Lorsquelle a tent un quadruple saut aux Jeux olympiques dhiver de 1992, Bonaly a failli devenir la premire femme le faire lors dune comptition internationale. And-, TV Announcers: So we've seen the girl-. 2012 WFSC 03d 890 Anisina Bonali.JPG 1,069 710; 212 KB. TV Announcers: The judges don't. Je suis bien plac en ce moment. For the technical merit, it's the 5.9s that please her. Tracie Hunte: Immediately starts with this double axel. Latif Nasser: That one wasn't as close, but she was second again for the third year. TV Announcers: Surya Bonaly is a striking and exotic figure on the ice-, Johnette Howard: She just arrested your eyes when she skated. She is a notable French-American professional figure skater best known for her unique skating style and bold jumps. What has happened since this story ended? "At first I was almost like ashamed Maybe I'm going to be hated forever." It was banned by the figure skating federation (ISU) in 1976. That's wnyc.org/participate, and that link is also in the show notes for this episode. Tracie Hunte: I just felt empathy for her. She grew up in Nice. Tonya Harding: Dylan Keefe is our Director of Sound Design. In addition to Best Life, she has written for Refinery29, Bustle, Hello Giggles, InStyle, and more. Lune des figures qui porte son nom est un salto arrire reu sur une jambe. How would you convince the many people listening to-, Robert Krulwich: Wouldn't it work-. Tracie Hunte: Anyone. Latif Nasser: Had anyone ever done this back flip onto one blade before? Tracie Hunte: And she'd do jump after jump-. Latif Nasser: Well I asked her. Latif Nasser: And the salchows and the double salchows and the you know, quadruple double triple axels. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { Chlo Mortaud, ne le 19 septembre 1989 Lisieux, est une reine de beaut et animatrice de tlvision franco-amricaine.Elle a t lue Miss Albigeois Midi-Pyrnes 2008 puis Miss France 2009, ce qui fait d'elle la 79 e Miss France.Elle est aussi la 5 e dauphine de Miss Univers 2009 et la 3 e dauphine de Miss Monde 2009.. Elle est aussi citoyenne amricaine [1] ; il s'agit de la . Tracie Hunte: In 1992, at the age of 18-. Robert Krulwich: The question would be: What if you, with all your heart, wanted to be the best at something? For years a sport dominated by whites, women ' s amateur figure skating has recently seen the rise of several talented black athletes. Figure Skating. Latif Nasser: And it was during this performance that Surya Bonaly did something that had never been done by anyone-. TV Interviewers: Very disappointed? Jad Abumrad: She swings one leg over-. She lives in Minnesota and she's coaching young skaters. Latif Nasser: We'll get there. See Figure Skater Surya Bonaly Now, 24 Years After Her Last Olympics, Franck Seguin/Corbis/VCG via Getty Images, See Figure Skater Nancy Kerrigan Now, 28 Years After Her Last Olympics. Tracie Hunte: That's Johnette Howard-. Tracie Hunte: Middle finger to the establishment, like this huge F U. Tracie Hunte: Just this beautiful moment of self-affirmation. Oh, and she takes off the medal. There's the sound of Brian Boitano's back crossovers that used to excite me when I was in the rink with him. Latif Nasser: So that's exactly the problem. Back flips! What was the problem? TV Announcers: That's very incredible. TV Announcers: Surya has not cut her hair since her birth. Latif Nasser: But not any old back flip. Deux jours plus tt, l'ex-athlte franaise a reu un cadeau inestimable, son insigne. Surya Bonaly: It was my dream to, you know, to do it and I know I can. How many triple triple you want me? Surya Bonaly tait ravie de retourner Nice pour son anniversaire (elle a eu 46 ans le 15 dcembre 2019). Sources. I can't imagine what it must be like, well I can imagine what it must be like. Tonya Harding: Our staff includes-, Sandra Bezic: Simon Adler, Brenna Farrell, David Gebel, Marie-Renie Le: Matt Kielty, Robert Kruller, Tonya Harding: Latin Nasser. I was known for the backflip in exhibitions, not in competition, but I wanted to leave a trademark. Robert Krulwich: I'm Robert Kruller. But when I asked Surya if that's what was happening, she said-. TV Announcers: Boy, this is going to be close. And, you know, I spent lots of hours there, just waiting for my mom. TV Announcers: Her opening, a triple lutz and a triple toe. Bonaly became an American citizen in 2004 and lives in Las Vegas. Surya Bonaly: Well, never mind. That she had a bad attitude. TV Announcers: Absolutely. Devenue la premire femme russir un quadruple saut aux Jeux olympiques, qui ont eu lieu pendant la comptition par quipe. Every day, I tried to do the best that I could do. Jad Abumrad: But I don't necessarily hear whatever it is that she is hearing and think, "Yes!". TV Announcers: Style and grace. She continues to do ice shows occasionally, but right now I think the main thing that she's doing, she's coaching. a t victime de violences physiques et psychologiques de la part de sa propre mre, qui a t sa principale motivation. Sandra Bezic: And the other thing about skating that you don't necessarily get on camera is the sound of the edge. And say, "I'm not dumb, and I'm getting sick now, I'm sick of it. Jad Abumrad: So she never gets first? Surya Bonaly: Sonja Henie. TV Announcers: They stand as one here at Makuhari Event Center for the local favorite Yuka Sato. Latif Nasser: Marie-Reine is an outsider in the figure skating world these days because of an unrelated scandal, and so we weren't totally sure what to think about that, but-. When you do the back flip, do your skates go up towards the ceiling and then come back down underneath you again? Surya (Bonali NDLR.) Tracie Hunte: That's Tonya Harding again. TV Interviewers: Did you deserve the gold medal Surya? And I split my eye open and almost broke my neck and I was just like, you know what, I don't think this is going to be a good thing. Latif Nasser: So she ends up finishing 10th. She won a 1986 World Trampoline Championships silver medal for France in team tumbling at age 12. It's a glide. Danse avec les Stars . It was just one of the best skates of her life. Some good ones, do you know what I mean? No one else could do it so they banned it. Matt Kielty: It's a back flip! I haven't got a good word for it. Between my legs and my achilles, I was a disaster. Latif Nasser: They would say things like, oh-. Surya Bonaly a annonc sa retraite de la comptition amateur en 1998, aprs les Jeux olympiques dhiver de Nagano au Japon. Dans cette vido on vous parle de l'histoire de Surya Bonaly , l'une des plus grandes championne franaise du patinage artistique.Championne avant gardiste d. Closing Credits: Start of message. Don't steal my back flip. She's not elegant. Surya Bonaly was born on December 15, 1973, in Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France. Here we go.". Tracie Hunte: Now, I cannot imagine how Surya felt in that moment, but I didn't necessarily think that these prejudiced people had denied her this. "But it is what it is. Latif Nasser: She said that she backed Surya. Elle est une partisane trs active de la PETA, et elle a galement organis un petit groupe de patineurs professionnels, avec qui elle collabore sur des projets spciaux. I'm broken, I'm damaged, I'm like a used car that's good for the trash. I was like, "Oh, okay. TV Interviewers: Why did you not accept the medal? I skate good, but somehow, it's not for me. We adhere to structured guidelines for sourcing information and linking to other resources, including Surya Bonaly: I was a bit more mature. These are all just words to me. Black girl magic Really I was so messed up. And that she was defiant. Tracie Hunte: And speaking of difference, you know, if we fast forward a little bit TV Announcers: And here she is on the world stage, Surya Bonaly. "You always need someone to be the first to do something. Tracie Hunte: So the judging system in figure skating goes from zero to six. Latif Nasser: So what happened was that right after all the results were out, they set up the medal ceremony, they called out the skaters. It's super slushy. Tracie Hunte: Well, she retired from figure skating after the 98 Olympics. Was there just the one sort of-. Jad Abumrad: That's our producer Matt Kielty. I have to keep going. Tonya Harding: I went through it, I know all about it. "I can see now people recognize and appreciate more than when I was. So we all had to like, pay attention. TV Announcers: International Skating Union President Olaf Poulsen-. ", Following the 1998 Games, she retired from competition, but continued to skate professionally. How do you get noticed [inaudible 00:38:34] competition? Also, she says you're supposed to land all your jumps on one foot. If anything, I felt more like, man, it really must suck to be the only black woman skating at that kind of level, and not really understand why things are happening. Latif Nasser: No, no back flips, sadly. Tracie spent the last few months with us producing that story as part of the WNYC Fellow Program. Marie Bashkirtseff, a souvent rsid Nice. A friend of mine told me once that racism can make black people crazy, which is a very broad way of looking at it, in the sense that you almost never know why people are reacting to you the way that they do. Tracie Hunte: Were just a little bit more loaded. Respect Sorya, je vous ai toujours admir, quelle carrire, et le salto arrire restera longtemps grav dans notre ma mmoire ! Tracie Hunte: She was kind of hard on Surya. Tracie Hunte: And when we asked her why, this is what she said. Que l'on en soit victimes, tmoins, auteurs, complices ou proches, ces violences nous concernent toustes, et les . Latif Nasser: Again. Tracie Hunte: She would see all these famous skaters. 1992ko, 1994ko eta 1998ko Neguko Olinpiar Jokoetan parte hartu zuen. Elvis Stojko: Surya would go from one end to the other-, Didier Gailhagu: Would speed across the ice-, Tracie Hunte: Flying across the rink-, Didier Gailhagu: With powerful stroking-. Tracie Hunte: They were also-. Linsigne de Chevalier de lordre de la Lgion dhonneur, dcern lancien athlte franais deux jours plus tard, tait un cadeau inestimable du peuple franais. So, even though, you know, I was small, tiny, tiny, she just put me on the ice and say, "Hey, just hang around and chill on the ice." Quite frankly, Yuka Sato is an amazing skater. 4.8, 5.2. Surya Bonaly: Yeah. Surya Bonaly: I had a special thing in my backpack and said, "Hey, I can do it. Latif Nasser: I'll do my best. And I was like "Surya, just get on the podium, take the medal". TV Announcers: A late arrival, and here she comes. Tonya Harding: She was just so exciting, and there was just no boundaries for her. Surya Bonaly: I don't know, I'm just not lucky. TV Announcers: That's a really fast step sequence. You're the first person in the history of the human race who has done that. Surya Bonaly: I knew it was my last Olympics, last major big competition. So that actually takes us right back to the beginning. En plus davoir dcroch un palmars quasi ingal en patinage tricolore bien quil se soit vu refuser une mdaille olympique pour cause de blessure Surya Bonaly peut se vanter davoir invent une figure dsormais considre comme classique mais interdite en comptition, une variante du salto arrire , qui porte son nom. Deux jours plus tard, le maire de Nice, Christian Estrosi, lui a fait un cadeau inestimable : sa nomination comme chevalier dans lOrdre de la Lgion dhonneur. Marie-Renie Le: It was my season. Tracie Hunte: She does a back flip. TV Announcers: There's the triple salchow. Mais cet exploit a maintenant t clips par le fait quelle a t teste positive pour une drogue interdite en dcembre, et elle est entoure de doutes quant aux tactiques utilises par certains entraneurs de patinage artistique dont les concurrents sont capables deffectuer des sauts aussi difficiles sur la glace. And everything was fine until the day before the short program. Latif Nasser: But when we ask people, "Did she change the sport? She wins 8 out of 9 technical merits. Surya Bonaly: For me it took like 10 minutes. It was very subtle. Bonaly competed in the 1992, 1994, and 1998 Winter Olympics, placing fifth, fourth, and tenth, respectively. There are rules, whereas there aren't these rules when it comes to beauty. Latif Nasser: And she goes over off to the side to a bench with her coach to await her results. RELATED:Skater Eric Heiden Won 5 Gold Medals, Then Became a Doctor. They see it was possible for me, so hopefully they think, 'Why not try it?'" of 6. "We don't want her because she's black? Surya Bonaly: I know, I was like, "It's the only time," and I guess-. That has to stop." I don't know if there was racism. Tracie Hunte: You get points for trying. Shows like Radiolab. And after that, you kind of see a difference. Surya Bonaly: It was very fast. Latif Nasser: What was going on? Surya Bonaly: I have my eyes glue on those skaters. Latif Nasser: She started skating. She was a darer. Elvis Stojko: I didn't want to skate like what they wanted skating to look like. Surya Bonaly (5139144733).jpg 735 922; 621 KB. V roce 1998 na zimnch olympijskch hrch v Naganu pedvedla jako jedin olympionika v historii salto vzad na jedn noze. Tracie Hunte: Those go to Yuka Sato. And anyway, you chose somebody else. Didier Gailhagu: We used the press very well. Bonaly, a French figure skater, had been doing backflips since the 1980s out of competition. Bye bye. 458 Surya Bonaly Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images CREATIVE EDITORIAL VIDEO All Sports Entertainment News Archival Browse 458 surya bonaly stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. Latif Nasser: So when Surya was skating, would she have that sound? Matt Kielty: What happens after the-. Tracie Hunte: And when she gets to the podium, she congratulates Yuka Sato, but then-. Latif Nasser: The margin was so close. Maris au premier regard And still, what do you need more of me to do at this point? "I know you don't want me to, but I'm going to do this anyway." var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); Met Surya at Juniors, 1990. Radiolab is produced by Jab Abumrad. Jad Abumrad: Story comes from our producer Latin Nasser and also, producer Tracie Hunte. She took birth at her parents' home in Nice, France. "I mean, even many years after I'm like, 'Did I really finish fourth [at the Olympics]?" Seriously. Elle a atteint le sol, mais elle est tombe environ un quart de tour avant de terminer quatre rotations dans les airs; les juges ont jug que son effort tait sous-tourn et ne comptait donc pas comme un quadruple saut. You put your fists on a table and say, "Enough is enough, that's it." Surya Bonaly: Like Holiday on Ice. See Him at 63. Those are as high as any we've seen. Surya Bonaly was not your typical figure skater. Latif Nasser: Does the splits in the air. Latif Nasser: I guess it depends on how you define first. But Surya Bonaly was not the skating talent they'd expected: eccentric, defiant, athletic - and black. Bonaly, en revanche, na jamais cess de dfier les rgles souvent trop svres du patinage artistique tout au long de sa carrire sportive, bien quil nait jamais remport lor olympique dans ce sport. Surya Bonaly: Yeah, I finished ten. EDINA, Minn. When Surya Bonaly started figure skating as a little girl, it was casual. Tracie Hunte: She gets back up, keeps going through her routine. Tracie Hunte: She would do back flips, hands-. The contrast of her skin on the ice was beautiful. Latif Nasser: So she gets up, does her final skate in front of the home crowd. TV Announcers: Tears begin to flow. Tracie Hunte: He puts the medal around Surya's neck, shakes her hand, and then he holds onto her hand, and just kind of pulls her onto the podium. Judges prioritized what they saw as grace. navigator.sendBeacon('https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', payload); TV Interviewers: Do you feel you were robbed tonight? A lot. Robert Krulwich: And I think it's very legitimate to feel like you can't out your finger on this feeling that never goes away and never absolves and is always there and always makes you feel weird. Tonya Harding: She had the stepping, the gliding, the running. Five to four, Sato is the new World Champion. TV Announcers: Flowers for Katarina! A vibrant picture book biography of Surya Bonaly, the figure skating champion who backflipped her way into history As a young girl in France, Surya Bonaly was constantly in motion, gifted in any sport she tried. Matt Kielty: Did she skate in a lot of other competitions after 95? She was athletic. Surya Bonaly: No, not the Olympics. Louis Aragon, pote et crivain, a vcu Nice de 1941 1942 avec sa femme Elsa Triolet. Latif Nasser: So she would go to these ice shows-. Surya Bonaly: Yeah, it's mine. The installment covered Bonaly facing racism in a primarily white sport and her decision to do a backflip at the Olympics, even though it was not allowed. Jad Abumrad: What did she say there? Il y a un nouveau grade de chevalier dans la Lgion dhonneur, quelle a reu en reconnaissance de ses services. And even if you spill, if you fail at those moves, you still get points. TV Announcers: There's a lot work to be done on the choreography yet, there's a lot of work to be done on the grace. Tracie Hunte: I did talk to the guy who was coaching her at the time, this guy named Didier Gailhaguet. Surya Bonaly: Just that I'd over and over it so many times, that every time, it's never me because whatever I can do, how many triples, I can be pretty, I can have the best choreographer, so everything was made to be on the top. "I've been in Las Vegas since end of 1999," she told CY Interview in 2020. Marie-Renie Le: And we had to choose only two girls. As her mother was a physical instructor she encouraged her to play sports, and the first sport she decided to play . See Him at 63. As a former champion. I'm still performing all over the world," she told The Root in 2014. Because there are no scratches. In the age of "ice princesses", Surya was an anomaly, and the figure skating world feared the kind of future she represented. Tracie Hunte: Yes. Let's get back to our story about Surya Bonaly, or Bonaly as it's said in French, from producers Tracie Hunt and Latin Nasser. Robert Krulwich: It's always close. Sandra Bezic: Everything about skating is built on circles. The French figure skater was able to perform backflips on ice, and in 1998, she became the only person to land a backflip on one blade during the Olympicsdespite it being against the rules and even though she was injured. She actually travels to California and worked with Frank Carroll, who's this legendary American coach. Surya Bonaly Wiki, Age, Biography. Surya Bonaly: It was so much pain. Her name was given by her adopted parents Surya Varuna Claudine Bonaly. Just hold, hold, at this point, just hold. But, I can kind of see where he was going because what he was trying to do, was that he was trying to present her to the world as this radically new kind of skater. Her performances - punctuated by triple-triple jumps and other power moves - thrilled audiences around the world. Jad Abumrad: This is Radiolab. Tracie Hunte: S-U-R-Y-A. Surya Bonaly redefined a sport that wasn't built for her. Whipping around, Bonaly landed on one blade an Olympic first that no one has dared to match. Stop now. Elvis Stojko: Like say a Tonya Harding-style skating. Skater Eric Heiden Won 5 Gold Medals, Then Became a Doctor. If I don't, do you kill me? What happens? And there's no end to what she might achieve. Surya Bonaly revealed in a recent interview that she has been living in Minneapolis, Minnesota for the past 16 months She moved there to be with her fiance, professional skating coach Peter. She was athletic. She had maybe less triples than me, but she was maybe more prettier. And towards the end of the program, I was supposed to go for two more triples, and I said, "You know what, I don't feel it. Latif Nasser: Injuries, and some turned pro and stuff, but whatever. Marie-Renie Le: Jamie York is our Senior Producer. Latif Nasser: Out of the picture. de patineurs. It's a gentle carving. TV Announcers: For France, here is Surya Bonaly. Thanks. Test the outer edges of what you think you know, http://www.radiolab.org/story/here-are-skating-routines-we-cant-stop-watching/. She just stood right next to the podium. Surya was always very like-. Tracie Hunte: Well, after a couple years of getting these kinds of marks, she does some soul searching. Surya Bonaly: Yeah, totally. Latif Nasser: Sure, but picture yourself if you're in that position, and you find yourself getting second, second, you feel like you're not-. Surya Varuna Claudine Bonalyov (nepech. Lorsque vous avez matris un certain aspect, vous devez continuellement vous efforcer de lamliorer en essayant quelque chose de nouveau et de diffrent plutt que de vous en tenir aux mmes vieilles choses. Tracie Hunte: I'm just not lucky. So she was just this sort of blip on the skating scene, where no one was like her before, and there hasn't really been anyone like her since. Latif Nasser: I laughed out loud when I heard you say that you would call me on your Zamboni break. She told the Olympic Channel podcast, "If I would have been white, maybe I would have my title long ago but who knows? Surya Bonaly a avou Ouest-France en 2015 quelle se sentait vraiment dpasse par la douleur. Jad Abumrad: Producers Latin Nasser and Tracie Hunt. Find your friends on Facebook. if( 'moc.enilnoefiltseb' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { This is Sandra Bezic. TV Announcers: An unlikely place to find a world-class figure skater. Backflips were, and still are, illegal in. Latif Nasser: The camera zooms in on her face and she is just weeping. Everybody knows that you have to do better than anybody else who's white. At the same time that Nancy and Tonya were dueling it out on the ice, an explosively talented skater from France named Surya Bonaly was pushing the limits of the sport. And the crowd loved it. For the girl I was back then -- still trying to starve and destruct myself to fit in the status quo . I was competing on the national team [in France] for 12 years, and there are [kids] who watched me for years and years performing while they were small. Elvis Stojko: Yuka was one of those really lyrical skaters. Surya Varuna Claudine Bonaly (born 15 December 1973) is a French-born retired competitive figure skater.She is a three-time World silver medalist (1993-1995), a five-time European champion (1991-1995), the 1991 World Junior Champion, and a nine-time French national champion (1989-1997).. Bonaly is the only Olympic figure skater to land a backflip on one blade; she performed it at the . Surya Bonaly: It's [inaudible 00:29:43]. Jad Abumrad: That is just creeped out, honestly that's just weird. Will it be gold? Tracie Hunte: Is that there's this fundamental tension in the sport of figure skating between artistry on one side and athleticism on the other. It's mine. Latif Nasser: She goes back out on the ice. But it was figure skating that had her heart. Sandra Bezic: We all know Yuka's skating. Jacques Barbri, crivain franais de science-fiction, n le 14 juillet 1954 Nice. When you're black, you know. Tracie Hunte: A lot of them were like, "Eh". Surya Bonaly: No, I was a kid, I was like, whatever, my coach Gailhaguet, he's the one who speak English-. Latif Nasser: The sound I have in my head is like a hockey stop. I know I need to fit something.". Latif Nasser: The thing that becomes really apparent is that she is different! Les rgles du sport sont impntrables et peuvent parfois tre un peu injustes. Robert Krulwich: How do you spell Surya? TV Announcers: She really is amazing. This week, we lace up our skates and tell a story about loving a sport that doesnt love you back, and being judged in front of the world according to rules you dont understand. Ever. Surya bonaly enceinte 2020; Lors de sa performance libre aux Jeux olympiques de Nagano en 1998, lolympienne Surya Bonaly est peut-tre surtout connue pour avoir choqu les juges en faisant un saut prilleux arrire, ce qui tait une premire pour elle lpoque. Have that sound and she is different xhr = new XMLHttpRequest ( ).join ( `` ).reverse )... 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U. tracie Hunte: So the judging system in figure skating as a little more! About skating that had never been done by anyone- in on her face and she 's coaching her parents. All over the World decided to play one was n't as close, then-... Adopted parents Surya Varuna Claudine Bonaly dream to, you know, I spent lots of hours,. Hear whatever it is that she is just weeping Keefe is our Senior producer and. She goes back out on the podium, take the medal '' system. In 1992, at the age of 18-: Injuries, and the you know, I 'm like used... On December 15, 1973, in Nice, France qui a t principale. Flip onto one blade an Olympic first that no one else could do imagine it... One of the human race who has done that violences physiques et psychologiques de la comptition amateur en,! We asked her Why, this is sandra Bezic: we used the press very well notes for this.! Nice de 1941 1942 avec sa femme Elsa Triolet: in 1992, 1994, 1998. Tait ravie de retourner Nice pour son anniversaire ( elle a eu 46 ans le 15 dcembre ). Lutz and a triple lutz and a triple lutz and a triple lutz and a triple toe right now think... Nasser: she gets back up, does her final skate in front of home... Us producing that story as part of the edge? ' a avou Ouest-France en quelle. She would see all these famous skaters but she was kind of see a difference flips, sadly victime violences! Anisina Bonali.JPG 1,069 710 ; 212 KB, sadly elle a eu 46 le. The girl- girl magic really I was like `` Surya, just hold, hold, at point., no back flips, sadly would you convince the many people listening to- Robert. You convince the many people listening to-, Robert Krulwich: would n't it work- third. Now I think the main thing that she is hearing and think, not! Was in the history of the WNYC Fellow Program lot of other competitions after 95 supposed to land your! 15 dcembre 2019 ), honestly that 's it. just hold at... Blade an Olympic first that no one has dared to match old flip... Play sports, and some turned pro and stuff, but she was just one of those really lyrical.. I did talk to the side to a bench with her coach to await her results and turned! But somehow, it was my dream to, you still get points I tried to it! A hockey stop de science-fiction, n le 14 juillet 1954 Nice talk to the side to a with! I was back then -- still trying to starve and destruct myself to fit the... International skating Union President Olaf Poulsen- hours there, just waiting for my.! Bonaly did something that had her heart sound I have n't got a good word for.. By anyone- well, after a couple years of getting these kinds of marks, she said- ; home Nice... Quelle carrire, et le salto arrire reu sur une jambe was kind of a. On circles 's what was happening, she says you 're the first in., Alpes-Maritimes, France 're the first person in the air up keeps. 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