There are some varieties of Zoysia that grow well when mowed as tall as 2.5 inches (6 cm), but these are not planted in every Zoysia lawn. This would be mixed in 10-50 gallons per acre. Is bluemuda right for your course? They look similar and its hard to tell them apart At times. Kentucky bluegrass: 1 to 3.5 inches. It tends to have a soft, fine texture and is naturally low-growing. In addition, it looks green and healthy in spring and fall. The reason Kentucky Bluegrass and Ryegrass have a less total annual dosage of .55oz/15.6g per 1,000 square feet is because these grass types have shorter growing seasons than warm-season grasses. Bluegrass seedlings have even less chance of survival in an established Zoysia lawn. While Zoysia grass can be grown by seed, the seeds can take 14 to 21 days to germinate. You can overseed a Bermudagrass lawn with either a warm-season grass . A good example of a high-traffic blend is a "sports field" seed mixture containing a Bermuda grass and turf-type perennial rye grass (which tolerates shorter mowing heights). . Its high demand is due to its incredible resilience to heat and drought. Design Philosophy From Female Golf Course Architects. And how long will they stay brown? It acts in the best interests of the game for the continued enjoyment of those who love and play it. If you have decided mixing these grass varieties, make sure you learn all about their needs and how to begin the seeding process. Spring is a great time for herbicide applications. 6) I now look forward to HOT weather, as opposed to dreading my fescue dying. Many tall fescues were developed for use as pasture fodder for grazing animals. People also wonder if Zoysia will take over the fescue. If you live in an area where heat levels are high, or there are . Ideally, Kentucky bluegrass seeding should occur in the late summer or early fall when air temperatures are consistently between 59 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit (Beard, 1973). (4 pp., 9 maps, 2 tables) Looking for solutions in your county? Each one of us at CareForYourLawn is a lawn care enthusiast in one area or another. Kentucky bluegrass is a cool-weather species. Although the population can be dynamic, both species should be present and able to coexist under good watering, fertility and mowing regimes. In addition to Kentucky Bluegrass, other perennial cool-season grasses will be outcompeted by Zoysia during the summer months. - What Type Degree, What Causes Light Green Patches In St Augustine Grass? This hardy grass is ideal for use in a lawn that kids are going to play on. This could include watering more sporadically, fertilizing more often, or incorporating compost into areas that need increased water retention. You need to seed warm season grass (zoysia) in the spring. IMPROVE CLAY SOIL - 5 Step Strategy to better grass growth and drainage. Early Spring as soil temps approach 55F . The most effective way to accomplish this would be to apply glyphosate across the entire lawn. Tall fescue: 1.5 to 4 inches. Ryegrass stays green through winter in most regions where Zoysia grows. This is because there are various grass types to choose from, each having different tolerance depending on many factors. Kentucky Bluegrass is the opposite. Data from the trials is published annually in a series of reports and a summary report that can be found on the UK Forage Extension website ( USGAGreen Section Record. Zoysia requires a shorter mowing height than Kentucky Bluegrass. Recommended: Scotts Turf Builder Kentucky Bluegrass Mix Grass Seed. The grass can be established from seeds, plugs, sod, or stolons, spreading rapidly along the rhizomes and stolons. Adjust accordingly as needed for your area. Just remember that even the best grass . Fescues take 7 to 14 days while rye grass can germinate in only five to seven days. View More. What makes it different is that Zoysia gives tighter sods compared to Bermuda, making it better when it comes to resisting weed invasion. In some studies as much as 95% in three years. The main difference is that Kentucky Bluegrass is a cool season species that is very popular in the north, whereas Bermuda grass is a warm season variant that you'll find extensively in the south. Zoysia sod provides instant beauty and speedy establishment. However, the total amount of additional water should not be overwhelming as the new cultivars are quite drought tolerant. Before you spend money on Kentucky Bluegrass seed, consider these risks: If you spread Kentucky Bluegrass seed on a Zoysia lawn, the Zoysia will probably smother the Bluegrass quickly. Tall Fescue will do the majority of its growth when the temperatures average from 70-80 degrees, typical for Charlotte's summer average. Both KBG and tall fescue grasses can resist a certain amount of shade and still thrive. While it may work, there are instances where this isnt a good idea. But because of their different needs and looks, they may end up looking off at certain times of the year. Zoysia doesnt require much watering, and pairing it with a grass that needs excessive irrigation would result in the death of at least one of the grasses. Annual Ryegrass is lower-maintenance than Kentucky Bluegrass. I lived in Florida for many years, and our lawn was always green Never paid any attention to the turf quality until I moved up here 3 years ago. Kentucky Bluegrass. Zoysia easily chokes out Kentucky Bluegrass. . Tall Fescue, Bermuda, St Augustine, Centipede, Zoysia and Bahia Grasses. If you have Zoysia Grass and don't like it, Good Nature Organic Lawn Care can help with removal. In fact, there is such a thing as ' Bluemuda ', which is a mix of Kentucky bluegrass and Bermuda grass! During the summer one should expect to see more bermudagrass than Kentucky bluegrass. For sites with mixed conditions, planting your lawn with seed instead of sod may be your best bet. Annual Ryegrass is an easier alternative for keeping Zoysia lawns green year-round. This time frame provides enough time for the seeds to establish a sturdy root system that will help them survive their first winter. Zoysia is considered invasive and is known to take over lawns, when given enough time. Then, Good Nature will be happy to plant a new lawn for you. "With bluemuda fairways, a golf course can have improved year-round playing conditions, color enhancement, greater traffic tolerance, reduced risk for bermudagrass winter injury and less weed competition all without the added costs associated with a traditional ryegrass overseed program. The problem was that an ''inhibitor'' in the seed prevented it from responding to light, which triggers the germination process. In the end, that shouldnt be much of a concern because a dense bermudagrass base should be better able to provide a good winter playing surface. Mowing Kentucky Bluegrass too short will cause it to struggle. Robert McNeill and United Press International. 2. Fine fescue: 1.5 to 4 inches. This is because Zoysia is a warm-season grass that grows extremely well in areas with hot summers and mild winters. Once areas become damaged, turf managers are left waiting until temperatures finally reach 85 degrees Fahrenheit and significant bermudagrass recovery occurs. Are you in search of the perfect lawn mower to bring your lawn from drab to fab? For Grass Seed, our Tuff Turf Lawn Seed provides the Turf Type Tall Fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass recommended. Ill e-mail you soon. 2. Zoysia plugs cant compete with Bermuda grass, since the latter grows faster and more aggressively. Again, you CAN mix Kentucky bluegrass and Bermuda grass. Bahiagrass is much more tolerant of shade than Bermuda grass is. In between, its growing zone is dictated by altitude--mountains and high plains. Conversely, Kentucky bluegrass can provide excellent playing conditions during the fall, winter and spring when temperatures are too cold for bermudagrass growth. It includes Tall Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Zenith Zoysia and Ryegrass. If you see a mat of broken down organic material, youll need to remove it. There are many advantages with bluemuda fairways including better traffic tolerance, reduced recovery time, increased density and improved year-round color. The reason why this type of grass does so well in clay soil is that it has a very deep root system, and slowly spreads via stolons above ground and rhizomes below ground. However, Zoysia propagates laterally, or creeps and is quick to spread out, often out competing weeds and other grasses. When seeded with Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass should not exceed 10-15% of the seed mix, in order to prevent the bluegrass from being out-competed during the seed germination process. But with seeded zoysia, says Murray, a homeowner can get full coverage in 12 weeks, at much less expense. Therefore, a mid-to-late May window is advised. BEST FOR BARE SPOTS: Scotts EZ Seed Patch and Repair Tall Fescue Lawns . $13.95. Can you mix Kentucky bluegrass and Bermuda? The chemical circulates throughout the plant, killing it in its entirety. 1) You need to use Emerald sod, it is very slow growing and plugs will take forever. However, even in this zone, there are differences in the local climate. It thrives in sandy soils and clay soils with poor drainage. All Rights Reserved. The timing is important for a better grass seed germination rate. This variety is easily established through seed. Dont be too aggressive if the forecast calls for high temperatures as you do not want to cause significant injury to the bluegrass. Kentucky Bluegrass. Winter weed's in dormant zoysia can be unsightly. If you choose to remove the Zoysia Grass yourself, expect to do some heavy digging and slicing the grass patches out of the soil. For example, St. Augustine or centipede grass does well with heat. While Zoysia grass can be grown by seed, the seeds can take 14 to 21 days to germinate. Applying urea i.e., 46-0-0 at a total rate of 1 to 1.5 pounds per 1,000 square feet spread out over several weeks is worthwhile in situations where getting to a complete green sward as soon as possible is of the utmost importance. If you plan to pair your Zoysia with a cool season grass, elect to grow it by sod. [img][/img]. Summer patch is by far the most troublesome disease for Kentucky bluegrass fairways and many golf superintendents routinely apply a preventative fungicide treatment to protect plants. Long-lasting preemergence herbicides, such as indaziflam, can persist for 10 to 12 months, and could prevent the establishment of new Kentucky bluegrass seedlings. I have a rotary mower (like you would use on fescue, keep lawn tractors away! Its rapid growth rate, hardy nature, and ability to recover quickly after being trampled make it a great choice for many owners. 4. so Im torn between these two. Good luck! Glyphosate breaks down quickly in the soil and will not affect any future plants. It grows well from seed, and is a popular choice for sod farms in the North. ", "The total material cost to convert bermudagrass fairways to bluemuda could be as low as $695 per acre.". Allow your plants to establish roots before the first mow. Bluegrass seedlings will struggle to compete with Zoysia. zoysia likes the sun. This quality makes it an excellent choice for mixing in with your Zoysia as it will fill any bare spots effectively. A rate of 9 fluid ounces per acre on four-week intervals is appropriate. While these perceived benefits need further research, there are plenty of success stories where golf courses have reduced or eliminated their reliance on fungicides by going to the mixed stand. link to Who Makes The Most Reliable Lawn Mower Engines? Lawns may be aerated as part of the renovation process. For those who have a combination of various conditions (like differing climates and sun or shade), then you can opt to blend grass varieties like Bermuda and Zoysia. If ever you have more shade on the lawn, Bermuda grass wont thrive well as it requires more sunlight to flourish. Perennial ryegrass tolerates heavy foot traffic and develops into a durable sod, but it requires more fertilizer and water than other turf grasses. We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. With a zoysia/bermuda mix, water uptake is the only arena in which bermudagrass has an advantage. Annual Ryegrass will sprout as the Zoysia goes dormant in cold weather. Kentucky bluegrass is a warm-season grass while Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass, which will have your lawn look like it is actively growing grass throughout the growing season. Adjust the maintenance accordingly to find a delicate balance. Bermuda Grass. Tall Fescue is extremely popular across the United States in the transition zone. The amount of Kentucky bluegrass that is noticeable in the fall will likely not reach 100% of what was seeded. Slit or spike seeders are preferred for planting, but if one of those units are not available a drop seeder can also work if you follow with dragging in multiple directions. Because we've broken down the different types of grass to help you have the best lawn on the block. As a . It doesnt need a lot of water to stay green in the Summer, so less sprinkling and irrigation is needed. These guidelines give you latitude to make cutting height adjustments, such as mowing heavy shade or over particularly dry or wet areas. It is frequently planted on golf courses, baseball fields and football fields, due to its high tolerance for high traffic. 1. - UF/IFAS Extension Putnam County. Often, Zoysia is mixed with cool season grasses such as Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall fescue. Through our Course Consulting Service, a USGA agronomist can work with you to determine the return on invest of converting your fairways to bluemuda and provide tailored recommendations for establishment and management at your facility. Height of cut will also impact the amount of fertility that is required to maintain healthy turf. Late fall, winter and particularly early spring playing conditions on dormant bermudagrass fairways is often less than ideal in the transition zone. Are you looking for a lawn mower engine that won't let you down? You will have to increase your lawn care workload in order to keep both these grass types happy. Bermuda grass also stands up well to high foot traffic, making it perfect for busy lawns. Each of these has its own unique look and appeal. We understand how frustrating it can be when you buy a product only to find out it can't stand the test of time. Waiting until fall to complete such work is less than optimal as this timing could limit bermudagrass recovery prior to winter dormancy. How to Fix Cracks in Drywall Ceiling [10 Fast Steps], What is 30-10-10 Fertilizer Used For? As with all new plantings, a starter fertilizer should be applied immediately prior to planting or during the process. It is extremely hardy and stands up to foot traffic well. Annual Ryegrass is low maintenance and easy to sprout, so you can repeat this year after year with much better success than overseeding with Kentucky Bluegrass. Should I Apply Weed Killer Before or After Mowing? Aerate your lawn using a hand aerifier or machine-driven aerifier. Kentucky Bluegrass isnt very tolerant of shade, so its great for large yards with little to no tree cover. For a shaded lawn with some sunny areas, he suggests a mix of 50-60% fine fescues, 30-40% Kentucky bluegrass, and 10-20% perennial ryegrass. The reverse should be true during the spring and fall. There are other grasses that are more suitable to mix with Bermuda or Zoysia. Zoysia is notoriously hard to get rid of. Late spring is the best timeframe to complete such tasks. This can lead to zoysia grass gradually weakening in a . Perennial rye grass germinates and establishes quickly. And in the case of zoysia, it takes up to three years for it to cover the ground with a contiguous turf. The benefit of Annual Ryegrass is that it only survives for one season. var theDate=new Date() The biggest advantage of Bahia grass is that it doesnt experience a true dormancy during the winter. However, it does not grow well in deep . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The grass gets its name from its rich blue green color. Here are the reasons why: It is very challenging to keep both Zoysia and Kentucky Bluegrass healthy on the same lawn for more than a few seasons. Overseeding should be completed in the spring for warm season grasses and in the fall for cool season grasses. If pairing with another warm season grass, you can mix the seeds together and spread them all at the same time, or purchase plugs of that variety and plant them intermittently with your Zoysia. To be called ''Belair'' zoysia, the new variety will permit practical use of zoysia farther into the northern zone. It will be especially good news for homeowners in middle America, for it will probably make it possible to have the best of two worlds. The goal with bluemuda is to maintain both grasses throughout the entire year. Its winter dormancy period does last longer than other grasses. But Jack Murray, research agronomist with the U.S. Agriculture Department`s National Agricultural Research Center, heads a program he says will change all that with a new type of zoysia grass that can be seeded, as opposed to the types that must be vegetated--laborously planted with individual plugs. When you want your lawn to look lush year-round, youll need to pair Zoysia with cool season grass. We can come and cut out your Zoysia and give it to someone who wants it! Bahiagrass grows slowly but is extremely durable once established. If you plan to lay sod in your yard, it will likely be a Kentucky bluegrass mix because sod farms predominantly grow this type of sod. But keep in mind, cutting too low, and especially to the bottom of the . In comparison, Kentucky Bluegrass is healthiest when mowed to a height of 2.5 to 3.5 inches (69 cm). Kentucky bluegrass is a cool season grass that is winter hardy. Mow your lawn on the lowest setting of your mower without scalping the existing turf. In this part of NC, both, warm and cool season grasses can be grown (as you know?) Mowing too soon after seeding an area could rip up new plants that havent had a chance to anchor themselves yet. [4 Signs to Look For], Best Lawn Fertilizer After Aeration [Top 3 Choices], How to Get Bermuda Grass to Spread [6 Fast-Acting Tips], Water in the Corner of Your Basement? This will allow you to have a green lawn in winter while your Zoysia is dormant. Avoid the Midnight types as they seem to segregate and result in dark, uneven clumps within the bermudagrass. The plugs will create brown patches in the winter and green patches in the summer. Again, expect to literally cut it out of your lawn. Kentucky Bluegrass is one of the most popular options for cool season grasses. But by mixing zoysia seed with, say, bluegrass seed, one can create an even-toned green turf in both winter and summer. As for Zoysia grass, you will do best with cool-season grasses like Bluegrass or Fescue. According to the University of Kentucky, Bermuda and Zoysia grass are common lawn grasses and are warm-season perennials that would grow actively throughout the summer, then grow dormant, losing their color come winter. It rarely suffers from disease and . Excessive thatch will hinder germination. Overseeding Zoysia with Kentucky Bluegrass is a poor choice. Too much shade isn't good for them. With bluemuda fairways, a golf course can have improved year-round playing conditions, color enhancement, greater traffic tolerance, reduced risk for bermudagrass winter injury and less weed competition all without the added costs associated with a traditional ryegrass overseed program. 32(5):12-15. If you have a cool season lawn like tall fescue or bluegrass, your grass will be preparing for dormancy in the summer. Like other cool-season grasses, Kentucky Bluegrass growth slows in the summer heat. Dethatching your lawn should be done regularly to ensure proper oxygen exchange between the atmosphere and the soil. Pennington 10-lb Annual Ryegrass Grass Seed. Overseeding Zoysia with Bluegrass can make it very tricky to find a mowing height where both kinds of grass coexist healthily. For yellowing of the leaves, apply ferrous sulfate with 1 tablespoon per 3 gallons of water applied to 1,000 square feet of grass. I used to have S. Augustine, the only grass South Florida uses. Improve lawn hardiness by mixing grass varieties. It seems any bermudagrass can work under a bluemuda setup. 8) I have about 7K sq. It also doesnt need as much mowing because this grass cultivar is slow growing in height. Perennial ryegrass: 0.75 to 2.5 inches. The important thing to keep in mind is that a thin turf canopy of bermudagrass will result in quicker establishment of Kentucky bluegrass. Therefore, the total material cost to convert bermudagrass fairways to bluemuda could be as low as $695 per acre. If you overseed Zoysia with Kentucky Bluegrass, the bluegrass is often choked out in summer. A repeat application after two to three weeks may be required for adequate weed control. As Murray explains it, it is impossible to mix zoysia plugs with seeded grass and get an acceptable amalgamation. Cool season grasses prefer mild to cold temperatures. Zoysia Grass often has a lot of thatch and needs to be aerated more often than other lawns. Just be cognizant of the different rate thresholds for both bermudagrass and Kentucky bluegrass as they will vary on the label. With bluemuda, this annual treatment seems less needed as the bermudagrass is able to provide suitable turf coverage for areas of Kentucky bluegrass that might be affected. I made the transition from Fescue to Emerald Zoysia in late July 2003. This publication describes the various turfgrass species recommended for different areas of Texas. Kentucky bluegrass and bermudagrass are aggressive spreading grasses, so seeding would need to be done. But you may be wondering, how much does a John Deere lawn Who Makes The Most Reliable Lawn Mower Engines? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Bermuda and Kentucky bluegrass are a great combination. What can I Overseed tall fescue with? AXS Fan Account gives you the ability to view, send, or sell your tickets as well as purchase additional tickets and view your account history. For Newsom Seed to make a Maryland Certified Sod Mix or . Pros and cons of Kentucky bluegrass . It will sprout in fall, remain green through the winter in mild regions, and die off naturally as your Zoysia greens up in spring. Howtoestablish Bluemudafairways. Centipede grass is not as drought tolerant as its warm season comrades. This new zoysia is expected to be ready for the commercial market in four to . Even if Zoysia creeps into an established Bluegrass lawn, it is very likely to outcompete the Bluegrass. When Zoysia doesnt completely satisfy your needs, look into mixing up the composition of your lawn. A certain degree of patience is necessary and expectations on coverage need to be tempered. Copyright 2010 - Most varieties of Zoysia grow at their best when they are mowed to a height of 1.5 to 2 inches (45 cm). If you dont mind your lawn looking lackluster in the fall and winter but want an incredible yard in the spring and summer, pair a fellow warm season grass with your Zoysia. If you do find it necessary to utilize herbicides, a formulation of prodiamine for preemergence and Trimec Southern i.e., dicamba + MCPP + 2,4-D for postemergence broadleaf weed control are good options. Ive been watering it everyday, twice a day I cant wait to mow it! John Daniels is an agronomist in the Northeast Region. document.write(theDate.getFullYear()) Kentucky Bluegrass name: Poa pratensis L. . Kentucky Bluegrass, Ryegrass. But as a practical consideration he notes that its greenery is short-lived in the far-northern zone. In the absence of a soil test recommendation, apply a starter-type (high phosphorous . , your grass will be happy to plant a new lawn for you make cutting height adjustments, such mowing. Cold for bermudagrass growth to segregate and result in quicker establishment of Kentucky Bluegrass mix grass seed you mix! Looking for a better grass growth and drainage summer months both KBG and tall Fescue grasses can resist a Degree... Much shade isn & # x27 ; s in dormant Zoysia can be by. Is healthiest when mowed to a height of cut will also impact the of. 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