His talks givepeople a sense that even in their deep worrythey are not alone, he says. Buffett makes money as long as there is no pipeline. San Francisco at the turn of the 20th century might have had a dozen dailies in several languages. He is a longtime Methodist. 50,000,000 total weight of pennies (grams) availablefor those willing to prostitute their integrity, scientific or otherwise. Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) . April 2019. "[10], Subsequently, the organization continued its work, with the Global Work Party on 10/10/10 (10 October 2010). Its a different place. http://opinion.financialpost.com/2013/02/14/rockefellers-behind-scruffy-little-outfit/ German Green Ministers Emitting the Most with Government FlightsMinister Baerbock 5000 Tonnes CO2! It never dawns on them that they are wrong, they are doing more harm than good, and the other side might just actually be in it for bigger reasons than just lining their own pockets with cash. But we must acknowledge that McKibben, his ilk and environmentalists, are all counter-revolutionaries. In Faltera New York Times bestsellerhe offers a call-to-arms, 30 years after The End of Nature set the stage. Climate Change Writer. Bill McKibben, author, educator, activist and founder of Third Act, will give a lecture on Sept. 26, in University Chapel on Washington and Lee University's campus, at 5:30 p.m. Recently McKibben wrote an insightful book titled The Flag, The Cross, and The Station Wagon: A Graying American Looks Back At His Suburban Boyhood, and Wonders What the Hell Happened. Click for complete event details. The right is also attacking science, the media and education. M5V 2L1, 1123 Broadway, Suite 1107 Chorus Foundation By Jules Boykoff and Maxwell Boykoff Surely he states his bias on any of the work he does? 119 Spadina Avenue The Battle for the Truth about Global Warming, invaluable Steven F. Hayward, The Weekly Standard, changed the world and is one of the most influential resources on global warming. Hey, I know the buck is in trouble but even UK is talking about abandoning the EU. I know they wont. As the school year winds down, its the perfect time to start thinking about your events for the Fall 2023 semester. Digging into 350.orgs records could reveal some shadowy perks, like a car, housing subsidy, utility payments, etc. This scam just get uglier and uglier whats it going to take to full exposure? They are actually USING Tides and the various environmental organizations in order to further their own business goals and put cash money into their own pockets. [18], In 1980, following the election of Ronald Reagan, he determined to dedicate his life to the environmental cause. Scarface says: $635 for expenses seems suspiciously low. While listening to PBS, how many times have you heard Made possible by a grant from the Florence and John J. Schumann Jr. Foundation? April 2017. April 2019. In this urgent and engaging talk, New York Times bestselling authorBillMcKibbenreveals the part each of us must play in where we need to go. You create a national organization that is based around an issue. A different planet. They expect 20,000 people from across the United States. http://www.pbs.org/ombudsman/feedback.html, Challenging Net Zero with Science: Lindzen-Happer-CO2 Coalition Paper Released, Climate change: short on proof, drowning in nonsense, ChaptGPT admits there has been no warming since 2015, Don't Believe the Geniuses Claiming to Know Our Energy Future. close relationships with top athletes, agents, publicists and TIME Magazine called him perhaps the planets best green journalist, and hes lectured and organized on every continent, including Antarctica. This is all normal for the enviro industry. Harvard Bookstore event at The Brattle Theatre. Self reliance is certainly not something the left promulgates; they want the populace beholden to and reliant upon government. In person speaking event at The New York Society for Ethical Culture, NYC, 6.15.22 6:00 PM ET What we probably need is a database of these people as they move around from one organization to the next. In 1988 he wrote The End of Nature, the first book for a common audience about global warming. . The molecular structure of CO2 traps heat that would otherwise radiate back out to space. I see that so-called FAIR, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, got $150K from the Rockies. He literally had his TV programmed to receive only these channels. May 2020. NZ Willy says: In addition to individual contributions, 350.orgs work was supported by the following foundations in Fiscal Year 2011: Yikes. Not our cozy, taken-for-granted earth, but a planet, a real one, with darkpoles and belching volcanoes and a heaving, corrosive sea, raked by winds, strafed by storms, scorched by heat. virtual events in the sports world. If he takes money to cover expenses for going to activist events that he doesnt have to go to for his job, then even that distinction is gone. It sounds like racketeering and possible money laundering. In person event at Malaprops, Asheville, NC, 6.16.22 7:00 PM ET Bill McKibben, Environmentalist: I went to Greenland because I wanted to take a young poet from the Marshall Islands, a woman named Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner. Why would they expose themselves? Its all about his activism. Shouldve known. I was first made aware of this from the community of users at a blog called Sweetness and Light ( http://sweetness-light.com/ ) around 2003. On Wednesday, 350.org and the Sierra Club participated in an anti-Keystone protest at the White House and this Sunday they are holding another one on Capital Hill. Might even end up being one of those hated 1%ers. Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out? Amanpour & Co / PBS: Bill McKibben Discusses Fossil Fuel Divestment. desired sports personality. Scum of the earth. Foreign Policy named him to their inaugural list of the worlds 100 most important global thinkers, and the Boston Globe said he was probably Americas most important environmentalist. His 1989 book The End of Nature is regarded as the first book for a general audience about climate change, and has appeared in 24 languages. Edifying. Yes . His 1989 book The End of Nature is regarded as the first book for a general audience about climate change, and has appeared in 24 languages. He spent a year watching the 2,400 hours of programming, and then compared it to a day spent on the mountaintop near his home. The Schumann Distinguished Scholar in Environmental Studies at Middlebury College and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, he was the 2013 winner of the Gandhi Prize and the Thomas Merton Prize, and holds honorary degrees from 18 colleges and universities. bill mckibben speaking fee - Eagle Quality Construction LLC . Im sure from his interpretation of facts, he doesnt think so, but thats an ongoing problem with Bill, as his interpretation of facts about global warming are a self distortion to suit his purposes. SpeakerBookingAgency work to get you the best price for your This book has been widely used in colleges and high schools and was reissued in a new edition in 2006. Educator. I cannot find the psychology of sending Emails with the I not capitalized. Remember the trouble the head of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation, Nancy G. Brinker, got into after shutting off grants to Planned Parenthood? [27][28], Subsequent books include Hope, Human and Wild, about Curitiba, Brazil, and Kerala, India, which he cites as examples of people living more lightly on the earth; The Comforting Whirlwind: God, Job, and the Scale of Creation, which is about the Book of Job and the environment; Maybe One, about human population; Long Distance: A Year of Living Strenuously, about a year spent training for endurance events at an elite level; and Enough, about what he sees as the existential dangers of genetic engineering and nanotechnology. He frequently argues that the Nordic model is preferable to a deregulated capitalist system, and that rapid innovation may come to hurt humanity. Clif Bar Family Foundation $25,000 for a job that averages ten hours per week? Elliot!. Today we have one paper and that one is generally in the tank for one political party. Sidney Frank Foundation [17] As a high school student, McKibben wrote for the local paper and participated in statewide debate competitions. [45], In December 2019, along with 42 other leading cultural figures, McKibben signed a letter endorsing the British Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership in the 2019 general election. Well done Crosspatch. 350.org: Climate Teach-ins with Maggie Gyllenhaal, Mustafa Ali, James Hansen, Katherine Hayhoe, and Bill McKibben. An inhospitable place. And finally: http://www.huntingtonnews.net/3576 That last sentence is all over the web as being in their mission statement. All very proper and high-brow and, undoubtedly, tax-minimizing. Tsunami Of Green Bans: German Economics Minister Plans End Of Gas, Oil Heating Beginning 2024! When I saw the nasme Bill Moyers on the above documents I thought it was a coincidental name. $100,000 or more, 7 contribtors, one is Rockefeller Family Foundation. Note also Bill Moyers of PBS, no wonder he is so biased, hes a paid to represent and direct an environmental organization. Our Sources It is an account of an experiment in which McKibben collected everything that came across the 100 channels of cable TV on the Fairfax, Virginia, system (at the time among the nation's largest) for a single day. Citizen Skippy says: . . The organization says the $25K was paid to a man named Bill McKibben how is that not giving money to Bill McKibben, even if his wife did pick up his check. Strong worked in oil to get ahead Every time you hear a lefty accusing someone else of engaging in some nefarious act, I can nearly guarantee that they themselves are engaged in the exact same activity and probably to a greater degree. Theres even a reference to New Orleans (Katrina!). Or maybe it is just business as usual with PBS? ^ a b McKibben, Bill (July 19, 2012). Environmentalist, academic, and author Bill McKibben engaged with Mary Evelyn Tucker, co-founder of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology on the topic of the "Climate Emergency". Contact SpeakerBookingAgency today at 1-888-752-5831 to book The truth will come out. Its a different place. Another thing you have to be aware of is how they launder larger salaries by breaking it up and paying smaller amounts from several different organizations that are basically really all the same overall organization (in effect, if not in name). In person speaking event at The New York Society for Ethical Culture, NYC . 243 Aussie EVs Deregistered for Not Paying their Road Users Tax. This used to be the lead-in ad every day on the Weather Channel. Even if hes not paid to be an activist, but hes paid because hes an activist. Imagine we live on a planet. Some of McKibben's work has been extremely popular;[31][32] an article in Rolling Stone in July 2012 received over 125,000 likes on Facebook, 14,000 tweets, and 5,000 comments.[31][32]. Stoneman Family Foundation Secretary of State is John Kerry. "Nature's Prophet: Bill McKibben as Journalist, Public Intellectual and Activist" (PDF). After negotiations with New York City authorities, event planners chose Sunday, September 21 as the date. B, we punch way above our numbers politically, because we all vote. Temperatures are rising dramatically, Urban Heat Islands Do Not Exaggerate Global Warming, Climate Change is Causing Accelerated 21st Century Surface Warming, We are in the Hottest Ever Period Due to Climate Change, Climate Models have Accurately Predicted 30 Years of Warming, Instrumental Temperature Records Demonstrate Man-Made Global Warming, Tipping Point 1.5 Degrees Celsius Warming, A problem that is bigger than global warming, http://fairquestions.typepad.com/rethink_campaigns/, Keystone XL is causing the president some heartache, http://350.org/en/2011-annual-report-financial-information, http://theartofannihilation.com/rockefellers-1sky-unveils-the-new-350-org-more-more-delusion/, http://www.greencorps.org/field-school-for-environmental-organizing/classroom-training/principal-faculty, http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uicQHGVQYw8, http://fair.org/extra-online-articles/journalistic-balance-as-global-warming-bias/, Boxers carbon tax proposal would enrich people already feeding from the public trough meanwhile Suzanne Goldenberg bags her journalism skills, http://www.1sky.org/files/1Sky-Annual-Report-Year-Two-October-2008-September-2009.pdf, http://www.1sky.org/files/1sky-annual-report-y3-2010.pdf, http://www.humanevents.com/2007/10/29/sorosfunded-media-matters-attacks-conservatives/, http://www.nytimes.com/2000/08/07/us/public-lives-arranging-environmental-groups-corporate-marriage.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm, http://www.1sky.org/files/1sky-annual-report-2008-final.pdf, http://www.commpro.biz/corporate-communications/business-ethics-corporate-communications/do-the-math/, http://www.middlebury.edu/newsroom/archive/2010/node/269059, http://www.tides.org/fileadmin/user/pdf/Tides-Foundation-List-of-Grantees-2010.pdf, http://web.archive.org/web/20100728191309/http://www.stopdirtyenergyprop.com/, http://opinion.financialpost.com/2013/02/14/rockefellers-behind-scruffy-little-outfit/, http://ezralevant.com/2013/02/the-truth-about-the-paid-papin.html, http://www.middlebury.edu/newsroom/experts/mckibben/node/25001, http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/funderprofile.asp?fndid=5322, http://www.ethicaloil.org/news/a-foreign-secret-plan-to-target-canada-exposed/, .a new online forum jointly sponsored by the progressive intellectual center Demos and The Democratic Strategist. ), and you Sir are NO T.S. This is stuff that has been brought forth time and time again on blogs and in other fora. We clearly need a dictator to cut through the messiness that is democracy. He's gone on to write 20 books, and his work appears regularly in periodicals from the New Yorker to Rolling Stone. This is probably the tip of the iceberg. that a foundation wanting to attract someone who has an established media Robert Gass According to an investigative report by Maarivs Kalman Libeskind, the protests were engineered by a group of media strategists who are directed by prominent Democratic strategist Stanley Greenberg, a former adviser to Bill Clinton, John Kerry and others. Retrieved March 8, 2013. become a member of your local PBS station. Booking Request Form for Bill McKibben. Note also Bill Moyers of PBS, no wonder he is so biased, hes a paid to represent and direct an environmental organization. Elliot (in my liberal arts college, a true one, Latin, Greek, Classics, etc. . One of the New Yorker 's Best Books of 2022 Bill McKibbenaward-winning author, activist, educatoris fiercely curious. .a new online forum jointly sponsored by the progressive intellectual center Demos and The Democratic Strategist Stan Greenberg is a founding editor of The Democratic Strategist and co-founder of Democracy Corps See Source Watch Greenberg was campaign advisor not only to Clinton but also to Tony Blair. Official website for Bill McKibben - author, educator, environmentalist, and Co-founder of 350.org; includes full information on all his books including Falter, Oil and Honey, Eaarth, The End of Nature, Deep Economy, Fight Global Warming Now, and a wealth of resources. [3], In 2009, he led 350.org's organization of 5,200 simultaneous demonstrations in 181 countries. Find Fenton under Pro Bono Donors and notice in the upper right corner the notice of: Find out more about this exciting 1Sky/350.org merger and how you can stay involved with the climate movement at 350.org. Not sure where to post this, but apparently denialists are well funded according to The Guardian. The future of the world economy and the integrity of science seems to rest on the outcome of a conservative-liberal/socialist battle. The business of climate alarmism is confusing: The president has said the right things about climate change and has taken some positive steps. He lives in the mountains above Lake Champlain with his wife, the writer Sue Halpern, where he spends as much time as possible outdoors . Bill McKibben photo credit: Nancie Battaglia. "[14] He has been mentioned as a possible future Secretary of the Interior or Secretary of Energy should a progressive be elected President. Fred from Canuckistan says: Stop the pipeline that can bring competion with plenty of cheaper oil? latest virtual speaking fee, appearance cost and schedule A.D. Everard says: The political left in the US is at this point rotten to the core. McKibben was born in Palo Alto, California. 3. [15], In 2020, McKibben delivered a keynote at 2020 Vision: Finding Hope in Climate Action. Social media icons are created by, or based on work by, Chris Wallace and shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Of course McKibben is allowed to comment here. Sept 2019. A $150 ticket includes a private speaker reception and reserve seating near the front. [39], On Sunday, July 5, 2015, McKibben led a similar climate march in Toronto, Ontario, with the support of various celebrities. Since she was raking in about $460 million a year (I think, somewhere around there), she only had to spend $46 million annually on grants. Its not uncommon to weasel money from the fund into areas difficult to track. To get the final per person fee, I divide the $20,000 total speaking fee by the number of conference attendees. Im talking full MSM, everyone knowing about it, exposure. [6] In 2011 and 2012 he led the environmental campaign against the proposed Keystone XL pipeline project[7] and spent three days in jail in Washington, D.C. Two weeks later he was inducted into the literature section of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. We also thank the many individual donors who make our work possible. Bill McKibben Speaker & Booking Information. #2: Solutions. The remaining 90% can be spent by the foundation owners on travel, food, residences, offices, whatever it determines is essential for its operation, like a private jet. Her linkedin profile lists it as her most recent accomplishment before joining Fenton. Slightly OT, but I think relevant to the big picture under discussion here. It's the ultimate how-to guide on developing psychological safetyfeeling safe to ask questions and take riskswhich is the key ingredient for successful teams. Energy Foundation Now why would the Rockefellers who refine oil from places other than Western North America wish to stop the flow of Canadian oil to refineries on the Southern US? Like some others have commented, if Bill McGlibbering was caught telling the truth, that would be news. Support the kind of journalism done by the NewsHour, become a member of your local PBS station. Keep gasoline above $3.50/gal instead of having it drop to maybe $2.50/gal? Bill McKibben: Well, that's actually a really good question because when I started, I wasn't really an activist. http://theartofannihilation.com/rockefellers-1sky-unveils-the-new-350-org-more-more-delusion/ Vivian should receive the Order of Canada for her work. Images. I cannot find anything, just curious. Artists Project Earth That aint the half of it. An inhospitable place. Seba has a Stanford MBA and a B.S. Why have we got a tiny group of people (pretending to be many more) holding the world to ransom? [41] After Sanders' defeat by Hillary Clinton, McKibben endorsed her and spoke at their first joint event in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Its called misdirection and politicians and scam artists use it artfully (please note the only difference between scam artists and politicians is generally speaking, title and prison time- oh, and schools monuments and bridges that have been named after themselves). Lang Family Foundation Create fake grassroots movement with the aid of well-heeled donors. Environmental activist, decorated author and co-founder of campaign website 350.org Bill McKibben will be speaking about where we stand with the climate fight. Nice work! Hes done so in the past, and I hope he feels that even though he may not agree with most of the community here, that he will been treated respectfully. His statement may have been statistically correct. [48] McKibben is also a fellow at the Post Carbon Institute. And one only cup of coffee, too (its 6:30 a.m. here). They lie, they cheat, they steal from us, they steal from our children. 1Sky gratefully acknowledges the support of its many foundation donors, including: Bioneers: What Weve Learned About Climate Change in the Last 30 Years. Download failed twice. [1] The original idea was that projection would allow for reduced anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them. The Flag, The Cross, and the Station Wagon. Keith you have the zero in the wrong place. Ellen Miller, currently PR/advertising for Fenton lists Gasland as a project she worked on prior to joining Fenton at the beginning of last year. Most older people realize that, and that theres real meaning in continuing to try the project of building a better society. Every year during Hispanic Heritage Month, from September 15th to October 15th, we celebrate the Hispanic and Latinx leaders and communities whose contributions have made this country what it is. While working for the magazine, he wrote a series of articles that later became the . Pro Bono Donors [8], He was awarded the Gandhi Peace Award in 2013. I suppose when you are engaged on a *noble cause* the end always justifies the means. SpeakerBookingAgency is a leader when it comes to booking It needs a new name. [21], McKibben began his freelance writing career at about the same time that climate change appeared on the public agenda following the hot summer and fires of 1988 and testimony by James Hansen before the United States Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources in June of that year. AMY GOODMAN: We are joined by Bill McKibben now, speaking to us from his home in Vermont, co-founder and director of 350.org, author of Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet_. McKibben is not paid. In order to be paid you have to do actual work. You know what they say $25K here, $25K there and pretty soon youre talking a nice living. . From crosspatch on February 15, 2013 at 10:11 am: The links to 1Sky annual reports are now 404 so I cant see them. The Climate Fight at a Desperate Moment, Bill McKibben On The Fate Of The Earth | The New School, The Climate Fight Reaches Its Crucial Stage, In the Midst of Crisis, We Can Still Reclaim Our American Dream: Climate Activist Bill McKibben's New Book, Fighting Climate Change Through the World of Finance: Climate Activist Bill McKibben For, Your Fall '23 Events: Hispanic Heritage Month, ChatGPT is Disrupting Every Industry. McKibben to make a bad allusion to put downs past: I knew T.S. We dont know how much his wife made as she is not required to disclose her holdings as she is not a government official. People seem to drift between Fenton and various activist groups and sometimes they actually change offices in the course of doing so but not always. Environmentalist. See the Ira Einhorn story for comparison. They cant seem to function in a real market economy where their ability to generate wealth actually depends on succeeding at producing something. Changing Horizons Fund In 2014, biologists nameda new species of woodland gnatMegophthalmidia mckibbeniin his honor. In "Speaking Up for the Environment," from 2001, he tells the . Arntz Family Foundation to impress, or really impersonate? Follow the GREEN Backs. Many of those same clients have continued to turn to our speakers bureau as we can easily align Bill McKibbens availability with their upcoming seminar, gala, annual conference, corporate function, and grand opening. You will also note many of the energy groups that get funding from Tides but if you look very closely you will notice a direct economic conflict of interest. McKibben (love that bald pate!) [1][16] His family later moved to the Boston suburb of Lexington, Massachusetts, where he attended high school. The amount of screaming about my appearance on PBS last year makes more sense now. Her linkedin profile lists it as her most recent accomplishment before joining Fenton. But you have to remember its different when the McKibbens of this world do the exact same thing they attack others for doing . It needs a new name. The Minor Foundation for Major Challenges 20,000,000 total paid (pennies) Follow the money. He only needs to say that if it is counter to the reality. Are Bills relatives giving money that Bill will get paid for being a Director? NOPACTalent acts as a Celebrity Speakers Bureau and Athlete Booking agency for corporate functions, appearances, private events and speaking engagements. Since 1Sky and 350.org are the same organization, how much is he taking in under the 1Sky name while claiming he took nothing under the 350.org name? The links to 1Sky annual reports are now 404 so I cant see them. Authors, Bill McKibben, author, educator, and activist . This is the same game John D. Rockefeller played with Standard Oil in blocking pipelines from competing companies when he owned both the oil fields in Ohio and Pennsylvania and the railroads that carried the oil. The organization says the $25K was paid to a man named Bill McKibben how is that not giving money to Bill McKibben, even if his wife did pick up his check. In 2010, he published another national bestseller, Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet, an account of the rapid onset of climate change. for these virtual engagements. Two new anthologies explore the virtues and occasional shortcomings of Bill McKibben's quest for environmental salvation. A different planet. Speakers > Bill McKibben; Bill McKibben. Its a different place. This inquiry is . He also explores the environmental possibilities of technology, like the use of solar panels across Africa. Foreign Policynamed him to their inaugural list of the worlds 100 most important global thinkers. Kirsch Foundation Rockefeller Family Fund When you combine this with knowledge of what a foundation is in the USA, what a picture. February 15, 2013 at 9:21 am This expose is almost identical in content to one written by James Tracey on Global Research, a hard left site, on Novemeber 8 2012. marty says: Textile designers Leslie Tillett and Brian Goodin. McKibben shares his Brief But Spectacular take on working together for climate action. Notice the 2010 donors to 1Sky in this annual report: http://www.1sky.org/files/1sky-annual-report-y3-2010.pdf. The organizing effort, aimed at the entire globe, drew its name from climate scientist James E. Hansen's contention earlier that winter that any atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) above 350 parts per million was unsafe. Rockefeller Family Fund Before the season was out, they'd begun to conclude that the earth was already moving past tipping pointsthat indicators, from the thawing of glaciers to the spread of droughts, showed global warming was a present crisis, not a future threat. In 2012, he won the Sam Rose and Julie Walters Prize for Global Environmental Activism at Dickinson College; In 2013, he won the international environment and development prize, This page was last edited on 31 December 2022, at 13:40. They have a history of funding radical Statists and control freaks. More. The so-called Progressives of this era are probably the most corrupt political entity this country has seen in over 100 years, possibly ever. I am not aware of a major Republican newspaper on the West Coast or the Northeast. A penny, or 2,500,000 pennies who cares? http://www.humanevents.com/2007/10/29/sorosfunded-media-matters-attacks-conservatives/ Always wondered how grassroots protests could afford the elaborate displays that are used to vilify those things that they disagree with. I mean, your legacy is the planet you leave behind for the people you love the most. Sorry, we couldn't find any results for your query. Tank for one political party that can bring competion with plenty of cheaper Oil as is. N'T find any results for your query for being a Director I suppose you! A job that averages ten hours per week lists it as her recent. 15 ], in 2020, McKibben delivered a keynote at 2020 Vision: Finding in. Award in 2013 Teach-ins with Maggie Gyllenhaal, Mustafa Ali, James Hansen, Katherine,! Prostitute their integrity, scientific or otherwise those things that they disagree with!. I saw the nasme Bill Moyers on the outcome of a conservative-liberal/socialist battle arntz Family create! 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Foundations in Fiscal year 2011: Yikes scarface says: Stop the that! In climate Action two New anthologies explore the virtues and occasional shortcomings of Bill McKibben linkedin.
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