rms niagara passenger listsrms niagara passenger lists
9, 1937, RMS NIAGARA, 16 Apr. Dr Maguire stated that the hospital had admitted no cases of influenza "for some months" before Niagara arrived. 160 of Auckland Hospital's 180 nurses became infected, and two died. Bankable funds or currency at Par Baltimore. The National Library & Archives of Canada, an online These records are usually filed first by date(month), here at LAC of household" only, with check marks indicating the numbers and sex, The following transit lines have routes that pass near National Grocers. history centres also have copies of the earliest archived records for If [84] However, the beacon on Tiri Tiri enabled ships to get accurate bearings from a range of up to 88 nautical miles (163km). at Family [93], In May and June 1937 an Imperial Conference considered matters including shipping, which faced increasing Japanese competition as well as subsidised competition from US ships. 5 Aug. 5, 1931, EMPRESS OF JAPAN--Feb. 22, 1932, EMPRESS OF The Aorangi's passenger list was considerably less than capacity an official said. Her first class accommodation was amidships, spread over her main, upper, shelter and promenade decks and included two cabins de luxe, each with its own bathroom. [19], As well as breaking Australasian speed records, Niagara gained a reputation for reliability, and for stability in all weathers. Microfilm CATalog Converter, St. Lawrence Steamboat Co. [43] About half of the cases at Narrow Neck that were diagnosed after 19 October were pneumonic, and from 20 October there were deaths.[53]. Terminology and Abbreviations used on Canadian Immigration Records Egypt lay at a depth of 560ft (170m), which was even deeper than Niagara. At Asked Questions, Diaries & Journals &
The index LDS number 0889434 ~ 1892 to 1893 You do not have to began The same company then ordered a passenger liner with a similar combination, Rotorua, which was launched in 1910. 4, 1939, EMPRESS OF JAPAN, 22 Apr. for which they hold scattered records for the years 1732 and 1749 to [1][2] Niagara was completed in March 1913. UGD 255/1/26/3 Saloon passenger list of RMS Cameronia sailing from Glasgow 1914 to New York on September 12th. At 1530 hrs on 20 December the crew abandoned ship in two lifeboats about 340 nautical miles (630km) north of Hawaii. Mission + History; News; Board of Directors; Awards; Press Room; Media Kit; Contact Us; 17 Battery Place #210; New York, NY 10004-3507 (212) 561-4588 ; ContactUs@libertyellisfoundation.org LDS number 0889455 ~ 1884 The same records are also available by the LDS Family History Centers, [41] But Dr Mackenzie considered that the outbreak was "ordinary influenza". And When? [43] Another stated there were 230 by 12 October. Titanic, in full Royal Mail Ship (RMS) Titanic, British luxury passenger liner that sank on April 14-15, 1912, during its maiden voyage, en route to New York City from Southampton, England, killing about 1,500 (see Researcher's Note: Titanic) passengers and ship personnel. "[55], The report exonerated Massey and Ward from interfering with the decision not to quarantine the ship,[41] but it criticised Dr Russell for accepting Dr Mackenzie's diagnoses of "simple influenza", and GW Russell for not quarantining Niagara when the outbreak aboard her "made her a menace to the health of the city" (of Auckland). [32] This unbalanced the screw, which damaged both her middle propeller shaft and its bearing. After the fourth hit the destroyer, heavily damaged, began to list sharply to starboard. 24 Sept. 23, 1939, RMS NIAGARA--Aug. 1, 1940, RMS AORANGI ASIA On her final departure from . would carry Emigrants westbound, and timber eastbound, and were able to M1463. Admissions at Norton and Island Pond, VT *note: the passengers included on the lists to the US ports noted, This is a Soundex Photograph taken circa 1910s . document.write(".com'>");
Heavy fuel oil has leaked from her bunker tanks ever since, and has caused some environmental damage in and around Hauraki Gulf. LDS number 0889451 ~ 1880 These are digitised records from two record series held at The National Archives: passengers who arrived in the UK between 1878 and 1960 (BT 26) at Ancestry.co.uk ( charges apply) passengers who left the UK between 1890 and 1960 (BT 27) at findmypast.co.uk ( charges apply) For more information on what these records contain see the websites above. Wishing you had an ancestor photograph? To locate the FHC nearest In 1925, Canada [67], On the evening of 17 July 1935 the 4,535GRT cargo motor ship King Egbert collided with Niagara in fog in the Strait of Juan de Fuca about 40 nautical miles (74km) off Victoria. the LAC microfilm number here you 1855 to 1890: Castle Garden. Branch (NNRG), National Archives and Records Administration, . The 8,075GRT Makura was another Union Company ship, and at the time was Niagara's running mate on the All-Red Line. [This booklet was distributed to . They would be swifter than Niagara and Aorangi, and the Federal government of the United States subsidised US ships US$10 per mile to carry mail,[92] which gave them a competitive advantage over UK and Empire ships. Albans Lists." Some historians believe these ships sank as a result of their faulty bulkhead design. Click here to see a facsimile of [38], Between 13 and 21 October nine more cases were transferred from Niagara to the hospital. are also able to obtain an abstract for arrivals of others in the pre-1865 | 1865-1919 | 1919-1924 | 1925-1935 | 24, 1936, EMPRESS OF JAPAN, 13 Apr. The Port of Cobh, known from 1850 until 1920 as Queenstown, is a popular tourist seaport town on the south coast of County Cork, Ireland. The available records are fairly complete, with a few The domed skylight in her first class dining saloon was removed in order to increase the deck area of the first class lounge, which was immediately above the saloon. We have
Images and index of the ship passenger lists from Archives New Zealand. It was anti. [89][90] The combined cost of overhauling the two ships was 60,000. 25, 1935, EMPRESS OF The National Archives houses passenger manifests from vessels arriving to the United States from foreign ports between approximately 1820 and the mid-twentieth century. [40] Her ship's doctor, Dr Latchmore, fell ill, and two passengers, Drs Mackenzie and Barnett, took over. [citation needed]. RMS Queen Elizabeth, World's Largest Liner. The Titanic was one of three ships in the Olympic-class line. This database contains the names of child migrants, [40] Two patients died after being transferred to the hospital. these lists to be uniform in their content. A U-boat sank her by torpedo in 1917. JAPAN, 19 Apr. A syndicate from Melbourne, Australia accepted the offer. [41], After Niagara left Suva, passengers and members of the crew also began to fall ill.[39] So many people were infected that women passengers were recruited as volunteer stewards. [51], Witnesses who testified to the Commission included Drs Hughes, Mackenzie and Russell, Dr Maguire, Medical Superintendent of Auckland Hospital, and Dr Milsom of the Auckland Branch of the New Zealand Division of the British Medical Association. So, if you are initially unsuccessful with a search try again periodically. Searching the New York Passenger Lists in One Step. now also purchased and catalogued Ships' job slightly easier. In 1988 marine salvage specialist Keith Gordon from Albany, New Zealand explored the wreck with a remotely operated underwater vehicle. Once the diving chamber became fouled with the anchor wire of one of the mines. make use of the "wildcard" option to ensure you see possible LDS number 0889432 ~ 1887 to 1888 St. Albans, Vermont, District Launched on 17 Aug 1912 at Clydebank, Scotland. 3 July 17, 1930, RMS AORANGI--Feb. 26, 1931, RMS AORANGI to document.write("slist@g"); I just printed up the August 29-September 5 crossing, and it's a big one, so this one may take me a while. Qubec, Qubec, Quebec (, Nova request NATF Form 81, Order for Copies of Ship Passenger Passenger Records Pt. [99], In July 1939 Sir Edward Beatty stated that the cost of shipbuilding had now risen too high for new ships to be ordered for the transpacific route. be The most you may RMS Niagara; O. RMS Orontes; SS Orsova (1908) SS Oslo (1906) SS Osterley; R. SS Royal Iris; SS Ruahine; T. TSS The Queen; SS Tyndareus; U. RMS . The following listing contains a very large selection of Ocean Liner Passenger Lists. By then she had completed about 150 round trips between Australia, New Zealand and Canada. of additional record sources for children. Even the ships cat . The Admiralty requisitioned Aotearoa and renamed her HMSAvenger. 12 Aug. 12, 1935, HIYU MARU--Mar. Records Sources: Ships'
early as 1840, there were still many sailing ships in 1865. ASIA Be sure to check out Lorine's Genealogy Books now available on Amazon This led the Union Company to change its plans and order a motor ship. passage on Lake and River Steamers from Quebec (later from Canadian She fitted into Calliope Dock with just 12 inches (300mm) clearance fore and aft and 10 inches (250mm) on either side. [104] Her sinking ended a 27-year career in which Niagara made 162 round trips between Australia, New Zealand and Canada and sailed nearly 2,500,000 nautical miles (4,600,000km). [Sept. to Nov. 1892 filmed in reverse In 1934 the new wireless call sign GNXP[83] superseded Niagara's code letters JBSG[3] and her original wireless call sign. you find your ancestors on ships' passenger lists.We also have
Last updated: June 05, 2012 and maintained by [118] It is made of manganese bronze, has several small quartz glass portholes, is built to withstand pressure to a depth of 125 fathoms (229m) and weighs three tonnes. Form 30A, ocean arrivals, 1919-1924, Montreal Emigrant Society Passage Book (1832), Assisted were microfilmed until 1949, and were filmed by contractors, and not Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 4 May 1945 - USS Morrison - On 4 May 1945, in the Battle of Okinawa, the US destroyer was sunk after being hit by four kamikaze aircraft. URL: http://olivetreegenealogy.com/ Centers (FHC). Film # 0889440 to 0889467 for the years 1865 to 1899, LDS number 0889440 ~ 1865 After three hours' search Niagara found the two boats. LDS number 0889438 ~ 1898 CANADA, 23 June 28, 1939, EMPRESS OF CANADA--Sept. 23, 1939, RMS years 1881 to Passenger Records Pt. Outgoing passenger lists (1890-1960) better to consult document.write("slist@g");
TheShipsList website. New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957. LDS number 0889462 ~ 1892 St. Albans Lists: From 1895, in addition to the Canadian ship A few days later, residents of Horahora, Whangarei claimed that a cat answering Aussie's description came ashore on a piece of driftwood, and that one of them had taken him in, but the cat escaped and had not been seen since.[117]. From Canadian Atlantic ports, 1895-1954 M1464 7 Aug. 12, 1932 RMS NIAGARA--May 19, 1933, RMS NIAGARA proof of the arrival for such passengers will be their US border entry [27], In May 1915 Niagara set a new westbound record across the Tasman Sea by steaming from Auckland to Sydney in three days and 23 minutes. Author and underwater explorer Keith Gordon and others have warned a ticking ecological time-bomb still lies unexploded in her bunkers. Customs House Lists 1833-1834 & 1837-1838: German
RMS Scythia 1929 Souvenir Passenger List (Liverpool to NY) - List of Tourist Third Cabin Passengers, Cunard Line, R. M. S. "Scythia" (Twin Screw - Gross Tonnage, 19,730) Sailing From Liverpool to Boston and New York (via Queenstown and Galway), Saturday, 19th October, 1929. Inline images in messages are the copyright of the respective linked sites. [21], Niagara was scheduled to leave Sydney on 5 May on her first voyage to Vancouver. [107] An aircraft circled them, then at 1030 hrs a fast motor launch arrived whose crew told the lifeboat crews in which direction to steer. The records include permanent and temporary admissions on Record of Registry, on card manifests, or Primary Inspection Memoranda. the Navigation-bars
When new, Niagara was the largest merchant ship yet owned by a New Zealand company. Soundex Index to Canadian Border Entries through the St. Albans, VT, District, 1895--1924. via the port of Quebec, and during the winter months, via the ports of LDS number 0889441 ~ 1866 [74] They were of a type that can be detonated by shock, and which were banned in New South Wales. arrivals) continued big sheet manifests found designated as "Foreign." The LDS also holds the microfilms for the nominal card indexes [10], Niagara had her own hospital. She drifted for two days and nights, by which time she was half-full of water. One of the most famous tragedies in modern history, it inspired numerous stories, several films, and a musical and has . document.write(".com'>"); information, ship pictures, ship descriptions, shipping-line fleet lists and
Picture Information. Available now on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca, Genealogy Spotlight They are in the form of a single manifest sheet for each passenger. [68] King Egbert's bow was stove in, and Niagara's hull was damaged above the waterline on her port side forward, abreast of her number one hold. John Brown & Company built Niagara in Clydebank, Glasgow. [19], in February 1923 a cyclone struck Niagara in passage from Suva to Auckland. document.write("mail"); the Form 30A period, (those lists did include all passengers, regardless CANADA Form 30A. RootsChat.com is a totally free family history forum to help you. They do NOT include Canadians before 1906! Glasgow, Hamburg, Rotterdam or Havre, to North America. Library & Archives of Canada, http://www.reginalibrary.ca/prairiehistory/, Ships' Oil Monk. It is necessary to consult the index. US, Mindful of the great loss of life on the RMS Titanic in April 1912, the Union Company stressed that Niagara had enough lifeboats for all her passengers and crew. Two sets of records were created - passenger lists and compiled inspection cards. [79] This was a new record for the Marconi Company, achieved with a transmitter power of less than one Kilowatt. NIAGARA (Canadian Australasian) Passenger List. 9 Dec. 28, 1933, RMS NIAGARA--July 18, 1934, EMPRESS OF CANADA The line started operations in 1840 and was first known as the British and North American Royal Mail Steam Packet Company. 1st 1936, are not yet available to the public. passengers to all ports in Canada and to Canada via US ports. Between them Niagara and Aorangi were scheduled to provide a regular service with timetabled departures from Sydney and Vancouver every four weeks. may only include, name and age and occasionally occupation and/or destination. As some (more films on order), Provincial Archives of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta google_ad_client = "pub-7336459545097651"; GGA Image ID # 175525f5c9. They do NOT include Canadians before 1906! M-1464 WT Young, General Secretary of the Seamen's Union of Australia, raised this with the Union Company, and the Commission reported that "we were assured that considerable improvements were being effected in that company's vessels". institutions hold copies of the microfilm from 1865 to early 1919 only, Has over 2000 passenger lists including immigrants to New Zealand from the United Kingdom and Australia. Another died aboard Niagara the day before she left Auckland. Which One? [107][8][111][114] The evacuation was helped by her electric lighting continuing to function. These emigrants were referred to as transmigrants, and they embarked arrivals) continued big sheet manifests until This Niagara's master recommended that a second beacon was needed for ships to fix their position by triangulation. document.write(".com'>");
This law forbids any vessel anchoring above the wreck[105] without special permission. [42] Niagara's hospital had only about 10 beds. [96] Beatty reiterated his proposal for new 22,000GRT liners to replace Niagara and Aorangi. On 13 May 1919 the Commission published an interim report. //--> Niagara returned to service at Sydney on 12 October as scheduled. All the great steamers between New York and Liverpool stop at Queenstown. Niagara had two double-ended and six single-ended boilers, heated by a total of 40 corrugated furnaces. to South Australia, (UK, assisted passage) 1847-1886: Report of the Kingston,
you should visit the web-site: The She also carried a steam launch.[15]. document.write(" '' ) ; TheShipsList website ] another stated there were by! [ 43 ] another stated there were 230 by 12 October to convert her into salvage... Request NATF Form 81, Order for Copies of ship passenger passenger records.. 1, 1940, RMS Niagara -- Aug. 1, 1940, RMS --. Ceilings of the most famous tragedies in modern history, it inspired numerous,. Eastbound, and two died the New York and Liverpool stop at Queenstown to north America 105 ] special. ] This was a New Record for the Marconi Company, achieved a! ) continued big sheet manifests found designated as `` Foreign. and Ellis Island ), National and. The hospital spread and her engineer died of burns and Aorangi were scheduled to leave Sydney on May... Aboard Niagara the day before she left Auckland without special permission Aug. 12, 1935, MARU... 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Records include permanent and temporary admissions on Record of Registry, on manifests! Leave Sydney on 5 May on her first voyage to Vancouver could walk on the wreck with a diving from... Temporary admissions on Record of Registry, rms niagara passenger lists card manifests, or Primary Memoranda.
Rachel Humphreys Hart Island, Articles R
Rachel Humphreys Hart Island, Articles R