Pro Deo et Ecclesia: Proclaiming the Beauty, Grandeur and Majesty of the Church Looking at the similarities between a Catholic and a Christian. Infamous AE claims that Sign in or Register to join the conversations! Pentecostals also tend to be more evangelistic and focus on spreading the word of God, while Catholics typically focus . It teaches the doctrine of the Last Judgment and upholds a strict biblical prohibition on consuming the blood of animals. A Christian belongs to the Church founded by Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church. But that's exactly what Iglesia ni Cristo says. Your email address will not be published. Although the INC and the Jehovah's Witnesses can both easily be considered a high control group that can be very damaging to member's lives, they differ in the damage they cause. BETWEEN Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) teaches that Jesus Christ is merely an ordinary human being. These are the biggest In fact, in the Tagalog (Filipino) translation, as well as in the original Hebrew, the words far and east are not even found in the same verse, yet the Iglesia recklessly combine the two verses to translate far east. Using this fallacious technique, Iglesia claims that the far east refers to the Philippines. Both are not after the truth This is the story of a Canadian man who ran up against members of the church and ended up dead. Same feather,flocks together ika nga..kahit magsama p kaung tumuligsa..ndi kau mananaig sa Katotohanan at Katwiran! The Witnesses believe that Acts 15:28-29, where it says "abstain from blood", means abstaining from blood transfusions. Score: 4.8/5 (47 votes) . Ferdinand Topacio only trying to cover up the truth. He also claim that the The Iglesia Ni Cristo has the following beliefs, taken from (1 May 2017): "We believe that the Bible is the word of God and the sole basis of our faith and service to God", "We believe that there is only one true God, the Father, and no one else besides Him" 2020 marks both the International Year of the Nurse and Florence Nightingale's 200th birthday, making it the perfect time to recognize and celebrate the brave and selfless nurses all over the world. If Iglesia members accept the apostasy doctrine, they make Christ a liar. The said . The Iglesia ni Cristo clearly teach based on the Bible that God is absolutely one and He has no three persons. Paano naman sila paniniwalaan? I ve posted these comparisons more than a year ago. presented in this work are free of doctrinal or moral errors. * Iglesia ni Cristo: one God, the Father in heaven. Christ although he is the son of God is not God but man. He earned B.A. Even if the phrase church of Christ did appear in the Bible, it would not help Iglesias case. Short of saying that we are a horny race folks!] And lastly they both believe that god . Bernadeane Carr, STL, Censor Librorum, August 10, 2004, IMPRIMATUR: In accord with 1983 CIC 827 We believe that Jesus Christ is a man and thus, not God. Omissions? Evidence is a Must! is also a member of the Iglesia Ni Cristo. Worldwide Church of God, home> It was founded by Felix Manalo Isugan (1886-1963), who had been raised in the Roman Catholic Church and as a teenager became a member of a variety of Protestant churches and explored indigenous belief systems before founding the INC. The Iglesia ni Cristo on the other hand admit that this Church was founded in the Philippines. Kaya hindi niya pinababayaan ang kanyang Iglesia. The Bible also strictly prohibits mixed marriage with unbelievers. It is unknown how many members there are, since the church does not publish member numbers, but it is estimated to be from 4 to 11 million members. FURTHER PROVE THAT SHE IS NOT A MEMBER OF THE CHURCH: Roman Catholic Church Church Sadly, while claiming to be a church, Iglesia ni Cristo has all of the basic elements of a cult. Before the election day, you will get a visit from the elders giving you a list of candidates that you must vote. This practice is a sign of unity for the members of the Church, a virtue that is very important to them. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the authors and do not state or reflect the views of PEx Online Community Corp. Doctrinal Comparison: Iglesia ni Cristo vs Roman Catholic church, kitang kita kung sinu ang may doktrina na nakasalig sa bible. to feed the church of Christ which he has purchased with his blood (Lamsa translation; cited inPasugo, April 1978). And that the Promised holy one is the Second coming of christ. evidences is no importance to you. Parehas na mga tiwalag. Seed saving is a great way to ensure the survival of your plants, and it's also an economical choice. What are the two applications of bifilar suspension? Alvin Gitamondoc stand for Ig. Manalo adopted the title of executive minister and oversaw tremendous expansion. Additionally, Pentecostals typically have a more informal style of worship, while Catholics have a more formal style. to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. in the Locale Registry of the locale they claimed she belong to. One can expect a But Jesus promised that his Church wouldneverapostatize. Despite these and the many other unmentioned differences that lie between these two faiths, mutual respect is practiced to . Paul is referring to a collection of local churches, not giving an organizational name. I'm not religious and if a girl asks me to go to church every sunday malamang hihiwalayan ko din XD. INC does not see Christ as a God, but as a Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. A brodcaster who made an exclusive interview AND THESE Catholics believe in the Trinity, LDS and INC churches do not. James Patrick Cruz, Patricia Julianne Escao, Isabell Andrea Pine. The same is true with the Roman Catholic Church. faith are somewhat or very different (38%). In other words, we don't believe in the Trinity. today is still led by a living prophet and twelve apostles. It was established by Flix Ysagun Manalo in 1914. ANTONIO EBANGELISTA (THE FALLEN ANGELS) AND THE PEOPLE BEHIND THE SPLENDOR Brother Phillip: We set up Iglesia Ni Cristo Evangelical Missions in every corner of the globe, where thousands are invited to hear the truth. degrees in English and American studies from the Pennsylvania State University and an M.A. First, the Bible did not actually mention the date when Jesus was born. To get further proof of its name, Iglesia cites Acts 20:28: Take heed therefore . Eh pag pinatulan namin itong thread mo lumalabas pantay lang yung IQ namin sa iyo. Required fields are marked *. The Iglesia accuses everyone else of mistranslating the Bible, when it is Iglesia that is taking liberties with the original language. Finally, Manalo started his own church in 1914. Besides, these contrasting beliefs must not hinder people of all faiths from understanding one another and promoting good-will. Among the largest Philippine Protestant movements is the Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ), which is resolutely anti-Catholic and claims nearly two million members. Dun sa original post ng thread starter, maraming maling premises agad. One of the most emotional sessions of the weekend, "When Children Come," was led by Anne and Mohammed, a Catholic-Muslim couple married seven years who are the parents of two. What are the disadvantages of shielding a thermometer? The same truth is emphasized elsewhere. The Cathedral of Saint Mary of Burgos (Spanish: Catedral de Santa Mara de Burgos) is a Catholic Church dedicated to the Virgin Mary located in the Spanish city of Burgos. Since it was founded in the Philippines in 1914, it has grown to more than two hundred congregations in sixty-seven countries outside the Philippines, including an expanding United States contingent. Its influence was attested by the recognition of July 27, the date of the churchs formal establishment, as a Philippine national holiday in 2009. Another similarity is that both religions do not celebrate Christmas. Brother Phillip: Our chapels throughout the world are open for anyone seeking the truth. I am a Catholic and I had a boyfriend from the INC. Our relationship lasted for two years. But the Lamsa translation is not based on the original Greek, the language in which the book of Acts was written. INC approves donating blood and receiving blood transfusions, but not eating blood. Antonio Angelista and the Roman Catholic apologists behind the Splendor of Well, I forgot, presenting (kultoliko, ADDict, Iglesia ni Manalo, etc) 4. In 2015 the church was embroiled in a scandal after it expelled a number of its high-profile members and ministers, several of whom then claimed that they had been unlawfully abducted and detained in an attempt by the church to cover up corruption. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The verse Iglesia most often quotes on this issue is Romans 16:16: Greet one another with a holy kiss. wedding, 27 April 2014. Catholics and Christians are of the view that Jesus was the son of God in human flesh. Right? Two By Twos Doctrinal Comparison: Iglesia ni Cristo vs Roman Catholic church. His own lawyer says that she Upon learning from an internet Not only the two mentioned in this video but both are guilty of corruption, abusing political influence and violence against protesters. the authority of God, passed all the way down from Peter. Grow up and don't let religion dictate who you are allowed to love. The name Church of Christ or Iglesia Ni Cristo is not found in the Holy Bible. Dwarf Mr Snow, Fred's Tie Dye, Saucy Mary, Sweet Scarlet, Kangaroo Paw Green, Idaho Gem and Banana Toes are just a few of the varieties one gardener is growing in a 4x8 bed of "bulletproof" tomatoes. Answer. God. Since they believe Jesus Christ is not a liar, they are ignoring what Christ promised, and their doctrine contradicts Scripture. Those who are truly in Christ should lead a righteous life based on moral teachings of the Bible: "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? He claimed to be Gods messenger, divinely chosen to reestablish the true Church which, according to Manalo, disappeared in the first century due to apostasy. The Iglesia ni Cristo clearly teach based on the Bible that God is absolutely one . They do not lobby, vote for political parties or candidates, run for government office, or participate in any action to change governments. They do this to follow Jesus Christs example of refusing to accept political office (John 6:15) and to show their loyalty to Gods Kingdom. To commemorate this special occasion, KarenO, a registered nurse with 35 years of experience, has started The Nightingale Project. Felix Manalos credibility and, consequently, his claims, are impossible to take seriously. The Philippines is the only dominantly Catholic nation in the Far East, with 84 percent of its population belonging to the Church. There was a plot to crucify him, but it did not succeed. Ex-member websites include, and any issues they can use against the Iglesia Ni Cristo. Iglesia ni Cristo was founded by Felix Manalo in 1914 in the Philippines. No debates/arguments You . will surface. The INC . Brian Sarmiento, an INC member for at least ten years says, On every election, national or local, members are required to vote for the candidates selected by the church. Your job is only to It teaches the doctrine of the Last Judgment and upholds a strict biblical prohibition on consuming the blood of animals. as the investigation goes, so does the saying goes THE PLOT THICKENS. * RCC: trinity, based on pagan Babylonian . Ama n Bhala senyo! While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Between I948 and i960 the INC increased its membership by more than 200 per cent,3 while the growth of the total population of the Philippines in the same period was only 40.8 per cent and other religious organizations 1 Often spelled Iglesia Ni Kristo although the official designation is Iglesia Ni Cristo. They are, however, fulfilling Scripture. No Maia Santos or Maia Santos Deguito Manalo first founded a church in Manila but soon left to preach throughout the country. The Iglesia called it "disciplinary action". After starting the relationship on a wrong foot, the bond between Iglesia Ni Cristo and Gloria Arroyo was made even much . So at least on this point, INC does not damage its members like the Jehovah's Witnesses. A pillar of Iglesia belief is that its emergence in the Philippines was prophesied in the Bible. but he was the last that will be seen on the earth. Deguito was with rosary around her risk while facing the senators. The Iglesia Ni Cristo was registered in the Philippines in 1914. Iglesia ni Cristo is Unitarian in theology, holding that Jesus Christ is God's chosen son but is not himself God. Updates? Para daw madaling makita ni Manalo yung mga balak niyang totnakin. Iglesia ni Cristo is Unitarian in theology, holding that Jesus Christ is God's chosen son but is not himself God. Believe that the Holy Spirit is an impersonal force. Seventh-day Adventists . Services are held in the vernacular language of the congregation's members. Thus, faith alone is not enough. Buddhism is centered upon the life and teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who came to be known as the Buddha the enlightened one, or one who is awake whereas Christianity is centered on the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ.Buddhism is a nontheistic religion or philosophy, i.e., it does not believe in a supreme creator being a.k.a. 2:23); Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons (1 Tim. Thus, it is easy to prove that a person is indeed a member of the Iglesia Ni When confronted with this passage in a debate with Catholic Answers founder Karl Keating, Iglesia apologist Jose Ventilacion replied with a straight face, Thomas was wrong.. But the Iglesia Ni Cristo refute that the true church built by Christ in Jerusalem is not the Roman Catholic Church but the Jerusalem founded Church of Christ. What is the comparison between roman catholic and Iglesia ni cristo and mormonism? Iglesia ni Cristo. Answer (1 of 6): Assuming you're referring to the INC or Iglesia ni Cristo (Filipino: Church of Christ), there are lots of differences. * Bible: one God, the Father in heaven. 6:6, 1Tim. lolz. There is no way that Iglesia ni Cristo can be the true Church of Christ. Rhys Davids wrote that the earliest missionaries to Tibet observed that similarities have been seen since the first known contact. Of the estimated 2.3 billion Christians in the world, about 1.3 billion of them are . But if Jesus is equal with the Father, and the Father is God, then Jesus is God. the Iglesia Ni Cristo. educate ourselves regarding this issue and be able to seek the answers because From the time it was established in Punta, Sta. escape from it, no matter Ferdinand Topacio tries to cover up for it, the truth Who makes the plaid blue coat Jesse stone wears in Sea Change? other, the truth will come out no matter how Maia Santos DeGuito tries to Is. Parents who are Jehovah's Witnesses also encourage their children to study the Bible and voluntarily decide on their religion while Iglesia ni Cristo dedicates their young ones to the church, similar to Catholicism. This debate took place between Karl Keating of Catholic Answers and a spokesman for the indigenous Filipino cult named Inglesia ni Cristo. Yet the Bible is clear: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). In an Iglesia publication, The Roman Catholic Church by Victor M. Nalus, the occasion for the circulation of this defamatory letter is described thus: In 1939, Raymundo Mansilungan, Teodoro Briones . [On-screen text ., Believe that 1914 was the beginning of the Last Days, Believe that the Holy Spirit is an impersonal force, Don't believe in the immortality of the soul, Think/thought at one point that their founder is the Last Messenger of Revelation, Believe missing meetings is a sin, based on Hebrews 10:24-25, Have church discipline that includes reproof and disfellowshipping, Eating blood is a disfellowshipping offence. The Catholic Church believes that Jesus Christ is an incarnation of God, and the Holy Spirit is a part of God. Before Manalo started his church, there were already groups calling themselves the Church of Christ. There are several Protestant denominations that call themselves Church of Christ and use exactly the same argument. "We reject the unbiblical teaching that there are three person in one God - that aside from God the father, there is God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.". Like the Jehovah's Witnesses, Iglesia claims that Jesus Christ is not God but a created being. The phrase "Iglesia ni Cristo" is Tagalog (the language of the Philippines) for "Church of Christ.". Matt Stefon was a religion editor at Encyclopaedia Britannica. I never told him that I am going to convert myself, but I did join him in their "samba" once in a while. Iglesia Ni Cristo members dont celebrate lenten! It teaches the doctrine of the Last Judgment and upholds a strict biblical prohibition on consuming the blood of animals. Because he didnt think of it until 1922. Taking an oath to God is a commandment from Satan because it is prohibited by Christ and the apostles. Like the Jehovahs Witnesses, Iglesia claims that Jesus Christ is not God but a created being. We separated, but its not because of our religion. Isang mahalagang bagay sa INC na ang mapapangasawa ng isang member nila ay kapwa din member nila. Thus, all Roman Catholics are Christian, but not all Christians are Roman Catholic. Mormons That is why it is crucial that we In Matthew 28:20 he said, I am with you always even until the end of the world. And in John 14:16, 18, he said, And I will pray to the Father, and he will give you another Counselor, to be with youforever. A litmus test for any religious group is the credibility of its founder in making his claims. Christadelphians Doctrine Comparison: Iglesia ni Cristo vs Roman Catholic church. The Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC), the country's most dominant religious group other than the Roman Catholic Church has gone a long way. interesting topics> Besides, the church built by Christ is not a Roman Church. The Catholic teaching that most draws Iglesias fire is Christs divinity. The same is shown in John 8:5659, where Jesus directly claims to be Yahweh (I AM). Publication date 1976-08 Topics Iglesia ni Kristo, INK, Iglesia ni Cristo, INC, Church of Christ, Felix Ysagun Manalo, Felix Manalo, FYM, Erano de Guzman Manalo, Erano Manalo EGM, Disciples of Christ, Seventh Day Adventist, Teodoro Santiago, Cipriano Sandoval . The Bible tells us in 1 John 4:1: Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world. Was Felix Manalo a true prophet? Services are held in the vernacular language of the congregation's members. . A flag of a religious group Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ) flutters above protesters as they march along the main highway EDSA in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila August 30, 2015. Iglesia ni Cristo (Tagalog pronunciation: [gl ni kisto], abbreviated as INC English: Church of Christ) is a Philippine-based independent nontrinitarian fundamentalist Christian cult church, founded in 1913 and registered by Felix Y. Manalo in 1914 as a unipersonal religious corporation to the United States administration of the Philippines. Parents who are Jehovahs Witnesses also encourage their children to study the Bible and voluntarily decide on their religion while Iglesia ni Cristo dedicates their young ones to the church, similar to Catholicism. Catholics believe in the Trinity, LDS and INC churches do When the news broke about the RCBC scandal and an internet news outfit reported that the main character involve, Maya Santos Deguito, is a member of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, with no hessitation, they immediately used this issue for their puspose of destroying the reputation of the Iglesia Ni Cristo. Jesus audience understoodexactlywhat he was claiming; that is why they picked up rocks to stone him. The Iglesia Ni Cristo believes that every member is duty-bound to submit himself to the Church Administration because it is God's commandment. 43:5-6; 41:9-10; 46:11). Her name cannot be found In Greek, the phrase is the church of God (tan ekklasian tou Theou) not the church of Christ (tan ekklasian tou Christou). Using Natural Predators Iglesia Ni Cristo Iglesia is so determined to convince its followers of this fact that it quotes Isaiah 43:5 from an inexact paraphrase by Protestant Bible scholar James Moffatt that reads, From the far east will I bring your offspring. Citing this mistranslation, one Iglesia work states, Is it not clear that you can read the words far east? Joe Ventilacion stand for Iglesia Ni CristoMr. Iglesia Ni Cristo. It denies the doctrine of the Trinity and Deity of Christ and teaches that a person can only be saved through becoming a member of the Church of Christ. I've posted these comparisons more than a year ago. Iglesia Ni Cristo versus Roman Catholic Church. They are a restoration of the original 1st century Christianity, counteracting the 4th century apostasy, INC Disfellowships for marrying outside the church. The INC are guilty of doing the same horrible things the Roman Catholic Church has done many centuries ago. 2:6). Edit them in the Widget section of the. wouldnt want her to spill the beans on who really are involved. Catholics and most Protestants do believe he is a man, in addition to being God. You would be hard pressed to find another religion that is more like Jehovah's Witnesses than the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ). Similarities are that the Iglesia Ni Cristo and Jehovah's Witnesses both: Differences between the religions include: The Iglesia Ni Cristo was founded on July 27th, 1914 by Felix Y. Manalo. 4:3).People outside this election are not God's people (I Pet. The Trinity however is not found in the Bible and it is not even the teaching of the Bible. Love - Principles, Practices & Preferences. Bible Students Simple, yet Iglesia wont accept it. Iglesia is not better known, despite its numbers, because the majority of Iglesias members are Filipino. Don't believe in the Trinity. The Iglesia Ni Cristo is not against giving praise and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ, however, Christmas celebrated on December 25 was originally called the Birthday of the Sun and the great pagan religious celebration of the Mithras cult celebrated all through the Roman Empire, says The Iglesia ni Cristo blog. This poses a problem for Iglesia, because if Manalo had been the new messenger called by God in 1914, why didnt he tell anybody prior to 1922? Full Dabate by Iglesia Ni Cristo and Iglesia Katolikawith Time WatchDebater:Bro. His parents were also very nice towards me even if they know that I am a Catholic. INC and Jehovah's Witness similarities extend to them being considered a cult because of high levels of control over believers' lives. From NE Ohio to North Central Mississippi, everyone has their own ideas and preferences for what they will plant this year. Roman Catholicism is the largest of the three major branches of Christianity. Actually, I already talked the first difference of the Iglesia ni Cristo and the Roman Catholic Church above. So when they worship and pray to Christ, they worship and pray to one they believe is both God and man, so they do worship a man. Sign in or Register to join the conversations! 23:8; John 13:34-35) That is why members of the Church of Christ address one another as brother and sister. is somehow allegedly involved in this as the . Locale Registry Book where you can find the present members of the Church in During his teens and 20s he . Owls, hawks, and snakes are all known to eat vol, This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our. The Iglesia Ni Cristo, another homegrown Christian sect, does not observe Lent or mark the special observances and services of Holy Week, as it believes that the pious customs . ", "We believe that those who are truly in Christ should live a righteous life based on moral teachings of the Bible" What is the Denouement of the story a day in the country? Because of this, Deguitos Puro Kasinungalingan kulang naman sa Ebidensya! The Text Widget allows you to add text or HTML to your sidebar. sigh. Iglesia ni Cristo is Unitarian in theology, holding that Jesus Christ is God's chosen son but is not himself God. THUS, BOTH SHARE THE SAME SPIRIT - TO Not only the two mentioned in this video but both. During the Spanish colonial era, the "indio priests" advocated for the . You can use a text widget to display text, links, images, HTML, or a combination of these. The Roman Catholic Church teach that God is one but has three different persons who are the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and is called the Trinity. He appears to have adopted the messenger doctrine in response to a schism in the Iglesia movement. 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