You wrote, "Just noticed this discussion.". My daughter lives in an apt (built in 70s) with radiant ceiling heat. 1. . Of course people feel uncomfortable when surrounded by cold surfaces, which is why I have been preaching the virtues of triple-glazed windows and superinsulated walls in cold climates for many years. Anyway, it cannot hurt you to consult with knowledgable radiant experts before you dole out advice. A collection of one thousand construction details organized by climate and house part. When environmental concerns came to the. If you have a ceiling system, you may believe that you have the more energy efficient and overall better solution available. A really good grade of paint. Heating, Cooling & Air; Heating & Cooling Appliances; Space Heaters; Share | . Times have changed. And I would like to see better apples-to-apples tests and comparisons of energy efficiency.). Here are the website rules, as well as some tips for using this forum. We were advised to set the thermostat at the start of the season and then not touch it. Expected life - According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), a cadet-type wall heater or baseboard heater has a 10-15 year expected life. Most parts of the country are paying about $1 a therm for natural gas. Answered: 6 Frequently Asked Questions About Radi 7 Reasons Homeowners Switch to Radiant Heating., Thanks Sandy, sounds awesome that it's 3D printed. I will figure out the type and go from there. According to the Department of Energy, "Radiant heating has a number of advantages. The mats dont get any hotter than the hottest parts of the lighting fixtures. And all of your arguments against using electricity for resistance heating are valid in most markets (I personally pay .045 cent/kW). 4. It was just this winter we began to have some problems with our heating in the basement. In a well insulated home with the proper number of panels per the home heat loss . Radiant ceiling heat is a style of heating that is significantly different from the radiators or forced air ducts that you may be used to. Give us a call at 562-595-1448 to find out . Warmly Yours sells them for mirrors and they are inexpensive. Most have an operating window of 10 degrees Fahrenheit, starting 5 degrees Fahrenheit below the set temperature and heating to 5 degrees Fahrenheit . In this particular installation, warm ceilings probably work great. "B. Radiant heaters vs. convective heaters ( i don't see how it would change anythign beyond +-5% ). Believe it or not coal and hot water heat did not effect the respiratory but forced air is a respiratory nightmare. Check to see if the ceiling heat is a film and possibly wireless..then there would be no worries. I had the floor boards up today and noticed that the ceiling rose for the room below, was wired with 3 singles. The most practical thing for homeowner is to use radiant heaters to heat the ceiling mounts. Any homeowner that follows your advice may regret the decision -- especially if electricity rates in Minnesota ever approach the levels paid by homeowners in New England. Let dry for a couple days before you use the heat. 1989). 1990). When i gutted the bathroom i discovered radiant heat in the ceiling. I believe the floor and ceiling heat is Perfectly warm and their deicing is Perfectly clear. The simplest was the fireback, a decorated slab of cast iron placed at the rear of the firebox to retain and radiate heat. We bought our house in 2015 and the prior owner was an electrician. Warmth is warmth, right? My heating bills have been well reduced and my allergies are helped by no heat blowing dust into the room. It is darkest where the ceiling and wall meet. 1- i agree that hydronic is the best of both world, except in its isntallation complexity and potential problems/maintenance that is why i personally chosed electrical, but again of Energy did a case study with NAHB and found significant energy savings with low wattage radiant ceiling heaters. 1st floor and 3rd floor. DIMENSIONS | 24 x 24" and 24 x 48". I need some help with an electrical issue I'm experiencing. This should be more than sufficient evidence that a simple KWh to BTU conversion is not at all accurate or applicable to most scenarios. The remainder of sheets were 5/8 firecode. We have radiant heat in our ceiings. I also love the individual thermostats in each room. A typical setup would put a concrete floor, painted a dark color, beneath a sunny south-facing window. Fix cracks and skim coat entire ceiling. And it is just perfect here Water heated by the boiler could be pumped through the tubes, heating the concrete in the absence of sun. Also We need to repair one wire that the electrician cut into. I recently created a new circuit for an electric oven at my friend's Smart Heating System - Heatmiser or other? Here in Quebec, alot of folks have access to free wood (only need to chop it down and store it ) Thus convective heating systems typically respond slower especially to step (temperature) I checked out a building yesterday that had heating mats like this one installed in four areas. Every room has its own thermostat and dedicated circuits Most people don't want to live in a house with cold rooms that require occupants to turn on electric heating panels to get warm whenever they move to a different room. Periodic Inspection Reporting & Certification. ( electrical,wire is buried at the bottom, would preferred a mid slab but it was to complex to install that way). It uses a Switch Action Open thermostat. Many houses built during the 1960s and 1970s, in areas not served by natural gas suppliers, incorporated electric cable ceiling heat as the primary means of keeping the interiors warm during the cold months of the year. The technology has been around for yearscenturies, in factbut only more recently has it become a viable whole-home solution. Any one run into that before, Just wanted to add an important warning to this post. Marketers who sell radiant heating equipment always claim there is a magic energy-saving factor connected with in-floor heating or ceiling panels, but no study has ever confirmed the magic. The thermostats say ceil heat. Dec 12, 2008. There has been some very useful writing since the question above was asked 8 years ago. . ( just received my bill ;) They do do work in Ohio. Radiant Floor Heat (all 3 levels),(2) Central HVAC units (heat & cool). "The main problem with your proposal -- to lower the air temperature setting of the thermostat and depend on electric ceiling panels to warm people " You are making this up. warm air furnace or boiler) usually uses the technique of excluding or controlling heat for certain areas but this often results in uncomfortable areas of the home. Some of the folks who say radiant ceiling heat is horrible don't have a clue! How is the electric service run to the grid? I don't want to just lay it up on top of the patch I put in (attic is above). Forced-air and baseboard (whether electric or hot-water) heating systems are convective systems because they use air as the primary heat-transfer medium. The main bath has no vent fan & I'm going to remodel so thought about transferring the service from the attic, down through a wall and add radiant heat under a new tile floor. You write that your theory is "borne out by many independent tests." ThermaRay radiant ceiling heating panels are UL Listed and approved to be installed above sheetrock, steel, wood, etc. My daughter (33) was house-sitting and they were away. Prestige boiler for in floor heat and ceiling vented heat. We are very happy with the radiant system. I just became onwer of a condo build in 1962. Full Disclosure - I work at a company where we manufacture radiant heating systems. Kingston - 12 miles.Amtrak - Rhinecliff - 20 miles; Metro-North - Poughkeepsie - 40 miles to the many ski resorts. Heat source was not an eye sore as baseboard heaters. The complete source for building, designing, and remodeling green homes. Sure enough, the wire was cut from above and you couldn't see the break from below. Heat loss plays a huge role in how long the heat will last on your radiant ceiling heat. Lying on the top, however, the air in contact with the radiant ceiling gets cooler and becomes denser and heaver and therefore naturally move down (convection). With wood, coal, propane, solar thermal, oil, ground source. Good luck to everyone and stay warm!! of well insulated living space last month (December) for less than $100.00, including the cost of electric boiler and domestic hot water heater, radiant floors though-out. We ended up placing simple electric floor heaters in those rooms. Does that sound realistic? It's the kind with wires spaced throughout the ceiling. Robert, I have been installing radiant floors for 25 years, the vast majority of which are being driven by gas-fired condensing boilers. Another thing that I like are heat mats behind bathroom mirrors, in a room that is drafty or cold. Radiant ceiling heat burns more oil when you constantly adjust it throughout the day according to our furnace company. It is also greener, as less energy is wasted in this process. 1970's retro fit rear car window heater built in, thick visible tracks) are fragile and easily damaged. Whereas its thermal mass had proved an asset before, it was now making the system sluggish. A radiant ceiling has the minimal heat resistance of 5/8" sheet rock, while floors can have significant resistance to overcome with flooring goods and furniture. Steve, Interesting info. Otherwise we keep it on 55 degrees to keep the house from getting too cold when we are at work. Heating will be expensive but comfort is not comparable to anything we ve experienced in the past, I find my house has way too many drafts rigt now, and i still get same comment about comfort from every visitors ( hosted 5 partys during holidays!!! Why not just flip the breakers to off? But even a gas-burning 50%-er would not make electric radiant mats a more cost-effective solution in most markets. I agree with you David - sort of. I'm going to look him up and call him to ask his opinion. Now who is more comfortable? Because of the radiant ceiling in the basement, your floors in the rooms above also benefit from the heat. I find it is more efficient than baseboard, less efficient than a mini split or forced air. You received a plan on which sheets went where. In an effort to improve upon radiators and space heaters, radiant ceiling heat was designed to provide consistent, even warmth. At the thermostat, with power to the system and the thermostat turned off, you should have 220v across the thermostat. It is not that simple minded. Is that a problem to repair and secure back into the ceiling? The heat is in the ceiling and is presently working great. From some work I've done on another area, it seems that each panel is powered individually from the rooms thermostat. - and enjoy the extra punch of a focal heat source in the living room. I apologize for sounding preachy but it might help if you check out this book: I think it's also available on Amazon. I'm an electrician(35 years) and am telling you, YES 2 types of thermostats,single pole & double pole. ". All rooms used or a few not? The house builders, before installing the plaster or drywall to form the ceilings, would install electric resistance heating Continue reading Electric Cable Ceiling Heat Pros and Cons, Electric Cable Ceiling Heat Pros and Cons. I turned the breaker off and ran a jumper wire across the break and tested the grid leads againthere was now continuity. Electrical Safety Advice | And I have 400+ sq. (typical houses in those days were all 1/2" regular walls and ceilings) It was a really clean even radiant heat. etc .. Anyway, if anyone near the Cleveland, OH area knows of someone who could help with our new issue in our basement sure would appreciate your contact info. "This type of heating has the same advantages of other forms of electric resistance heat, including electric resistance baseboard, electric mats under your tile floor, and electric resistance space heaters. Its near silent functioning makes for a super comfortable environment. Voltage from each hot wire to one of the grid leads showed 85v, same as my good room. Having worked on these systems I have found, during steady state conditions, the floor and the ceiling at or near the same surface temperature, while the ambient remained 2 to three degrees below. ( but i don't like spiders and dirt in the house :p ). They are installed in ceilings the same as gypsum wallboard, with simple wiring connections. The name is Calorique. I would get another opinion from a licensed electrician. She is a fire fighter and a paramedic. I dont think so anymore unless someone can come up with something with similar COP and simpler installation. I can email those to you as I don't have a web-based link to share at the moment. was to put a couple dozen can lights in a 2 bedroom condo. Wrong. A feeder line runs from the other side of the thermostat to the single wire heating grid sandwiched between two layers of drywall ceiling, then back to the second hot wire to complete the circuit. Apr 5, 2017. "Of course people feel uncomfortable when surrounded by cold surfaces, which is why I have been preaching the virtues of triple-glazed windows and superinsulated walls in cold climates for many years." By comparison ducted hot air system have pretty atrocious distribution losses, made even worse with poorly designed poorly implemented ducting systems in air-leaky houses with some portion of the ducts routed outside of conditioned space. Happy reading -- I think you'll learn something that can be contributed back to these forums. I would like to have floor to ceiling built in bookcases put all round the periphery of one room to make a sort of library. I live in a house with radiant ceiling heat in VT. You can get hot water panels. "Studies conducted by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) indicate that with radiant heating systems people can be comfortable at temperatures 6F to 8F lower than with convective systems. If you turn the thermostat above the current room temperature, the system will de-energizeexactly the opposite of what you want. It's ~4,000 sq. Install them in your bathroom, office or studio anywhere you need to keep warm and conserve floor space for . comfort, is mostly through what we touch (70%) and less about what the ambient temp is (30%). Sorry, Steve, but a BTU is a BTU. Some options I have come up with so far: Screw new boards on top of existing. Should we be concerned? Can the ceiling panels be repaired (some are cracked and sagging) as drywall would be? Certainly, there are aesthetic advantages to a heating system that does not force you to decorate around bulky radiators or wall-hugging baseboards. Free shipping for many products! Superinsulated too? convective heating system. It will not keep a consistent temperature. Increasing numbers of consumers are choosing radiant heating, not only for the energy savings it provides, but also for its indoor air quality benefits and its ability to free homeowners from the tyranny of radiators, baseboards, and vents. Energy savings are still possible through zoning of in-floor systems, as would be true of other systems that permit zoning (e.g. Ceiling heat from 1964 in Maryland. We did remove the covers on the thermostats to paint but even afte . Bedrooms are so comfortable at times it is not even necessary to turn on heat in those rooms unless temperatures become extremely frigid. They now claim no responsibility so trying to replace it ourselves with something different. In most of the country, we can't afford to use electric resistance heat. We had them come to a job 6 months ago to repair 1 cut wire after a homeowner tried to cut-in his own cans. This type of heating has the same advantages of other forms of electric resistance heat, including electric resistance baseboard, electric mats under your tile floor, and electric resistance space heaters. Trying to find out what kind of wire I should use to repair it before burying it in mud again. As for studies showing that it is cheaper to heat a house with radiant heat, please refer to a Fine Homebuilding article printed in 1992. Stat in each room. You need to think about this as a complex system involving humans in order to answer the questions about comparing fundamentally different heating systems. This won't delete the articles you've saved, just the list. We replaced it with hardibacker but after priming and painting still doesn't look good any suggestions how to refinish? JavaScript is disabled. Copyright 2023 Acton Media Inc. All rights reserved. Worst invention ever. I put them behind the mirror in our master bath but we don't use them much because the walls are warm (good insulation) and the bath fan gets rid of the steam from the shower. The main problem with your proposal -- to lower the air temperature setting of the thermostat and depend on electric ceiling panels to warm people -- is that people don't stay put, unless they are working on an assembly line in a cold factory (where radiant panels probably make sense). 21c will probably be the ideal setting here. It's also incorrect to state that you'll see higher heat bills. Its estimated that Warmboard can hit the target temperature with water thats 30 degrees cooler than a competing system would require to achieve comparable results. We built our house in 1969. Now off to the hardware store for a section of 16ga solid core wire and splice out the broken wire. Still have continuity and 30 minutes later the room is nice and warm. In winter, this situation is reversed with your warm indoor air moving through the plasterboard and outside of the home. Check into a company out of Wareham, MA. You must be a magazine subscriber to access this feature. i have access to the attic space and i havent seen any evidence of wires. I do not currently use resistance electric heat rather a hydronic radiant floor heating systems, which is consumes the most economical fuel source available at this location, at this time. my location makes a difference, because 1 electricity is ok priced here and 2, i do not have access to any other fuel sources :( Our house was built in 1985 and we had friends who had one about 1975 with the same heat, they loved it too! You will know it is the wrong one because with the thermostat turned off, the grid will energize and get hotter and hotter. I managed to remove the drywall from around the wires, so they are intact, but now I have a loop of wire that I'm not going to be able to re-embed. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. But dont let the arrival of spring distract you from the reality that, if you were uncomfortable at home during the cold months, you are likely to be uncomfortable again. The actual "exposed/uninsulated" splice was buried in the plaster, never had a call back. It should cost less than $100. In other words, you can insulate every wall and plug every air leak, but if your heating system consumes a relatively large amount of energy in the effort to reach and maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, youre inevitably going to be stuck with sizable month-to-month utility bills. 1990; Ling and Deffenbaugh, 1990) because the radiant heat from the heater falls directly (or indirectly through surfaces) on the occupants thus producing more comfortable conditions. We bought our house in 2015 and the thermostat turned off, you should have across. Can lights in a house with radiant ceiling heating panels are UL Listed and approved be... As gypsum wallboard, with simple wiring connections air ; heating & amp Cooling... System that does not force you to consult with knowledgable radiant experts before you use heat. Firebox to retain and radiate heat an effort to improve upon radiators and heaters. 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