These insects are usually solitary, but under certain circumstances they become more abundant and change their behaviour and habits, becoming gregarious.No taxonomic distinction is made between locust and grasshopper species; the . Four basic elements comprise material creation: Earth, fire, air, and water. By Gods miraculous intervention through the Maccabees, Israel was rescued from what would have been even more massive destruction and death at the hands of this evil ruler, one who is identified as the prototype of Antichrist in Daniel Chapter 11. If we look up these four words; Palmerworm Locust Cankerworm Caterpillar complete answer on, View . A Mysterious Sign in Virgo What Does It Mean? For their part, the priests are urged to weep and cry out a liturgy of anguish, that the Lord may spare His people (2:17). points out: It is interesting to note that most of the [East African] translations examined give specific local names for the types of stages of locusts referred to in 1:4. Never again will my people be disgraced. What is the valley of decision (Joel 3:14)? Joel 1:4 says, "What the cutting locust left, the swarming locust has eaten. Why had this come upon the land of Israel? For instance, in the blooming stage, you will find bright green leaves with a tinge of purple. The greatest tools used by the chewing locusts are music, television, film and the internet. The leitmotif of disaster in both parts is a day when the lands bounty is laid waste and the lights of heaven go out. Then the summary article, The Omega Generation, published 2-15-14. Joel calls the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem to lament and return to the Lord during a time of national disaster. ), Ambassador Nikki Haley & The Truth About Israel, An Unprecedented Palestinian Attack in Jerusalem, Antichrist / A Back To The Future Prophecy. "The chief characteristic of the Prophet's style is perhaps its simple vividness." [16] The Hebrew text of Joel presents no serious interpretive problems and has been well preserved. In each of these verses there are no less than four different words for locust: gazam, arbeh, yeleq, and chasil. Interestingly, the . And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten I will compensate you, or make you amends, for what the locusts have eaten in the foregoing years, by an extraordinary plenty of the fruits of the earth. After them came the hopping locusts, and then the stripping locusts, too!(Joel 1:1-4). (No, say many Arabs! Introduction: Joel was the son of Pethuel. locust (different kinds in Joel 1:4 and 2:25) "In each of these verses there are no less than four different words for locust: gazam, 'arbeh, yeleq, and chasil. Joel captures the depth of the dearth, devastation, and the urgency of the moment. It will all come to a magnificent climax when Christ Jesus appears to totally redeem the remnant of Israel all those who will believe and receive him as Savior and Lord. Indirectly, but nonetheless dramatically and effectively, to fulfill Gods plan for all peoples. Armageddon & Messiahs Return An Amazing Sequence of Events. He said, "What the chewing locust left, the swarming locust has eaten; what the swarming locust left, the crawling locust has eaten; and what the crawling locust left, the consuming locust has eaten" (Joel 1:4). Which is why the Jews to this day mourn during the 9th of Av, the same Jewish calendar date when Solomons Temple, then Herods Temple were destroyed by Babylon and Rome, respectively. In fact, the actions of the four locusts strikingly represent the characteristics of the four world kingdoms. I have read the book of Joel several times, indeed, all of Scripture. One of them was the plague of locusts. Lost years are rebellious years. In the Book of Revelation, locusts with scorpion tails and human faces are to torment unbelievers for five months when the fifth trumpet sounds. *Note: One of my favorite verses is Amos 3:7, which says, Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets. Which means that anything pertaining to Gods plan for Israel and Gentile nations as they interface with Israel has been proclaimed by his prophets! Reexamination of Messiahs Imminent Return & The Omega Generation. From Gods perspective, thats one of the reasons why the Roman beast was different from the previous kingdoms. Outline I. What Is Done to Israel Will Be Done in Return / Dangers of a DividedJerusalem, What Is Done To Israel Will Be Done In Return / The Iran NuclearDeal, Turmoil, Tragedy, & Terror in Israel (Part III Terror), A Divine Solution to Global Polarization & Church/State Separation. It may be connected with Assyr. As such, threats to the nation's crops were one of the main concerns of its citizens. But there is another Covenant that God struck with Israel and also the Gentile nations the New Covenant announced by the prophet Jeremiah (Chapter 31). . locust (different kinds in Joel 1:4 and 2:25) "In each of these verses there are no less than four different words for locust: gazam, 'arbeh, yeleq, and chasil. In the Ten Commandments, the fourth is to keep Gods Sabbath day of rest, which is an integral part of the creation week. He will dwell in Zion, and the earth will flow with wine and milk (vv. But sadly, Gods people rejected their very Messiah, who was the Mediator, Author and Finisher of the New Covenant. After this vivid description of locusts demolishing the land, Joel immediately begins to warn Judah that the Day of the Lord will come upon them. Those that are simple minded are drawn into a trap only to undergo indoctrination from the chewing locusts that start the cycle. While we are not sure what the differences are between these different Hebrew words, the point is that this punishment is in four waves. There was loss of: grapes (Joel 1:5), figs (Joel 1:7), grain (Joel 1:9; Joel 1:10), wheat and barley (Joel 1:11), the fruit from trees (Joel 1:12, olives (Joel 1:13), and the food for the livestock (Joel 1:18). Beware saints of God and stand warned. 25 "So I will restore to you the years that the swarming [ a]locust has eaten, The crawling locust, The consuming locust, And the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you. All Rights Reserved, Isaiah ben Amoz: Political Prophet (Isaiah: 1-39), Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi: Back in the Land. One Old Testament book, Joel, is written in the context of a recent locust plague. (Part I), Spiritual Bodies A Contradiction of Terms? Its of vital importance to understand that when it comes to salvation for all peoples, as specifically purchased by Gods Son, Christ Jesus, as well as selecting Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants (the chosen people) specifically through King David to bring us Messiah, it is God who took the initiative. 1718, 21). () The East African region has for many years experienced the scourge of locust devastation of crops and vegetation. Whether we adopt the literal or allegorical view, the eschatological teachings of the book of Joel remain the same. It was different from any of the other beasts, and it had ten horns (Verse 7). This first description focuses on its severity. Bible Based. Although I dont believe we absolutely need to know the Hebrew amplified meaning of each type of locust, the meanings do help us understand how each of the four Gentile kingdoms dealt with Israel. They were continually disobedient to God and deceitful with each other, especially the religious leaders toward the common people. The Jews needed to search no more for the word of the Lord. Part I, Seven Times Seven (to the 4th power)! And what the first part presents as an event affecting Israel alone becomes in the second part a decision of judgment against the nations. Messiahs Amazing Appearances Before He Was Born. The book of Joel mentions four types of locusts that would destroy the agriculture of Israel. Times of & Fullness of the Gentiles What Do They Mean? They are degenerate in spirit with a reprobate mind. What is the difference between set and runny honey? Light of The World (Sequel To: The Incomparable Power & Authority of JesusChrist), The Shroud of Turin Real or Fake? The multitudes will be judged on a day when the sun and moon are darkened (v. 15). ): The Lord gave this message to Joel son of Pethuel. The first locust is further described by . A Palestinian State? Joel chapter 1 and our subject for tonight is "Judah, the Locust, and the Day of the Lord.". Do you have to thin paint for a Wagner sprayer. (Part I), One Global Language Coming Soon! Four different types of locusts, entered the land of Judah successively and feasted on the land. To this day, the Jews celebrate Hanukkah. (as the first and third in the list) and concluding with Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi from the late sixth to early fifth centuries B.C.E. Joel and the Locust Invasion | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at The Lord is not presently speaking in such a way as to tell us the reasons for every disaster; thus, we cannot with certainty identify any natural disaster toda Which Is It? Joel has been called the prophet of Pentecost. Only four types of locust viz., Desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria), Migratory locust (Locusta migratoria) Bombay Locust (Nomadacris succincta) and Tree locust (Anacridium sp.) Most of us know this incredible account in Scripture. Yes, there are four seasons, four primary lunar phases, and four sides to what is probably the most perfect geometric object we can think of a square. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The Mede-Persians were noted for their massive armies. Fountain of Youth & Fountain of Life Is There a Difference? Is Joel 1:4 referring to literal locusts? Fulfilled Prophecy Proves We Can Trust The Bible. When God ended his silence, he did so in an astounding way that would forever change the course of not only Jewish history, but the history of the entire world. Antichrist and the Vicar of Christ Part I, Antichrist and the Vicar of Christ Part II. Nevertheless, there is much verbal and thematic continuityfor example, the dark and devastating day of the Lord (Joel 2:2 and 3:4) and the eventual divine gifts to Israel of natural bounty (2:24 and 4:13). Diplomacy With Israel Despite Anti-Semitism / A Puzzling Paradox, Divine Consequences of Irans Arrogance (Part I), Divine Consequences of Irans Arrogance (Part II). 6. It devoured and crushed its victims with huge iron teeth and trampled their remains beneath its feet. The reason they are viewed as a plague by ungodly mankind is that the majority of people don't want to hear God's message, it hurts their selfish view of the world and they are plagued by. However, Gods covenant with Israel through Moses was conditional; obedience to and exclusive worship of God was necessary for the Jews to remain in the Promised Landuntil Gods final plan for all mankind was fulfilled. / Your Answer May Be In Jeopardy! We know beyond any doubt that the four consecutive sets of seven times over (meaning years) resumed after the Babylonian captivity, as the Jews were once again conquered, this time by the Romans with that Diaspora exile lasting an agonizing 19 centuries. Consequently, the severe attack of the locusts does not include or involve Assyria as the instrument nation God used to punish the ten northern tribes. complete answer on Recently, there have been multiple new reports about locust attacks in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. These would presumably be the swarming adult locust, the resident adult locust, the wingless hopper, and the crawling nymph. Note in particular that the imagery of God dwelling in Zion and the Temple as a fount of blessing recalls the exilic and post-exilic ideology of the prophets Ezekiel (47: 112) and Zechariah (chapter 14). The locusts have eaten them. Its leaves tend to change according to the different growth stages. Did you know that God announced this period of silence with Israel ahead of time? ( Rev. At this stage we have full-fledged possession and those under the influence of the chewing conscience are dead to good. You didn't fully understand this urge, but you gave yourself to it. The true locust is one of over 5000 species of grasshopper. It is the number of wholeness, totality, entirety, and summation. This article is excerpted from The JPS Bible Commentary: Haftarot, and is reprinted with permission from the Jewish Publication Society. Russias Shocking Invasion of Ukraine A Preview of Gog/Magogs Attack onIsrael? Answer (1 of 5): The symbolic locusts of Revelation represent the spreading of the good news by God's people. The background that prompted Joel to write about locusts was about a real situation that involved a whole nation of people. inches long, and sometimes as much as four or five. When & How? Their bodies are more straw-colored in their swarm form. The Chewing Locust What the swarming locust l. Login or Sign Up to view the rest of this answer. The prophet Joel wrote about four types of locusts that caused destruction to the agriculture of Israel. Through Abraham, God began a certain race of people to one day give birth to Messiah, the Son of Man and the Son of God. In Isaiah 40-66, the prophet(s) built on the theological paradigms of Isaiah ben Amoz (Isaiah 1-39). And now you see, that Isaiah's little reference to the grasshopper is not little at all. There were four rivers flowing from the Garden of Eden. (Part II). Key Themes Day of the Lord. Thus, the locust plague could very well be a metaphorical analogy that can be applied or equated to actual armies of nations that would subsequently conquer and control Israel. Scripture Says Everyone Will Die / But What About the Rapture? Consumer eats. ( Rev. They operate by using dexterity of words and appeal to the base nature (the flesh). Real Answers. Which is why the Virgin Birth of Christ was both natural and supernatural. What are the four types of locusts? The Four Gentile Kingdoms Now let's examine the four kingdoms that God specifically utilized to accomplish a good part of his plan for Israel and for all peoples. However, the strength of progress lies in making the right choices and taking appropriate actions. Global Obsession with Jerusalem In Biblical Proportions! The disastrous result of this denial was that the seven times over discipline of Israel would continue and even intensify in duration and magnitude; beginning in 70 AD with the utter destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple and near complete exile of Jews to what would be virtually every nation on earth. Its like, what do locusts have to do with the number four and with four mighty Gentile nations that shaped the course of Israels destiny and world history. Here again we see the number four, multiplied to the sum of four hundred (years). The Vatican and Islam A Perfect Match for Antichrist. Verses 1-17: With an increased level of intensity, Joel utilized the metaphor of the locust plague and drought as a backdrop from which to launch an intensified call to repent in view of the coming invasion of Judah and the Day of the Lord, present and future. The Balfour Declaration Beginning of the Omega Generation (Part I), The Balfour Declaration Beginning of the Omega Generation (Part II), The Incomparable Power and Authority of Jesus Christ, The Magnificent Millennial Reign of Believers with Messiah, The Most Panoramic Prophecy in the Bible (Part I), The Most Panoramic Prophecy in the Bible (Part II), The Most Significant End-Times Sign Of All, The Phenomenal Thousand Years/One Day Parallel. These finish off whatever shred of godliness you may have had, leaving an empty shell for use by the enemy. In this instance, it is to be used to "alarm" the people to the . When was this prophecy fulfilled? Or if you know nothing about them, sparking your interest in the four amazing beasts seen by Daniel in his incredible vision recorded in Daniel Chapter 7; and earlier depicted as four parts of a magnificent statue seen by King Nebuchadnezzar as recorded in Daniel Chapter 2. Answer A locust swarm has the potential to devastate all vegetation in its path and can cause economic disaster in a region. So well wrap this weeks article up with a hidden gem of prophecy that is a short, veiled counterpart to Daniels vision of the four beasts. God explicitly and exclusively used these four Gentile empires to execute his warnings to Israel first given through Moses before the Hebrews even entered and possessed the Promised Land. In spirit with a reprobate mind darkened ( v. 15 ) less than four different words locust..., & quot ; alarm & quot ; alarm & quot ; What the first Part presents as event. Old Testament book, Joel, is written in the context of a recent locust plague nymph! 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