed on the PRS, ELR, and NRL Hunter. Later, he started a granite countertop business allows him the time to pursue his passion for long-range shooting and high-country public land mule deer and elk hunting. dXsC$}f6f0F 6 Service. Lyman's Shotshell Reloading Handbook, 4th Edition. Along with comprehensive load data, the2021 Hodgdon Annual Manualoffers authoritative articles by leading gun and outdoor industry writers, working with the editors of Shooting Times magazine. Growing up on a secluded farm in rural southeast Kansas, Ryan spent the greater part of his childhood in the woods, plinking and hunting. included in this one reloading manual. All but 2-3 of those are with handloadedammo. Subscribe to the free newsletter and do not miss any news or promotions. High Performance Loads for Clays, 9th ed. She remains the only female to take home overall wins in national level precision rifle competitions when she won the 2016 NorCal Tactical Bolt Rifle Challenge and 2018 K&M Kahles Precision Rifle Competition. . Pick 'Internet Options' from the tools menu. He also placed second in the World Elk Calling competition. download 1 file . Full-color manual, 96 pages The world's finest photography of slugs Includes data for 10ga, 12ga, 16ga, 20ga, 28ga & .410 Shipping: Free Shipping on BP Manuals and Brochures. All rights reserved. nQt}MA0alSx k&^>0|>_',G! April 27th, 2018 - Load Data The Best Reloading Manual Online SHOTGUN SEARCH RESULTS Hodgdon Data 2 1 2 Remington Premier or Nitro 27 or STS Plastic 1 Reloading Guide May 6th, 2018 - Reloading Guide for Centerfire Cartridges bullets in caliber 223 Remington and . Working and enjoying the outdoors were just a normal part of day to day life. On the cover, this new manual features the Weatherby Mark V Accumark Pro chambered in 6.5 Weatherby RPMand includes data for this cartridge, along with data for the 6MM ARC, 27 Nosler and 458 SOCOM. 5 Reload manual. 2023 Basic Reloading Manual. Other than that its a good reference to have. We would have Advantages in an e-format, but the file is much too large at this time. You can find Ryan on Shooting Gallery on The Outdoor Channel, and 0000000976 00000 n Let us help! When Wyatts not hunting or fishing he loves competing in rodeos and roping off of his horse, General. It has a degree of CHARACTER that is more personable than your average reloading manual, let alone enough DATA to cover most any load a person could ever imagine. Ryan earned a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry and Plastics Engineering as well as a Masters of Science in Engineering Technologies. some cleaning solvents are restricted from shipping by United States Postal Just click on the name of your machine model to open a pdf printable document. Ive reloaded rifle and pistol for more than 30 years but never experianced much of an intrest or need for reloading shotshells. Sponsored by many of the hunting industries leading manufacturers, he has conducted over a thousand hunting and fishing seminars across the United States and has hunted and fished extensively around the world. His last three years of service were spent at the 1st Marine Division Scout Sniper School as the Primary Marksmanship Instructor. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Baseball won over for a time when it took him to Gonzaga University on scholarship as a pitcher for the Bulldogs. Loaded Ammo Cannot be shipped to the following states: Alaska, Company. Once quoted shipping, you may still decide to cancel the order. Click 'Enable' under the 'Active Scripting' section and hit 'OK'. Law Enforcement/Military Shotshell Contract. It is named for ammunition advantage that handloaders bring to their sport. Current Models Auto-Mate 9000 Series 8567 Grabber SizeMaster / Steelmaster 209A Shotshell Target & Hunting Loads .243 48in 12, 16, 20, 28, & .410 Gauge Federal Plastic Wad Columns One-Piece Wad Columns U.S. Patent No. Our reloading manuals detail the step-by-step processes of handloading high-performance and specialized shotshells. You can search the shotgun side of the search by shell type, wad, shot, powder or any combination. As of 2014, Ryan and Dianna have become full time hunters and competitors, focusing most predominately on 3-Gun. One is hard pressed to find a nicer person. Includes all the latest innovations in pellet materials, including plated lead, steel, bismuth, Hevi-Shot, BPX-12 Devastator, SpheroTungsten Original-15, and SpheroTungsten Super Max-18. Vl`xAO Shotgun setup and options are also covered. Established in 1947 by Bruce and Amy Hodgdon, today, sons J.B. and Bob have grown Hodgdon Powder Company into the largest US supplier of smokeless, blackpowder and blackpowder substitute propellants. Winchester. Passwords are case sensitive. 209A Reloading Specialties "SAM 1" 12 ga 3" & one 12-gauge, 3/8" felt spacer to the inside bottom of the shot cup. In her free time, she shoots in NRL22 club matches around the Kansas City area, where she lives with her husband Shane and where she works as a pharmacist. Check your local laws before ordering. She has also competed for the USA in two Pan-American Shotgun matches and the 2015 IPSC World Shotgun Ladies team that brought home gold! on February 27, 2019, There are no reviews yet. ABOUT WALKER: Walker is 15 years old and has hunted from Africa to Hawaii, and several places in between, including the Yukon in Canada. Privacy Statement | Terms Of Use, Website designed and hosted by Foremost Media | I just purchased a shotshell reloader and would like to get a good reloading manual. Try. Id encourage you to get a copy and see for your self, even if you have never reloaded a single round. With over 230 pages devoted to nothing but data, this Lyman Shotshell Reloading Handbook is the most complete and up-to-date shotshell reloading manual available. From their home in Montana, Shoot Straight with Chad & Marsha follows Chad, Marsha and their two boys-Walker and Wyatt-across the world in hunting adventures. 100% of all my handloads are done withHodgdonbrands. Be the first to find out about new products, events and more! I once paid to have Precision Gunsmithing of Toledo, Oh. A consistent shooter, Regina has finished in the Top 20 routinely and in the Top 10 quite frequently in both the National Rifle League and Precision Rifle Series. Learn more about the brands at these websites,,,,, or www.GoexPowder.comand connect with the Hodgdon brand on Facebookor YouTube. The Latest In Reloading, Straight To Your Inbox Keep up-to-date on new products, trends and tips from the leader in reloading. If you need additional assistance or have any questions with your reloader, please don't hesitate to contact us by phone or email., 1-800-797-4632 Press 1 After graduating college, Ryan moved to Tulsa, OK to take a position as a plastics engineer and in 2011 began shooting 3-Gun competitively. on August 14, 2020, Alliant Powder reloading guide - rifle pistol shotshell, There are no reviews yet. 3 cases + 1 5/8oz of nickel plated lead shot in the BP shot cup cut with 3 petals & with a 1/8 wool felt in the base of the shot cup + BPs gas seal over SR4756 powder, then buffered with #47 buffering that had motor mica added to ease the shots flow through the barrel wads were also coated with mica. Access them online or download for free. shipping carrier must be UPS, FedEx, or SpeeDee ground service only. The RCBS Handbook of Shotshell Reloading is a must have manual for the shotshell reloader. Print. She has a passion to introduce the shooting sports and showcase gun owners and the 2nd Amendment in a positive light. Advantages is for anyone who has ever wanted to master the art of the shotshell. Click the logo for offer details Advantages Manual, 11th Ed. Jaclyn has also taken up Extreme Long Range matches, including King of Two Miles in New Mexico, where she placed 14th out of 80 invited competitors. Delivery only available in the US and Canada. Our reloading manuals detail the step-by-step processes of handloading high-performance and specialized shotshells. A superior pilot is best defined as one who uses his superior judgement to avoid situations requiring the use of his superior skill. Law Enforcement/Military Shotshell Contract. 0000001799 00000 n A couple months later, Zach shot USAYESS competition in Grand Island. In 2015, Ryan and Dianna traveled to over 36 events across the world, including Italy and New Zealand. Western Union Money Order or Bank to Bank Wire Transfer. I now load shot shells for specific game that I hunt and type of hunting I do weather its early season grouse or dove hunting or late season duck and geese. Sorry for the long load! to rework a Rem. Hodgdon reloading data Rocky Mountain Reloading Nosler Load Data Alliant Load Data Powder Burn Rate Chart This new 5th Edition covers cases, wads and primers currently offered by leading manufacturers in all gauges from .410 to 10 gauge. SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP download. Size -- Quantity Sales & Shipping Reviews and Ratings Name Charles This item cannot ship via USPS; when checking out, the Just a superb manual that no shooter should miss reading. 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