Its always nice to have some support in the mana department. Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Uncategorized, Commander Deck, other's decks, EDH, Commander, Cool Decks I Want To Make, Mono Red, interesting, decks to build, Nice Decks, yo, Torbran, Uncategorized, Check it out, EDH, good commanders to beat these guys, Budget, interesting decks, Interesting ideas ive seen, built - casual, zzzFor Ideas, Edh, Commander, EDH / COMMANDER, Commanders, Ideas, Liked, Sweet Decks, Decks to build, Tier 1 (Powerful), Torbran deck ideas, Deck Tech, fav decks, Mono Red Ideas, Excellent EDH Decks, Mono-Coloured Decks, future decks, EDH To Build, Unfinished / In-progress, EDH decks, EDH IDEAS, Own EDH, EDH Buylist, Commander Decks for Fun Things, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. $2.53 $ 2. Copied to clipboard. Deck Tech. Theoretically you can burn them down to a low enough life total and finish them off with torbran and other burn cards. Because a red control/chaos deck can be fun and planeswalkers are a great way to break parity since most of the older chaos cards list specific types and planeswalkers didn't exist back then so they are immune to most of your own "symmetrical" effects that ruin any plan your opponents might have. It give me one turn where she will be focussed one. Lets see what we can trim. Im a big fan of chip-away strategies; deal one damage to opponents enough times, theyll eventually be dead. Discord Server | In 27386 decks 3% of 1047865 decks. Complete Comment Tutorial! With all this fire being hurled in every direction, we might run out of things to do pretty fastand the aforementioned Syr Carah cant do all the heavy lifting. Whether looking for advice on building your first deck, or inspiration for your next project, the decklist archive is a great resource for Commander enthusiasts of all experience levels! While red is scary when it comes to dishing out damage in those environments, when you crank the starting life total to 40 and add multiple opponents, suddenly many of the scariest cards in reds arsenal become barely playable. Can I ask a couple questions? With Torbran on the battlefield, we can spread the love to all our opponents creatures and get a bunch of value in the process. Now this is a two card combo we can get behind! Despite sharing a name with an aggressively mediocre SNES title, this Skyblazer is an obvious Brawl plant that scales up with game size and helps your team crash in for victory. There are a lot of cards that deal damage across the entire table. furance of wrath - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)[[cardname]] or [[cardname|SET]] to call. This site is unaffiliated. Edit. That might seem underwhelming at first, but there are plenty of divided as you choose spells and tramplers that go from mediocre to deadly with Trobrans help. (In other words, as you put the ability on the stack, you choose whether to have it deal 3 damage to a single target, 2 damage to one target and 1 damage to another target, or 1 damage to each of three targets.) 0.06 TIX. Check out the updates and new events coming soon to MTG Arena, Potential leak reveals what appears to be three cards from upcoming Lord of the Rings MTG set. At first I thought it would build into a Dwarf deck, which would be fun because I love the flavor or tribal decks. Spear Spewer has never looked better than it does with Torbran outits okay to ping yourself for one when your opponents are all getting Bolted. Krenko and Legion Warboss flood the board with 1/1 Goblins. After looking through lists of different Legendary Creatures, I landed on Torbran, Thane of Red Fell. Are there any cards Ive overlooked? Post-Pro Tour Update, Security Researchers Responsible Disclosure. On this weeks edition of Well Thats a Weird Card, we have Butcher Orgg. Discord Server | Torbran is going to need some burn spells, especially since planeswalker commanders are legal in Brawl. Thanks for the effort. Gone are the Lava Spikes and Goblin Guides no, in EDH you want cards that deal damage to all your opponents at the same time. Something as simple as Dragon Fodder, when combined with Torbran and Impact Tremors, will deal six damage to all opponents! After representing Australia at the 2013 World Magic Cup, he joined the Magic coverage team and has covered tournaments all around the world ever since. Torbran, Thane of Red Fell (Prerelease Foil), Phyrexia: All Will Be One Bundle: Compleat Edition, Narset, Parter of Veils (061 - JPN Alternate Art). Basilisk Collar also makes a great addition to the mix; a single damage from the Orgg becomes lethal to anything, plus with the damage boost from Torbran the Lifelink will have us gaining a ton of life. 676 decks. James Hsu interviews Reid Duke, Pro Tour Phyrexia: All Will Be One champion and member of the Magic Pro Tour Hall of Fame. All Rights Reserved. But the very best part of Torbrans ability is how it breaks the symmetry of global damaging spells and effects. Copyright 2020 Star City Games. Ilharg, the Raze-Boar. Lets see how close we are to 100 cards. $0.54. You can activate this three times without killing Torbran, but your opponents and their creatures have taken a whopping nine points of damage! Inferno Titan - Commander Anthology Vol. The same goes for Chandra, Fire Artisan, who is an even stronger deterrent than normal and can accelerate toward her ultimate thanks to her Acolyte of Flame self. 10/4/2019: If another effect modifies how much damage your red source would deal, including preventing some of it, the player being dealt damage or the controller of the permanent being dealt damage chooses an order in which to apply those effects. Contact | However many targets we want to hit, Torbran will increase each hit. That means we are getting some interesting legendary creatures for mono-colored decks, and today I want to talk about one that caught my eye: Torbran, Thane of Red Fell. If you make multiple creatures with one card, each of them will hit harder. She's simply too slow. Anything that reads deal 1 damage is made impressive by Torbran; dealing three damage instead of one makes a world of difference. You'll most likely be taking some damage from your own stuff, but your opponent will be taking more. Even better, unlike Furnace or Rath he only increases the damage dealt to opponents and their permanents. How about Inferno . The rest of the annoying enchantments are: Court of Ire, Maddening Hex, Pyrostatic Pillar, Roiling Vortex, Spellshock, Stranglehold, and Sulfuric Vortex. Many of Chandras planeswalker card abilities revolve around damage or making multiple Elemental tokens, so it makes sense to put them in a deck with Torbran to scale them up nicely for multiplayer. If all of the . 80. 1999-2022 Card Kingdom and Mox Boarding House. 1x Forgotten Cave. Ill give you the opportunity to check my work by writing out the full decklist here. You might one day find you need to destroy an enchantment. But thats not allStar City Games will be putting on #CommandFestDC December 13-15th and Im thrilled to announce that Ill be one of the special guests there. Feeds | Their Commander Celebration has set the standard for incredible Commander experiences and Ill be returning as a special guest, so Ill be in the Command Zone all weekend playing Commander! Press J to jump to the feed. Slap some toughness-boosting equipment or indestructibility on him and we can win the game on the spot! If we have a bunch of creatures with one power, these two together hit for three damage per creature that attacks. chandra, fire of kaladesh/Chandra, Roaring Flame - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)[[cardname]] or [[cardname|SET]] to call. Im tempted to just call it a day here; token creation and Impact Tremors is a classic combination which I love, and Torbran makes it all the more deadly. Muldrotha, the Gravetide Heres a quick rundown of the ways Torbran will be drawing some extra cards (or at least doing the red version of that.). Her +2 is nice because it affects EACH opponent but honestly, 1 cumulative damage per upkeep isn't that threatening when people are regularly swinging at each other with 10/10's. . No need for Sphere of Resistance; our opponents will be dead before they have a chance to wonder if there was a tax on their spell they needed to pay. Its even stronger with some Goblin tokens around. Burn usually isnt seen as a winning strategy in Commander, but what if you could make all your numbers just a little bit bigger? You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. 1x Thrill of Possibility. All the damage dealing capacity in the deck can be undone by mass lifegain, so we definitely want to run Tibalt, Rakish Instigator. If she dies, pings of her and [[klothys]] will add up while everyone rebuilds. . The player receiving the damage controls the order in which the replacement effects occur, so they could choose to apply Furnace of Rath first. Adding a bonus damage for each spell to each opponent is right up my alley. Harsh Mentor and Bloodfire Dwarf are harder cuts, but I dont see any that I dont want more, so those are the last two. While its unlikely youll be setting X to ten or more, the simple value of recurring two of your spells is huge. Drop a [[Manabarbs]] on the field, and you dont need to uptick a 6 mana PW 5 times to make it hard for people to keep playing. Fireball is probably the most straightforward example of this. So, what does Torbran want? so Im feeling like a change of pace. Each activation is its own instance of damage, so Torbran increases the damage from each activation to three damage. Chandras Pyrohelix is a one-shot impression of Skarrgan Hellkites activated ability. So if you do 1 damage to 3 targets you actually do 3 damage to each target? That makes it an impact of four instead of six, right? Furnace of Rath would only double that damage to two, so in this situation Torbrans ability is greatly appreciated. The extra reach from Torbran means it turns into a Terminate two turns quicker. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Risk Factor seems like a sure bet when youre pressuring everyones life totals. Bogardan Hellkite can sling five damage upon entering the battlefield. Her -3 is great at stopping go-wide decks but by turn 6, most decks will have much bigger threats on the table. But honestly, I think its one of the weaker cards in the deck at this point so Im okay with cutting it. Make sure to watch the video because you can win this deck courtesy of the new sponsor of Jumbo Commander - CoolStuffInc. Goblin Bombardment turns any creature into a Lightning Bolt. 35x Mountain. Never mind dealing a swift 20 damage, in EDH you have to deal six times that! . Unless you run the Black any-card tutors, but if you have those, you're playing cEDH, and the Emblems she gives are WAY too slow to be a wincon in cEDH. However, I didn't want to overdo it and wanted to stick mainly to recurring damage or some weird ability that causes annoyance on all opponents. What that ruling means for us is that Inferno Titan can spread its ability's damage evenly among three creatures, and Torbran will increase all of them to three damage each. Torbran turns Dagger Caster into an asymmetrical Flamebreakits just a shame we cant Bladebrand it. Krenko, who may be worth considering as a Brawl headliner in his own right, gets out of control after just one attack, whereas Legion Warboss takes a steadier pace. The rest of the annoying enchantments are: Court of Ire, Maddening Hex, Pyrostatic Pillar, Roiling Vortex, Spellshock, Stranglehold, and Sulfuric Vortex. Getting Started In Throne Of Eldraine Draft, November 14-17, is the always spectacular SCG CON. cards to consider for upgrades: all will be one, gratuitous violence, dictate of the twin god, price of progress, burning earth, sulfuric vortex, vicious shadows. Sure, the emblems arent red, but this Chandra still represents a great clock while also providing board clears and targeted removal. Mono-Red. . 24% of 4500 decks +14% synergy. Uploaded by . Do me a solid and follow me on Twitter! Card Text: : Inferno Titan gets +1/+0 until end of turn. Or is her emblems so threatening it basically making you the archenemy because everyone wants revenge for dealing so much damage to them? Its so exciting to have the entire Throne of Eldraine card image gallery available to peruse, and Magic fans everywhere are having a great time plotting and brewing up decks with the new cards. So what could we do instead of Fireballing ourselves into inefficiency? New to EDH and when I saw Chandra as a potential candidate for a new commander deck, I am confused as to why she wouldn't be considered overpowered. Last but not least, some mana ramp to get Torbran online fast and juice up our spells. After looking through some lists, however, I was surprised to see that it is, indeed, feasible, as long as you dont follow the traditional 60-card approach to burn decks. Neheb, the Eternal. When we have Torbran in play the 1 point of damage turns into 3. I run polls and get conversations started about Commander all the time, so get in on the fun! I play her in gruul stax, where one activation is more than enough. It changes everything. Why isn't she seen in competitive EDH? Torbran transforms Electrostatic Fields damage into Lightning Bolts to everyone! This can be used to smack an opponent in the face, and Torbran would increase that damage to seven, but there are other options: We could divide the damage among up to five different targets and Torbran would increase each instance of that damage! Commander / EDH* It gets worse, too, with some cards that pack a punch even without Torbran things like Flame Rift and Acidic Soil will deal a lot of damage but to you, as well, so make sure to keep your life total a little higher than everyone else! Attention! Shock, Slaying Fire, Precision Bolt, Skewer the Critics, and Inescapable Blaze all fall into this category. Sharpshooter 1 Grapeshot 1 Guttersnipe 1 Hanweir Battlements 1 Harsh Mentor 1 Hedron Archive 1 Hellrider 1 Ignite the Future 1 Inferno Titan 1 Insult / Injury 1 Jaya, . Free shipping for many products! Inferno Titan (Duels Promo Foil) Promotional (S) Creature - Giant $2.49 Sylvan Ranger (WPN - #70) Promotional (S) Creature - Elf Scout Ranger $0.99 Rampaging Ferocidon Most of the Creatures are like a Prodigal Sorcerer type Creature, or have a triggered ability effect that causes damage. Every time we do more damage to a creature with a spell than is required to kill it, we get to draw a card. Having Torbran out in this deck is an absolute game-changer, as he combines with some other cards to deal out extraordinary amount of damage. Contact | Only 3 left in stock - order soon. Privacy statement | Sure, you cant dome someone for four with this, but we have spells for that. Flexible removal spells like, ChannelFireball - Magic: The Gathering Strategy, Singles, Cards, Decks, My Experience at the MTG Pro Tour Tournament Report, How I Won ONE Limited at the MTG Pro Tour, Whats the Best Deck in Pioneer/Explorer MTG This Month? First, a major slice of reds color pie is its ability to deal damage to creatures and players, and its carefully balanced to be threatening but not dominating in duel formats with starting life totals of twenty. Theres a lot that can be done with Torbran in Commanderping effects, Repercussion, Manabarbs if youre feeling nastybut as we get closer to the time of its (hopeful) relevance I want to talk about Brawl. Dagger Caster. He only cost 4 so recasting him a couple of times per game will be pretty common. We move onto Instant and Sorceries within the deck, which will consist of some direct damage and or spot removal. Ill go through them one by one and explain their utility, as theyre less directly connected to Torbran than many of the others. The deck also runs several pieces of Artifact removal to help slow down your opponents as well. 1x Inferno Titan; 1x Kessig Flamebreather; 1x Rampaging Ferocidon; 1x Runaway Steam-Kin; 1x Spear Spewer; 1x Syr Carah, the Bold; 1x Tectonic Giant; 1x Thermo-Alchemist; And with that in mind, heres where you end up with a list like this one, made by ktao16: Torbran Burn by ktao16 Buy This Deck Export to: Commander1Torbran, Thane of Red Fell Planeswalker (2)1Chandra, Dressed to Kill 1Jaya, Venerated Firemage Creature (23)1Anje's Ravager 1Blisterspit Gremlin 1Brash Taunter 1Brimstone Mage 1Cemetery Gatekeeper 1Chandra's Incinerator 1Dagger Caster 1Dreadhorde Arcanist 1Eidolon of the Great Revel 1Electrostatic Field 1Firebrand Archer 1Fury 1Goblin Chainwhirler 1Guttersnipe 1Inferno Titan 1Kessig Flamebreather 1Magus of the Wheel 1Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 1Spear Spewer 1Spiteful Prankster 1Syr Carah, the Bold 1Tectonic Giant 1Thermo-Alchemist Sorcery (14)1Acidic Soil 1Blasphemous Act 1Blazing Volley 1Boiling Earth 1Cathartic Reunion 1End the Festivities 1Faithless Looting 1Fireball 1Flame Rift 1Jeska's Will 1Magic Missile 1Tormenting Voice 1Vandalblast 1Wheel of Fortune Instant (17)1Abrade 1Cathartic Pyre 1Chaos Warp 1Chef's Kiss 1Electric Revelation 1Fast/Furious /1Fiery Cannonade 1Incinerate 1Invoke Calamity 1Lightning Bolt 1Parch 1Price of Progress 1Raze the Effigy 1Red Elemental Blast 1Searing Blaze 1Thrill of Possibility 1Valakut Awakening/Valakut Stoneforge Artifact (6)1Hazoret's Monument 1Nevinyrral's Disk 1Pyromancer's Goggles 1Sol Ring 1Swiftfoot Boots 1Wayfarer's Bauble Enchantment (3)1Dictate of the Twin Gods 1Manabarbs 1Roiling Vortex Land (34)1Forgotten Cave1Mirrorpool28Mountain1Ramunap Ruins1Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance1Spinerock Knoll1Strip MineCards 99powered byStreamDecker. 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