So when the king of Israel saw Naaman come in, knew who he was, this captain of the Syrian host and all, and when he gets this note, "I want you to heal this guy of his leprosy," the king just became excited and concerned.He said, "Look how this guy is trying to pick a fight. How could he engage in traditional Israelite ritual? Naaman proceeds with the letter to King Joram. Now Naaman, captain of the army of the king of Aram, was a great man with his master, and highly respected, because by him the LORD had given victory to Aram. These are the things he thought he would buy with the money: the oliveyards and vineyards, he's going to have servants of his own. The artist began the composition on top of the ground by painting in part of the architectural setting, leaving a reserve for figures such as Naaman, Elisha, and Gehazi. When we come before the Lord in our time of prayer, it's important for us to humble ourselves like Naaman did to receive favor from God. [4], According to Rabbinic teaching, Naaman was the archer who drew his bow at a venture and mortally wounded Ahab, King of Israel (I Kings xxii. 10 million Ukrainians without power because of Russia. The name "Naaman" means "nice guy!". In contrast, the figures in the background on the left side were painted on top of the brown background paint. The regents of the Leprozenhuizen in Haarlem and Amsterdam seem to have used Naamans story to show their integrity, as city councils often fall back on stories from classical history. "I know that," he said. Dirt? 20-7). Naamans wife was married to a mighty warrior that suffered from leprosy. And he said, "Send him down to me, and he will know that there is a God in Israel." But here is Elisha refusing the gift. We've got better rivers up in Damascus." Joy is upset because shes in charge of a big service project. Even though he would still have to help his aged king bow before Rimmon, Naaman wanted Elisha to know his heart belonged only to the God of Elisha. The rabbinical tradition that Naaman was the archer (I Kings xxii. The biblical text (Cf. And he came to Elisha and he sought to give to Elisha some of these gifts that he had brought from Syria and Elisha said, "No, I don't want your gifts. The two works of this subject by Abraham van Dijck (1635/680) and Ferdinand Bol (161680) date from much later. And he said. New York, 2020. . Similar decorations are also visible on the sash of one of the servants in De Grebbers version of Elishas Refusal for the Leprozenhuis in Haarlem, while the jewels on Naamans and Belshazzars turbans are nearly identical. He was sent to the door by Elisha with a message for Naaman to wash in the Jordan River seven times to be healed of his leprosy. And as they were going along, one of his servants said to him, "You know, had that prophet told you to do some great deed, you know, go out and slay the dragon and get the seven golden apples, had he given you some great deed to do, you would be glad to do it. Copyright 2023 Deseret News Publishing Company. Perhaps, as he walked back, he was thinking about what he could do with such a large sum: he could buy olive orchards and vineyards, sheep and oxen, and have servants rather than being a servant. [2][3] Now the Arameans went out in bands and captured from the land of Israel a young girl, who ministered to Naaman's wife. Abraham van Dijck, Elisha Refusing Naamans Gifts (present whereabouts unknown); Werner Sumowski, Gemlde der Rembrandt-Schler,vol. After this, Naaman and his retinue returned to Elisha and offered a giftten talents of silver, six thousand shekels of gold, ten sets of clothingElisha could take whatever he wanted. Naaman is understood as Moab in the expression "Moab is my washpot" (Ps. The leprosy was gone.He was so excited he headed back to the prophet's house because he was loaded down with all kinds of gifts that the king of Syria had sent. He then praised the lord of Israel as the only true god. New versions are added only when a substantive change to the narrative occurs. He's trying to start a fight. ), Paul suggested that if one charged for his service in the priesthood, he would abuse his power in the gospel. And the fact that He gives to me so freely and in such a simple way that I can't get any credit for it. Naaman, standing outside of Elisha's house, was furious when he was greeted by a messenger instead of the prophet himself. The Lord healed Naaman. At the behest of some servants, he consents to dip himself in the Jordan. The pictorial source for this confrontation scheme may be Peter Paul Rubenss The Tribute Money (Fine Arts Museum, San Francisco), which was known in the Northern Netherlands from a print by Lucas Vorsterman. Nephi called such employment "priestcraft," in which " . Sign up for our Premium service. It is Elishas messenger who tells Naaman to take seven dips in the river Jordan. Help us continue to bring the Gospel to people everywhere through uplifting and transformative Catholic news, stories, spirituality, and more. 16001652/3), who executed the biblical narrative as a portrait histori for the regents of the Haarlem Leprozenhuis (Leper Asylum) in 1637 (fig 1).1 De Grebbers work shows some affinities with Jacobszs painting in its compositional format and half-length depiction of elaborately dressed figures, but the two paintings differ greatly in character and in their treatment of the biblical subject. Although opinion varies as to how much a talent weighed (maybe 25-35kg), it was certainly a lot of money. A Bible Story for Adults. You must be logged in to use this feature. viii. 20-7 act epexegetically to Elisha's refusal to accept Naaman's gifts is plausible for three reasons. Gehazi told Naaman that Elisha had changed his mind and now Elisha wanted the gifts. The man was also a valiant warrior, but he was a leper. 10 Elisha sent out a messenger who told him, "Go and wash seven times in the Jordan; your skin will be restored and you will be healed." 11 Naaman went away angry. Deuteronomy 8:18 . 8), which the Rabbis regard as an allusion to Naaman's bathing in the Jordan; the appellation "Moab" is a play on the word "abi" (= "my father"), by which Naaman was addressed by his servants in II Kings v. 13 (Num. Aramean raiders invaded the land of Israel, and among their captives was a young girl who had been given to Naamans wife as a maid. See Albert Blankert, Kunst als regeringszaak in Amsterdam in de 17e eeuw (Exh. Elisha then told Naaman to go bathe in the Jordan seven times and he would be clean. And the prophet starts laying out the things that he had in mind to do with this money. In the past, the edges of the painting appear to have been folded over a smaller stretcher about an inch from the current edge. An Israelite maid he had captured advised him to see the prophet Elisha. This event is alluded to in the words "because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria" (II Kings v. 1), and therefore the Syrian king, Naaman's master, was Benhadad (Midrash Shoer ob to. Then Naaman said, "If you will not accept this gift, at least do this for me. Tanuma, Tazria' (end), however, says that Naaman was stricken with leprosy for taking an Israelitish maiden and making her his wife's servant (comp. Gehazi asked for (and received) silver and clothing from Naaman, after lying about the arrival of two men of the sons of the prophets. Last edited on 21 November 2022, at 00:19,, This page was last edited on 21 November 2022, at 00:19. He was accustomed to being in charge and to giving the orders. rev2023.3.1.43269. But Naaman was completely in his right mind. 6 [lent by the present owner]. And so it was told to Naaman and he told the king that there was a prophet in Israel that could cure him of his leprosy. People become very excited when they see God work. 122. Those were the things which Elisha refused. Iconclass is a classification system pertaining to art and iconography, designed to describe and classify subjects, themes, and motifs represented in images. 1800 (Stockholm 2005), 59, no. 2 Kings 3:14 And Elisha said, As the LORD of hosts liveth, before whom I stand, surely, were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, I would not look toward thee, nor see thee. The Mekilta (Yitro, 'Amale, 1), however, places Naaman's conversion above Jethro's. We would all of us like to do some great wonderful thing for the Lord. The guy is just looking for trouble. Peter van den Brink, Jacob Backer (1608/91651) (Exh. How does a fan in a turbofan engine suck air in? Let me have enough dirt from Israel to fill the baskets on two of my mules. What's it going to hurt?" ), "It is, after all, by divine power that men are able to perform priesthood miracles," states the manual. Now in coming back, he acknowledged that there was no God in all the earth but in Israel. Jacob Backer, The Tribute Money, 1630s (Nationalmuseum, Stockholm); see Grel Cavalli-Bjrkman, Dutch and Flemish Paintings, vol. Kullanm artlarmz ve Gizlilik Politikamz kabul ettiiniz iin teekkr ederiz. Why does Jesus turn to the Father to forgive in Luke 23:34? [5], As the object of the narrative of Naaman's sickness and restoration to health is, apparently, to form a link in the long series of miracles performed by Elisha, the redactor of II Kings did not concern himself to indicate the time when this event occurred. Anyone who is stricken with this disease knows that they will endure years of pain and ultimately death. And this is what God said about His land, You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. An overall warm gray ground has been applied to the painting. The original support has been lined and its tacking margins have been removed. Acts 8:20.) 26:29.) Lambert Jacobsz and his many assistants produced history scenes with small figures throughout his career, but works with large figuressuch as this one in the Leiden Collectionwere made only for a short while and overlapped with Jacob Backers stay in Leeuwarden.3 Like Jacobsz, Jacob Backer (1608/951) was a Mennonite who grew up among fellow believers on Amsterdams Nieuwendijk. But he was a leper. lx. Elisha Refusing Naamans Gifts was not always attributed to Lambert Jacobsz. Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts. Edited by Arthur K. Wheelock Jr. and Lara Yeager-Crasselt. Sperkitap web sitesini kullanarak, Kullanm artlarmz ve Gizlilik Politikamz kabul etmi olursunuz. Naaman is mentioned in 2 Kings 5 of the Tanakh in Hebrew as " " or "Naaman captain of the army of the King of Aram". A4. This seems to be, to a certain extent, self-evident. 552 et seq.) Naaman sends a letter to the king saying that he expected the king to heal him! Why did Elisha refuse Naaman's gift? Somehow I would like to deserve or earn God's blessings. Lambert Jacobszs Elisha Refusing Naamans Gifts depicts an episode from the Old Testament story of Naaman, the widely admired commander of the Syrian army, and the Prophet Elisha, who cured him of leprosy. You know, I would like to go out and conquer a thousand giants or something. Throughout its existence the company has been honored with many awards which recognise BRILL's contribution to science, publishing and international trade. I can think of a few favors I would ask of a prophet in a receptive mood, but dirt certainly isnt one of them. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. When the prophet Elisha hears about this, he sends for general Naaman. 20-7 act epexegetically to Elisha's refusal to accept Naaman's gifts is plausible for three reasons. Nothing new under the sun there. Gehazi accepted two talents of silver and two changes of clothes. Jacobsz also painted original compositions, of which his assistants made copies and variations. Naaman was a powerful man and a warrior who was used to giving commands and having those commands obeyed. However, as noted, nothing is known about a commission, and it therefore remains uncertain for whom or which institution Jacobsz originally made this painting. It only takes a minute to sign up. To demonstrate his gratitude, Naaman, wearing a richly decorated turban and pale turquoise kaftan, came before the prophet to offer Elisha precious gifts, including the purple cloak on which he rests his left hand. Most likely, Naaman would have expected Elisha would come out of his house to perform some ritual, or that he would have led him to some special magic place to heal him. cat. When Naaman left Elisha's house to return home to Syria, Gehazi was filled with greed. In this quiet and restrained scene, Lambert Jacobsz placed Naaman in the center of the composition and gave him added prominence through his slightly larger scale and the brilliant colors of his turban and kaftan. For example, Naamans turban and sashas well as the sash of his youngest servantfeature the same decorations as Belshazzars sash. Superbook DVD Club members have access to watch full-length Superbook episodes online or within the Free Superbook Bible App. ), Elisha starts with what was actually on offer (to him. Why Did Elisha Refuse Gifts from Naaman? 344, 361). Elisha refused to accept the gifts, but his servant, Gehazi, decided he would "run after him, and take somewhat of him." Simon Kick, Elisha Refusing Naamans Gifts, 1644 (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemldegalerie); Werner Sumowski, Gemlde der Rembrandt-Schler, vol. Why did Elisha rebuke Gehazi for things he did not accept from Naaman? He was originally a disciple of Elijah. 3238 and 3913. Moreover, the figure of Elisha was thought to resemble the old man at the left in De Grebbers Conferring of the Sword on the Coat-of-Arms of Haarlem from 1630. The temptation to use priesthood power for personal gain has plagued man throughout history (see for example the account of Balaam in Jude 1:11and the account of Nehor in Alma 1). One day his wife's Israeli servant girl told her about the power of God moving through the prophet Elisha. The "money and garments" is clear, but why did Elisha mention the other 3 pairs of things? He was a great warrior and highly respected because he had given victories to Aram. How do I fit an e-hub motor axle that is too big? In the more thickly painted central figures, the artist used dabs of paint to imitate metallic reflections in Naamans garments, as well as in the highlights and other light-colored details in the textiles. According to the narrative, he is called a mezora (), a person affected by the skin disease tzaraath (, tzara'at). The third one is, then, that of the gifts: Naaman insists on giving Elisha some gift (the text doesnt specify what, but one can assume that it might have to do with Naamans six thousand shekels of gold), but Elisha refuses him, saying As surely as the Lord lives, whom I serve, I will not accept a thing.. And she said, It's too bad your husband isn't with the prophet there in Israel, because he could heal him of his leprosy. When he discovered that he was stricken with leprosy he searched for a cure -- and of course at that time there was no cure. And he urged him to take it; but he refused. They want to lavish the servant of God with gifts. Create an account or log in to get started. 5 Insights for Interpreting the Deaths of Ananias and Sapphira. Naaman's wife had a servant girl from Israel who said that a prophet there would be able to heal him. 57b; Deut. men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion." And he took it and put it in his house. Send him to me so he may know there is a prophet in Israel." 9 So Naaman came with his horses and chariots and stood in the doorway of Elisha's house. In fact, he almost lost out on his healing because he did not want to follow the instructions of Elisha to bathe in the Jordan River. Why would he want to? Originating around the same time are versions of the subject by Jacob I de Wet (161075) and Simon Kick (160352). The Lord says just "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved" ( Acts 16:31 ). If God was able to cleanse a man of an incurable skin condition why would God need that persons gold, or slaves or cattle? 78. Am I God that I can heal him of his leprosy? Sent a servant out to me and then tells me to duck in that Jordan River. Ps. But he said, As the LORD lives, before whom I stand, I will receive none. It would be simply wrong for Elisha to accept Naamans gift, given the fact the prophet has not performed the healing himself, but God. (1 Cor. He was a good commander and was held in favor because of the victory that God brought him. ii.). According to the Bible, Naaman was a commander of the army of Syria. Jacobsz acted as an art dealer in Leeuwarden, which allowed him to have close ties with artists and dealers in other cities. What happens when someone rejects a sacrifice, a gift, an offering? You can discuss this post and others in the Faithlife Today group. Yet Naaman was a leper. Albert Blankert in a letter to Jack Kilgore, 5 October 2006, at The Leiden Collection, New York. In 2 Kings 5:1519, the elated Naaman returns to Elisha and begs him to take payment for healing him. He chased after Naaman to take the gifts that Elisha refused to accept. And Naaman urged him to take it; but he refused ( 2 Kings 5:16 ). And so he said, "Let's wait. Michael S. Heiser is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania (M.A., Ancient History) and the University of Wisconsin- Madison (M.A., Ph.D., Hebrew Bible and Semitic Studies). They also receive 3 DVD's of each new Superbook episode.If you are already a Superbook DVD Club member and have enabled streaming access, please login to access full-length Superbook episodes. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions Jesus taught His ministering servants, "Freely ye have received, freely give." Now, Naaman is not an Israelite. The Septuagint, the Greek Old Testament, uses the word baptizein for the dipping that heals the heathen Naaman from the skin disease called tzaraath. And so Gehazi went out from his presence a leper ( 2 Kings 5:27 ). They perhaps considered themselves to be as unselfish as Elisha was. Not only is Elisha's gesture of refusal reminiscent of that in the Leiden Collection painting, but Gehazi similarly stands behind the prophet in both works. . And so Naaman came to Elisha's house and Elisha didn't even go out to meet him but sent his servant Gehazi out with the orders, "Go down to the Jordan River and just dip in the Jordan River seven times, and after you've dipped seven times, you'll be cleansed of your leprosy." Ovens (Landau, 1983), 1630, no. 2,Dutch Paintings c. 1600c. But he said, As the Lord liveth, before whom I stand, I will receive none. The model for the elderly man was also used for a version of The Tribute Money in Stockholm by Jacob Backer in his Leeuwarden period; see Grel Cavalli-Bjrkman, Dutch and Flemish Paintings, vol. The balding and aged prophet, in contrast, is dressed soberly in a brown habit. Elisha Refusing Naamans Gifts (2020). After Naaman departed, Gehazi ran after him and asked him for gifts. He didn't heal Naaman. 1800 (Stockholm, 2005), 59, no. Gehazi was Elisha's helper. 6, unsold). Naaman's wife had a servant girl from Israel who said that a prophet there would be able to heal him. 1, J.A. Gehazi was Elisha's young messenger and servant. 5; comp. Entrust your prayer intentions to our network of monasteries. 10:8. 6 (ascribed to Pieter de Grebber by Fred Meijer). (accessed March 02, 2023). The baths cured Naaman. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. First and foremost, Naaman's healing is not Elisha's gift: it is a gift freely bestowed by the grace of God, and Elisha is well aware of that. And the leprosy from Naaman fell on Gehazi and would remain in his descendants. Another composition with small-scale figures is the 1635 Elisha Refusing Naamans Gifts in the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg. Since documents about a commission have not been preserved, it is not known for whom Lambert painted Elisha Refusing Naamans Gifts or where it was originally intended to be displayed. Why should Elisha receive a gift for him? The king of Israel didn't know what to do, yet Elisha (Eliseus) sent a message to the King, advising that the King tell Naaman to come to see him. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. 2, Dutch Paintings c. 1600c. This attribution by Fred Meijer was largely based on an alleged kinship with De Grebbers Belshazzars Great Feast from 1625 in Museum Schloss Wilhelmshhe, Kassel. Deuteronomy 8:11-14 , Elisha hearing from God refused out of obedience to God anything Naaman offered because after all he was entitled to payment as a prophet. When he returned home, Elisha found out and punished . I can hire me some servants. He came to the door to tell Naaman that he should take a dip in the Jordan River seven times. This also shows the place where the king and the people were at spiritually because the king doesn't think to call Elisha there to heal Naaman. I could buy an olive orchard, a vineyard. ( ). He did not want money, wealth, power, or prestige to interfere with the call of God that was on his life. Naamans unusual request stems from the ancientand biblicalconception that the earth is the locale for a cosmic turf war. Compare translations, take notes and highlight, consult devotionals and commentaries, look up Greek and Hebrew words, and much moreall with the help of intuitive, interactive tools. The name Elisha in Hebrew is translated, "My God is salvation". This excerpt about Naaman in the Bible is adapted from the original article in Dr. Heisers book I Dare You Not to Bore Me with the Bible. Amsterdam, Royal Palace) (Lochem, 1975), 4146. Articles on this page may be used in conjunction with the Gospel Doctrine course of study. Who Are Gog and Magogand Whats So Evil about the North? Sale, Sothebys, London, 7 December 2005, no. 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