Some mixed winter precipitation possible. Description (Dutch): De demonstranten in Mexicostad willen meer acceptatie voor het lichaam. Description (Dutch): In Amsterdam is vanmiddag gedemonstreerd tegen het kabinet-Rutte. Transcription: Grote verontwaardiging over doodsbedreigingen aan het adres van de auteur die het Kinderboekenweekgedicht zou schrijven. De oud-international, terug in Nederland na een buitenlands avontuur, maakte zijn debuut voor de Limburgse club, maar heeft een Haags verleden. Bethlehem Public Library news: Want to join the board? 'It doesn't always work out, to be honest', it sounds. Chance of precip 80%.. Cloudy with snow showers transitioning to light rain. Before I got to the, BURLINGTON The dictionary defines resilience as the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties. The Rutland and St. Johnsbury girls basketball teams exemplified that wo, Dorothy L. Reed MIDDLETOWN SPRINGS Dorothy L. Reed, Nancy E. Thomas CASTLETON Nancy Ellen Thomas 69 pa, Russell Blair CAVENDISH Russell Blair, 65, died pe, Spring is in the air, and what better way to celebrate a return to gardening than to share i, I just bought a brand-new, candy-apple red, four-wheel-drive sport model, big-wheeled walker, A few winters ago, I snowshoed along a trail that led below a series of cliffs with rows of , Theres a logical and scientific reason most male birds are more colorful than females, but . Respect one another that is all i ask! Aircraft based at Twente since the Second World War include the Gloster Meteor, Lockheed T-33, Fokker S.14 Machtrainer, Hawker Hunter, North American F-86K Sabre, Lockheed F-104 Starfighter, Northrop NF-5 and General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon. The Rutland City Board of School Commissioners will be getting more new members this year. Private NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. The future of the airport remained uncertain. Dat zegt de Oekraense president Zelensky. Broadcast from 2022-09-06. You have permission to edit this article. Pushback against a plan to close the Vermont State University libraries continued Friday, as the institutions faculty unions voted no confidence in the administration. A man charged with second-degree murder will remain in custody as he awaits trial. Rutland cross countrys Brady Geisler and Erin Geisler set course records at Northwood Park on Tuesday. that is degrading to another person. Jon Dickerson, of the Rutland City Police Department, said on July 19, the police department was notified about a man who was either throwing rocks through the windows of cars or "keying" them, using keys to scratch and vandalize the vehicles. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. Find out whats currently going on in our community Rutland, Vermont. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Jun 5, 2022 Updated Jun 6, 2022. racist or sexually-oriented language. Last October, another house just down the street in Rutland was raided by police as part of a narcotics investigation. [16], On 18 April 2021, the airport was the site of the NN Mission Marathon won by Eliud Kipchoge in 2:04.30. When comparing Rutland to the national average of 739.02, Rutland is lower by 94.75%than the national average. Monique kon die kosten niet altijd opbrengen. Dat land heeft een andere strategie. State police said Brandon G. Rust, 34, of Dexter, was operating a 2017 Ford pickup truck on Route 12 at about 8:35 a.m. near Archer Road North when his vehicle crossed over . Description (Dutch): Ruim 40.000 leerlingen van het vmbo-kader en vmbo-basis die digitaal eindexamen hebben gedaan, kregen vandaag de uitslag. RUTLAND, Vt. (WCAX) - Vermont State Police and Rutland Police are investigating what they're calling a . Track storms, and stay in-the-know and prepared for what's coming. In Rutland, the most violent crimes committed are murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery and The county of Rutland has a higher rate of non-violent crime. NOS Jeugdjournaal broadcast from 2021-10-20. Alderman Larry Cupoli and Cheryl Hooker are in a league of their own this year. Hij reisde vorig jaar nog door het getroffen gebied. Sommigen vrezen dat dat ontmoedigingsbeleid is van de rechtse regering. As an example of this, in September and October of 2021, the airport was used as part of a research project to explore changes to how aircraft approach airports in order to reduce noise and emissions. Ze gaan langs bij een project van Nederlandse wetenschappers die door middel van zee-egels het afstervende koraalrif te helpen herstellen. Ter nagedachtenis liepen buurtbewoners een stille tocht in de Houtwijk. Broadcast from 2023-02-09. De NOS volgt de gezinnen een tijdje. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. There are a lot of good families here. A10 Bias claim Als er een epidemie of een economische crisis is, zijn er vroeg of laat mensen die de joden de schuld geven. Agrarirs als Marcelo Junqueira vrezen voor de negatieve impact op hun zaken. Maarten Van Den Driessche for (2017), The Province of Overijssel established its spatial perspective on Twente Airport and its environs, - Niemand wil vliegveld Twente hebben, - G-273 (cn 382-5273) Tactical off-loading during exercise 'Cerberus Guard' at the temporarily re-opened Twenthe Airbase, Luchthaven Twente: 22.000 starts en landingen, Vliegveld Twente wordt geen luchthaven voor burgervluchten, Vliegtuigsloopbedrijf vestigt zich op Technology Base Twente, Wethouder: 'Geen belastinggeld naar luchthavenfaciliteiten Aeronextlife', Voor het eerst sinds 2007 weer een zakenvlucht op vliegveld Twente, In mei weer vluchten naar vliegvled Twente, Niet AeroNextLife maar AELS wil vliegtuigen slopen in Twente, Swiss International Airlines Airbus A340 (reg. Our local offices are located at 341 Delaware Ave, Delmar, NY 12054. She also said it is frustrating that police have not been able to reach the property manager. The leadership of the city employees' union has endorsed Board of Aldermen President Michael Doenges in his bid for mayor. 2 seed Fair Haven boys basketball team took care of business, beating No. Description (Dutch): Algemeen directeur Erik Poel legt bij het nationaal trainingscentrum in Amstelveen, dat sinds woensdag weer open is voor profspelers, uit hoe dat komt. Seismologen waarschuwden al voor aardbevingen. ADVERTISEMENT It's official: Amtrak to begin Burlington runs on July 29 By WILSON RING June 16, 2022 BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) Description (English): NOS basketball commentator Erik van Dijk tells how much impact Kobe Bryant has had on basketball and beyond. Spotlight_identifier Experime1940 Storage_size 27.6 PB (in 1,629,170,808 files) Subject Moving Images Title Moving Image . Description (Dutch): Het Amerikaanse leger heeft de Chinese ballon die al een paar dagen boven de Verenigde Staten vloog neergehaald. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. Maar wat zegt Nederland wl, nu deze vraag voor het eerst echt op tafel ligt? Description (Dutch): De president van Oekrane roept burgers op om te vechten. Volgens de lokale autoriteiten zijn er zeker 170 doden en honderden gewonden gevallen. Broadcast from 2023-02-04. Re: How come the mp4 file for many television archives start with odd corruption. Be Truthful. Don't Threaten. En dat is hard nodig. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Town of Rutland Representatives To State Government, Lake Kegonsa Road Bridge Replacement Project, Preparedness for Active Shooter and Violence within the Community March 1, 2023, Town of Rutland Official Notice Advertisement For Bids For Town of Rutland Roads Pulverizing and Paving. Some mixed winter precipitation possible. Een sterrenkundige legt in deze video uit hoe bijzonder dat is. Search the history of over 797 billion NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. In June and July 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic economic downturn, six Lufthansa Boeing 747-400 aircraft arrived at Enschede for storage and possible dismantling. Low 32F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Hij en zijn gezin waren net op tijd buiten. Threats of harming another A page to merge with rutland spotlight for those who got kicked out for voiceing their opinions, everyone is welcome no one is ever turned away from the truthful information that they rightfully deserve! I managed the bookstore at Marlboro College from 2000 to 2016 and was responsible for provid, I'm writing as a supporter of Vermont House bill 31 and in response to the Lake Bomoseen Ass, Once again, the volunteers at the Elks Club sponsored a very successful first Valentines Da, Unhoused community, not homeless; one shows respect and the other shows fear and stigma. Description (Dutch): Kinderen vieren kerst in een schuilkelder in Lviv, Oekrane, terwijl buiten het luchtalarm gaat. "De professionele hulpdiensten zijn hier nog niet aangekomen.". [7] However, in June 2014 both the provincial government and the city of Enschede abandoned the plan to re-open the airport for commercial traffic. Chance of precip 80%. Dit reddingsteam uit Isral is aan het werk in Kahramanmaras. Een getuige filmde het instorten van een flatgebouw. Threats of harming another De burgermeester van Lviv, Andriy Sadovy plaatste deze video op social media. Enschede Airport is accessible by car via the nearby A1 motorway, exit 33. The airport is currently uncontrolled and closed for scheduled passenger flights and . 'Het lukt niet altijd, eerlijk gezegd', klinkt het. person will not be tolerated. person will not be tolerated. or anything. Enschede Airport Twente ( IATA: ENS, ICAO: EHTW) is located 2 NM (3.7 km; 2.3 mi) outside of Enschede in Overijssel, Netherlands. [5] In March 2013, the military briefly re-opened the airport for military use as part of exercise Cerberus Guard. NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Published: Feb. 23, 2023 at 1:28 PM PST. As of 1 January 2008 the airport has been closed for civil aviation as well, pending governmental agreement on the future of the airport. Clerk's office and mailing address: 4177 Old Stage Road Brooklyn, WI 53521. CASTLETON Three residents are on the ballot for two seats on the town select board. racist or sexually-oriented language. Description (English): Morricone has composed the music for hundreds of series and films, including the westerns Once Upon a Time in the West and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Rutland City Police Chief Brian Kilcullen said two of the women were locals. Description (English): General director Erik Poel explains why this is at the national training center in Amstelveen, which has been open again for professional players since Wednesday. Low 32F. Judge Cortland Corsones, in a three-page ruling issued this week, granted the state's request to hold Brandon McRae without bail. Dit is ontzettend gevaarlijk. De ondernemersvereniging doet zijn best om zoveel mogelijk afval in te zamelen. Don't knowingly lie about anyone One neighbor said it is frustrating the activity keeps happening. She said on any given day, dozens of people would frequent the apartment. The, How do gun manufacturers follow up after a 6-year-old shot his teacher at school? But it is clear that affected parents, lawyers and MPs time and again did not receive any information. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Rutland is located in central Vermont, in the heart of the Green Mountains. Partly cloudy skies this morning will give way to cloudy skies with a mixture of rain and snow developing during the afternoon. Be Truthful. Some mixed winter precipitation possible. Description (Dutch): Spelers van het eerste team van RKDVC vormden een erehaag voor aanvang van de wedstrijd tegen vv Baardwijk. He is on the cross country and track and field teams at Fair Haven and last summer he played baseball in the Rutland County Little League. [citation needed]. BRANDON Otter Valley Union High School senior Jaden Grace has participated in the Penguin Plunge, an event to raise money for Unified Sports and Special Olympics, since the seventh grade. Chance of precip 70%. Police. Description (Dutch): Het stadsbestuur van de belegerde stad Marioepol, in het zuidoosten van Oekrane, deelde deze beelden op sociale media. On 16 June 2010 the province of Overijssel agreed on a spatial plan including an airport. Please contact us for more information! Two Vermont State Police troopers assigned to the Westminster barracks have been placed on paid leave while the department continues to investigate reports of a possible unprofessional conduct while off duty. Rutland City Police were alerted to the crash at the intersection of State Street and Cleveland Avenue at about 4:15 p.m., followed by "a second call [reporting] a shooting in the area,". Description (Dutch): Prostitutie is legaal maar de sector is kwetsbaar voor mensenhandel. Spotlight | | 8 Sunny Wednesday, February 1, 2023 Home News Obituaries Opinion Sports Features Community Classifieds Spotlight Sep 7, 2021 0 Course records Rutland cross country's Brady Geisler and Erin Geisler set course records at Northwood Park on Tuesday. Hard nodig, want het gemporteerde eten wordt steeds duurder. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. BARRE A criminal case alleging a Vermont State Police trooper accessed a suspects Facebook account without consent has vanished from the court system, and those involved arent saying why. (https:/ - Front-End development in the Homey Web app. Waar komt die Jodenhaat vandaan, en hoe uit het zich in onze tijd? Een verslaggever van France Tlvision sprak met de inwoners over hun ervaring met het Russische leger. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Jeugdjournaal is a Dutch television news programme produced by the Dutch public service broadcaster NOS for children. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. We like living here, said Mickel. The race was originally scheduled for April 11 in Hamburg but postponed because of Covid-19 restrictions before being relocated to ENS. There are no public transport links to Enschede Airport. Twente Airport was opened July 1931 by the mayor of Enschede, Edo Bergsma. Officials hope a new state fund can sway landlords to rent to people who might otherwise lack housing. The Vermont Environmental Court says it doesnt have the authority to compel the Agency of Natural Resources to make the Brandon-area mosquito control distinct apply for an endangered species take-permit. Transcription: Het reddingswerk is de nacht in gegaan in Turkije en Syrie. Neighbors say the house is notorious for drug dealing, overdoses and shootings. Broadcast from 2023-02-08. Description (Dutch): Premier Rutte in gesprek met NOS-verslaggever Henrik-Willem Hofs over de bevindingen uit het MH17 onderzoek. Total Views 6,410,751,474 (Older Stats), Total Items 23,465,537 (Older Stats), Anderhalve meter op en bij het strand: 'Lastig, maar is vol te houden', Minister Kaag: 'Nederland ziet WHO als belangrijke partner'. Rutland Police say to contact them if you have any information. Description (Dutch): Volgens de demissionair minister was het bij een lage vaccinatiegraad verantwoord om jongeren direct na hun vaccinatie een toegangsbewijs tot de horeca te geven, omdat het zou zorgen voor een hogere vaccinatiebereidheid. or anything. It hasn't been such a long time since people first started shopping online. Transcription: Check this out. Searching for any archival or even channel name of a lost horror parody video, no url, i have the thumbnail and title, recherche Titi le tour du monde en 80 chats (initialement VHS), Access Denied - This item has been taken offline, Re: Access Denied - This item has been taken offline. Ook in Syrie vele honderden doden en duizenden gewonden. Ze gaan langs bij een gemeenschapstuin waar men zelf groente en fruit verbouwt. Description (Dutch): De helft van de wereldbevolking heeft ermee te maken: menstrueren. A Rutland city police officer fatally shot a man Wednesday afternoon, according to investigators with Vermont State Police. Hier aan tafel documentairemaker Sinan Can. He's with his friend and mentor, Debbie Boyce, at Rutland community . [6], In March 2014 the government proposed that the airport could re-open for General Aviation users in 2015, and commercial traffic in 2016. Broadcast from 2023-02-06. A Rutland man is facing multiple charges for an alleged knifepoint abduction. Chance of precip 80%.. Weather. En daar NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). Recently, as someone who graduated from St. Johnsbury Academy in 2020, school choice holds a, Faced with a financial crisis at the state colleges several years ago, then-chancellor Jeb S, Urban Cadence: Native photography reflects a changing Africa, Killington Music Festival: The kids soon will be back in town, The Beauty We Love: An improvisation by Elizabeth Rogers and Eugene Friesen, Vital voice: Singular artist Sunny War shines on Anarchist Gospel, Wonderfeet sees final days on Center Street ahead of move, Environmental Court dismisses groups' appeal over bat permit, City School Board candidates make their cases, Roundup: Fair Haven cruises into quarterfinals, Big solar project proposed for Fair Haven, off Airport Road, CU Film Festival highlights women-centered works, Wallingford BCA to discuss voter removal Thursday, after school board meeting, City man charged with attempted abduction, Just Fontaine, who scored 13 goals at 1958 World Cup, dies, Q&A with new NCAA President Charlie Baker, Hoffenheim backer Hopp ceding control of Bundesliga club, New NCAA president says NIL rules could protect athletes, AlphaTauri team principal denies F1 team for sale, Shiffrin dominates training as she eyes Stenmark's record, Little sign of Olympics in Milan with only 3 years to go, RRMC Health Talk: Establish a dental routine early, A Yankee Notebook: Viscissitudes on the road to recovery, Cambodia says recent bird flu cases not spread by humans, Lilly plans to slash some insulin prices, expand cost cap, NBC's Hoda Kotb off 'Today' show due to family health issue, Anti-abortion allies change tactics after post-Roe defeats, COVID-19 conspiracies soar after latest report on origins, Murakami's 1st novel in 6 years to hit stores in April, China dismisses FBI statement on COVID-19 lab leak theory. Description (Dutch): In een overvol Syrisch ziekenhuis vertelt een vader hoe zijn flat instortte. Bids for the new public safety building are a bit higher than the Rutland Town Select Board would like. Despite the turmoil, neighbors say its a good neighborhood and that there is a strong sense of community. Description (English): The CDA member thinks it is too early for political conclusions. Chance of rain 50%.. Moderating temperatures will change evening snow showers to rain showers by daybreak. Description (Dutch): Koning Willem-Alexander, koningin Mxima en prinses Amalia bezoeken vandaag St. Eustatius. [9] As part of the plan, Aeronextlife would become responsible for the costs of certain vital services required for airport operation, such as a fire fighting presence during aircraft operations. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10.20 pm (9.30-10 pm at weekends) on NPO 2. Last October, another house just down the street in Rutland was raided by police as part of a narcotics investigation. Castleton Universitys annual film festival will return this year to screen four films directed by and centered on women. Neighbors said they woke up Sunday morning to the Vermont State Police Major Crimes Unit parked at 76 Baxter Street. We zeggen niet nee. The debate about using herbicide to control the milfoil in Lake Bomoseen is once again ramping up as opponents schedule a press conference in Montpelier, while the lake association makes its case in print. Editors note: The following is monthly column provided to us courtesy of Chamber and Economic Development of the Rutland Region. The airfield has also been approved for limited use by business charter operators and aircraft scrapping, storage and maintenance. Wonderfeet sees final days on Center Street ahead of move By Sophia Buckley-Clement Staff Writer 'Urban Cadence': Native photography reflects a changing Africa By Mary Gow Arts Correspondent Killington Music Festival: The kids soon will be back in town The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. FAIR HAVEN A solar company has filed a preliminary notice for a 20-megawatt project proposed to be built north of Airport Road. Description (Dutch): Bijna vijf miljoen mensen zijn al uit Venezuela vertrokken, door de aanhoudende crisis daar. Athom B.V. nov. 2020 - heden2 jaar 4 maanden. Description (Dutch): In het zuiden van Turkije is vannacht een zware aardbeving geweest. Rich in natural beauty, melded with a healthy economy and a wonderful history, Rutland is hailed as an eclectic mix of the old and new. The 8pm broadcast is the oldest and considered to be the most important edition of NOS Journaal, typically lasting for 25 minutes. WALLINGFORD About a week after voting to remove a school board member from the towns voter checklist, the Board of Civil Authority has been asked by the Wallingford Select Board to reconsider its decision. At Homey I make sure that the user experience of our customers gets a little better every day. The Rutland boys basketball team remembers last year's Division I quarterfinal quite well. Ze vechten in de Donbas-regio tegen de Russen: "Ik maak me minder zorgen, want hij is hier bij mij". In deze video vertelt hij wat er is gebeurd. WATERTOWN A Watertown woman was killed and a Dexter man seriously injured in a head-on crash Sunday morning in the town of Rutland. Description (Dutch): De bekende Dordtse tattoo-artist Michel en zijn vrouw Karin hebben nu twee weken de Oekraense Iryna en haar dochtertje in huis. Ook mensen die asiel hebben aangevraagd, hebben geen slaapplek. 5.2K members Join group About Discussion More About Discussion About this group All good things to share and expose about Rutland, and the beautiful State of Vermont. Dat bevalt nog steeds goed, al is het soms wennen aan het gebrek aan privacy. In October 2020 Lufthansa decided to remove the aircraft for scrapping in Texas but it was discovered that, while local environmental regulations permitted the arrival of large aircraft it did not permit them to take-off again. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. Bekeken wordt of hotels in de omgeving van Antalya mensen kunnen opvangen. Broadcast from 2023-02-06. De Provinciale Statenverkiezingen zijn op 15 maart. Description (Dutch): De CDA-er vindt het te vroeg voor politieke conclusies. Some mixed winter precipitation possible. No one was injured during the alleged vandalism spree. Top Rutland County Headlines Vermonter arrested after early morning domestic dispute Crime / 1 week ago Police investigating attempted gun shop burglaries Crime / 2 weeks ago Head-on crash in. Little by little by little by more the clicks ended up to be more than the stores. Rutland, Vermont. Kids and families enjoyed the exhibits at Wonderfeet Kids Museums Center Street location for the final time Tuesday with the facility officially closing its doors at days end to prepare for its move to a brand-new location. Spotlight News - Spotlight News is your source for Local News, Sports, Election Coverage, Albany, Schenectady, Saratoga, Troy, Capital District, Region, NY High School Sports SPOTTED:. Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. Behalve Brazili. Inmiddels is het dodental verder opgelopen. Chance of precip 80%. Preparedness for Active Shooter and Violence within the Community March 1, 2023: Rain? Vlaggen bij de voetbalvereniging hingen halfstok voor de twee die 's nachts op een autoweg liepen en werden aangereden. Snow this evening will transition to light rain late. Castleton Universitys annual film festival will return this year to screen four films directed by and centered on women. Law-enforcement officers found three women behind the padlocked apartment door. [8] In August 2015 it was announced that Belgian aircraft recycling firm Aeronextlife intended to start using the airport to scrap aircraft. The 2019 crime rate in Rutland, VT is 270 ( crime index), which is comparable to the U.S. average. NOS Journaal is the umbrella name for the news broadcasts of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS on radio and television. Transcription: Er lijkt maar geen eind te komen aan de stijgende inflatie. web pages Description (Dutch): Rondje Binnenhof speelt zich deze week af in een modderig weiland en op de nieuwsvloer van de NOS. We'd love to hear eyewitness accounts, the history behind an article. Description (English): Reaction of VVV-Venlo player Romeo Castelen after the 1-1 at ADO Den Haag. "Maar de staking is nodig", zegt de FNV. Historisch hoog. I was right around Ray Coltons sawmill in Pittsfield when Harwood Unions Quinn Nelson blocked her fifth shot of the girls basketball semifinal game against North Country. It feels like winning the lottery, or something, said 74-year-old Lloyd Devereux Richards, of Montpelier, on the renewed interest in his novel, Stone Maidens.. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism Description (Dutch): Vanuit de hele wereld komt hulp aan in Turkije. Want als je Nieuwsuur (News Hour) is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. NOS Achtuurjournaal (eight o'clock news). [citation needed], For civil operations the airport was renamed to Enschede Airport Twente and ran by the privately held company Enschede Airport Twente BV. Gov. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Mensen met obesitas worden in films vaak bespot, vindt de regisseur van The Whale. A man charged with second-degree murder will remain in custody as he awaits trial. MENDON A Terra Lane man, accused of harassing his neighbors, pleaded guilty last week to a pair of misdemeanor charges that will see him serving no jail time should he comply with court orders. Terwijl buiten het luchtalarm gaat weekends ) on NPO 2 buurtbewoners een stille tocht in omgeving. Jun 6, 2022. racist or sexually-oriented language gezin waren net op tijd buiten investigating... 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