When we stopped for breakfast, he would bring his coffee pot, Community Coffee and cup into the caf and ask the waitress for a pot of boiling water. Os?d&%_4O6dx*Of2%l`6OsxAD endstream endobj 257 0 obj <> endobj 258 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 504.0 648.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 259 0 obj <>stream Girl: under a loom or doorway in the house. This is to prevent it from being stolen by evil spirits or eaten by wildlife, thereby ensuring that the baby will have a long and healthy life. A place of significance to your family and put away with cornmeal /corn pollen blessings; Its important that it is placed somewhere animals cant get to it, otherwise spiritual harm and sickness could occur to the baby. Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Only after the soul is properly dressed in the clothing in which it was born can it continue its journey to the place beyond the sky to be reunited with its ancestors. However, theres an interesting thing that we do now know about umbilical cords, which is that they produce adult stem cells. No wonder many cultures today treat the placenta with great respect and even look upon it with genuine affection. The practice of placentophagy, or Can babies strangle themselves in the womb? We took our time, Geston, 24, told TODAY Parents. As your body prepares for labor and birth, you might start to experience a greater frequency of Braxton Hicks contractions. We learned about breathing through contractions and what active labor looks like and when to go to the hospital in childbirth classes. Preparing the placenta for consumption by mothers is considered traditional among Vietnamese and Chinese people. Lowell and Mary Anne Singletary celebrate their 65th anniversary Wednesday. Palazzi DL, et al. Hes a BASF retiree. Were not comfortable talking about placentae and umbilical cords and what they do or are, so much so that we dont even have good imaging technology to help research and prevent uterine conditions that can be fatal for both the mother and the infant. Loke with permission from Oxford University Press USA. .6F%YgMSw}V.xx)>3u Subtle color changes can still occur all the way up until about 3 years of age. Theres no need to give your newborn a bath every day. "You got to pick where you wanted that to be buried.". This content does not have an English version. The baby was the only member of her family to survive from the building collapse Monday in the small town of Jinderis, next to the Turkish border, Ramadan Sleiman, a relative, told The Associated Press. If they want to donate the blood inside of it to a blood bank, even better! The Cleveland Cord Blood Center has reported saving over 300 lives in Ohio by treating cancers, immune deficiencies, and genetic disorders with stem cells from umbilical cords that would otherwise just be deemed waste and disposed of. WebThe pumpkin vines are the umbilical cord of the pumpkin plant and fruit. I've never heard of this, but when I told him that he acted like it was common knowledge to do this. They also bury the umbilical cord when it falls off, in their yards so that witches dont get hold of it. Many dont even get that and it s a lot of on the job learning for them. Ybarra-Frausto said she punished him by putting him in a corner of the classroom. My father says Im an American, thats why I speak Spanish, he recalled telling his teacher. "But in the middle was this beautiful tree where people always went for shade as they worked. Placenta around the world The Sotho people traditionally bury the placenta in the area for protection. And this grandmother does not want to take any chances . From over the mountain to the valleys,-teachings can be different. The quake in Turkey and Syria left at least 50,000 dead. The placenta is placed in a specially prepared Bury the placenta 4-6 inches lower than the placenta and place soil between the placenta and tree, so that the placenta has time to decompose before the roots reach Then, on one particularly cold and rainy day, the dog accepted the staffs invitation to come into the garage. Rose cones can also be used. Be sure they are vented. While its true your baby can cry in the womb, it doesnt make a sound, and its not something to worry about. No one is ever going to top Whitney Houston!. In the late 1980s, Ybarra-Frausto moved to New York and lived there for nearly two decades to work for the Rockefeller Foundation as the associate director of arts and culture. As Paige Driscoll, who owns Santa Cruz Birth Photography, snapped photos of the intimate moments, she was thinking about her own upcoming delivery. He said that the sensory nerve fibers inside your stomach cavity interpret that pressure as a need to pee, and they relay that news to your brain, which then sends the message to your bladder, which will then have you heading to the bathroom. Its no wonder, then, that doctors have been seeing a steep uptick in patients who want to take their placenta home rather than having the hospital whisk it away, preserve it for research in case theres a complication, and then dispose of it as medical waste, which is considered procedure unless otherwise specified in a birth plan. "The umbilical cord they had taken away when you were born, it was in a little box," he said. There are laws regarding the burial of your placenta. Others say that it has an iron taste. Use #14 wire minimum, 15 amp capacity - 1800 watts, 12 guage for 20 amps - 2400 watts. Learn more, including how to interview someone in your life, at StoryCorps.org. The main cause of a nuchal cord is excessive fetal movement. Why shouldnt you touch your belly button? However, contact your baby's health care provider if the umbilical area oozes pus, the surrounding skin becomes red and swollen, or the area develops a pink moist bump. What about the survivors. Write Smiley at Smiley@theadvocate.com. Parents were once instructed to swab the stump with rubbing alcohol after every diaper change. The use of the placenta as medicine has an extensive history. When your baby poops for the first time, they emit a waste called meconium. How common is umbilical cord strangulation? Call (225) 931-7900 or email dekr_ferrara@cox.net or baldeagle_37@cox.net. Many Native Indigenous women birth in hospital these days and if your fortunate, the hospital near you is already aware of this cultural practice. Omphaloliths. How often does my newborn need a bath? Copyright 2013 Y.W. I also remembered hearing stories from my Dine family back home that it was our costume to bring our placenta home and bury it. Usually, it comes off between 10 and 14 days after your baby is born, but can take as long as 21 days. Toms Ybarra-Frausto grew up in the 1940s, just outside of San Antonio, on a ranch that belonged to his grandfather. These conversations are archived at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress, allowing participants to leave a legacy for future generations. I've never heard of this, but when I told him that he acted like it was common knowledge to do this. In modern medicine, none of these issues present a concern, Hoskins noted. True knots are knots that form in the babys umbilical cord, occurring in roughly 1-2% of all pregnancies (1, 2, 3). The proper way to bury the placenta was described in great detail in Chinese medical literature dating back to before the 2nd century B.C., and is to some extent still practiced today. My DH is burying LO's umbilical cord stump in our backyard under a Rose bush. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "MayoClinic.org," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Some people who have eaten placenta say that its kind of chewy and tastes like liver or beef. Watts = electrical consumption (load). 256 0 obj <> endobj 275 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[256 38]/Info 255 0 R/Length 102/Prev 909319/Root 257 0 R/Size 294/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream As dead skin cells and sebum the oil secreted by your skin accumulate in your bellybutton, they can form an omphalolith over time. Other medical reasons why cords may move around the neck of a fetus or may result in loose knots Some women experience their baby moving a lot in the run-up to labor. Covering Women's Issues, Changing Women's Lives, This afterbirth has spiritual and religious significance in different parts of the world, says Y.W. A wonderful story of misfortune and redemption. This is common and occurs in about 15 to 35 percent of pregnancies. Bronx Baker Turns Dominican Cakes Into A Sweet American Dream. %PDF-1.6 % All rights reserved. 1997-2023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. You have permission to edit this article. Permanent eye color is not set until a baby is at least 9 months old, so wait until your childs first birthday to determine what color they will be. There are no nerve endings in your babys cord, so it doesnt hurt when it is cut. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. Everyone took a part in it, everyone helped sever that connection, and it wasnt rushed or forced. Were treating it like, no, its not sacred, and its not worth celebrating, its not worth understanding, we just want it out of our collective sight, thanks. When Is Eye Color Set? This might be clear, sticky or brownish, and it might leave a mark on your babys clothes or nappy. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. A Santa Cruz, California, family -- who asked not to be identified for privacy reasons -- takes part in a cord burning ceremony. Follow these tips to promote healing. When he was about four years old, Ybarra-Frausto decided he wanted to bury it under a tree in the middle of his family's ranch. Even then, sometimes you may find little surprises. We have all these squicky, uncomfortable feelings about the female reproductive system, all these moral attachments to it, all of these dictates about what the uterus means and how its connected to human life. WebMost often the whenua is buried in a place with ancestral connection, and is considered a physical and spiritual link to the place of birth. [xP3I q|tXj0,x#jr.6 { kQ$g,;#i[EG(D4a3i.s2@PJPbPq(gcC5.4ITjX,] ft@T @Z f ?\ People who support eating the placenta say that it can raise your energy and breast milk quantity. Its this waste thing that gets me, in reading up on placentae and umbilical cords. It can be anywhere from a half-inch to an inch long. Doctors usually perform umbilical cord clamping less than a minute after birth, but the ideal timing has yet to be established, according to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. In the Navajo world, we recognize the importance of traditional skills like herding skills and weaving. Little girls' go under roses and boys' under an oak tree. One obvious mechanism is rupture of membranes resulting in high outward flow of amniotic fluid that carries the umbilical cord past an unengaged fetal presenting part. Toms Ybarra-Frausto, right, told his friend Antonia Casteeda the lessons he learned from his family about his Mexican American heritage during a 2012 StoryCorps interview in San Antonio. The old technique of holding babies upside down and slapping their back is not done anymore, said Dr. Wyckoff. In the meantime, treat the area gently: Keep the Reprinted from Lifes Vital Link by Y.W. They occur when part of the intestine bulges through the umbilical opening in the abdominal muscles. On Thursday evening, Baton Rouge songwriters, singers and musicians will gather at Chelseas to pay tribute to Lynn Anselmo on his 70th birthday and for his 40 years of promoting the local music scene. Another probable mechanism is disengagement of the presenting part during obstetric procedures, allowing the cord to prolapse. Cathy Spong from the HPP points out that we tend to do research on placentae only after theyve been expelled after birth, not while the placenta is developing in the uterus, so we have only a snapshot of whats going on in the womb. Placentae are very high in iron, estrogen, progesterone, and about a million other things, so it might be good for new mothers to eat their placenta, or it might not be. New mothers who have struggled with their physical and emotional health, postpartum, have reported that consuming the placenta has nigh worked miracles, from improving their production of breast milk, to improving their skin, to pretty much undoing postpartum depression. So that means you might have to do a little extra work to advocate for your cultural right to take your placenta home. At one time, the placenta must have appeared to be a rather mysterious structure, attached to and yet not an integral part of the baby. When he was about four years old, Ybarra-Frausto decided he wanted to bury it under a tree in the middle of his familys ranch. The umbilical cord they had taken away when you were born, it was in a little box, he said. Jana LA, et al. This content does not have an Arabic version. However, we just learned that our daughter Sarah is expecting her fourth child in October. Many doctors and midwives serving Native American women come from other cultures and places, they also might only get a 15 min cultural sensitivity training via slideshow or video about the community they are serving when they get hired. Heading Home With Your Newborn: From Birth to Reality. A friend from Ville Platte told Kathleen she knew of the custom of burying the nombril for a healthy future. I have heard its the midwives responsibility to take it and bury it. Dr. Michel Odent says that nonseverance, or at least cutting the sinew rather than the wet cord, would eliminate neonatal tetanus. These are designed to protect public health. Accessed Dec. 13, 2017. If they want to keep the umbilical cord attached to their baby until it falls off, or burn it off with candles, or preserve it for decades, its not hurting anyone. Where is the best place to bury placenta? Start practicing tummy time 2-3 times each day for about 3-5 minutes each time, and gradually increase tummy time as baby gets stronger and more comfortable. Baring the umbilical cord in the Earth establishes lifelong connection between the baby and the place. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. Much like a scab, the cord stump might bleed a little when it falls off. She comes to work with Wally every day. It can also be smelly and have some clear, sticky or brownish ooze that might leave a stain on your babys nappy or clothes. hnLQ What religion eats the placenta after birth? Geston said people are usually shocked and a little bit grossed out when she tells them about cord burning. Have you heard of this? This reverence for the placenta is reflected in the respectful ways by which the placenta is disposed of in many traditional societies, unlike the Western world where the organ is generally considered to be just a lump of inanimate flesh which is perfunctorily thrown into the dustbin, incinerated or used to fertilize rose bushes. When babies cry their belly buttons pop out. Since its physical nature could not be clearly defined, the placenta was accorded a spiritual, even religious, status. Umbilical cord care Dos and donts for parents. Sign-up to get Mayo Clinics trusted health content sent to your email. I took all the necessary classes to prepare for labor and birth. Can I tell the nurse I want to save? Furthermore, a yin location could weaken the childs chi (their life energy) and therefore result in poor health. Ruth Bezet Barbay, of Plaquemine Caring Nursing Home, celebrates her 90th birthday Wednesday. A person who speaks two languages is worth two times the person who speaks only one, Ybarra-Frausto recalled him saying. However, after doing some research and talking to Dine women, there is no cultural context to do this in Navajo way. To say that the vagina is teeming is bacteria may be true, but its the good bacteria, the same stuff we eat in a yoghurt.. Alberto1 A fter giving American families are having cord-burning ceremonies after a baby is born, during which the family uses whats called a burn box a box that has grooves in which to set the umbilical cord and holes for candles to slowly burn the umbilical cord off, rather than clamping and cutting in less than a minute after birth. It doesnt tell us whats going on with its metabolism, whether its providing the baby with the right nutrients and right amount of oxygen, what genes are being turned on, and so on, she says, adding that with better imaging technology for understanding the uterus than ultrasound, we could predict and prepare for pre-eclampsia, when the placenta detaches from the uterine wall too early. Iz$qhTov)JEY5(ewvwv9,MD:!pP%RD4Q^$mK$Pux0,~pOYYk&,FdbT'?@GOE1N/qJhx6Vrr7GGpQH!voI_j^[o~tEX,|o^u1%2U5tM$v2_ 9)vZ&o But in the middle was this beautiful tree where people always went for shade as they worked. The only bad option of the bunch, to my mind, is treating something that grew inside and was a part of your body like a non-entity, like garbage, like it was useless. I often get asked What does a traditional pregnancy and birth look like?. Lady, as she would be called, bonded to Wally. Were distancing ourselves from it. 'We Are Americans': Somali Refugee Family Reflects On Making A Life In The U.S. Now the job is done. But remember, not all Native Indigenous women live on or near their reservations/communities. WebLoosely tie the canes and cover the base of the rose with 8 to 10 inches of soil. It usually takes about three days, and up to a week more in particularly humid climates (think equatorial forests), and yes, that means that the placenta is carried with the baby for that period of time as well. In Mexican culture, the ritual of burying an umbilical cord stump represents the planting of a childs roots to the surrounding land and community, further cementing ones heritage. A newborn's umbilical cord stump typically falls off within about two weeks after birth. Knots happen most often when the umbilical cord is too long and in pregnancies with identical twins. What does placenta taste like? After seeing so much love filling the room I knew it was something that I wanted for my birth. It has nursed the baby through a potentially perilous intrauterine odyssey. On the first day of first grade, his teacher told the class that, because they were all American, they were going to learn English. Did any of you? She was a Rosie the Riveter in Michigan during World War II. But she only did so after giving birth to her third child, Reign. These conversations are archived at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress, allowing participants to leave a legacy for future generations. It is not just superstition or religious belief. Mayo Clinic offers appointments in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota and at Mayo Clinic Health System locations. Health officials are at odds with the Independent Placenta Encapsulation Network (Ipen), claiming health code violations in the preparation of placenta smoothies and pills. I can honestly tell you, as a young 20-year-old mother, all those years ago, I didnt understand the importance of birthing in a ceremonial way. Ezekiel 16:1-6. Taste is probably an important factor when deciding if you want to eat placenta. I would be sitting there with a book and all of a sudden I would think about my tos and tas in San Antonio and in Texas and I could feel, like, my ombligo [belly button] going down the staircase, from my apartment all the way down to that tree because I knew that thats where Im from.. A baby's umbilical cord stump dries out and eventually falls off usually within one to three weeks after birth. 6 Amazon travel essentials for your next getaway, starting at $12. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Cord burning, a practice thats been around in various cultures for many years, is getting new appreciation from some families who say its a way to cherish the moment and get loved ones involved in the milestone for baby and mom. The World Health Organization recommends clamping one to three minutes after birth to allow more blood to flow to the baby from the placenta. Cheri says a baby boys nombril is supposed to be buried under a fence post, so that he will grow up to be a strong Cajun man. But also it teaches a level of humbleness and patience, in gathering this knowledge for yourself and then being responsible for it, once you have it. Lynn is still in the music business, hosting a music night Tuesdays at Heaux Jeauxs on Airline. When a Hmong dies, his or her soul must go back to where the placental jacket is buried and put it on. And even though he was far away from aunts and uncles in Texas, he continued to find solace in his family's traditions. Umbilical cords were intended to be buried because this anchors the baby to the earth (Knoki-Wilson, 8/10/92). 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And, western obstetricians recent revision of their clinical protocol to pause a few minutes before clamping & severance, is still a woefully inadequate service to the integrity of the newborn child and the criticality of undisturbed bonding between mother & child the first one hour immediately following birth (now the current recommendation of the WHOs Mother Friendly Initiative) which is essential for the successful establishment of breastfeeding. Methods: A cross-sectional data analysis was performed on a nationally representative sample of 4925 women of reproductive age (15-49 years) with at least 1 child. Kathleen adds, Please understand that Im not at all a superstitious Cajun woman! After birth, the umbilical cord is no longer needed so it's clamped and snipped. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. This cry will expand the babys lungs and expel amniotic fluid and mucus. I have heard that people bury them, but I hadn't heard there were specific places. Until as recently as the 1980s, researchers assumed newborns did not have fully developed pain receptors, and believed that any responses babies had to pokes or pricks were merely muscular reactions. (WOMENSENEWS) The cycle of life and death is inevitable. Review/update the information highlighted below and resubmit the form. Theyll place two clamps on the cord.Hold the section of cord to be cut with a piece of gauze under it. Thats when he remembered the words his father told him. Your babys umbilical cord stump dries out and eventually falls off usually within one to three weeks after birth. Residents in a northwest Syrian town discovered a crying infant whose mother appears to have given birth to her while buried underneath the rubble of a five-story apartment building leveled by this weeks devastating earthquake, relatives and a doctor said Tuesday.. Indigenous Hawaiians have been burying their babies umbilical cords on Mauna Kea, Japanese mothers and children keep the dried umbilical cord in a special box; How do I tell the nurse that I want to save it? Steps to Cut the Umbilical CordRemember that the mom and baby cant feel the cord being cut.The practitioner will be sure the cord has stopped pulsing (usually). Nurses can put it in a biohazard bag or bucket with your name on it and place it in a fridge near by. I want to stress how important it is for you to have this conversation with your doctor or midwife prior to your birth. /7Ld`bd`HC? J endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 293 0 obj <>stream The one thing that was instilled was traditions that were related to the land, Ybarra-Frausto, 83, told his friend Antonia Casteeda, 78, in a StoryCorps interview from 2012. Is thrown over a wall or into a school garden. Consider mulching the base of the plant with soil for added insulation under the rose cone. One theory for this is the increase in Braxton Hicks contractions. The placenta is always buried face down with the smooth side up. Follow A. Pawlowski on Google+ and Twitter. Bathing your baby too much can dry out his or her skin. What exactly is belly button lint? Maybe when we are in a home we will stay in for a long time I will bury them. How Often. Being forth coming about what you want in regards to taking your placenta home is part of the communication everyone should take advantage of. The importance of a placenta in Chinese history and culture. Research from Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan demonstrates the efficacy of 4% chlorhexidine when used as an umbilical wash to lower omphalitis risk and neonatal mortality [ 7 - 10 ]. He can also be reached by fax at (225) 388-0351 or mail at P.O. And Cheri Armentor, a New Iberia author, says her grandmother buried Cheris daughters Sammies nombril under a rose bush to guarantee that the baby would grow to be a beautiful Cajun woman, Which she has!. He planted a fruit-bearing bush or tree with the umbilical cord and made a "I would be sitting there with a book and all of a sudden I would think about my tos and tas in San Antonio and in Texas and I could feel, like, my ombligo [belly button] going down the staircase, from my apartment all the way down to that tree because I knew that that's where I'm from.". Usually, the placenta is buried securely underground. Visit our help page at https://womensenewsp.wpengine.com/help-making-comments-womens-enews-stories. Immediately I thought, where does it get buried? "The one thing that was instilled was traditions that were related to the land," Ybarra-Frausto, 83, told his friend Antonia Casteeda, 78, in a StoryCorps interview from 2012. Within hours of giving birth, the doula (if she offers this) will take it with her to start the process of making it into pills for you. That's when he remembered the words his father told him. What I have seen in practice is, once a mother has delivered her baby and placenta, she will tell the nurse to save her placenta-making sure to tell them (nursing staff) NOT to put it in any chemical solution (which they do sometimes). But as it dries out, it may turn brown or That is how you honor ancestral knowledge. The reason why there is so little reverence for the placenta in Western culture may be because the process of birth has become so cold and clinical that it is no longer associated with the beginning of life. Shortly after birth, it will be clamped and cut off. Driscoll, who is due to give birth to her fifth son this month, was inspired to try cord burning after watching some of her clients choose the unconventional path. At that point, I figured my opportunity to bring it home was lost. In different parts of the world, the relationship of the placenta to the baby varies from being considered a friend (Nepal), an elder sibling (Malaysia), a twin (Nigeria), or part of the baby itself (Hawaii). There are a lot of words that float around when we talk about placenta and umbilical cord practices that dont treat them like waste, like crazy, bizarre, weird, and gross, as if the things that grow inside our bodies are weird, so it must be crazy to carry them around for three days while you wait for them to dry up. In this passage, God was speaking to the children of Israel that when they were born, their umbilical cord (placenta) was not properly treated and because of this they needed help. Who barriers it? So what did you do with your placenta and umbilical cord after you gave birth? Im coming onto the blossoming revelation that this is a conversation that a lot of women have, these days. In saying that placentae and umbilical cords are either medical waste on the one hand, or theyre gross and weird on the other, were saying that either way, the female reproductive system is disgusting. Its true enough that there are a variety of cultures around the world that have had specific customs pertaining to placentae and umbilical cords going back centuries. Loke and published by Oxford University Press USA. There will be breakfast and registration at 8 a.m., a shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. and lunch and awards at noon. Kathleen Sonnier Mier says one way for Cajuns to say Thats where I was born is Cest l o mon nombril est enterr., Literally, she says, it means, Theres where my nombril (navel stump) is buried.. The surface of a navel stone will turn black from oxidation. These teachings are gifts and treating them as such, preserves the richness and respect they deserve. And, if specified by the mother or parents, the blood inside an umbilical cord can be donated at no cost to the parents to organizations like the Be the Match Registry, which uses the stem cells in cord blood for transplants. Once your little one is born, however, the cord is no longer needed. When I met her, she was lounging on a blanket in the back seat of Wallys truck. His father, he said, was proud that his son was learning English. It is our responsibility as parents and family members to guide our children through each cultural developmental step towards personhood in the Navajo world. While having my brake pads replaced at Skid Marks on Lee Drive, I learned about their employee, Wally. Well, the birth of my daughter was quiet an event and by the time she was out and I was holding her, the birthing table that held my placenta was whisked out of the room. Is worth two times the person who speaks only one, Ybarra-Frausto recalled him saying for. 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Burial of your belly button Geston, 24, told today parents Platte told Kathleen knew! Away from aunts and uncles in Texas, he recalled telling his teacher,... Was lost need to give your newborn: from birth to Reality an. Three weeks after birth to Reality grew up in the middle was beautiful! Any use of this, but can take as long as 21 days probably an factor., there is no longer needed so it doesnt make a sound, and it wasnt rushed forced! Surface of a placenta in Chinese history and culture down and slapping their back is not done anymore said... Newborn: from birth to allow more blood to flow to the Earth establishes lifelong connection between the through... A piece of gauze under it and culture right to take your placenta home Wyckoff. Inside of it to a blood bank, even religious, status sticky or brownish, and it s lot! Had n't heard there burying umbilical cord under rose bush specific places Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and place! 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