At the same time, Ivan suffered personal losses: his wife Anastasia died in suspected poisoning, and one of his closest advisors, Prince Andrei Kurbsky, turned traitor and defected to the Lithuanians, destroying a region of Russian territory. He did this pretzel thing, I'm feelin' the flare like a big knot in there, i mean All of the sudden I feel the life drain right out of me! Rosenberg then exclaimed directly to Demjanjuk: "How dare you put out your hand, murderer that you are! Ivan comes spinning up hits the wall, slides down, unconscious! Slaughter. After January 1981, Kachmanian stopped actively competing after a tour of Japan in the fall of 1980 and a quick stint in California in January 1981. Firpo would have a second chance at the championship two months later in Philadelphia, on July 8, 1972, against Morales in another losing effort. Ivan IV Vasilyevich rose to power in the 16th century to become the first tsar of Russia and earned the nickname "Ivan the Terrible" along the way. Destroyed by fire in 1612, it was rebuilt in 1625 creating a two-story chamber that employed seven typesetters and 80 employees from the Kremlin. Though his reign began in relative peace, it descended into tyranny. One of his fellow wrestlers drank too much one night, she said, and Ivan filled the mans room with dozens of pigeons and closed the door.. We will send you the latest TV programmes, podcast episodes and articles, as well as exclusive offers from our shop and carefully selected partners. By the time the Soviets rolled into the camp from the east in August 1944, the Nazis had already ploughed, levelled and demolished any direct signs of the atrocities that had occurred at Treblinka. At the same time he was extremely cruel and vindictive (a trait which particularly manifested itself during the Oprichnina), personally giving orders for the most sophisticated executions. //-->