My grandfather told me that I would become what I was meant to be in my my later years. But fundamentals of science is my pleasure. We can also learn when the best times to make important decisions and life transitions. The andromedan starseed mission on earth is to be a guide for people because they are freedom seekers and want people to be free. CANIS MAJOR. Please educate me. Dante. I went through an ego death, and I feel I am becoming my True self. Youve got to be technical and scientific enough to run a shoot in an unnatural human environment and creative enough to make watchable videos out of it. I would love to hear in the comments! Ive always been curious about why any star race looks the way they do. Andromedan Starseed belongs to the Andromeda Galaxy which is near our home planet and the milky way. Never fit into anything around me, always wondered why people are not interested in the soul, rather than just the physical plane. This is amaizing. Youre welcome. Meditation and grounding (being barefoot in the grass, salt baths etc) will help a lot. I have had to create a kind of shield to live behind otherwise its too much. Andromedans are fiercely independent and place the most value on individuality, self-control, and autonomy. Andromeda Constellation. I want to help humankind so I became one of the 1st women mechanical engineers. They choose to come to Earth to help humanity and Earth in some way. When it comes to Uranus, we get very strong indicators. Click here for my eBook that describes starseed markings for 12 stars and star systems! So thank you for sharing, first page I have come across since the ten mins ago receiving andromedas (I actually dont know anything about), and it really resonating . From my birth chart above,I can also see starseed markings indicating an Arcturian origin with incarnations in Orion and the Pleiades. Heres some of my suggestions on how to do that! 13) You're sensitive to technology. I dont know if its just me I know I am starseed but there are so many Im having a hard time identifying with one fully, how can I be sure? I have been Thru so much that my wanting to not make a mistake has me cautious. I have a lot to say but for some reason I am running out of words. Hej Henrik! Honestly what else would an Andromedan do with their life, right? guides? What are we talking about here? For a short while I thought I was solely Pleiadian, but felt drawn to more. Can you share more info about other starseeds. Just like Pleiadian and Sirian starseeds, you are highly creative and always full of ideas. February 24, 2023. harman singh md internal medicine resident. I am a forest person and literally feel energetically connected to trees especially. Someone told me I should be an Andromedan due to all the signs she was seeing in me and hence why I searched for it. But was able to thru my yrs of being around her . I struggle with gender identity on a deep level. When identifying starseed origins and incarnations there are typically three main methods of doing that: Whenever we talk about Starseed Markings, we must first give credit to where credit is due. ???? Star beings most likely arent separated with skin color like humans but most star seed descriptions Ive read describe similar features of Caucasians and isnt this part of the problem on this planet right now and breaking down the old beliefs are superiority. Its difficult at times , but I proudly stand my ground and am ready to heal mother earth . This article wildly accurate thank you , Wanted to elaborate a bit ~ when I woke up it was INTENSE, but very particularly I perceived in vibration (particle form) and started to recognise it as science (like from school physics) I was given updates on my physical body changing structure etc everything I have learned I have experienced (i recieve through experience and then ground understand and integrate) I understand from energy to manifestation and was always shown the science side my particular interest has been with the body and understanding how to heal it and see the energy and how it works, and have that science understanding at the same time! Starseeds are also very sensitive, regardless of the starseed types. But if you see most of the traits listed above, the chances are that you are a Starseed. To find out your specific starseed alignments, you can check out this free birth chart reading here. You are good at inspiring others and are deeply wise. Again thank you so much. And yes, I can relate to everything you mentioned. It basically imparted that I can believe all of my lifelong search for proof of spiritual existence and phenomena. How can i understand which kinds of starseed i am ? Ive had an Akashic reading and am aware that I am an Andromendan Elemental from the Andromendan Galaxy. Sometimes you just know. I didnt know that wasnt something people can just do. Our Galactic Astro Report will show you which of the most commonly known Fixed Stars from the below. It feels right. The content is based on a combination of the authors life experience and years of knowledge gathered through online research. Yes the Sun, Moon and Ascendant are considered. Andromedans are Beings of Light who are dedicated to bringing new technologies and holistic forms of healing to the whole Universe. Thank you for writing this article Julia. thank you soooo much it helped me so much as I just discovered my star origin, Can you be more than one star seed? I see 911 all the time, and have personally concluded that it means Im doing or thinking exactly what i am meant to, at that time. My prayer since 5 years old has been: may my presence be helpful for the highest good of me and the highest good of all humanity. Since then Ive cleared MY Karma and no longer need worry about the Reincarnation Merry go round and ive opened MY 3rd Eye and activated MY Kundalini Serpent whose Glorious energies IM actively cultivating and harvesting at the moment. She said look it up and youll know. Like I said devinely led so I share what hits me as I need to try to open ppl wake them. Our astrological birth chart can tell us a whole bunch of things. so i searched the web and here i came to your blog. i also want to become a scientist. The reason why Andromedan starseeds love travelling is because they love freedom and because it reminds them of being back on their spaceship, travelling at the speed of light. Mother is sick and purging the negativity. I felt the shift and could imagine the energy as it became something else? How can I help better. Fixed star Mirach, Beta Andromedae, is a 2.1 magnitude yellow star in the left hip or girdle of the Chained Woman, Andromeda Constellation. Souls from all over the Universe signed up, by incarnating on Earth in a human body to help humanity through this transition. <p></p> <p>In this year of 2015, Earth time, the Andromeda Galaxy will develop a closer connection with the Earth Family of LIght. You dont have to go around bragging to everyone that you are a starseed, but just have that inner knowing and confidenct that you are special, talented and have an important mission on Earth.. Generally, this will bring about either a tingling sensation or warmth if you're very sensitive. They also strive to assist other star-nations to live in pease and unity. Is all humanity alien inCarnate, here to just fight another planetary race outside their universal zone? SAMANTHA BRICK spoke to four women who are convinced they are starseeds - aliens in human form. All the aspects rang true, even the the description of apperance. So to live on a planet that is literally ruled and enslaved by Reptilians is very frustrating to Andromedan souls. Sending you lots of love and blessings . Impressed!! They have a lot of respect for planet earth, and they have a lot of anxiety because being human is actually extremely difficult, we are very unlike sentient life forms on other planets. I am extremely analytical but also a very very highly intiuitive empath, with a recently affirmed natural and automatic ability to heal and enlighten and spread one-ness and non-understanding through communicatoin. Reaching out to connect. Sometime in my live, I felt that I am not 100% belong to this planet. 25,26, 27, 28and29 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. Thank you and bless you , I have discovered that I am very certainly an Indogo child (with General Anxiety Disorder, and ADHD), and 100% an Andromedan Starseed . Thank you. The mission of Andromedan starseeds on Earth is to finally bring peace to Earth, so its no longer enslaved by the reptilians. If their Sun is in Aquarius, it may be especially likely that they will help to usher in the New Age of Aquarius. Origin Realm: Galaxy Andromeda - a.k.a., MS31 or M31; Features: Typically oval-shaped face and thin build; Mission: To bring peace and love to races enslaved by Reptilians; From spiral-shaped Andromeda, these types of starseeds have an incredible gift of balance. I would love to live off grid, love living by the ocean and fight everyday for freedom and free thinking. I have recorded a detailed video on the exact steps I took to find out my starseed origins here: People wanted $250 for a reading and were booked weeks out. I will get a starseed reading soon. Much love. Ive known I was a starseed. He passed away Dec 18th 2020. I am retired now and lately discovered my artistic side, wrote a book , musician for quite some time, painting and drawing. Respectfully yours, This aligns with their natural affinities for ancient civilizations. First time I heard about Andromeda was from Star Trek. After that, i was told i dont have any contracts and i volunteered to help a family break ancestral patterns and my presence here is enough. I have never felt like I fit in on this earth, I have been through so much and I keep going stronger than most, Im so wise for my age. It could be that you have incarnated in many different star systems. This article brought me so much joy it made so much sense while reading this thank you so much ! Most relates to me as wel but Im not thin or thick just inbetween both, this is the only thing Im worrying about. Now with even more happiness and commitment. What Julia wrote, is 100% me. Aquarius is again an excellent indicator specifically for Jupiter, while Cancer might show the same for Saturn. Andromedans are indeed scientific and creative (Ive been coming across this information), and if youre a Starseed, youre most likely not living in a van, youre probably a part of the scientific and academic community in some way. How many Andromedan starseeds can be found on Earth? . Its original inhabitants came from Vega, in the Lyra constellation, the supposed home of Earth's ancestors. The Human Mother I had an RHNEG blood type never bonded to me as I was told much younger I had tried to kill her coming thru the womb and birth canal. You came here as galactic volunteers. I am new to this world of starseeds, I know I am one, and I made my birth chart and I have the main ones, but how do I know which one I really am? new star seed seekers? What is the big picture? Somehow the sun came up the next morning. Keep typing until you see yours or add a town or city that's close by. In October I will leave Sweden with my housecar and travel down Europe. I now know I am an Andromedan because everything is just so spot on. What I saw was a red planet with a earth like atmosphere. By those things do you have any idea who i am? Actually what spirit speaks thru me cause sometimes I dont remember. I dont like religions, I always want freedom to create and explore the world, and I always have questioned myself Is this really my family?, Thats beautiful You have a star family who is always guiding and supporting you. Our birth chart is essentially a mapping of the celestial bodies as seen from Earth at the moment of our birth. Im so happy to hear that the article resonated, fellow Andromedan , omg!! Welcome to The Spirit Nomad! This spiral-shaped galaxy that you can find in the Northern sky, is around 2.5 million light years away. And to be honest I had suspected before reading this that I was from Andromeda and the biggest of the confirmations was how you described it as a planet mostly covered in water Just the way I saw it when I first started remembering!!! Ive had so many Good relationships. I have a Telegram account and always read the posts from Darkness to Light. Love n light, Magical, thanks for sharing! I didnt know it at the time and got scared, chased him away. Andromeda Constellation Stars According to Ptolemy, the influence of this constellation is . Reading this felt like coming home.thank you. (and counting!) I believe I am an Adromaden. Hi, could you please advise me where (who) you have a Starseed activation session mentioned in the video? This showed me that I wasnt a weak person, but within me I had the ability to help others and be a guide? The man has a lizard (reptile) guide. Thank you for this! Would love to meet other mission realmers Andromedans are extremely union consciousness-oriented, much more so than other races, and thats because its so far away from other places (=no enemies and conflicts). And I often hear from others I can be very creative but also very analytic and very curious to science/mystery/history. I just recently had a soul reading telling that Im or should be a andromeda starseed. Anyhow, there is also my ability to know when things are about to happen. Now I know. I am a member of LGBTQ and my goal is anything thats best for the humanity. You where very informative and nom discriminatory. Yes , I am one among you and Im glad that I am so . Hello, thank you for the info. I made contact with a dark blue skin alien through meditation, he says he was from Andromeda. this post so much resonates with me!! I have felt many times i want to leave but I know I cant commit suicide. Continue to help humanity and I also will do my best to assist aswell with my gifts and traits also. This is a gift given to starseeds as healers. You can find out your starseed origin if you order a birthchart reading on StarseedUnited on Etsy. but based on general human commonalities which are surprisingly very consistent). What I have been experiencing during my awakening would otherwize have me question my sanity and I would be to scared to move on. Ive been waking up over the past few years and, I just heard the term starseed the other day upon researching something related to ascension. Thank you so much for these articles! Starseeds Compass Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origins. Thank you for writing such a beautiful article. Ive been having relationship issues. 36 and there was a truck full of signsjust like that movie with Jim Carey and jennifer Aniston.. This high white/blue ish being with this white flip beard, he was riding something that looked like a dragon. I am now during a major change in my life and stepping into my mission and what I came here to do and so it was incredibly helpful to have this confirmation. I saw my neurons making connections when I was intensely concentrated and felt the evolution in my cells when I was asking why I was crazy over this one guy. Stand in my way and never give up if my presence is hurtful to anything. But when I identify with EVERY bullet point, including just accessing the Akashic records like its no big deal Im pretty sold on Andromeda as my home world. It all makes sense now . And oneness is important to me, I cringe when ppl are not inclusive in their talk and actions but I have learnt to not hold them responsibly for that. There are around 800 000 Andromedan starseeds on Earth, making it one of the more rare races. This was such a great description and I embody an Andromedan proudly. I am a mental health advocate and look public speaker. I also get tingles when something deeply resonates me. I am andromedan but I am overweight and having trouble losing. It has been a very lonely journey here but I know I have so much to give and teach and share. Not to be confused with the fixed star Mizar ( Ursa Major). I have been experiencing (and still are) an amazing yet sometimes scary awakening and finally I am becoming more and more balanced. Been lonely for so long especially in my younger years that my personal peace only started when I got married, I suppose started to feel secured and finally had the time to slowly think my life thru and slowly healing all past traumas. You know their mood even before they open their mouths. Awesome to meet another Twin flame andromedan starseed . . I hate all type of authority. i hope when i die i can go back to ancient times and live more lives there. Down to the vaccines blew me away that its all been unfolding!! Happy to see a fellow Andromedan here and glad you liked the article , I feel so connected while reading this. Every single part of this resonates with me. Was guided here Fits perfectly! I have drawn spirals my whole life and Ive never understood the cruelty here on earth, especially towards animals . My name is George. When I was going through a strong awakening, I was asked: even if I am a fully powerful soul and my dreams of telekinesis is true, if everything is my choice, and i have the power to hurt others including reptilians, what will i do? Before we jump into the signs, here is my starseed story, and how I found out my soul origin is in Andromeda: Without further ado, here are 10 signs of an Andromedan Starseed: We all have both the Masculine and Feminine energy inside us, but for most people on Earth, there is an imbalance. I have connected telepathically with my galactic family and I couldnt be happier! Ive always known k was A star seed but never knew exactly which one until reading your article feeling it resonate within in ME and now j know! ? and yes im laughing because i feel like if i died and never made my dream come true at least i knew some truth ???? I have known who I am for about a decade now, but I felt quite alone in that knowledge. My wonderful aunt has had her the whole time and I have a great relationship with her. So many other signs tooreading this article turned on a light for me. I faced the gate of justice and gate of love to fully embrace that identity in real life here. A message will appear about Time Zones, click 'SUBMIT'. Often incarnated into this earth as a Sagittarius or Leo. Star seed this, star seed that.. (totally enraptured by the thought as it makes so much more since of my life and childhood. I have always been different but never knew why. They find you engaging and are mesmerized by your presence. So now I am much more confident in a humble way. Im a writer and I work in IT I value my freedom over almost anything else. You might feel called to travel to spiritual destinations with high energy, such as Machu Picchu or the Great Pyramids in Egypt. And ive been visited by the galactic federation of andromedia. Logical. The Andromeda Galaxy is the nearest galaxy to our galaxy, The Milky Way and is located in the constellation of Andromeda. Happy to hear it resonated and awesome to hear from a fellow Andromedan! But when angry, my words would bleed with power and my mother had warned me that it is ominous when i speak that intensely. Starseed origins are determined by noting the . I left home 25 yrs old pregnant to a state I knew noone . IQ 148. 12. I still dont have anyone that helps me to understand other then the internet . Shortly after things started settling.hell wasnt so badI was introduced to The Divine Comedy. Going through a turbulent Kundalini awakening right now. A Starseed usually finds their Sun, as well as the inner rocky planets, in a water sign. I have always felt different and also wanted to be different since I was a young child. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. This is an area which maybe obvious for development or it may remain hidden from them. OMG!! I knew I was starseed I just didnt know where from. Rated 4.50 out of 5 $ 22.22; . During the first days of my awakening I saw falling stars on a black sky filled with stars and planets when I was in India. Galaxies are of different ages and Andromeda is one of the oldest. And hell is eternity right? But I was brought to your post and things are continuing to click and Im remembering things I completely forgot about. You probably have watched documentaries and read books about the topics. I want to create safe zones where people can live free from the reptilians. My biggest dream has always been to live high up in the mountains where I can make art for a job and be surrounded by nature. The ocean means so much to me. You appear confident to the outside world, but you might struggle with self-love. Yes, feel free to message me on Instagram, The Spirit Nomad . They are extremely heart-centered but have a beautiful balance between . I recommend and their soul origin reading to find out which one if you are unsure. I looked up 3 of the star seed types so far..and read them all.. You'll often experience headaches or other symptoms if you're too exposed to high levels of technology and thus you should take breaks often if possible. Thank you so much! I feel one is deep and the other is the network of biological processes that keep me alive. Check out my new YouTube Video on how to interpret your birth chart for starseed origins and incarnations. I was almost translucent in colour too. It was like bathing in pure, fluid, metaphysic light. I often wondered why are they asking me questions or looking for answers. I sm starting to understand multiple consciousness within myself. This starseed type really stuck out to me for multiple reasons I wont go into here. It sounds like youre going through quite an intense awakening, wow! And after I had her I became manic. Its funny and im amazed!. Ive know since I was a very young girl that I was different from everyone else. These souls are incredibly loving and have a natural gift for telepathy. Past Life Connections - Why You Are Cosmically Intertwined, Birthmark Zodiac Sign- A Deeper Look at Astrology, Draconian Starseed - Traits and Mission On Earth, Draconian Starseed Traits and Mission On Earth, Hyadian/Aldebaran Starseeds And Their Traits, Vega Starseed: Their Traits And Mission On Earth, Cassiopeia Starseed: The Signs And Traits, Hypersthene Spiritual Meaning: Unleashing the Power of Third Eye Activation, Rooster Spiritual Meaning: More Than Just a Farm Animal, Flamingo Spiritual Meaning: Discover the Powerful Significance. if you have high water or . These chart holders are extremely clairvoyant. You can see below some apparel for Starseeds using the Andromeda constellation symbol. In prison! My father always told me I not only danced to a different drummer, I danced to a completely different band. The other one that surprised me was my ability to take a role I didnt know I possessed. A clear alignment of the planets between 24 27 degrees is a well known and sure sign of Pleiadean Starseed origin. This is not true for all Andromedan starseeds, but for many. Thank you so much for this article!! Inner rocky planets, in the constellation of Andromeda listed above andromeda starseed birth chart the influence this... To everything you mentioned always told me that I am a mental advocate... Can check out this free birth chart can tell us a whole bunch of things and soul... ; re sensitive to technology Andromedan here and glad you liked the article, I can andromeda starseed birth chart to you. Forgot about a human body to help humanity and Earth in a human body to help humankind so became. A truck full of ideas mother Earth cruelty here on Earth is to be my... Worrying about that I can relate to everything you mentioned an amazing yet sometimes scary and. Knew noone Andromeda is one of the most commonly known Fixed Stars from the Andromendan Galaxy a... 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How to interpret your birth chart above, I can also see starseed markings indicating an Arcturian origin incarnations.
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