donald ewen cameron familydonald ewen cameron family
He reported that "the subject's very identity had begun to disintegrate," and that's when someone should, ya know, stop. Duncan: We all very much wished, as we always had, that my father was alive because he would have had to deal with that issue and would have dealt with it quite effectively. That could be heightened with various drugs, eventually was replaced by positive messages, and the so-called "psychic driving" would continue. What Hebb and Cameron both have in common is their contribution in establishing the scientific foundation for CIAs two-stage psychological torture method. Amory: This is a hard reality for the family that Ewen Cameron left behind. Maybe the people responsible are waiting for all of us to forget. Joseph Rauh (from the transcript): But as far as you know now, neither you nor your brother or sister or mother have *any* papers left that are not sort of public documents? His support of Charles Edward Stuart was instrumental in the Jacobite Rising of 1745 Lochiel and the Jacobite cause Cameron titled this procedure "intrapsychic" (a term derived from the psycho-somatic relationship of hospital patients). And that kind of explains why, when they were ordered to stop their depatterning and psychic driving of patients, they just sort of didn't. Click here for the donation page. (Rubenstein LS. Anyone with any appreciation of the complexity of the human mind would not expect that you could erase an adult mind and then add things back with this stupid psychic driving., Amory: The CIA also turned its back on Cameron. If I put you through this program, within 24 hours to 48 hours you'll be in a diagnosable psychotic state. Amory: Duncan struggles dealing with his dads legacy because he cant speak to why his dad did what he did. Cregg: What do you know about mind-control experiments? Donald Ewen Cameron was born in Scotland in 1901. It was the start of a series of experiments backed by the British, the Americans, and the Canadians, and they wanted to know what prolonged sensory deprivation actually did to a person. Ben Brock Johnson: So what do you have in front of you here? Instead of being considered for the fellowship, the neurologist was admitted to his Allan Memorial Institute, diagnosed with schizophrenia, and given such a heavy dose of barbiturates that it triggered an allergic reaction and she suffered from a prolonged loss of oxygen to the brain. Cameron also wanted to revolutionize the way psychology and psychiatry looked at mental illness. And there some of them were high risk ones. ", "Brainwashing's Avatar: The Curious Career of Dr. Ewen Cameron,". Amory: Ben and I are in an apartment in Washington D.C. thats bursting with morning light and books, and were flipping through some of our hosts old family photos. Stephen: So they created a manual, which basically was for intelligence personnel. By literally wiping the minds of his subjects clean by depatterning and then trying to program in new behavior, Cameron carried the process known as brainwashing to its logical extreme., The dehumanizing nature of his methods were published in premier medical journals without any complaints from other psychiatrists; Cameron read papers about depatterning with electroshock before meetings of his fellow psychiatrists; and they rewarded him, electing him president of the American, Canadian, and World Psychiatric Associations. To see some of the things that have happened are very upsetting. If we can succeed in inventing means of changing their attitudes and beliefs, we shall find ourselves in possession of measures which, if wisely used, may be employed in freeing ourselves from their attitudes and beliefs in other fields which have greatly contributed to the instability of our period by their propensity for holding up progress, In Cameron's book Life is For Living, published in 1948, he expressed a concern for the German race in general. He first solved the problem by wiring the speakers into football helmets and locking them onto patients' heads, but that ended up being not ideal. Now, a recent court decision has. That would have been the cultural environment in which people like Sidney Gottlieb grew up. He began to develop the discipline of social psychiatry which concentrated on the roles of interpersonal interaction, family, community and culture in the emergence and amelioration of emotional disturbance. Advancing Voluntary, Informed Consent to Medical Intervention, Cameron was an internationally prominent psychiatrist who developed torture techniques on his involuntary hospitalized patients mostly women. You know, my job was to look out for the cops. The sick were, for Cameron, the viral infection to its stability and health. The Guardian talked to Alison Steel, Jean's daughter and one of the many family members trying to shine a light on what was done to their loved ones without their consent. Donald Hebb and Ewen Cameron were competitors; they did not collaborate, though Cameron incorporated Hebb's sensory isolation techniques into his own diabolical arsenal of psychiatry's instruments of torture. Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel, 17t. Like Freud, Cameron maintained that the family was the nucleus of social behavior and anxieties later in life were spawned during childhood. Heads up that some elements (i.e. So what led the CIA to get onto this fantasy? He continued his training in the United States under Meyer at the Phipps Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland from 1926 to 1928 with a Henderson Research Scholarship. Ben: Today we grapple with Dr. Ewen Camerons legacy. Therefore, society should function to select out the weak and unwanted, those apt towards fearsome aggression that threatened society. And they haven't been super successful. He recruited psychoanalysts, social psychiatrists and biologists globally to develop the psychiatry program at McGill[12] From its beginning in 1943, the Allan Memorial Institute was run on an "open door" basis, allowing patients to leave if they wished, as opposed to the "closed door" policy of other hospitals in Canada in the early 1940s. Amory: In spite of Camerons ambition and prestige, he never helped find a cure for mental illness, he never won a Nobel Prize for psychiatry. The work of Dr. Ewen Cameron may have been discredited by mainstream psychiatry, but that doesn't mean it went away completely. As time has worn on, its become the families of those victims who shoulder the burden. But none of us trained in psychiatry. According to what his son, Duncan, told WBUR, it was 1967 when he decided to climb Street Mountain in the Adirondacks. The idea was to first "depattern" the person in question. He warned that government institutions should take measures against such potential liabilities. Not only was Ewen Cameron running the Allan Memorial, but he was leading psychiatric organizations, he was teaching at McGill University, and he was still seeing private patients. Here in the hospital Cameron could observe how the psychiatric patient resembled patients with other diseases that were not psychiatric in nature. Did he ever talk about that? And so even all these years later, it's part of my life. In the final installment ofMadness," we sit down with Duncan, and we explore the shocking ways his father's methods are still being used today. And the funeral was yet another opportunity for Marian and her siblings to learn more about the mother who had been absent for so much of their childhoods. Amory: In the early 60s, MK-ULTRA director Sidney Gottlieb took the so-called treatments Cameron used on his patients at the Allan and brought them back to the CIA. This third type needs, This page was last edited on 16 February 2023, at 19:10. Jim Turner: The most salient point that I recall is that Camerons son told us that he'd taken his father's private records and had destroyed them. [citation needed][21]. And this is a picture up with my brother, Stuart. His brutal techniques involved a three-stage method for brainwashing in order to eliminate the will and establish control: first, mental depatterning achieved through drug-induced coma; massive neuroleptic drug cocktails induced extended sleep lasting up to eighty-six days. And I think you have, as much as love that you had for him you also had respect for him. The human significance of his dark legacy was brought to public attention when nine of his Canadian victims filed lawsuits in 1980s twenty-one years after Camerons death. So I think in a certain way they believed that what fiction writers could come up with, somebody could actually make real. He graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1924. I'm the oldest son of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron and Jean Cameron. Research genealogy for Donald Ewen Cameron of lambeth, as well as other members of the Cameron family, on Ancestry. Cameron never got his Nobel Prize in fact, he died not long after leaving Allan Memorial Institute. Ben: But Duncan is still, in some ways, trying to defend his dads honor. She was not staying in this little town. Ben: Her dad couldnt afford childcare, so soon after Marians mother went into the Allan, social services took Marian and her two younger brothers away because there was no parent to take care of them. Cameron placed the psychiatric treatment unit inside of the hospital and inspected its success. It describes various personalities that he believed were of marked danger to all members of society. It has to do with another of his Adirondack hikes that changed the Cameron family forever. He commuted from Lake Placid, New York to Montreal every week to work at McGill's Allan Memorial Institute and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKUltra experiments there, known as the Montreal experiments. "Now, that was a foolish mistake. He had various people record the tapes sometimes including the patient's loved ones and it was, on the whole, incredibly traumatizing. Today, we're talking to one of the only people who will stand up for Dr. Cameron. . And I recall going through them and *taking out* several papers that appeared to me to be identified or could be identified as dealing with a particular patient. Amory: But, Camerons extreme measures didnt result in a Nobel Prize or any mental health breakthroughs, which is why Harvey finds a certain poetry in his untimely death. His response? He never got one. Jean Steel was another one of Cameron's patients, and like the others she didn't sign up to be a part of MKUltra, depatterning, or psychic driving at all. The second stage involved extreme, high voltage multiple electroshock treatments three times daily. There's my father and my mother. He received an M.B., Ch.B. Were they *destroyed* or did you just take the patients name out? Duncan: Thats my recollection, that any documents that related to patients were destroyed. Donald Ewen Cameron (19011967) was born in Scotland in 1901 and graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1924. [citation needed]. "[36], Cameron is the subject of Stephen Bennett's film Eminent Monsters (2020), which was funded by BBC Scotland and Creative Scotland. This personality type poses a danger to those closest to them, especially children. Shes a member of SAAGA, or Survivors Allied Against Government Abuse. He promoted a philosophy where chaos could be prevented by removing the weak from society. McGill's then-director of psychology, Dr. Donald Hebb, took the money and set up experiments using his ready-and-waiting pool of test subjects: students. The extent of Goldberg's treatment - or mistreatment - while in the care of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron at the Allan Memorial Institute, would remain an encumbering family secret for years. The guilt of her baby's deadly staph infection stayed with her, and when she became pregnant with her second, and the CBC says she went into Cameron's care in February of 1960. Peterborough County. He was a person who was always looking for a way of advancing the field. If he had a choice he would have kept living forever. Ben: As for the CIAs MK-ULTRA program itself, it never had an official end date. Amory: Were bringing you the last installment of our special series: Madness The secret mission for mind control and the people who paid the price. Then we brought them down I think it was probably during one of my infrequent jaunts up there I brought them down in my car, and I then took them over and deposited them at the American Psychiatric Association. Duncan Cameron is Ewen Cameron's son, and when he speaks of his father, he talks about a man who loved to hike, read science fiction, and who had an obituary that read, in part: "Those who are privileged to know him, even briefly, will not soon forget the warmth and kindliness of this understanding man." I mean, he was that much of a scientist. In other words, torture. with distinction from the University of Glasgow in 1936.[8]. The behaviour of a mental patient could resemble the behaviour of a patient with, for example, syphilis, and then a somatic cause could be deduced for a psychological illness. Duncan: Talking about him, it should be easy, but sometimes it's sort of emotional. Part of Camerons plan for his patients was to wipe their minds clean, to make them forget their past, so they could move forward. You know, all of us not only respected him, but loved him, and not just myself, but my brothers. Amory: Dr. Ewen Cameron will never be able to respond to the intergenerational trauma created by his work. Sign up and be the first to find out the latest news and articles about what's going on in the medical field. "[H]e was born in. Those who are privileged to know him, even briefly, will not soon forget the warmth and kindliness of this understanding man.. After one test he noted: "Although the patient was prepared by both prolonged sensory isolation (35 days) and by repeated depatterning, and although she received 101 days of positive driving, no favourable results were obtained." [25], Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by "erasing" existing memories and "reprogramming" the psyche. He saw no reason why psychiatry should be any different. This must be very difficult, very complicated for them. Cameron started to distinguish populations between "the weak" and "the strong". And I feel for them for that. Ben: Duncan says his father was so busy that he didnt see much of him during their time in Montreal. In this, he hoped to establish a suitable method to reinstate a form of justice in Germany that could prevent its society from recreating the attitudes that led it from the Great War to World War II. Donald Hebb and Ewen Cameron were competitors; they did not collaborate, though Cameron incorporated Hebbs sensory isolation techniques into his own diabolical arsenal of psychiatrys instruments of torture. [8] And we would take off. Which suggests it was for purposes of, not closure, but of not wanting information to come to light that was in the papers. Amory: We definitely will. Donald Ewen Cameron 24 December 1901 - 8 September 1967)[1] was a Scottish-born psychiatrist. Sarah Anne Johnson: I imagine this is very difficult for his family. There was also Donald Hebb, who ran McGills psychology department at the time Cameron was running its psychiatry department. Duncan: Yes. Toby Ziegler:In the '50s, it was the CIA mind control research program begun in response to the Chinese attempt on U.S. prisoners. There is no incontinence, there is no mutism, and we are continuing this intense treatment of her until we get complete depatterning.". Cameron would analyze what conditions produced the stronger worker, what would be the necessary conditions to replicate this personality and to reward the stronger while disciplining the weaker. And you see this actual physical manual on how to break down the human mind. Tell us about your reaction to this episode or send us a story idea. He began his career as resident surgeon at Glasgow Infirmary, but in 1929 moved to Canada to work in the Brandon Mental Hospital. And you can see this manual that's been found all around the world, from hellholes to modern democracies. . You can try, The 1963 "Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation" manual, "CIA's Secret Brainwashing Experiment" (1984), "Brainwashed: The Secret CIA Experiments in Canada" (2017), Jim Turner and Joseph Rauh's lawsuit debrief: "Anatomy Of A Public Interest Case Against The CIA,", Send us a direct message on Reddit. The manual got updated in 1980, but the techniques that have come about including things like waterboarding and restraint in a "coffin-like wooden box" still harken back to that original research. These did nothing to calm the feud which continued through succeeding reigns to when Donald's grandson Ewen, the 13th chief, fought at the battle of Flodden where James IV was killed. His father, grandfather and great-grandfather were all senior partners in the company. Ewen Cameron made the hike with Duncans younger brother, James. Ontario. Any documents that related to patient treatment were destroyed? I'm sure that they loved him very much and knew him in a very different way. His work had led him to the belief that mental illness could be "cured" like, say, a broken hip might be rehabilitated. His list of credentials was so long it's impossible to list them all, but for starters, his resume included the University of Glasgow and Johns Hopkins, and in the 1930s, he was lauded for setting up a series of psychiatric clinics. Cameron also hoped to generate families capable of using authority and techniques to take measures against mental illness, which would later be apparent in Cameron's MKULTRA and MKDELTA experiments. Alison Steel won compensation for her mother's misery in 2017, says the CBC: $100,000 in exchange for ending legal action. In 1933, he married Jean C. Rankine, whom he had met while they were students at the University of Glasgow. As the CBC notes, it's sourced pretty heavily from Cameron's work, and talks about things like "deprivation of sensory stimuli, threats and fear, pain, hypnosis and narcosis," and the source of their research? Because his dad isnt around to do it himself. Ben: After Marians mom left the Allan, she struggled for the rest of her life to regain her sense of self and mental clarity. He tried a variety of things, including multiple electroshock therapy sessions a day and massive doses of drugs including LSD. in psychological medicine from the University of Glasgow in 1924, a D.P.M. They fear the stranger, they fear the new idea; they are afraid to live, and scared to die." His theories of behavior stressed the unity of the organism with the environment; the book also outlined experimental method and research design. Amory: But Cameron was publishing articles and giving speeches about his work throughout his life. Deze informatie is onderdeel van Families Klein, Ree, de Breed en de Vries van Terschelling van Marthan Klein op Genealogie Online. Police, hospitals, government, and schools would need to use the correct psychiatric authority to stop mental contagions from spreading. A notoriously tough climb, he did it with his son James, and when he got to the top, he had a heart attack and died almost instantly. Cameron began his training in psychiatry at the Glasgow Royal Mental Hospital in 1925. Josh Crane Twitter Producer, Podcasts & New ProgramsJosh is a producer for podcasts and new programs at WBUR. Duncan Cameron: No. It's Boston local news in one concise, fun and informative email. Psychiatry would play a disciplinary role. The goal, says CBC, was to reduce the patient to what was called a "childlike state," with some people destroyed so completely that they could no longer walk, talk, or dress themselves Shoelaces? And Mary Morrow? Ben: Street Mountain is a strange choice for a bucket list. He began his career as resident surgeon at Glasgow Infirmary, but in 1929 moved . There are a few ways to reach us: This content was originally created for audio. [23][24] He is unrelated to another CIA psychiatrist, Alan S. Cameron, who helped pioneer psychological profiling of world leaders during the 1970s and was not associated with the behavioral modification research program. A Canadian government dismissed the CIAs role as a side issue or red herring; Ottawas Justice Department denied legal responsibility, offering each victim a nugatory $20,000 nuisance payment. There are movies like Gaslight and Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Cameron's work was funded under MKUltra's subproject 68. AIan Cameron followed in the footsteps of his father and became a director at Panmure Gordon in 1957. It's not clear how many patients Dr. Ewen Cameron's treatments destroyed, but some families have come forward with stories of what was done to their loved ones. Through his instruction of nurses and psychiatrists he became an authority in his areas of concentration. Cameron used his ideas to implement policies on who should govern and parent in society. Ewen Cameron experimented on people right up until he left the Allan in 1964. Though he did visit the Allan Memorial on occasion. A possessive type, filled with jealousy and demanding utmost loyalty. It is at this juncture that he became interested with how he could effectively manipulate the brain to control and understand the processes of memory. He is largely known today for his central role in unethical medical experiments, and development of psychological and medical torture techniques for the CIA. [28] His work was inspired and paralleled by the psychiatrist William Sargant, who was also involved with the intelligence services and experimented extensively on his patients without their consent, causing similar long-term damage. In 1943, Cameron was invited to McGill University in Montreal by neurosurgeon Dr Wilder Penfield. Marian Cameron. And people talk about the transmission of trauma through generations. The second part of the technique was inspired by something called the Cerebrophone, which was essentially a "learn-while-you-sleep" recording device. And he didn't achieve that either. Other similar psychiatric diagnoses of Germany were published during this time. There must have been names of patients. People Projects Discussions Surnames . In 1984, New Scientist reported on a lawsuit filed on behalf of some of the people who ended up a part of MKUltra's Sub-project 68. Amory: He doesnt explicitly say that he was the one who did the destroying. Cleghorn immediately went and took a long, hard look at what Cameron had actually been doing in his little corner of the university, and he was pretty shocked. According to The Guardian, it started with playing tapes designed to tap into the reason the patient sought help in the first place. In other words, they really must have seen that there was something wrong and crazy. Cameron's concerns extended to his policies determining who should have children and advance to positions of authority. Ben: About halfway through, Prosecutor Joseph Rauh starts quoting statements that Camerons wife Duncans mom made on the record. Duncan: I mean, it's very different than the caricature that you sometimes read in the press. While more is known about the experiments of Dr. Ewen Cameron than about some of the other MKUltra projects, there's still a lot of information missing. She said she received 12 boxes of her husbands papers after he died, but that, quote, If I had these papers, I wouldnt necessarily let you see them. He wanted to know if it was possible to wipe a person's mind and reinstall a new personality. Very different. It was reported that none of the patients sent to the Radio Telemetry Lab showed any signs of improvement. Ben: But there is reason to believe that these documents arent just missing. For years, the patients of Dr. Ewen Cameron or, more accurately, the families of those patients have been trying to get compensation for the unthinkable experiments their loved ones were subjected to. [22], During the 1950s and 1960s, Cameron became involved in what has later become known as the MKUltra mind control program, which was covertly sponsored by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)[6] and which eventually led to the publication of the KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation manual. His death occurred while climbing a mountain. Cameron quickly found patients didn't want to listen to the messages. Hes in his mid-80s now. Kinzer: This idea of some evil scientists taking control of someone else's mind is a wonderfully appealing trope, and it's been used repeatedly in very popular movies and books and stories. While they were students at the time Cameron was born in Scotland in 1901 and from! 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