nickel allergy vapingnickel allergy vaping
Ive never had allergies or hives or rashes or anything like this in my life and Im 40 years old. I quit cigarettes in December and have been vaping since then. It is way easier to quit vaping than smoking cigarettes i must say. When I vape a high nicotine I get a rash on my scalp it really itches and there are small bumps on my scalp. Now, this morning, my right eyebrow has started to itch! Change your vaping style. I quit smoking 3months ago and started using VIP ecigs 2weeks later. Few months later, I was going down the stairs and noticed my legs shaking only when I bend them. I truly hope everyone finds an alternative to cigarettes for those that are allergic. Been vaping over 4 years now have always loved it as believed it was not affecting my health in any way. Good luck all of you in quitting!! So relieved to finally figure this out. Nickel is a chemical that is widely used in utensils, jewelry . Im a heavy 2pack/day smoker, cut down to 1 pack/day on day one, at 1.2, and then raising up to 1.8 because the istick 20 wasnt doing it for me. Or how much I scrutinised my diet. After a 20 a day 25 year smoking habit and several attempts to give up i came across e-cigs around october of last year and have not even thought about going back to cigarettes since however, I had tight chess that made me feel I was out of oxigen. I saw my doc today and he diagnosed me as having Hyperhidrosis. My left arm went numb and achy and I was getting increasingly overanxious to the point that I thought I was having the first stages of a heart attack(Im 44 years young btw). One night it was that bad my wife called an ambulance as I thought I was having a heart attack. Look for safer substitutes for common nickel-containing items: If you have to be exposed to nickel at work, creating a barrier between you and the nickel may help. its got so bad I had to visit the GP who has told me to stop it straight away, and given me antibiotics? I know this isnt common, but its likely that some of us are just allergic. Another tip is to switch out metal watchbands for those made of cloth, plastic, or leather. What does a nickel allergy rash look like? I will post a reply after I get my products in a few days and have had a chance to see if its made a difference. Hope this helps you. Im experience bad taste in mouth tounge problems loads phlem and problems swallowing and at the back of my throat it can get saw! Oh ya. Major skin problems again. Was given antibiotics and sent home. I M DYING HERE! Im waiting on VG nic to arrive before I give vaping a go again, hopefully in the next few days. Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit organization. Definately a poisen for me. Nothing for maybe 6 months and then boom! I went to see my doctors and both my general physician and ENT doctor had little knowledge about e-cig and the allergies it may cause. 5. Ended up taking prednisone which cleared the rash. This is so sad. I tried all kinds of skin treatments and products denying and lying to myself it wasnt the evaping. I have copd to and have found with the ecig i can breath loads better(It did take a little while tho), i am experiecing a burning of my skin all over my body.i have stopped a couple of days but when I test again. OK THE FIRST 2 MONTH .I HAVE NOTICED THAT I HAVE PUT A LOT A WEIGHT ON MY STOMACH AREA VERY WINDY ALSO SWAETING A LOT TIRED I DONT SEEM TO BE MY SELF BACK FORTH AT DR MORE TIRED I ON HIGH MENTHOL I THINK I NEED TO GO ON LOW DOSE I DONT WANT GO BACK TO SMOKING BUT THE WAY I FEEL IM THINKING ABOUT CUTTING VAPPING FOR NOW AND GO BACK TO SMOKING HELP. You should get the chewable type because it cant be metabolized in the digestive tract unless u take a combo of L-cysteine, L-glutamine and glycine. Nothing worked except quitting vaping. in response to Alison on September 19TH: I came here to see if anyone else was experiencing skin problems due to vaping. Then i go to emmergency the doctor said becouse of Vaping. I am not able to keep a good pace when walking my co a pace that keeps weight off) it has just hit me suddenly, Im thinking it might be cold, as that can come at u after 40 yrs of 20 a day, so am going to get checked out. I quit smokeing 4 years ago and used the Safe Cig brand .They wwent out of business , so I went to the new vape pen anyway after a short time I could not breath and have had several URI and now they say cold .I say no way it has to be the vapeing I am making some changes . And the rash on my lower leg remains constantly. wheezing. They need to put on the box what in the cigs. I have a question, just bought NY first vape yesterday around 1 starting smoking immediately around 6 I got extremely tired as if I were drugged. Take Magnesium and soak in epsom salt!!!!!!!! I had a rash on my leg for almost 2 years. Mostly at night would wake me and drive me nuts! and 30% V.G. I fit really isnt happening for you, dont go back to analogues. I also have the face and neck break outs. I stopped vaping when it finally hit me. Please be careful!!!! I could not find a comfortable position to relax and I feared I might faint.This lasted intensely for 6 hours straight before any signs of improving. The headaches are killer. I smoked jc classics Canadian made product. I love that vaping has weened me off of tobaccos, and will try eliminating P.G. VGs much nicer, since that prob. I know its the ecigs. I will however keep putting the 10 a day in my jar. Stainless steel same thing, has Chrome. I have been vaping for 2 years now after rolling my own cigs for 30 odd years with Nautilus tank and ola hero mod box, 6 mg nic juice, Alabama strawberry flavour at 70 vg 30 pg. Vape On!!!! Raised, puss filled bumps that itch incessantly. Ive had this weird side effect happen to me twice now in the past few months! What device did you use? . Only two days last week trying an ecig. I started vaping 2 years ago. in the month and lips try to wash the lip piece of your e-cig as often as possible as it could be related to bacteria or something. I also use pure VG (even some labelled 100% VG are in fact as much as 20% PG, the excuse given is that VG clogs up the burner and this mix is required to prevent the equipment from fouling up. Also chest feels weird at times and mucus drips constantly in back of throat. I am going for blood tests soon too rule out any other underlying causes I havent mentioned my vape to docs as yet, its because Ive been in denial about the fact it is more than likely the Vape that is the cause of my problems! Nickel allergy is often associated with earrings and other jewelry. I looked on the internet and decided to switch over to VG w/nicotine at 3% still no change. Side Effects. I am only on 6mg of nicotine, diluted from a 12 with non nicotine. Soon after the pain came the extreme difficulty to take a normal size breath , it felt like I had been punched in the chest and the wind knocked out of me. I started using the refillable kind in place of chewing tobacco just as a way to get my fix. E-cigarette liquids and vapors contain metals and metalloids at levels likely to be harmful to people's health, and people who vape have higher levels of these elements in their blood and other . Started to get worried after a year. Im wearing a patch now, feeling much more whole and slowly getting better. breathing was not good, I did stop smoking the e fag but now I am worried about using it again in case it starts again or worse. has a long list of medications that include PG and I have been prescribed 2 of those before but never had this reaction. Try covering buttons, snaps, zippers or tool handles with duct tape or with a clear barrier, such as Nickel Guard. And the ironic thingis that I was so convinced this could be explained because it could be Q-fever fatigue (and my doc agreed!). The researchers then measured the levels of a number of toxic metals like lead, chromium, nickel, and manganese, both in the eliquid and in the vapour. Applied the cream and all seems normal again now. Dianne, HI I BEEN VAPING 4 MONTH The good news is these symptoms go away after a few weeks to a month, but the bad news is vaping-related side-effects are very much the same, so its hard to identify what is causing them. be eliquid but is.i had canker sores on side of tongue,everlasting headaches that nothing helps.My body hurts everywhere,like my insides are too big for my outside.1 month phlegmy cough that appetite and rotten sleep.i know it sounds like a lot but am going to stop ecig and see if improves,my doctor cant find anything wrong with me but never thought to tell her about ecig.if not regulated which I didnt know,who knows whats in these,not like we can test it?so if anyone has any of these symptoms try like me to not use for at least a week.cant hurt.please try,not worth our health,BE STRONG!!!! I added some to water one drop thought my throat was going to shut my breathing was labored. Funny, I still carried on vaping. Some of these comments seem very questionable. So many things that touch our skin can irritate it or cause an allergic reaction, leading to an itchy and sometimes painful rash. The bites appeared in clusters, which is a very big sign of bedbugs, and the burning itchy sensation was also very similar. All these replies down low are a crock of shit posted by tobaccy companies! Some vapers are allergic to PG, but it's possible to be allergic to the other components of e-liquid too. I quit smoking 12 yrs ago and started hanging out with exhusband again who still smokes so I started vaping. Systemic Nickel Allergy Syndrome (SNAS) causes not only a rash from nickel on one's hands, eyelids, inner elbows, knees and buttock but can also involve the respiratory system, neurological system and . My face looks horrible. Hypersensitivity to nickel can develop after . I have been on the e cig for 2 months. This content does not have an English version. Nickel allergy or nickel allergic contact dermatitis (Ni-ACD) is a form of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) caused by exposure to the chemical element nickel. Todays news accelerated ones beliefs thay there hasnt been sufficient testing. I never expected this to happen but it did and it couldnt have been any more random. I just Started smoking electric cigarettes and two weeks. p.s. Could not seem to get the docs to even consider PG. 2nd: The spelling, grammar and punctuation on this site is almost as upsetting as my rash! Broke out in a really bad facial rash. This was a while ago now so I assume the test came back clear otherwise they would have been in touch. Pretty much bed bound and completely unmotivated to do anything and always blame it on the head/face/ear pain. So know its not from a withdrawl or anything. I also feel depressed most of the time and it is not like me to get that way. I get a eczema type rash on face and scalp line if I vape constantly. I quit smoking cigs using vaping and wooo I think it was like 6 weeks no cigs THEN I noticed a few bumps on my skin ( face ) then a little bit of tingle on my lips and then red bumps on my scalp then more red bigger bumps on my face. If cleaning the vapor away regularly doesnt work, Ill switch to OliverTwist tobacco (little tobacco chews). Ive been vaping for 2 years now and felt like **** ever since tired, VERY FOGGY and 0 motivation to do anything. Just thought Id add my own experience. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. Thank you! One day!!!! They are really for elephants not humans. Im wearing singlets to not aggravate my neck area. Do a prick test with a tiny tiny amoutn of your juice, like microlitres. Sometimes it lasts a few days and disappears. Symptoms and Triggers. (I went back to tobacco, because of unrelated stress.). My nose has been inflamed and sore. It may be found in dental restorations, orthopaedic prostheses, cosmetics, stainless steel cutlery, pots and pans, costume jewellery . Hi how long had you have you had copd for as most of the damage could of already been done also how long had you been vaping? Yes, I quit smoking 3 days ago and I have been experiencing red bug bite looking rashes and hive like welts all over, arms, legs, sides chest, stomach, neck faceeven scalp. Make sure theyre quality liquids from American vendors who only use quality, American ingredients. No problems until 2 years ago. Started out with small hives and then developed angiooedema on every single part of my body. But, I have started to have itching and hives on my neck and especially on my skull. Have tried gargling with hydrogen peroxide and using CB12 mouthwash, but to no avail. Green beans are one of the many foods higher in nickel. People vape with battery-operated devices used to inhale an aerosol, which can contain nicotine, marijuana, flavorings, and other chemicals. i change everything every 3 days. Think it must be down to the years I have been vaping and the amount, not had any now for 30 hours and already feeling better, might be pycosomatic but def feel better pains still there just not as bad if stopping gives me my life back without these crazy problems then good job. They have little or no tolerance to nicotine. The latter is characterized by the presence of extra-cutaneous manifestations, in addition to the skin lesions of the DAC, related to the introduction of nickel-containing foods. Im sure there are no bed bugs sleeping with me and sure they could not have been insect bites. I even feel i cant breath and dizzy and i have to go to the hospital , so does anyone experience such a thing? Vaping generally affects three main systems: Mouth and airways: Irritation, cough and increased airway resistance. I had very bad eye allergy from p.g. Vape Hero you are right on track with your comments it has made him a down right rotter!! I quit smoking October 2013 using patches for a week and plastic inhalator with nicotine cartridges and was doing great, my friends introduced me to vaping after Id been quit for 6 months and I had to agree, it was great, gave me so much more of an hit than the inhalator, so I was converted and been on it ever since (7 months). Itchy rash could be contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis. My eyes dont hurt anymore, headaches gone. I read a comment uptop that the rashes start after you quit? Im waiting for my order to come in and hope it works also. I have it all also hives nothing test right no drink food nothing Now I still have the edema, my face & arms burn with slight itching,and my eyes look like Im shooting lasers! They will start of as a little mosquito bite and slowly develop in to blotches all up arms, shoulders neck, anywhere skin rubs against its self or under my belt, extremelt itchy!!! A year ago Sept.9,2013 I gave up cigarettes and started to use e-cigs. MAYBE BY PEOPLE DOING THIS, WE CAN GET WHATEVER IT IS *OFF THE MARKET*. I am on the patches / gum and am having 2-3 cigarettes a day. I have stopped 2 hours now and feeling lost without my dummy but cant believe some of the symptoms Im reading on here! Some are, probably, a lot purer and safer than others. So if you have muscle pains similar to those of exercising too hard then most likely, it is the extra amounts of PG that causes excessive production of lactic acid. I smoked for 45 yrs and went cold turkey. So have just decided an hour ago I am quitting the ecig !! not lying, since that post tried 100 percent PG liquid, 30/70 liquid and no nicotine liquid and the same instant reaction. It's a allergic reaction to the Chrome and Nickel used in chrome plating the Tank systems. First of all the FDA/government whoever needs to regulate it and the stores around here that sell it to minors should be shut down. I sometimes have a tendency to chain vape, Ill kill a 5ml 12mg nic.tank Of ejuice in just a day, when Im in that sort of mood, not always the case, though itd be on days Im up all night, and itt takr me at least past 12 hours to get even get close to vaping that entire 5ml tank down, Ive vaped heavy PG juices exclusively for months, around 80% PG, and now I vape mostly 80% VG, but not for any health reasons or problems, mostly because I like that VG is smoother, and creates more Vapor. Best of luck to you! I will post follow-up after going to the VG only juice. You notice that you start to feel nauseous when you are handling the e juice and it gets on ur fingers? Now this could all be co-incidence but Ive had these symptoms since I began vaping 7 months ago and they have practically disapeared when I stopped vaping for less than 24 hours, its a no-brainer as far as Im concerned and shall never vape again (even though I shall miss it loads!!). In total I smoked e-cigs for a year, and It has taken me 2 years to clear my mind and my skin. The rash went away in about one week of stopping the e-cig with PG. Thing is. Chronic Sinus Infections. I would love to hear from anyone having similar problems. I felt the same thing with You , i know i love vapping but the side efffect is scary me Out . I love vaping i hope some day there a liquid suitable for my condition, The same thing happened to me two times four days appart and all my went away about 6 hours but the dizzyness stayed for a day. Unless I have bedbugs inside my skin jeez I think just triggered one of my phobias! To stop smoking again so started e cigs again and with in two days worst itching and staining pain in the ears I no its the cause !!! Years ago I tried 24 mg nic, this time started with 18mg, but in the last month Ive experimented with 12mg and 6mg. My issues are excess sleep, muscle stiffness that is noticeably intense in quads and calves, and other small things. My gums feel irritated all of the time and really sensitive. In extreme cases, PG can even cause numbness in the face and tongue as well as . I noticed most say they have a rash but few say they have DRY SKIN? I didnt start getting allergic reactions to ecig liquids. Ive been smoking and Ecig for 6 months now. Its been almost a week since Ive started the antibiotic and Ive been taking so many different decongestants and nothing has worked. gotten Veg.Glycol but a bit of PG is in most so my next step is allergy specialist. The lower photo shows nickel allergy from metal in clothing, such as a belt buckle. I wake in the night and have a puff, I wouldnt have a regular smoke during the night! I noticed I am really tired most of the day and just want to sleep all the time. What's new. I cut out eggs, instant coffee, milk and more. PG VG its all shit to me. i must be allergic to PG or VG or Nicotine. I will mix organic kosher glycerine 60% 20% boiled water, 20%everclear or 90 proof vodka, then 100% organic flavoring it really limits your choices of flavoring but Im sick of my face nose and throat burning ! He gave me amoxicilin, seroids etc for all my complaints. Clear nail polish on jewelry may help, but may have to be reapplied often. Doctors have told her for 6 months now that its allergies, although no medications have helped. Dry mouth. I HAVE READ EVERY SINGLE COMMENT ON THIS THREAD SO FAR. Its still too early to tell if its helping my other symptoms. Online ahead of print. Most people pointing the the PG in the e-liquid. I was smoking 2-3 packs a day. Nickel allergy is a condition in which contact with items containing nickel causes an itchy rash and possibly blisters at the site of contact. I have been using the e-cigs for just over a month. My eyelid is still twitching, I still have muscle tremor when I use my strength, still get random spasms. The best way to make sure propylene glycol is responsible for any of these symptoms, and at the same time solve the problem, is to switch to a 100% vegetable glycerin e-liquid, or at least one with a lower PG content. I have been to the doctor and had blood tests and they have come back with a raised white cell count possibly nothing to do with the itchy skin and I have been issued with 180mg antihistamines but today is the first day I have not used the cig so fingers crossed. Vaping Deals. Heavy metals like nickel, tin, lead and cadmium. Now a white patch on roof of mouth spongy to the touch. First and foremost, for the record I am not being paid by anyone or company to post this comment. I intend to give it one more go with an i clear 2. if symptoms persist i am preparing my mind to stop everything, at least that was my initial aim of switchig. Extracts? Very random, no discernible patterns. Now I am back to ecigs. It first appeared when I tried a strawberry-kiwi flavour, then it stopped when I was vaping other not so fruity flavours and then I got pomegranate-papaya with actually tastes quite similar to the strawberry one and it started all over again! Now I have only been a very light user 30 mins total in any one day and felt quite ok, How ever over the last six months I have lots stress in my life and my vaping has increased to about 3.00 hours a day at the moment, and boy do I feel ill, sweats, headaches, neck and shoulder pain, stomach problems, been to the docs and he says it is down to the amount of nic I am getting in any one day now, it was my Doc who suggested I went on to vaping in a way to get me of the fags as it is healthier for me. It felt like I rolled in a bed of fibreglass! I have a Foos ecig that takes the liquid and I think now I will stop that and use the other one that I have with the cartridges instead and see if my rash and itchiness subsides. Are you sure it was from the P.G. Have you ever heard of someones lips feeling sunburned and dry and swollen and painfull I cant take it but it seems to bee since I quit smoking cigarettes and started using magic puff menthol.I think its the pg. It stung when I first started I was told it would stop. I quit cigs for 2 years after smoking for 20+. Some do not do anything others I guess with certain ingredients caused a fulll blown anaphylactic shock. Over the course of the next day I was breathing at 80% and able to cope with the pains in my muscles.2 days to finally get back to feeling mostly normal. The lower photo shows nickel allergy from metal in clothing . I had a mini stroke a year ago and that was one of the precursors. Any updates Heather? Nicotine poisoning can do that. What I didn't know was that a simple nickel allergic reaction on the outside of my body could also cause systemic issues inside my body. My husband says the bumps look like infected hairs. I recommend those experiencing mouth issues should rinse after every vape with mouthwash, saltwater, or hydrogen peroxide. Quit smoking 1 month ago and started using an e-cig. In my ears it the worst pain imaginable I stopped for 6month off the e cigs and felt amazing I wanted Producing too much sebum! It feels fizzy at the top of my head with pressure in the centre and sometimes sides. Eyes appear to be clearing up well. If youre going through the 10ml bottle in three days, then your nicotine intake is very high. Would be interested to know if the Dr.s visit helped you, and if you switched to VG from PG. Here are my symptoms. In 2012 I stopped smoking cigs with patches and gum (yeah, they kinda work). 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Carl Albert High School Notable Alumni, Articles N
Carl Albert High School Notable Alumni, Articles N